public RobertoSinatra() : base(AIType.AI_Vendor, FightMode.None, 2, 1, 0.5, 2)
            Name             = "Roberto Sinatra - (Sister Act)";
            Body             = 400;
            Female           = false;
            Race             = Race.Human;
            Hue              = 33788;
            HairItemID       = 8252;
            HairHue          = 1109;
            FacialHairItemID = 8255;
            FacialHairHue    = 1109;

            InitStats(100, 100, 25);

            SetSkill(SkillName.Meditation, 60.0, 80.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Tactics, 60.0, 80.0);

            AddItem(new Boots());

            Item item;

            item = new RingmailArms();

            item = new RingmailChest();

            item = new RingmailGloves();

            item = new RingmailLegs();
            public InternalSellInfo()
                Add(typeof(LeatherCap), LeatherCap.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(LeatherGorget), LeatherGorget.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(LeatherArms), LeatherArms.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(LeatherGloves), LeatherGloves.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(LeatherChest), LeatherChest.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(FemaleLeatherChest), FemaleLeatherChest.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(LeatherBustier), LeatherBustier.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(LeatherLegs), LeatherLegs.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(LeatherSkirt), LeatherSkirt.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(LeatherShorts), LeatherShorts.GetSBSellValue());

                Add(typeof(StuddedCap), StuddedCap.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(StuddedGorget), StuddedGorget.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(StuddedArms), StuddedArms.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(StuddedGloves), StuddedGloves.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(StuddedChest), StuddedChest.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(FemaleStuddedChest), FemaleStuddedChest.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(StuddedBustier), StuddedBustier.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(StuddedLegs), StuddedLegs.GetSBSellValue());

                Add(typeof(RingmailHelm), RingmailHelm.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(RingmailGorget), RingmailGorget.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(RingmailArms), RingmailArms.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(RingmailGloves), RingmailGloves.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(RingmailChest), RingmailChest.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(RingmailLegs), RingmailLegs.GetSBSellValue());

                Add(typeof(ChainmailCoif), ChainmailCoif.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(ChainmailGorget), ChainmailGorget.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(ChainmailArms), ChainmailArms.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(ChainmailGloves), ChainmailGloves.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(ChainmailChest), ChainmailChest.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(ChainmailLegs), ChainmailLegs.GetSBSellValue());

                Add(typeof(PlateHelm), PlateHelm.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(PlateGorget), PlateGorget.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(PlateArms), PlateArms.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(PlateGloves), PlateGloves.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(PlateChest), PlateChest.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(FemalePlateChest), FemalePlateChest.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(PlateLegs), PlateLegs.GetSBSellValue());

                Add(typeof(Bascinet), Bascinet.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(CloseHelm), CloseHelm.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(NorseHelm), NorseHelm.GetSBSellValue());

                Add(typeof(Buckler), Buckler.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(MetalShield), MetalShield.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(BronzeShield), BronzeShield.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(MetalKiteShield), MetalKiteShield.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(HeaterShield), HeaterShield.GetSBSellValue());
            public InternalBuyInfo()
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Leather Cap", typeof(LeatherCap), LeatherCap.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 7610, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Leather Gorget", typeof(LeatherGorget), LeatherGorget.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 5063, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Leather Arms", typeof(LeatherArms), LeatherArms.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 5061, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Leather Gloves", typeof(LeatherGloves), LeatherGloves.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 5070, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Leather Chest", typeof(LeatherChest), LeatherChest.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 5075, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Female Leather Chest", typeof(FemaleLeatherChest), FemaleLeatherChest.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 7175, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Leather Bustier", typeof(LeatherBustier), LeatherBustier.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 7179, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Leather Legs", typeof(LeatherLegs), LeatherLegs.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 5074, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Leather Skirt", typeof(LeatherSkirt), LeatherSkirt.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 7177, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Leather Shorts", typeof(LeatherShorts), LeatherShorts.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 7169, 0));

                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Studded Cap", typeof(StuddedCap), StuddedCap.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 7610, 1507));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Studded Gorget", typeof(StuddedGorget), StuddedGorget.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 5078, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Studded Arms", typeof(StuddedArms), StuddedArms.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 5076, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Studded Gloves", typeof(StuddedGloves), StuddedGloves.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 5085, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Studded Chest", typeof(StuddedChest), StuddedChest.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 5090, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Female Studded Chest", typeof(FemaleStuddedChest), FemaleStuddedChest.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 7170, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Studded Bustier", typeof(StuddedBustier), StuddedBustier.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 7181, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Studded Legs", typeof(StuddedLegs), StuddedLegs.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 5089, 0));

                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Ringmail Helm", typeof(RingmailHelm), RingmailHelm.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 5131, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Ringmail Gorget", typeof(RingmailGorget), RingmailGorget.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 5078, 1812));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Ringmail Arms", typeof(RingmailArms), RingmailArms.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x13EE, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Ringmail Gloves", typeof(RingmailGloves), RingmailGloves.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x13eb, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Ringmail Chest", typeof(RingmailChest), RingmailChest.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x13ec, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Ringmail Legs", typeof(RingmailLegs), RingmailLegs.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x13F0, 0));

                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Chainmail Coif", typeof(ChainmailCoif), ChainmailCoif.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x13BB, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Chainmail Gorget", typeof(ChainmailGorget), ChainmailGorget.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 5063, 2500));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Chainmail Arms", typeof(ChainmailArms), ChainmailArms.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 5103, 2500));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Chainmail Gloves", typeof(ChainmailGloves), ChainmailGloves.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 5106, 2500));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Chainmail Chest", typeof(ChainmailChest), ChainmailChest.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x13BF, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Chainmail Legs", typeof(ChainmailLegs), ChainmailLegs.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x13BE, 0));

                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Platemail Helm", typeof(PlateHelm), PlateHelm.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1412, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Platemail Gorget", typeof(PlateGorget), PlateGorget.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1413, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Platemail Arms", typeof(PlateArms), PlateArms.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1410, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Platemail Gloves", typeof(PlateGloves), PlateGloves.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1414, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Platemail PlateChest", typeof(PlateChest), PlateChest.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1415, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Female Plate Chest", typeof(FemalePlateChest), FemalePlateChest.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 7173, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Platemail Legs", typeof(PlateLegs), PlateLegs.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1411, 0));

