/// <summary>Создание маленькой кнопки</summary>
        /// <param name="fName">Название функции (= параметр запуска функции)</param>
        /// <param name="lName">Локальное название функции</param>
        /// <param name="img">Иконка</param>
        /// <param name="description">Описание функции</param>
        /// <param name="fullDescription">Полное описание</param>
        /// <param name="helpImage">Имя файла картинки для ToolTip. Файл должен располагаться в каталоге /Resources/Help проекта</param>
        /// <param name="helpLink">Ссылка онлайн-справки, не включающая https://modplus.org/. Если null, то справка строится по имени функции</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static RibbonButton AddSmallButton(string fName, string lName, string img, string description, string fullDescription, string helpImage, string helpLink)
                var tt = new RibbonToolTip
                    IsHelpEnabled = true,
                    Content       = description,
                    Command       = fName,
                    IsProgressive = true
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(helpLink))
                    tt.HelpTopic = Language.RusWebLanguages.Contains(Language.CurrentLanguageName)
                        ? $"https://modplus.org/ru/autocadplugins/{fName.ToLower()}"
                        : $"https://modplus.org/en/autocadplugins/{fName.ToLower()}";
                    tt.HelpTopic = Language.RusWebLanguages.Contains(Language.CurrentLanguageName)
                        ? $"https://modplus.org/ru/{helpLink.ToLower()}"
                        : $"https://modplus.org/en/{helpLink.ToLower()}";

                return(GetSmallRibbonButton(fName, lName, img, fullDescription, helpImage, tt));
            catch (Exception)
Exemple #2
        private static void OnIsOpenChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            // This is a workaround for the issue that BetweenShowDelay property does not
            // work as expected. Even though this property has been set to '0ms' on all of
            // the Ribbon controls with the expectation that ToolTips will always appear
            // after the InitialShowDelay, ToolTips show immediately without the
            // InitialShowDelay when moving between controls when ToolTips are already active.
            // Manually setting IsOpen to false upon detecting this scenario prevents the
            // quick show and always causes the system to wait for the InitialShowDelay to elapse.

            RibbonToolTip ribbonToolTip   = (RibbonToolTip)d;
            UIElement     placementTarget = ribbonToolTip.PlacementTarget;

            if (ribbonToolTip.IsOpen)
                RibbonToolTipService.Current.CurrentToolTip = ribbonToolTip;
                if (placementTarget != null)
                    placementTarget.MouseLeave += new MouseEventHandler(ribbonToolTip.OnPlacementTargetMouseLeave);
                RibbonToolTipService.Current.CurrentToolTip = null;
                if (placementTarget != null)
                    placementTarget.MouseLeave -= new MouseEventHandler(ribbonToolTip.OnPlacementTargetMouseLeave);
Exemple #3
 private static RibbonButton AddSmallButton(PlinesFunction function)
         var ribbonToolTip = new RibbonToolTip
             IsHelpEnabled = false,
             Content       = function.Description,
             Command       = function.Name,
             Title         = function.LocalName
         var ribbonButton = new RibbonButton
             CommandParameter = function.Name,
             Name             = function.Name,
             CommandHandler   = new RibbonCommandHandler(),
             Orientation      = Orientation.Horizontal,
             Size             = RibbonItemSize.Standard,
             ShowImage        = true,
             ShowText         = false,
             ToolTip          = ribbonToolTip,
             Image            = _colorTheme == 1 ? function.ImageSmall : function.ImageDarkSmall
     catch (Exception)
Exemple #4
        public static RibbonToolTip ButtonToolTip(string resourceName, string resourcessemblyPath, string buttonContent,
                                                  string buttonExpandendContent)
            var tempPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), resourceName);

            using (Stream stream = Assembly
                var buffer = new byte[stream.Length];

                stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(tempPath,
                    fs.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

            RibbonToolTip toolTip = new RibbonToolTip()
                Content         = buttonContent,
                ExpandedContent = buttonExpandendContent,
                ExpandedVideo   = new Uri(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), resourceName)),
                IsHelpEnabled   = true,
                IsProgressive   = true

