Exemple #1
    public void SetColor(int x, int y, int z)
        if (y == 1)
        else if (y == -1)

        if (z == 1)
        else if (z == -1)

        if (x == 1)
        else if (x == -1)
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the volume world space points for the specified camera.
        /// Must be called after the world planes have been calculated.
        /// </summary>
        private void CalculateWorldPoints(Camera camera)
            Transform camTransform = camera.transform;

            // Cast a ray from the camera position towards the far plane. The intersection point
            // bewteen the ray and the plane represents the far plane middle point. We have to
            // take into account that all volume planes point inside the volume, so the ray will
            // be cast along the reverse of the far plane normal.
            Plane farPlane = FarPlane;
            Ray   ray      = new Ray(camTransform.position, -farPlane.normal);
            float t;

            if (farPlane.Raycast(ray, out t))
                Vector3 ptOnMidFar = ray.GetPoint(t);
                Vector3 ptOnMidTopFar = Vector3.zero, ptOnMidRightFar = Vector3.zero;

                // We have the point which sits in the middle of the far plane. The next step is
                // to calculate the points which sit to the right and up of this point. These will
                // be used to calculate the half dimension of the far plane.
                ray = new Ray(ptOnMidFar, camTransform.up);
                if (TopPlane.Raycast(ray, out t))
                    ptOnMidTopFar = ray.GetPoint(t);
                ray = new Ray(ptOnMidFar, camTransform.right);
                if (RightPlane.Raycast(ray, out t))
                    ptOnMidRightFar = ray.GetPoint(t);

                // Calculate the half plane dimensions using the points we calculated earlier
                float planeHalfWidth  = (ptOnMidRightFar - ptOnMidFar).magnitude;
                float planeHalfHeight = (ptOnMidTopFar - ptOnMidFar).magnitude;

                // Move from the far plane middle point left/right and bottom/top to calculate the
                // far plane corner points. Because the camera volume is rotated along with the camera
                // coordinate system, the camera local axes are used to move left/right and top/bottom.
                _worldPoints[(int)VPoint.FarTopLeft]     = ptOnMidFar - camTransform.right * planeHalfWidth + camTransform.up * planeHalfHeight;
                _worldPoints[(int)VPoint.FarTopRight]    = ptOnMidFar + camTransform.right * planeHalfWidth + camTransform.up * planeHalfHeight;
                _worldPoints[(int)VPoint.FarBottomRight] = ptOnMidFar + camTransform.right * planeHalfWidth - camTransform.up * planeHalfHeight;
                _worldPoints[(int)VPoint.FarBottomLeft]  = ptOnMidFar - camTransform.right * planeHalfWidth - camTransform.up * planeHalfHeight;

            // Do the same for the near plane.
            // Note: For an ortho camera, the near plane can reside behind the camera position. So an additional
            //       step is needed to identify the ray direction vector. We check if the distance from the plane
            //       to the camera position is >= 0. If it is, it means the camera position is in front of the plane.
            //       Considering that the plane points inwards, it means we have to travel along the reverse of the
            //       plane normal to hit the plane. If the distance is negative, the camera position lies behind the
            //       plane and we can travel along the plane normal to hit the plane.
            Plane   nearPlane             = NearPlane;
            bool    camInFrontOfNearPlane = nearPlane.GetDistanceToPoint(camTransform.position) >= 0.0f;
            Vector3 rayDir = camInFrontOfNearPlane ? -nearPlane.normal : nearPlane.normal;

            ray = new Ray(camTransform.position, rayDir);
            if (nearPlane.Raycast(ray, out t))
                Vector3 ptOnMidNear = ray.GetPoint(t);
                Vector3 ptOnMidTopNear = Vector3.zero, ptOnMidRightFar = Vector3.zero;

                ray = new Ray(ptOnMidNear, camTransform.up);
                if (TopPlane.Raycast(ray, out t))
                    ptOnMidTopNear = ray.GetPoint(t);
                ray = new Ray(ptOnMidNear, camTransform.right);
                if (RightPlane.Raycast(ray, out t))
                    ptOnMidRightFar = ray.GetPoint(t);

                float planeHalfWidth  = (ptOnMidRightFar - ptOnMidNear).magnitude;
                float planeHalfHeight = (ptOnMidTopNear - ptOnMidNear).magnitude;

                _worldPoints[(int)VPoint.NearTopLeft]     = ptOnMidNear - camTransform.right * planeHalfWidth + camTransform.up * planeHalfHeight;
                _worldPoints[(int)VPoint.NearTopRight]    = ptOnMidNear + camTransform.right * planeHalfWidth + camTransform.up * planeHalfHeight;
                _worldPoints[(int)VPoint.NearBottomRight] = ptOnMidNear + camTransform.right * planeHalfWidth - camTransform.up * planeHalfHeight;
                _worldPoints[(int)VPoint.NearBottomLeft]  = ptOnMidNear - camTransform.right * planeHalfWidth - camTransform.up * planeHalfHeight;