                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Bascinet", typeof(Bascinet), Bascinet.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 5132, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Close Helm", typeof(CloseHelm), CloseHelm.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 5129, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Norse Helm", typeof(NorseHelm), NorseHelm.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 5135, 0));

                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Buckler", typeof(Buckler), Buckler.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1B73, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Metal Shield", typeof(MetalShield), MetalShield.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1B7B, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Bronze Shield", typeof(BronzeShield), BronzeShield.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1B72, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Metal Kite Shield", typeof(MetalKiteShield), MetalKiteShield.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1B74, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Heater Shield", typeof(HeaterShield), HeaterShield.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1B76, 0));
Exemple #4
        public BarFlyWarriorWest() : base( )
            if (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 2) == 1)
                Body = 401;
                Name = NameList.RandomName("female");
                Body             = 400;
                Name             = NameList.RandomName("male");
                FacialHairItemID = Utility.RandomList(0, 0, 8254, 8255, 8256, 8257, 8267, 8268, 8269);

            Direction = Direction.West;
            Blessed   = true;
            CantWalk  = true;
            Title     = TavernPatrons.GetTitle();
            Hue       = Utility.RandomSkinHue();
            SpeechHue = Utility.RandomDyedHue();
            NameHue   = Utility.RandomOrangeHue();

            SetStr(386, 400);
            SetDex(151, 165);
            SetInt(161, 175);

            SetHits(300, 400);

            SetDamage(8, 10);

            SetDamageType(ResistanceType.Physical, 100);

            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Physical, 35, 45);
            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Fire, 25, 30);
            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Cold, 25, 30);
            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Poison, 10, 20);
            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Energy, 10, 20);

            SetSkill(SkillName.DetectHidden, 80.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Anatomy, 125.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Poisoning, 60.0, 82.5);
            SetSkill(SkillName.MagicResist, 83.5, 92.5);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Swords, 125.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Tactics, 125.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Wrestling, 100);

            Fame         = 0;
            Karma        = 0;
            VirtualArmor = 30;

            PackItem(new Longsword());

            AddItem(new Boots(Utility.RandomNeutralHue()));
            if (1 == Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 2))
                AddItem(new Cloak(RandomThings.GetRandomColor(0)));

            int aHue = Utility.RandomList(0x973, 0x966, 0x96D, 0x972, 0x8A5, 0x979, 0x89F, 0x8AB, 0, Utility.RandomMetalHue(), Utility.RandomMetalHue(), Utility.RandomMetalHue(), Utility.RandomMetalHue(), Utility.RandomMetalHue(), Utility.RandomMetalHue(), Utility.RandomMetalHue());
            int lHue = Utility.RandomList(0x8AC, 0x845, 0x851, 0x47E, 0x4AA, 0xB85, 0x497, 0x89F, 0x483, 0, Utility.RandomMetalHue(), Utility.RandomMetalHue(), Utility.RandomMetalHue(), Utility.RandomMetalHue(), Utility.RandomMetalHue(), Utility.RandomMetalHue(), Utility.RandomMetalHue());

            int iArmor = Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 4);

            if (iArmor == 1)
                Item cloth1 = new PlateArms();
                cloth1.Hue = aHue;
                Item cloth2 = new PlateGorget();
                cloth2.Hue = aHue;
                Item cloth3 = new PlateLegs();
                cloth3.Hue = aHue;
                Item cloth4 = new PlateChest();
                cloth4.Hue = aHue;
            else if (iArmor == 2)
                Item cloth1 = new ChainChest();
                cloth1.Hue = aHue;
                Item cloth2 = new ChainLegs();
                cloth2.Hue = aHue;
                Item cloth3 = new RingmailArms();
                cloth3.Hue = aHue;
                Item cloth4 = new PlateGorget();
                cloth4.Hue = aHue;
            else if (iArmor == 3)
                Item cloth1 = new StuddedChest();
                cloth1.Hue = lHue;
                Item cloth2 = new StuddedArms();
                cloth2.Hue = lHue;
                Item cloth3 = new StuddedLegs();
                cloth3.Hue = lHue;
                Item cloth4 = new StuddedGorget();
                cloth4.Hue = lHue;
                Item cloth1 = new LeatherArms();
                cloth1.Hue = lHue;
                Item cloth2 = new LeatherChest();
                cloth2.Hue = lHue;
                Item cloth3 = new LeatherGorget();
                cloth3.Hue = lHue;
                Item cloth4 = new LeatherLegs();
                cloth4.Hue = lHue;

            int HairColor = Utility.RandomHairHue();

            HairHue       = HairColor;
            FacialHairHue = HairColor;
Exemple #5
        public Mercenary() : base(AIType.AI_Melee, FightMode.Agressor, 10, 1, 0.45, 0.8)
            Female = Utility.RandomBool();
            Body   = Female ? 401 : 400;
            Title  = "the mercenary";
            Name   = NameList.RandomName(Female ? "female" : "male");
            Hue    = Utility.RandomSkinHue();
            SetStr(25, 88);
            SetDex(25, 88);
            SetInt(37, 49);
            Karma = Utility.RandomMinMax(13, -45);

            SetSkill(SkillName.Tactics, 45, 67.5);
            SetSkill(SkillName.MagicResist, 45, 67.5);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Parry, 45, 67.5);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Swords, 45, 67.5);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Macing, 45, 67.5);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Fencing, 45, 67.5);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Wrestling, 45, 67.5);
            SetSkill(SkillName.ArmsLore, 42.5, 65);

