public RobotStrategy Get(string robotId) { var reader = new RobotReader(); Robot robot = reader.GetRobotInfo(robotId); return(robot.RobotStrategy); }
public bool Login(string robotId) { var reader = new RobotReader(); Robot robot = reader.GetRobotInfo(robotId); return(robot != null); }
public void Remove(string robotId) { var reader = new RobotReader(); Robot robot = reader.GetRobotInfo(robotId); robot.RobotStrategy.Strategy.RemoveAt(robot.RobotStrategy.Strategy.Count - 1); var writer = new StrategyWriter(); writer.UpdateStrategy(robot.RobotId, robot.RobotStrategy); }
public void Update(string robotId, Action action, ActionStrength level) { var reader = new RobotReader(); Robot robot = reader.GetRobotInfo(robotId); robot.RobotStrategy.Strategy.Add(new RobotTurn { Action = action, Level = level }); var writer = new StrategyWriter(); writer.UpdateStrategy(robot.RobotId, robot.RobotStrategy); }
/// <summary> /// Reads a robot file into a GopherRobot class from a path. Make sure you have defined the progress delegate. /// </summary> /// <param name="path"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static GopherRobot ReadRobot(string path) { ProgressCallback("Loading file into memory..."); var reader = new RobotReader(path); ProgressCallback("Pre-Processing loaded file..."); reader.PreProcess(); ProgressCallback("Pre-Processing STL meshes..."); reader.PreProcessSTL(); ProgressCallback("Processing Meshes..."); reader.ProcessSTL(); ProgressCallback("Processing Joints..."); reader.ProcessJoints(); ProgressCallback("Processing joint drivers..."); reader.ProcessDrivers(); ProgressCallback("Generating node tree..."); return(RobotNodeGenerator.RobotFactory(reader.Robot)); }
public void RegisterRobot(string robotId, PlayType playType) { var reader = new RobotReader(); Robot robot = reader.GetRobotInfo(robotId); robot.PlayType = playType; robot.Status = new RobotStatus(); Robots.Add(robot); if (Robots.Count == BattleFieldCapacity) { SetRobotsEnemies(); } robot.Ready = true; }