public override double Mutate(double value)
            // Mutation equation Vm = V * s * r * 2^(-uk)
            //   where s = sign = {-1, +1) uniform random
            //   r = range
            //   u = [0..1] uniform random
            //   k = precision
            int toss = Rng.DiscreteUniformZeroOrOne();
            int sign = (toss == 0) ? -1 : +1;

            double u = Rng.ContinuousUniformZeroToOne();

            value += sign * r * Math.Pow(2.0, -u * k);
        /// <summary>
        /// Randomly rotate or mirror the training sample matrix in-place
        /// to remove orientation bias.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="matrix">The matrix to be processed</param>
        /// <returns>The randomly modified matrix</returns>
        private void DeBiasMatrix(double[] matrix, int centre, int matrixWidth)
            // Flip X
            if (Rng.DiscreteUniformZeroOrOne() == 1)
                FlipP(matrix, centre, matrixWidth);

            // Flip Y
            if (Rng.DiscreteUniformZeroOrOne() == 1)
                FlipQ(matrix, centre, matrixWidth);

            // TODO: Could add rotation here or instead