            Item item = null;

            if (!Female)
                item     = AddRandomHair();
                item.Hue = Utility.RandomHairHue();
                item     = AddRandomFacialHair(item.Hue);
                switch (Utility.Random(5))
                case 0: item = new PlateChest(); break;

                case 1: item = new ChainChest(); break;

                case 2: item = new StuddedChest(); break;

                case 3: item = new RingmailChest(); break;

                case 4:
                default: item = new LeatherChest(); break;
                switch (Utility.Random(5))
                case 0: item = new PlateLegs(); break;

                case 1: item = new ChainLegs(); break;

                case 2: item = new StuddedLegs(); break;

                case 3: item = new RingmailLegs(); break;

                case 4:
                default: item = new LeatherLegs(); break;
                switch (Utility.Random(4))
                case 0: item = new PlateArms(); break;

                case 1: item = new RingmailArms(); break;

                case 2: item = new StuddedArms(); break;

                case 3:
                default: item = new LeatherArms(); break;
                switch (Utility.Random(3))
                case 0: item = new PlateGloves(); break;

                case 1: item = new StuddedGloves(); break;

                case 2:
                default: item = new LeatherGloves(); break;
                switch (Utility.Random(6))
                case 0: item = new PlateHelm(); break;

                case 1: item = new ChainCoif(); break;

                case 2: item = new CloseHelm(); break;

                case 3: item = new Bascinet(); break;

                case 4: item = new NorseHelm(); break;

                case 5:
                default: item = new Helmet(); break;
                switch (Utility.Random(7))
                case 0: item = new BronzeShield(); break;

                case 1: item = new Buckler(); break;

                case 2: item = new HeaterShield(); break;

                case 3: item = new MetalKiteShield(); break;

                case 4: item = new MetalShield(); break;

                case 5: item = new WoodenKiteShield(); break;

                case 6:
                default: item = new WoodenShield(); break;
                switch (Utility.Random(4))
                case 0: item = new PlateGorget(); break;

                case 1: item = new StuddedGorget(); break;

                case 2: item = new LeatherGorget(); break;
                item = Loot.RandomWeapon();
                PackGold(15, 100);
                item     = AddRandomHair();
                item.Hue = Utility.RandomHairHue();
                switch (Utility.Random(5))
                case 0: item = new PlateChest(); break;

                case 1: item = new ChainChest(); break;

                case 2: item = new StuddedChest(); break;

                case 3: item = new RingmailChest(); break;

                case 4:
                default: item = new LeatherChest(); break;
                switch (Utility.Random(5))
                case 0: item = new PlateLegs(); break;

                case 1: item = new ChainLegs(); break;

                case 2: item = new StuddedLegs(); break;

                case 3: item = new RingmailLegs(); break;

                case 4:
                default: item = new LeatherLegs(); break;
                switch (Utility.Random(3))
                case 0: item = new PlateGloves(); break;

                case 1: item = new StuddedGloves(); break;

                case 2:
                default: item = new LeatherGloves(); break;
                switch (Utility.Random(6))
                case 0: item = new PlateHelm(); break;

                case 1: item = new ChainCoif(); break;

                case 2: item = new CloseHelm(); break;

                case 3: item = new Bascinet(); break;

                case 4: item = new NorseHelm(); break;

                case 5:
                default: item = new Helmet(); break;
                switch (Utility.Random(7))
                case 0: item = new BronzeShield(); break;

                case 1: item = new Buckler(); break;

                case 2: item = new HeaterShield(); break;

                case 3: item = new MetalKiteShield(); break;

                case 4: item = new MetalShield(); break;

                case 5: item = new WoodenKiteShield(); break;

                case 6:
                default: item = new WoodenShield(); break;
                switch (Utility.Random(4))
                case 0: item = new PlateGorget(); break;

                case 1: item = new StuddedGorget(); break;

                case 2: item = new LeatherGorget(); break;
                item = Loot.RandomWeapon();
                PackGold(15, 100);
Exemple #6
        public ElvenBladeMaster() : base(AIType.AI_Melee, FightMode.Agressor, 10, 1, 0.2, 0.4)
            Name      = NameList.RandomName("elfmale");
            Title     = "the Blade Master";
            SpeechHue = Utility.RandomDyedHue();
            Hue       = 349;
            Body      = 0x190;
            Level     = 10;
            NameHue   = 2454;

            new Horse().Rider = this;

            LongHair hair = new LongHair(Utility.RandomNeutralHue());

            hair.Movable = false;
            ChainChest chest = new ChainChest();

            chest.Hue     = 0x9C4;
            chest.Movable = false;
            RingmailArms arms = new RingmailArms();

            arms.Hue     = 0x9C4;
            arms.Movable = false;
            RingmailGloves gloves = new RingmailGloves();

            gloves.Hue     = 0x9C4;
            gloves.Movable = false;
            ChainLegs legs = new ChainLegs();

            legs.Hue     = 0x9C4;
            legs.Movable = false;
            Cloak cloak = new Cloak();

            cloak.Hue     = 0xA17;
            cloak.Movable = false;
            OrderShield shield = new OrderShield();

            shield.Hue     = 0x9C4;
            shield.Movable = false;
            Boots boots = new Boots();

            boots.Hue     = 0xA17;
            boots.Movable = false;

            PackGold(10, 17);

            SetSkill(SkillName.MagicResist, 80.0, 99.5);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Swords, 90.0, 102.5);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Tactics, 85.0, 97.5);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Wrestling, 65.0, 77.5);

            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Physical, 10, 25);
            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Fire, 10, 25);
            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Energy, 10, 25);
            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Cold, 10, 25);
            SetResistance(ResistanceType.Poison, 20, 30);

            SetStr(316, 370);
            SetDex(351, 415);
            SetInt(141, 165);
            SetHits(420, 483);
            SetDamage(11, 17);

            Karma = 5000;
            Fame  = 5000;

            switch (Utility.Random(4))
            case 0: Scimitar scim = new Scimitar();
                scim.Movable = false;

            case 1: Longsword lsword = new Longsword();
                lsword.Movable = false;

            case 2: Broadsword bsword = new Broadsword();
                bsword.Movable = false;

            case 3: Cutlass cl = new Cutlass();
                cl.Movable = false;
        public LordGuardian()
            : base(AIType.AI_Hybrid, FightMode.All | FightMode.Weakest, 10, 1, 0.15, 0.25)
            BardImmune       = true;
            FightStyle       = FightStyle.Melee | FightStyle.Magic | FightStyle.Smart | FightStyle.Bless | FightStyle.Curse;
            UsesHumanWeapons = false;
            UsesBandages     = true;
            UsesPotions      = true;
            CanRun           = true;
            CanReveal        = true;      // magic and smart

