Exemple #1
        public ActionResult FullArticle(string id)
            db = new RobinsonsDBContext();
            dynamic fullarticle = new ExpandoObject();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                    var content = (from c in db.Contents
                                   where c.Id == new Guid(id)
                                   select c).First();
                    fullarticle.Content = content;

                    var template = (from t in db.Templates
                                    where t.Id == new Guid(content.TemplateId)
                                    select t).First();
                    fullarticle.Template = template;
                fullarticle.Template = new Templates();
                fullarticle.Content  = new Contents();
        public ActionResult Index()
            db = new RobinsonsDBContext();
            dynamic homepage = new ExpandoObject();

            /*var template = (from t in db.Templates
             *              where t.Name == "Events and Promos"
             *              select t.Id).AsEnumerable().Select(x => new SelectListItem { Text = x.ToString(), Value = x.ToString() });*/

            var contents = from c in db.Contents
                           where c.IsPublished == true && c.IncludeInHomePage == true && c.IsDeleted == false
                           orderby c.Sequence
                           select c;

            homepage.Contents = contents;

            var sliders = from s in db.Sliders
                          where s.IsDeleted == false
                          orderby s.Sequence
                          select s;

            homepage.Sliders = sliders;

Exemple #3
        public ActionResult RobinsonsStores(string id)
            db = new RobinsonsDBContext();
            dynamic articles = new ExpandoObject();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                    var template = (from t in db.Templates
                                    where t.Id == new Guid(id)
                                    select t).First();
                    articles.Template = template;

                    string templateId = template.Id.ToString();
                    var    contents   = from c in db.Contents
                                        where c.IsPublished == true && c.IsDeleted == false && c.TemplateId == templateId
                                        orderby c.PublishedDate
                                        select c;
                    articles.Contents = contents;
                articles.Template = new Templates();
                articles.Contents = new Contents[] { new Contents() };
Exemple #4
        public ActionResult Add(WebUser WebUser)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                db         = new RobinsonsDBContext();
                WebUser.Id = Guid.NewGuid();

                TempData["ErrMessage"] = "Registration Unsuccessful! Check fields with (*) ";
                TempData["ShowSignUp"] = "Grid";

            return(RedirectToAction("MyRewards", "Home"));
        public ActionResult FAQAndTC(string id)
            db = new RobinsonsDBContext();
            var contents = from c in db.Contents
                           where c.TemplateId == id && c.IsDeleted == false
                           orderby c.Sequence
                           select c;

            List <dynamic> Faqs = new List <dynamic>();

            foreach (Contents content in contents)
                dynamic Faq = new ExpandoObject();
                Faq.Id     = content.Id;
                Faq.Name   = content.Name;
                Faq.Markup = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(content.Markup);
        public ActionResult Partners(string id)
            db = new RobinsonsDBContext();
            var contents = from c in db.Contents
                           where c.TemplateId == id && c.IsDeleted == false
                           orderby c.PublishedDate descending
                           select c;

            List <dynamic> Partners = new List <dynamic>();

            foreach (Contents content in contents)
                dynamic Partner = new ExpandoObject();
                Partner.Name   = content.Name;
                Partner.Image  = content.Image;
                Partner.Markup = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(content.Markup);
        public ActionResult EventsAndPromos(string id)
            db = new RobinsonsDBContext();
            var contents = from c in db.Contents
                           where c.TemplateId == id && c.IsDeleted == false
                           orderby c.PublishedDate descending
                           select c;

            List <dynamic> Events = new List <dynamic>();

            foreach (Contents content in contents)
                dynamic Event = new ExpandoObject();
                Event.Id          = content.Id;
                Event.Name        = content.Name;
                Event.Description = content.Description;
                Event.Image       = content.Image;
                Event.Markup      = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(content.Markup);
Exemple #8
        private dynamic SearchKeyword(string Keywords)
            db = new RobinsonsDBContext();
            dynamic lists = new ExpandoObject();