 /// <summary>Создание большой кнопки</summary>
 /// <param name="fName">Название функции (= параметр запуска функции)</param>
 /// <param name="lName">Локальное название функции</param>
 /// <param name="img">Иконка</param>
 /// <param name="description">Описание функции</param>
 /// <param name="orientation">Ориентация кнопки: горизонтальная или вертикальная</param>
 /// <param name="fullDescription">Полное описание</param>
 /// <param name="helpImage">Имя файла картинки для ToolTip. Файл должен располагаться в каталоге /Resources/Help проекта</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static RibbonButton AddBigButton(
     string fName,
     string lName,
     string img,
     string description,
     Orientation orientation,
     string fullDescription,
     string helpImage)
         var tt = new RibbonToolTip
             IsHelpEnabled = true,
             Content       = description,
             Command       = fName,
             IsProgressive = true,
             HelpTopic     = Language.RusWebLanguages.Contains(Language.CurrentLanguageName)
                 ? $"https://modplus.org/ru/autocadplugins/{fName.ToLower()}"
                 : $"https://modplus.org/en/autocadplugins/{fName.ToLower()}"
         return(GetBigButton(fName, lName, img, orientation, fullDescription, helpImage, tt));
     catch (Exception)
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        ///     Property changed callback for tooltip footer properties.
        ///     Sets the value of HasFooter property accordingly.
        /// </summary>
        private static void OnToolTipFooterPropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            RibbonToolTip ribbonToolTip = (RibbonToolTip)d;

            ribbonToolTip.HasFooter =
                (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ribbonToolTip.FooterTitle) ||
                 !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ribbonToolTip.FooterDescription) ||
                 ribbonToolTip.FooterImageSource != null);
Exemple #7
        private void AddPanel1(RibbonTab ribTab)
            //create the panel source
            Autodesk.Windows.RibbonPanelSource ribSourcePanel = new RibbonPanelSource();
            ribSourcePanel.Title = "廓形";
            //now the panel
            RibbonPanel ribPanel = new RibbonPanel();

            ribPanel.Source = ribSourcePanel;

            //create button 1
            Autodesk.Windows.RibbonButton ribButton1 = new RibbonButton();
            ribButton1.Text             = "H型";
            ribButton1.CommandParameter = "REGISTERME ";
            ribButton1.ShowText         = true;
            ribButton1.CommandHandler   = new AdskCommandHandler();

            //now create button 2
            Autodesk.Windows.RibbonButton ribButton2 = new RibbonButton();
            ribButton2.Text             = "Y型";
            ribButton2.CommandParameter = "UNREGISTERME ";
            ribButton2.ShowText         = true;
            ribButton2.CommandHandler   = new AdskCommandHandler();

            //create a tooltip
            Autodesk.Windows.RibbonToolTip ribToolTip = new RibbonToolTip();
            ribToolTip.Command         = "REGISTERME";
            ribToolTip.Title           = "Register me command";
            ribToolTip.Content         = "Register this assembly on AutoCAD startup";
            ribToolTip.ExpandedContent = "Add the necessary registry key to allow this assembly to auto load on startup. Also check which event you should add handle to add custom ribbon on AutoCAD startup.";
            ribButton1.ToolTip         = ribToolTip;

            //now add the 2 button with a RowBreak
            ribSourcePanel.Items.Add(new RibbonRowBreak());

            //now add and expanded panel (with 1 button)
            Autodesk.Windows.RibbonRowPanel ribExpPanel = new RibbonRowPanel();

            //and add it to source
            ribSourcePanel.Items.Add(ribExpPanel);//needs to be here

            Autodesk.Windows.RibbonButton ribExpButton1 = new RibbonButton();
            ribExpButton1.Text             = "A型";
            ribExpButton1.ShowText         = true;
            ribExpButton1.CommandParameter = "LINE ";
            ribExpButton1.CommandHandler   = new AdskCommandHandler();