            SpeechHue    = Utility.RandomDyedHue();
            Name         = "Lord Guardian";
            Female       = false;
            Body         = 0x190;
            Hue          = 0x83F4;
            IOBAlignment = IOBAlignment.Council;
            ControlSlots = 6;

            PackItem(new Bandage(Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 15)));

            BloodDrenchedBandana bandana = new BloodDrenchedBandana();

            bandana.LootType = LootType.Newbied;

            Kilt kilt = new Kilt(0x1);               //black kilt

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() <= 0.93)
                kilt.LootType = LootType.Newbied;

            Sandals sandals = new Sandals(0x66C);

            if (Utility.RandomDouble() <= 0.93)
                sandals.LootType = LootType.Newbied;

            SilverRing ring = new SilverRing();

            ring.Name = "To my darling Adam";
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.95)
                ring.LootType = LootType.Newbied;

            ChainChest tunic = new ChainChest();

            tunic.Resource = CraftResource.Gold;

            ChainLegs legs = new ChainLegs();

            legs.Resource = CraftResource.Gold;

            RingmailArms arms = new RingmailArms();

            arms.Resource = CraftResource.Gold;

            GuardianKatana sword = new GuardianKatana();

            sword.Quality  = WeaponQuality.Exceptional;
            sword.LootType = LootType.Newbied;
            if (Utility.RandomBool())
                sword.Poison = Poison.Deadly;
                sword.Poison = Poison.Greater;
            sword.PoisonCharges = 30;

            PonyTail hair = new PonyTail();

            hair.Hue     = 0x1BC;
            hair.Layer   = Layer.Hair;
            hair.Movable = false;

            SetStr(375, 400);
            SetDex(100, 125);
            SetInt(150, 175);

            SetDamage(8, 10);

            SetSkill(SkillName.EvalInt, 100.0, 110.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Magery, 100.0, 110.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Swords, 100.0, 125.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Tactics, 100.0, 125.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Anatomy, 100.0, 125.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Poisoning, 60.0, 82.5);
            SetSkill(SkillName.MagicResist, 83.5, 92.5);

            Fame  = 5000;
            Karma = -5000;

            VirtualArmor = 40;

            m_NextSpeechTime = DateTime.Now;

            PackItem(new Bandage(Utility.RandomMinMax(VirtualArmor, VirtualArmor * 2)));
            PackStrongPotions(6, 12);
            PackItem(new Pouch());
Exemple #8
        public ElvenFighter() : base(AIType.AI_Melee, FightMode.Agressor, 10, 1, 0.2, 0.4)
            Name      = NameList.RandomName("elfmale");
            Title     = "the Fighter";
            SpeechHue = Utility.RandomDyedHue();
            Hue       = 349;
            Body      = 0x190;
            Level     = 7;
            NameHue   = 2454;

            LongHair hair = new LongHair(Utility.RandomNeutralHue());

            hair.Movable = false;
            ChainChest chest = new ChainChest();

            chest.Hue     = 0x9FF;
            chest.Movable = false;
            RingmailArms arms = new RingmailArms();

            arms.Hue     = 0x9FF;
            arms.Movable = false;
            RingmailGloves gloves = new RingmailGloves();

            gloves.Hue     = 0x9FF;
            gloves.Movable = false;
            ChainLegs legs = new ChainLegs();

            legs.Hue     = 0x9FF;
            legs.Movable = false;
            Cloak cloak = new Cloak();

            cloak.Hue     = 0x9C4;
            cloak.Movable = false;
            WoodenKiteShield shield = new WoodenKiteShield();

            shield.Hue     = 0x9FF;
            shield.Movable = false;
            Boots boots = new Boots();

            boots.Hue     = 0x9C4;
            boots.Movable = false;

            PackGold(6, 8);

            SetSkill(SkillName.MagicResist, 50.0, 61.5);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Swords, 70.0, 90.5);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Tactics, 65.0, 87.5);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Wrestling, 25.0, 47.5);

            SetStr(90, 110);
            SetDex(161, 125);
            SetInt(61, 85);
            SetHits(130, 160);
            SetDamage(10, 16);

            Karma = 2000;
            Fame  = 1000;

            switch (Utility.Random(4))
            case 0: Scimitar scim = new Scimitar();
                scim.Movable = false;

            case 1: Longsword lsword = new Longsword();
                lsword.Movable = false;

            case 2: Broadsword bsword = new Broadsword();
                bsword.Movable = false;

            case 3: Cutlass cl = new Cutlass();
                cl.Movable = false;
        public HumanGuard() : base(AIType.AI_Melee, FightMode.Agressor, 10, 1, 0.2, 0.4)
            Title     = "the Guard";
            SpeechHue = Utility.RandomDyedHue();
            Hue       = Utility.RandomSkinHue();
            Body      = 0x190;
            Level     = 8;

            if (this.Female = Utility.RandomBool())
                Body = 0x191;
                Name = NameList.RandomName("female");
                Body = 0x190;
                Name = NameList.RandomName("male");

            Fame  = 1000;
            Karma = 5000;

            RingmailArms arms = new RingmailArms();

            arms.Hue     = 0xA13;
            arms.Movable = false;
            ChainChest chest = new ChainChest();

            chest.Hue     = 0xA0B;
            chest.Movable = false;
            ChainLegs legs = new ChainLegs();

            legs.Hue     = 0xA13;
            legs.Movable = false;
            RingmailGloves gloves = new RingmailGloves();

            gloves.Hue     = 0xA13;
            gloves.Movable = false;
            MetalShield shield = new MetalShield();

            shield.Hue     = 0xA0B;
            shield.Movable = false;

            Cloak cloak = new Cloak();

            cloak.Hue     = 0x95D;
            cloak.Movable = false;
            BodySash sash = new BodySash();

            sash.Hue     = 0x95D;
            sash.Movable = false;
            Boots boots = new Boots();

            boots.Hue     = 0x95D;
            boots.Movable = false;

            PackGold(6, 8);

            SetSkill(SkillName.MagicResist, 50.0, 61.5);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Swords, 70.0, 90.5);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Tactics, 65.0, 87.5);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Wrestling, 25.0, 47.5);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Macing, 70.0, 90.7);