            //dynamic resultcontent = new ExpandoObject();
            //List<dynamic> resultcontentsList = new List<dynamic>();
            //    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Keywords))
            //    {
            //        var contents = from c in db.Contents
            //                       where c.IsPublished == true && c.IsDeleted == false
            //                       && (c.Name.Contains(Keywords) || c.Description.Contains(Keywords) || c.Markup.Contains(Keywords))
            //                       select c;
            //        foreach (Contents content in contents.ToList())
            //        {
            //            var template = (from t in db.Templates
            //                            where t.Id == new Guid(content.TemplateId)
            //                            select t).First();
            //            resultcontent.Id = content.Id;
            //            resultcontent.Name = content.Name;
            //            resultcontent.TemplateId = content.TemplateId;
            //            resultcontent.Type = template.Type;
            //            string description = string.Empty;
            //            if (content.Name.ToLower().Contains(Keywords.ToLower()))
            //                description = content.Name;
            //            else if (content.Description.ToLower().Contains(Keywords.ToLower()))
            //                description = content.Description;
            //            else if (content.Markup.ToLower().Contains(Keywords.ToLower()))
            //            {
            //                int index = content.Markup.ToLower().IndexOf(Keywords.ToLower());
            //                string substringdesc = description = content.Markup.Substring(index);
            //                if (substringdesc.Count() > 100)
            //                    description = substringdesc.Substring(0, 100);
            //                else
            //                    description = substringdesc;
            //            }
            //            resultcontent.Description = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(description);
            //            resultcontentsList.Add(resultcontent);
            //        }
            //        lists.Contents = resultcontentsList.AsEnumerable();
            //    }

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Keywords))
                    Keywords = Keywords.ToLower();

                    dynamic        resultcontent      = new ExpandoObject();
                    List <dynamic> resultcontentsList = new List <dynamic>();

                    var contents = from c in db.Contents
                                   where c.IsPublished == true && c.IsDeleted == false &&
                                   (c.Name.ToLower().Contains(Keywords) || c.Description.ToLower().Contains(Keywords) || c.Markup.ToLower().Contains(Keywords))
                                   select c;

                    List <Contents> contentList = new List <Contents>();

                    foreach (Contents content in contents.ToList())
                        string substringdesc = content.Description;

                        if (substringdesc.Count() > 100)
                            substringdesc = substringdesc.Substring(0, 100);

                        content.Description = substringdesc;


                    lists.Contents = contentList.ToList();
                    Keywords = string.Empty;

                    dynamic        resultcontent      = new ExpandoObject();
                    List <dynamic> resultcontentsList = new List <dynamic>();

                    var contents = from c in db.Contents
                                   where c.IsPublished == true && c.IsDeleted == false &&
                                   (c.Name.Contains(Keywords) || c.Description.Contains(Keywords) || c.Markup.Contains(Keywords))
                                   select c;

                    List <Contents> contentList = new List <Contents>();

                    foreach (Contents content in contents.ToList())

                    lists.Contents = contentList.ToList();
                lists.Contents = new Contents[] { new Contents() };
        public void EmailSender(string sender, string subject, string body)
            db = new RobinsonsDBContext();
            var homepagesettings = (from h in db.HomePageSettings
                                    select h).FirstOrDefault();

            if (homepagesettings != null)
                Logger.LogInfo(this.GetType(), string.Concat("Host:", homepagesettings.ContactUsEmailHost));
                Logger.LogInfo(this.GetType(), string.Concat("Port:", homepagesettings.ContactUsEmailPort));
                Logger.LogInfo(this.GetType(), string.Concat("Recipient:", homepagesettings.ContactUsEmailRecipient));
                Logger.LogInfo(this.GetType(), string.Concat("UserName:"******"smtpUsername"]));
                Logger.LogInfo(this.GetType(), string.Concat("UserName:"******"smtpPassword"]));

                string host      = homepagesettings.ContactUsEmailHost;
                int    port      = int.Parse(homepagesettings.ContactUsEmailPort);
                string recipient = homepagesettings.ContactUsEmailRecipient;
                string UserName  = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["smtpUsername"];
                string Password  = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["smtpPassword"];

                #region New

                    WebMail.SmtpServer = host;
                    WebMail.From       = sender;

                        to: recipient,
                        subject: subject,
                        body: body,
                        isBodyHtml: true
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.LogError(this.GetType(), ex);
                    throw ex;