            //ribSourcePanel.Items.Add(new RibbonPanelBreak());
            //ribSourcePanel.Items.Add(ribExpPanel);//needs to be above
Exemple #8
        private void LoadAutomationTools()
            //List<string> vaildUser = new List<string>();
            //foreach (String user in vaildUser)
            //if (user == Currentuser.ToLower())
            string m_detailPath = Path.Combine(_path, "DetailBuilder.dll");

            if (File.Exists(m_detailPath))
                Autodesk.Revit.UI.RibbonPanel m_panelUtilities = GetRibbonPanelByTabName(CTabName, "Automation Tools");

                PushButtonData m_pbData = GetPushButtonData("Detail Builder", "Detail \nBuilder", m_detailPath, "DetailBuilder.Command", "KirkseyAppsRibbon.Icons.DetailBuilder16.png", "KirkseyAppsRibbon.Icons.DetailBuilder32.png", "Formerly Project Seagul. *M*A*G*I*C*", "");

                var button1 = m_panelUtilities.AddItem(m_pbData);

                var tempPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "Magic.swf");

                using (Stream stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("KirkseyAppsRibbon.Magic.swf"))
                    var buffer = new byte[stream.Length];

                    stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                    using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(
                               tempPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                        fs.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                RibbonToolTip toolTip1 = new RibbonToolTip()
                    Title           = "Detail Builder",
                    Content         = "Import standard details based on model componets",
                    ExpandedContent = "Formerly Project Seagul. *M*A*G*I*C*",
                    ExpandedVideo   = new Uri(tempPath),
                    HelpSource      = new Uri("https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9t-slLl30E"),
                    IsHelpEnabled   = true,
                    IsProgressive   = true

                SetRibbonItemToolTip(button1, toolTip1);
Exemple #9
        private RibbonToolTip CreateToolTip(string title, string content)
            RibbonToolTip toolTip = new RibbonToolTip();

            //toolTip.Command = "";
            toolTip.Title         = title;
            toolTip.Content       = content;
            toolTip.IsHelpEnabled = true; // Without this "Press F1 for help" does not appear in the tooltip

Exemple #10
        public static void RibbonDemo()
            RibbonControl ribbonCtrl = ComponentManager.Ribbon;
            RibbonTab     tab        = new RibbonTab();

            tab.Title = "MyRibbon";
            tab.UID   = "ACAD.MY_RibbonTab";

            RibbonPanelSource ribbonPanelSource = new RibbonPanelSource();

            ribbonPanelSource.Title = "测试";//选项卡名字

            RibbonPanel ribbonPanel = new RibbonPanel();

            ribbonPanel.Source = ribbonPanelSource;


            RibbonButton btn = new RibbonButton();

            btn.Name      = "我是一个按钮提示"; //按钮提示标题
            btn.Text      = "按一下有惊喜";   //按钮文字
            btn.ShowText  = true;       //让Button把准备好的文字显示出来
            btn.IsVisible = true;       //让按钮可见;

            RibbonToolTip toolTip = new RibbonToolTip(); //按钮提示对象

            toolTip.Title   = "我是按钮提示的标题";               //按钮提示标题
            toolTip.Content = "我是按钮提示的内容";               //按钮提示内容
            toolTip.Command = "AAAA";                    //该按钮对应命令

            btn.ToolTip = toolTip;

            btn.CommandHandler = new Handler();
            //btn.CommandParameter = "AAAA ";        (存疑!!!!)


        private void StopMedia()
            reminderSoundMedia.Source = null;
            playReminderSound.Tag     = "Play";