            SetStr(130, 150);
            SetDex(98, 115);
            SetInt(61, 85);
            SetHits(145, 168);
            SetDamage(9, 16);

            switch (Utility.Random(7))
            case 0: WarMace wmace = new WarMace();
                wmace.Movable = false;

            case 1: Bardiche bd = new Bardiche();
                bd.Movable = false;

            case 2: Broadsword bsword = new Broadsword();
                bsword.Movable = false;

            case 3: Pike pike = new Pike();
                pike.Movable = false;

            case 4: Halberd hbrd = new Halberd();
                hbrd.Movable = false;

            case 5: Maul maul = new Maul();
                maul.Movable = false;

            case 6: VikingSword vsword = new VikingSword();
                vsword.Movable = false;

            public InternalBuyInfo()
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Tongs", typeof(Tongs), Tongs.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 50, 0xFBB, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Smith's Hammer", typeof(SmithHammer), SmithHammer.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 50, 0x13E3, 0));

                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Ringmail Helm", typeof(RingmailHelm), RingmailHelm.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 5131, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Ringmail Gorget", typeof(RingmailGorget), RingmailGorget.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 5078, 1812));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Ringmail Arms", typeof(RingmailArms), RingmailArms.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x13EE, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Ringmail Gloves", typeof(RingmailGloves), RingmailGloves.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x13eb, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Ringmail Chest", typeof(RingmailChest), RingmailChest.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x13ec, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Ringmail Legs", typeof(RingmailLegs), RingmailLegs.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x13F0, 0));

                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Chainmail Coif", typeof(ChainmailCoif), ChainmailCoif.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x13BB, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Chainmail Gorget", typeof(ChainmailGorget), ChainmailGorget.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 5063, 2500));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Chainmail Arms", typeof(ChainmailArms), ChainmailArms.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 5103, 2500));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Chainmail Gloves", typeof(ChainmailGloves), ChainmailGloves.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 5106, 2500));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Chainmail Chest", typeof(ChainmailChest), ChainmailChest.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x13BF, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Chainmail Legs", typeof(ChainmailLegs), ChainmailLegs.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x13BE, 0));

                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Platemail Helm", typeof(PlateHelm), PlateHelm.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1412, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Platemail Gorget", typeof(PlateGorget), PlateGorget.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1413, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Platemail Arms", typeof(PlateArms), PlateArms.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1410, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Platemail Gloves", typeof(PlateGloves), PlateGloves.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1414, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Platemail PlateChest", typeof(PlateChest), PlateChest.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1415, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Female Plate Chest", typeof(FemalePlateChest), FemalePlateChest.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 7173, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Platemail Legs", typeof(PlateLegs), PlateLegs.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1411, 0));

                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Bascinet", typeof(Bascinet), Bascinet.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 5132, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Close Helm", typeof(CloseHelm), CloseHelm.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 5129, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Norse Helm", typeof(NorseHelm), NorseHelm.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 5135, 0));

                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Buckler", typeof(Buckler), Buckler.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1B73, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Metal Shield", typeof(MetalShield), MetalShield.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1B7B, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Bronze Shield", typeof(BronzeShield), BronzeShield.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1B72, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Metal Kite Shield", typeof(MetalKiteShield), MetalKiteShield.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1B74, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Heater Shield", typeof(HeaterShield), HeaterShield.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1B76, 0));

                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Dagger", typeof(Dagger), Dagger.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0xF52, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Kryss", typeof(Kryss), Kryss.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1401, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("War Fork", typeof(WarFork), WarFork.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1405, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Short Spear", typeof(ShortSpear), ShortSpear.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1403, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Pitchfork", typeof(Pitchfork), Pitchfork.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0xE87, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Spear", typeof(Spear), Spear.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0xF62, 0));

                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Hammer Pick", typeof(HammerPick), HammerPick.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x143D, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("War Axe", typeof(WarAxe), WarAxe.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x13B0, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Mace", typeof(Mace), Mace.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0xF5C, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Maul", typeof(Maul), Maul.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x143B, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("WarHammer", typeof(WarHammer), WarHammer.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1439, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("War Mace", typeof(WarMace), WarMace.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1407, 0));

                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Butcher Knife", typeof(ButcherKnife), ButcherKnife.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x13F6, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Skinning Knife", typeof(SkinningKnife), SkinningKnife.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0xEC4, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Cleaver", typeof(Cleaver), Cleaver.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0xEC3, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Cutlass", typeof(Cutlass), Cutlass.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1441, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Katana", typeof(Katana), Katana.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x13FF, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Scimitar", typeof(Scimitar), Scimitar.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x13B6, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Broadsword", typeof(Broadsword), Broadsword.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0xF5E, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Longsword", typeof(Longsword), Longsword.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0xF61, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Viking Sword", typeof(VikingSword), VikingSword.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x13B9, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Axe", typeof(Axe), Axe.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0xF49, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Battle Axe", typeof(BattleAxe), BattleAxe.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0xF47, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Double Axe", typeof(DoubleAxe), DoubleAxe.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0xF4B, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Executioner's Axe", typeof(ExecutionersAxe), ExecutionersAxe.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0xF45, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Large Battle Axe", typeof(LargeBattleAxe), LargeBattleAxe.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x13FB, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Two-Handed Axe", typeof(TwoHandedAxe), TwoHandedAxe.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x1443, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Bardiche", typeof(Bardiche), Bardiche.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0xF4D, 0));
                Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Halberd", typeof(Halberd), Halberd.GetSBPurchaseValue(), 25, 0x143E, 0));
            public InternalSellInfo()
                Add(typeof(Tongs), Tongs.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(SmithHammer), SmithHammer.GetSBSellValue());

                Add(typeof(RingmailHelm), RingmailHelm.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(RingmailGorget), RingmailGorget.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(RingmailArms), RingmailArms.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(RingmailGloves), RingmailGloves.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(RingmailChest), RingmailChest.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(RingmailLegs), RingmailLegs.GetSBSellValue());

                Add(typeof(ChainmailCoif), ChainmailCoif.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(ChainmailGorget), ChainmailGorget.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(ChainmailArms), ChainmailArms.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(ChainmailGloves), ChainmailGloves.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(ChainmailChest), ChainmailChest.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(ChainmailLegs), ChainmailLegs.GetSBSellValue());