            #region old

            /*db = new RobinsonsDBContext();
             * var homepagesettings = (from h in db.HomePageSettings
             *                      select h).FirstOrDefault();
             * if (homepagesettings != null)
             * {
             *  string host = homepagesettings.ContactUsEmailHost;
             *  int port = int.Parse(homepagesettings.ContactUsEmailPort);
             *  string recipient = homepagesettings.ContactUsEmailRecipient;
             *  try
             *  {
             *      //HomePageSettings settings = new HomePageSettings();
             *      SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(host, port);
             *      System.Net.NetworkCredential credential = new System.Net.NetworkCredential();
             *      string UserName = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["smtpUsername"];
             *      string Password = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["smtpPassword"];
             *      client.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "csr123$$");
             *      //credential.UserName = UserName;//settings.Email_Credential_User;
             *      //credential.Password = Password;//settings.Email_Credential_Password;
             *      client.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
             *      client.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network;
             *      client.DeliveryFormat = SmtpDeliveryFormat.International;
             *      client.EnableSsl = true;//Convert.ToBoolean(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["enableSsl"]);
             *      MailMessage message = new MailMessage();
             *      message.From = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**");
             *      message.To.Add("*****@*****.**");
             *      message.Subject = "Inquiry";
             *      message.Body = "test";
             *      message.IsBodyHtml = true;
             *      client.Send(message);
             *  }
             *  catch (Exception ex)
             *  {
             *      throw ex;
             *  }
             * }*/
        public BaseController()
            RobinsonsDBContext db = new RobinsonsDBContext();
            var templates         = from t in db.Templates
                                    where t.IncludeInMenu == true
                                    orderby t.Sequence
                                    select t;

            ViewData["TemplateList"] = templates.ToList().AsEnumerable();

            var footer = from t in db.HomePageSettings
                         select t;

            ViewData["FooterList"] = footer.ToList().AsEnumerable();

            var contentlst = from z in db.Contents
                             where z.TempName.Contains("FAQ")
                             orderby z.Sequence
                             select z;

            ViewData["ContentList"] = contentlst.ToList().AsEnumerable();

            var contentlst2 = from z in db.Contents
                              where z.TempName.Contains("Events and Promos")
                              orderby z.Sequence
                              select z;

            ViewData["ContentList2"] = contentlst2.ToList().AsEnumerable();

            var termsofuselist = from z in db.TermsofUse
                                 where z.Id != null
                                 select z;

            ViewData["TermsofUseList"] = termsofuselist.ToList().AsEnumerable();

            //var WhatsNewP = from x in db.Contents
            //               where x.IsPublished == true && x.IncludeInHomePage == true && x.TempName.Contains("Partners")
            //               orderby x.Sequence descending
            //               select x;

            //ViewData["WhatsNewP"] = WhatsNewP.ToList().AsEnumerable();

            //var WhatsNewEP = from x in db.Contents
            //                 where x.IsPublished == true && x.IncludeInHomePage == true && x.TempName.Contains("Events and Promos")
            //               orderby x.Sequence descending
            //               select x;

            //ViewData["WhatsNewEP"] = WhatsNewEP.ToList().AsEnumerable();

            //var WhatsNewFAQ = from x in db.Contents
            //                 where x.IsPublished == true && x.IncludeInHomePage == true && x.TempName.Contains("FAQ")
            //                 orderby x.Sequence descending
            //                 select x;

            //ViewData["WhatsNewFAQ"] = WhatsNewFAQ.ToList().AsEnumerable();

            //var WhatsNewStores = from x in db.Contents
            //                  where x.IsPublished == true && x.IncludeInHomePage == true && x.TempName.Contains("Stores")
            //                  orderby x.Sequence descending
            //                  select x;

            //ViewData["WhatsNewStores"] = WhatsNewStores.ToList().AsEnumerable();

            var contentsliders = from x in db.ContentSliders
                                 where x.IsDeleted == false
                                 orderby x.Sequence
                                 select x;

            ViewBag.ContentSliders = contentsliders.ToList().AsEnumerable();

            var sociallinks = from s in db.SocialMediaLinks
                              where s.IsDeleted == false
                              select s;

            ViewData["SocialLinks"] = sociallinks.ToList().AsEnumerable();

            var facebooklink = (from s in db.SocialMediaLinks
                                where s.IsDeleted == false && s.Name == "facebook"
                                select s).FirstOrDefault();

            ViewData["FacebookLink"] = facebooklink.Value;

            var homepagesettings = from h in db.HomePageSettings
                                   select h;
            int i = sociallinks.Count();

            ViewData["HeaderLogo"]     = homepagesettings.First().HeaderLogo;
            ViewData["FooterLogo"]     = homepagesettings.First().FooterLogo;
            ViewData["CompanyName"]    = homepagesettings.First().CompanyName;
            ViewData["CompanyAddress"] = homepagesettings.First().CompanyAddress;
            ViewData["CompanyPhone"]   = homepagesettings.First().CompanyPhone;
            ViewData["CompanyEmail"]   = homepagesettings.First().CompanyEmail;
            //ViewData["HeaderLogo"] = homepagesettings.First().;