            RibbonToolTip tip = new RibbonToolTip();

            tip.Title                 = "Play";
            tip.Description           = "Preview the selected reminder sound.";
            playReminderSound.ToolTip = tip;

            playPauseData.Data = PathGeometry.Parse("M 1.5 0 6.5 5 1.5 10 Z");
Exemple #12
        public static void SetRibbonItemToolTip(RibbonItem item, RibbonToolTip toolTip)
            IUIRevitItemConverter itemConverter =
                new InternalMethodUIRevitItemConverter();

            var ribbonItem = itemConverter.GetRibbonItem(item);

            if (ribbonItem == null)
            ribbonItem.ToolTip = toolTip;
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        ///     Property changed callback for tooltip PlacementTarget property.
        /// </summary>
        private static void OnPlacementTargetPropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            RibbonToolTip ribbonToolTip = (RibbonToolTip)d;
            UIElement     target        = e.NewValue as UIElement;

            if (target == null)
                ribbonToolTip.Ribbon = null;
                ribbonToolTip.Ribbon = RibbonControlService.GetRibbon(target);
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        ///   This CoerceValueCallback hack is used to determine whether the current PlacementTarget is within a RibbonGroup.
        /// </summary>
        private static object CoerceIsOpen(DependencyObject d, object value)
            if ((bool)value)
                RibbonToolTip toolTip         = (RibbonToolTip)d;
                RibbonGroup   ribbonGroup     = null;
                UIElement     placementTarget = toolTip.PlacementTarget;

                // Walk up the visual tree from the PlacementTarget to see if
                // it belongs to a RibbonGroup.
                DependencyObject element = placementTarget;
                while (element != null)
                    ribbonGroup = element as RibbonGroup;
                    if (ribbonGroup != null)

                    DependencyObject visualParent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(element);
                    if (visualParent == null)
                        // This special check is for the case that the PlacementTarget is
                        // within the Popup of a Collapsed RibbonGroup
                        Popup popupParent = LogicalTreeHelper.GetParent(element) as Popup;
                        if (popupParent != null)
                            ribbonGroup = popupParent.TemplatedParent as RibbonGroup;

                    element = visualParent;

                // A RibbonGroup is in the QAT is special. Its tooltip should show relative
                // to the mouse instead of under the Ribbon. All other control in the QAT
                // are automatically taken care of because they will not be recognized as
                // belonging to a RibbonGroup.

                bool isToolTipForRibbonGroup = ribbonGroup != null &&
                                               (toolTip.PlacementTarget == ribbonGroup ||
                                                (VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(ribbonGroup) > 0 && toolTip.PlacementTarget == VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(ribbonGroup, 0)));

                toolTip.IsPlacementTargetInRibbonGroup = (ribbonGroup != null && (!isToolTipForRibbonGroup || !ribbonGroup.IsInQuickAccessToolBar));

        private void PlayMedia()
            reminderSoundMedia.Source = new Uri(@"Resources/Media/" + editReminderSound.SelectedItem.ToString(), UriKind.Relative);

            playReminderSound.Tag = "Stop";

            RibbonToolTip tip = new RibbonToolTip();

            tip.Title                 = "Stop";
            tip.Description           = "Stop playing the selected audio.";
            playReminderSound.ToolTip = tip;

            playPauseData.Data = PathGeometry.Parse("M 0.5 0.5 7.5 0.5 7.5 7.5 0.5 7.5 Z");
        /// <summary>
        ///   Returns help text
        /// </summary>
        protected override string GetHelpTextCore()
            string helpText = base.GetHelpTextCore();

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(helpText))
                RibbonToolTip toolTip = ((RibbonRadioButton)Owner).ToolTip as RibbonToolTip;
                if (toolTip != null)
                    helpText = toolTip.Description;

        //Only an Example
        static private void addRegistry(RibbonTab ribTab)
            //create the panel source
            Autodesk.Windows.RibbonPanelSource ribSourcePanel = new RibbonPanelSource();
            ribSourcePanel.Title = "Edit registry";
            //now the panel
            RibbonPanel ribPanel = new RibbonPanel();

            ribPanel.Source = ribSourcePanel;

            //create button 1
            Autodesk.Windows.RibbonButton ribButton1 = new RibbonButton();
            ribButton1.Text             = "Register WT-CAD";
            ribButton1.CommandParameter = "REGISTERME ";
            ribButton1.ShowText         = true;
            ribButton1.CommandHandler   = new AdskCommandHandler();
            //now create button 2
            Autodesk.Windows.RibbonButton ribButton2 = new RibbonButton();
            ribButton2.Text             = "Unregister WT-CAD";
            ribButton2.CommandParameter = "UNREGISTERME ";
            ribButton2.ShowText         = true;
            ribButton2.CommandHandler   = new AdskCommandHandler();