                Add(typeof(PlateHelm), PlateHelm.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(PlateGorget), PlateGorget.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(PlateArms), PlateArms.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(PlateGloves), PlateGloves.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(PlateChest), PlateChest.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(FemalePlateChest), FemalePlateChest.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(PlateLegs), PlateLegs.GetSBSellValue());

                Add(typeof(Bascinet), Bascinet.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(CloseHelm), CloseHelm.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(NorseHelm), NorseHelm.GetSBSellValue());

                Add(typeof(Buckler), Buckler.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(MetalShield), MetalShield.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(BronzeShield), BronzeShield.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(MetalKiteShield), MetalKiteShield.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(HeaterShield), HeaterShield.GetSBSellValue());

                Add(typeof(Dagger), Dagger.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(Kryss), Kryss.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(WarFork), WarFork.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(ShortSpear), ShortSpear.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(Pitchfork), Pitchfork.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(Spear), Spear.GetSBSellValue());

                Add(typeof(HammerPick), HammerPick.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(WarAxe), WarAxe.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(Mace), Mace.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(Maul), Maul.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(WarHammer), WarHammer.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(WarMace), WarMace.GetSBSellValue());

                Add(typeof(ButcherKnife), ButcherKnife.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(SkinningKnife), SkinningKnife.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(Cleaver), Cleaver.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(Cutlass), Cutlass.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(Katana), Katana.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(Scimitar), Scimitar.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(Broadsword), Broadsword.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(Longsword), Longsword.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(VikingSword), VikingSword.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(Axe), Axe.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(BattleAxe), BattleAxe.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(DoubleAxe), DoubleAxe.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(ExecutionersAxe), ExecutionersAxe.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(LargeBattleAxe), LargeBattleAxe.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(TwoHandedAxe), TwoHandedAxe.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(Bardiche), Bardiche.GetSBSellValue());
                Add(typeof(Halberd), Halberd.GetSBSellValue());

        public static Item CreateMetalArmor(string gender)
            Item item = null;

            int nType = Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 26);

            switch (nType)
            case 0:         item = new ChainCoif();                 item.Name = "chainmail coif";           break;

            case 1:         item = new ChainChest();                item.Name = "chainmail tunic";          break;

            case 2:         item = new ChainLegs();                 item.Name = "chainmail leggings";       break;

            case 3:         item = new RingmailChest();             item.Name = "ringmail tunic";           break;

            case 4:         item = new RingmailLegs();              item.Name = "ringmail leggings";        break;

            case 5:         item = new RingmailArms();              item.Name = "ringmail sleeves";         break;

            case 6:         item = new RingmailGloves();    item.Name = "ringmail gloves";          break;

            case 7:         item = new PlateGorget();               item.Name = "platemail gorget";         break;

            case 8:         item = new PlateLegs();                 item.Name = "platemail leggings";       break;

            case 9:         item = new PlateArms();                 item.Name = "platemail arms";           break;

            case 10:        item = new PlateGloves();               item.Name = "platemail gauntlets";      break;

            case 11:        item = new PlateChest();                item.Name = "platemail tunic";
                if (gender == "female" || Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 3) == 1)
                    item = new FemalePlateChest(); item.Name = "platemail tunic";

            case 12:
            case 13:
                switch (Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 4))
                case 0:         item = new PlateHelm();         item.Name = "platemail helm";   break;

                case 1:         item = new CloseHelm();         item.Name = "close helm";               break;

                case 2:         item = new Helmet();            item.Name = "helmet";                   break;

                case 3:         item = new NorseHelm();         item.Name = "norse helm";               break;

                case 4:         item = new Bascinet();          item.Name = "bascinet";                 break;

            case 14: item = new ChainHatsuburi();                   item.Name = "chainmail hatsuburi";      break;

            case 15: item = new PlateHatsuburi();                   item.Name = "platemail hatsuburi";      break;

            case 16: item = new LightPlateJingasa();                item.Name = "platemail jingasa";        break;

            case 17: item = new HeavyPlateJingasa();                item.Name = "platemail jingasa";        break;

            case 18: item = new SmallPlateJingasa();                item.Name = "platemail jingasa";        break;

            case 19: item = new DecorativePlateKabuto();    item.Name = "platemail kabuto";         break;

            case 20: item = new PlateBattleKabuto();                item.Name = "platemail kabuto";         break;

            case 21: item = new StandardPlateKabuto();              item.Name = "platemail kabuto";         break;

            case 22: item = new PlateDo();                                  item.Name = "platemail do";                     break;

            case 23: item = new PlateHiroSode();                    item.Name = "platemail hiro sade";      break;

            case 24: item = new PlateSuneate();                             item.Name = "platemail suneate";        break;

            case 25: item = new PlateHaidate();                             item.Name = "platemail haidate";        break;

            case 26: item = new ChainHatsuburi();                   item.Name = "chainmail hatsuburi";      break;

Exemple #13
        public BalzanMarcos() : base(AIType.AI_Mage, FightMode.Closest, 10, 1, 0.2, 0.4)
            SetStr(205, 245);
            SetDex(81, 95);
            SetInt(61, 100);
            SetHits(630, 800);

            SetDamage(32, 65);

            SetDamageType(ResistanceType.Physical, 100);

            Name  = "Balzan Marcos";
            Title = "the evil theif";
            Body  = 0x190;

            SpeechHue = Utility.RandomDyedHue();

            Hue = Utility.RandomSkinHue();

            RingmailChest chest = new RingmailChest();

            chest.Hue = 0x966;
            RingmailArms arms = new RingmailArms();

            arms.Hue = 0x966;
            RingmailGloves gloves = new RingmailGloves();

            gloves.Hue = 0x966;
            PlateGorget gorget = new PlateGorget();

            gorget.Hue = 0x966;
            RingmailLegs legs = new RingmailLegs();

            legs.Hue = 0x966;

            PackGold(420, 690);
            if (Utility.RandomDouble() < .1)              // generates random less than 1
                PackItem(new OrderList());

            SetDamageType(ResistanceType.Physical, 100);

