Exemple #1
    /// <summary>
    /// The example below shows how to Select the RoleId and CreatedBy columns for use with a with a Drop Down List, Combo Box, Checked Box List, List View, List Box, etc
    /// </summary>
    private void SelectRoleMasterDropDownListData()
        List <RoleMaster> objRoleMasterCol = RoleMaster.SelectRoleMasterDropDownListData();

        // Example 1:  directly bind to a drop down list - for ASP.NET Web Forms
        // DropDownList ddl1 = new DropDownList();
        // ddl1.DataValueField = "RoleId";
        // ddl1.DataTextField = "CreatedBy";
        // ddl1.DataSource = objRoleMasterCol;
        // ddl1.DataBind();

        // Example 2:  add each item through a loop - for ASP.NET Web Forms
        // DropDownList ddl2 = new DropDownList();

        // foreach (RoleMaster objRoleMaster in objRoleMasterCol)
        // {
        //     ddl2.Items.Add(new ListItem(objRoleMaster.CreatedBy, objRoleMaster.RoleId.ToString()));
        // }

        // Example 3:  bind to a combo box.  for Windows Forms (WinForms)
        // ComboBox cbx1 = new ComboBox();

        // foreach (RoleMaster objRoleMaster in objRoleMasterCol)
        // {
        //     cbx1.Items.Add(new ListItem(objRoleMaster.CreatedBy, objRoleMaster.RoleId.ToString()));
        // }
        private PageResult LoadPage(string returnUrl)
            // create the model used by the partial page
            AddEditUserRolesPartialModel model = new AddEditUserRolesPartialModel();

            model.UserMasterDropDownListData = UserMaster.SelectUserMasterDropDownListData();
            model.RoleMasterDropDownListData = RoleMaster.SelectRoleMasterDropDownListData();
            model.Operation = CrudOperation.Add;
            model.ReturnUrl = returnUrl;

            // assign values to the model used by this page
            PartialModel = model;

            // assign the return url
            ReturnUrl = returnUrl;

        public PageResult LoadPage(int id, string returnUrl)
            // select a record by primary key(s)
            CourseEnquiry1API.BusinessObject.UserRoles objUserRoles = UserRoles.SelectByPrimaryKey(id);

            // create the model used by the partial page
            AddEditUserRolesPartialModel model = new AddEditUserRolesPartialModel();

            model.UserMasterDropDownListData = UserMaster.SelectUserMasterDropDownListData();
            model.RoleMasterDropDownListData = RoleMaster.SelectRoleMasterDropDownListData();
            model.Operation = CrudOperation.Update;
            model.ReturnUrl = returnUrl;
            model.UserRoles = objUserRoles;

            // assign values to the model used by this page
            PartialModel = model;

            // assign the return url
            ReturnUrl = returnUrl;

 /// <summary>
 /// Sets data needed on page intialization.
 /// </summary>
 private void SetData()
     UserRoles = new fifth_tempDBAPI.BusinessObject.UserRoles();
     UserMasterDropDownListData = UserMaster.SelectUserMasterDropDownListData();
     RoleMasterDropDownListData = RoleMaster.SelectRoleMasterDropDownListData();
 /// <summary>
 /// Initial handler the razor page encounters.
 /// </summary>
 public void OnGet()
     UserMasterDropDownListData = UserMaster.SelectUserMasterDropDownListData();
     RoleMasterDropDownListData = RoleMaster.SelectRoleMasterDropDownListData();
Exemple #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets data needed on page intialization.
 /// </summary>
 private void SetData()
     UserRoles = new CourseEnquiry1API.BusinessObject.UserRoles();
     UserMasterDropDownListData = UserMaster.SelectUserMasterDropDownListData();
     RoleMasterDropDownListData = RoleMaster.SelectRoleMasterDropDownListData();
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets data needed on page intialization.
 /// </summary>
 private void SetData()
     UserRoles = new TemporaryDBappllicationAPI.BusinessObject.UserRoles();
     UserMasterDropDownListData = UserMaster.SelectUserMasterDropDownListData();
     RoleMasterDropDownListData = RoleMaster.SelectRoleMasterDropDownListData();