            SetSkill(SkillName.Anatomy, 65.3, 83.2);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Tactics, 75.3, 93.2);
            SetSkill(SkillName.MagicResist, 95.3, 100.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Wrestling, 65.3, 83.2);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Magery, 60.4, 100.0);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Meditation, 90.1, 100.0);

            Fame  = 2500;
            Karma = -2500;
        public override void OnAfterSpawn()

            Region reg = Region.Find(this.Location, this.Map);

            string World = Server.Misc.Worlds.GetMyWorld(this.Map, this.Location, this.X, this.Y);

            int clothColor = 0;
            int shieldType = 0;
            int helmType   = 0;
            int cloakColor = 0;

            Item weapon = new VikingSword(); weapon.Delete();

            if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the Village of Whisper")
                clothColor = 0x96D;             shieldType = 0x1B72;    helmType = 0x140E;              cloakColor = 0x972;             weapon = new Longsword();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the Town of Glacial Hills")
                clothColor = 0xB70;             shieldType = 0x1B74;    helmType = 0x1412;              cloakColor = 0xB7A;             weapon = new Kryss();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the Village of Springvale")
                clothColor = 0x595;             shieldType = 0;                 helmType = 0x140E;              cloakColor = 0x593;             weapon = new Pike();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the City of Elidor")
                clothColor = 0x665;             shieldType = 0x1B7B;    helmType = 0x1412;              cloakColor = 0x664;             weapon = new Katana();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the Village of Islegem")
                clothColor = 0x7D1;             shieldType = 0;                 helmType = 0x140E;              cloakColor = 0x7D6;             weapon = new Spear();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "Greensky Village")
                clothColor = 0x7D7;             shieldType = 0;                 helmType = 0x1412;              cloakColor = 0x7DA;             weapon = new Bardiche();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the Port of Dusk")
                clothColor = 0x601;             shieldType = 0x1B76;    helmType = 0x140E;              cloakColor = 0x600;             weapon = new Cutlass();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the Port of Starguide")
                clothColor = 0x751;             shieldType = 0;                 helmType = 0x1412;              cloakColor = 0x758;             weapon = new BladedStaff();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the Village of Portshine")
                clothColor = 0x847;             shieldType = 0x1B7A;    helmType = 0x140E;              cloakColor = 0x851;             weapon = new Mace();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the Ranger Outpost")
                clothColor = 0x598;             shieldType = 0;                 helmType = 0x140E;              cloakColor = 0x83F;             weapon = new Spear();
            else if (World == "the Land of Lodoria")               // ( Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName( this.Map, this.Location ) == "the City of Lodoria" || Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName( this.Map, this.Location ) == "the Castle of Knowledge" || Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName( this.Map, this.Location ) == "the Lodoria City Park" || Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName( this.Map, this.Location ) == "the Village of Lodoria" || Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName( this.Map, this.Location ) == "the Lodoria Cemetery" )
                clothColor = 0x6E4;             shieldType = 0x1BC4;    helmType = 0x1412;              cloakColor = 0x6E7;             weapon = new Scimitar();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the Lunar City of Dawn")
                clothColor = 0x9C4;             shieldType = 0;                 helmType = 11121;               cloakColor = 0x9C4;             weapon = new QuarterStaff();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "The Town of Devil Guard" || Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "The Farmland of Devil Guard")
                clothColor = 0x430;             shieldType = 0;                 helmType = 0x140E;              cloakColor = 0;                 weapon = new LargeBattleAxe();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the Town of Moon")
                clothColor = 0x8AF;             shieldType = 0x1B72;    helmType = 0x1412;              cloakColor = 0x972;             weapon = new Longsword();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the Village of Grey")
                clothColor = 0;                 shieldType = 0;                 helmType = 0x140E;              cloakColor = 0x763;             weapon = new Halberd();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the City of Montor")
                clothColor = 0x96F;             shieldType = 0x1B74;    helmType = 0x1412;              cloakColor = 0x529;             weapon = new Broadsword();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the Village of Fawn")
                clothColor = 0x59D;             shieldType = 0;                 helmType = 0x140E;              cloakColor = 0x59C;             weapon = new DoubleAxe();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the Village of Yew")
                clothColor = 0x83C;             shieldType = 0;                 helmType = 0x1412;              cloakColor = 0x850;             weapon = new Spear();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "Iceclad Fisherman's Village" || Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the Town of Mountain Crest" || Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "Glacial Coast Village")
                clothColor = 0x482;             shieldType = 0;                 helmType = 0x140E;              cloakColor = 0x47E;             weapon = new Bardiche();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the Undercity of Umbra")
                clothColor = 0x964;             shieldType = 0x1BC3;    helmType = 0x140E;              cloakColor = 0x966;             weapon = new BoneHarvester();
            else if (World == "the Island of Umber Veil")
                clothColor = 0xA5D;             shieldType = 0;                 helmType = 0x140E;              cloakColor = 0x96D;             weapon = new Halberd();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the City of Kuldara")
                clothColor = 0x965;             shieldType = 0x1BC3;    helmType = 0x140E;              cloakColor = 0x845;             weapon = new Maul();
            else if (World == "the Isles of Dread")
                clothColor = 0x978;             shieldType = 0x1B7A;    helmType = 0;                   cloakColor = 0x973;             weapon = new VikingSword();
            else if (Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName(this.Map, this.Location) == "the Village of Barako")
                clothColor = 0x515;             shieldType = 0x1B72;    helmType = 0x2645;              cloakColor = 0x58D;             weapon = new WarMace();
            else if (World == "the Savaged Empire")               // ( Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName( this.Map, this.Location ) == "the Village of Kurak" )
                clothColor = 0x515;             shieldType = 0;                 helmType = 0x140E;              cloakColor = 0x59D;             weapon = new Spear();
            else if (World == "the Serpent Island")               // ( Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName( this.Map, this.Location ) == "the City of Furnace" )
                clothColor = 0x515;             shieldType = 0;                 helmType = 0x2FBB;              cloakColor = 0;                 weapon = new Halberd();
            else             // if ( Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName( this.Map, this.Location ) == "the City of Britain" || Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName( this.Map, this.Location ) == "the Britain Castle Grounds" || Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName( this.Map, this.Location ) == "Lord British Castle" || Server.Misc.Worlds.GetRegionName( this.Map, this.Location ) == "the Britain Dungeons" )
                clothColor = 0x9C4;             shieldType = 0x1BC4;    helmType = 0x140E;              cloakColor = 0x845;             weapon = new VikingSword();

            weapon.Movable = false;
            ((BaseWeapon)weapon).MaxHitPoints = 1000;
            ((BaseWeapon)weapon).HitPoints    = 1000;
            ((BaseWeapon)weapon).MinDamage    = 500;
            ((BaseWeapon)weapon).MaxDamage    = 900;

            Item arms = new RingmailArms();

            if (World == "the Serpent Island")
                arms = new PlateArms();
            }                                                                                   // FOR GARGOYLES
            Item tunic = new PlateChest();
            Item legs  = new PlateLegs();
            Item neck  = new PlateGorget();
            Item hand  = new PlateGloves();
            Item foot  = new Boots( );

            if (World == "the Isles of Dread")
                tunic.ItemID = 0x5652;  tunic.Name = "tunic";
                if (this.Female)
                    tunic.ItemID = 0x563E;
                    FacialHairItemID = Utility.RandomList(0, 8254, 8255, 8256, 8257, 8267, 8268, 8269);

                this.HairHue       = 0x455;
                this.FacialHairHue = 0x455;

                arms.ItemID = 22093;    arms.Name = "sleeves";
                legs.ItemID = 7176;             legs.Name = "skirt";
                neck.ItemID = 0x5650;   neck.Name = "amulet";
                hand.ItemID = 0x564E;   hand.Name = "gloves";
                foot.ItemID = 5901;             foot.Name = "sandals";
            else if (World == "the Moon of Luna")
                tunic.ItemID = 7939;    tunic.Name = "robe";
                if (this.Female)
                    FacialHairItemID = Utility.RandomList(0, 8254, 8255, 8256, 8257, 8267, 8268, 8269);

                this.HairHue       = Utility.RandomHairHue();
                this.FacialHairHue = this.HairHue;

                arms.ItemID = 22093;    arms.Name = "sleeves";
                legs.ItemID = 7176;             legs.Name = "skirt";
                neck.ItemID = 0x5650;   neck.Name = "amulet";
                hand.ItemID = 0x564E;   hand.Name = "gloves";
                foot.ItemID = 5901;             foot.Name = "sandals";


            if (helmType > 0)
                PlateHelm helm = new PlateHelm();
                helm.ItemID = helmType;
                helm.Name   = "helm";
                if (helmType == 11121)
                    helm.Name = "hood";
            if (shieldType > 0)
                ChaosShield shield = new ChaosShield();
                shield.ItemID = shieldType;
                shield.Name   = "shield";

            MorphingTime.ColorMyClothes(this, clothColor);

            if (cloakColor > 0)
                Cloak cloak = new Cloak();
                cloak.Hue = cloakColor;


            if (Utility.RandomBool() && !Server.Misc.Worlds.InBuilding(this) && this.Map != Map.SerpentIsland)
                BaseMount mount = new EvilMount();

                if (this.Map == Map.SavagedEmpire)
                    mount.Body = 0x11C; mount.ItemID = 0x3E92; mount.Hue = Utility.RandomList(0xB79, 0xB19, 0xAEF, 0xACE, 0xAB0);
                else if (this.Map == Map.IslesDread)
                    mount.Body = 0xD5; mount.ItemID = 0x3EC5; if (Server.Misc.MyServerSettings.ClientVersion())
                        mount.Body = 0x22; mount.ItemID = 34; if (Utility.RandomBool())
                            mount.Body = 0xB1; mount.ItemID = 177;
                        mount.Hue = Utility.RandomList(0xAB1, 0xAC0, 0x92B);
                    mount.Body = 0xE2; mount.ItemID = 0x3EA0; if (Server.Misc.MyServerSettings.ClientVersion())
                        mount.ItemID = 594;
                        mount.Hue = Utility.RandomList(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x780, 0x781, 0x782, 0x783, 0x8FD, 0x8FE, 0x8FF, 0x900, 0x901, 0x902, 0x903, 0x904, 0x905, 0x906, 0x907, 0x908, Utility.RandomNeutralHue(), Utility.RandomNeutralHue(), Utility.RandomNeutralHue(), Utility.RandomNeutralHue(), Utility.RandomNeutralHue(), Utility.RandomNeutralHue());

                Server.Mobiles.BaseMount.Ride(mount, this);
Exemple #15
        public Warrior() : base(AIType.AI_Melee, FightMode.Agressor, 10, 1, 0.45, 0.8)
            Female = Utility.RandomBool();
            Body   = Female ? 401 : 400;
            Title  = "the warrior";
            Name   = NameList.RandomName(Female ? "female" : "male");
            Hue    = Utility.RandomSkinHue();
            SetStr(18, 88);
            SetDex(18, 88);
            SetInt(13, 49);
            Karma = Utility.RandomMinMax(13, -45);

            SetSkill(SkillName.Tactics, 45, 67.5);
            SetSkill(SkillName.MagicResist, 45, 67.5);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Parry, 45, 67.5);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Swords, 45, 67.5);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Macing, 45, 67.5);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Fencing, 45, 67.5);
            SetSkill(SkillName.Wrestling, 45, 67.5);
            SetSkill(SkillName.ArmsLore, 42.5, 65);

            Item item = null;

            if (!Female)
                item     = AddRandomHair();
                item.Hue = Utility.RandomHairHue();
                item     = AddRandomFacialHair(item.Hue);
                item     = new RingmailChest();
                item = new RingmailLegs();
                item = new RingmailArms();
                item = new RingmailGloves();
                item = new ChainCoif();
                item = new PlateGorget();
                item = new WoodenShield();
                item = new Broadsword();
                PackGold(15, 100);
                item     = AddRandomHair();
                item.Hue = Utility.RandomHairHue();
                item     = new RingmailChest();
                item = new RingmailLegs();
                item = new RingmailArms();
                item = new RingmailGloves();
                item = new ChainCoif();
                item = new PlateGorget();
                item = new WoodenShield();
                item = new Broadsword();
                PackGold(15, 100);