            //create a tooltip
            Autodesk.Windows.RibbonToolTip ribToolTip = new RibbonToolTip();
            ribToolTip.Command         = "REGISTER WT-CAD";
            ribToolTip.Title           = "Register WT-CAD command";
            ribToolTip.Content         = "Register WT-CAD plugn on AutoCAD startup";
            ribToolTip.ExpandedContent = "This commands adds or remove CAD-WT plugin in the list of registered plugins AutoCAD, When the command \"Register WT-CAD\" is activated, AutoCAD will start the CAD-WT when AutoCAD starts, and the command \"Unregister WT-CAD\" undo this initialization.";
            ribButton1.ToolTip         = ribToolTip;

            //now add the 2 button with a RowBreak
            ribSourcePanel.Items.Add(new RibbonRowBreak());

            //now add and expanded panel (with 1 button
            Autodesk.Windows.RibbonRowPanel ribExpPanel   = new RibbonRowPanel();
            Autodesk.Windows.RibbonButton   ribExpButton1 = new RibbonButton();
            ribExpButton1.Text     = "On expanded panel";
            ribExpButton1.ShowText = true;
            //and add it to source
            ribSourcePanel.Items.Add(new RibbonPanelBreak());
Exemple #18
 public btnTransparencyPercent(string text, int value, RibbonToolTip toolTip)
     base.Id             = (text);
     base.Name           = (text);
     base.Text           = (text);
     base.IsEnabled      = (true);
     this.PercentValue   = value;
     base.Size           = (this.btnsize);
     base.ShowImage      = (false);
     base.ShowText       = (true);
     base.IsCheckable    = (true);
     base.Image          = (ArcGISRibbon.loadImage(this.smallImageName));
     base.ToolTip        = (Utility.CloneObject(toolTip));
     base.CommandHandler = (new btn_TransparencyCommandHandler());
     base.HelpSource     = (ArcGISRibbon.HelpPath);
     base.ResizeStyle    = (RibbonItemResizeStyles)(1);
        public static void Test()
            Autodesk.Windows.RibbonControl rbnCtrl = Autodesk.AutoCAD.Ribbon.RibbonServices.RibbonPaletteSet.RibbonControl;

            //Add custom ribbon tab
            RibbonTab rbnTab = new RibbonTab
                Title = "Custom commands",
                Id    = TAB_ID

            rbnTab.IsActive = true;
            //Add custom ribbon panel
            RibbonPanel rbnPnl = new RibbonPanel
                //Add ribbon panel source
                Source = new RibbonPanelSource
                    Title = "Custom Panel"

            //Add custom ribbon button

            Autodesk.Windows.RibbonButton rbnBtn = new RibbonButton
                Text             = "ADN",
                CommandParameter = "ADN ",
                ShowText         = true,
                Image            = GetBitmap("RibbonToolTip_Case.Yoda.jpg", 16, 16),
                LargeImage       = GetBitmap("RibbonToolTip_Case.Yoda.jpg", 32, 32),
                ShowImage        = true
            Autodesk.Windows.RibbonToolTip rbnTT = new RibbonToolTip
                Command         = "ADN",
                Title           = "Hello ADN",
                Content         = "blah ..",
                ExpandedContent = "Expanded Blah ..."
            rbnBtn.ToolTip = rbnTT;
        /// <summary>
        /// 添加命令按钮提示信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ribbon">命令按钮</param>
        /// <param name="title">命令名</param>
        /// <param name="content">命令解释</param>
        /// <param name="command">快捷命令</param>
        /// <param name="expandedContent">命令拓展说明</param>
        /// <param name="imgFilePath">说明图片</param>
        /// <returns>RibbonToolTip</returns>
        public static RibbonToolTip AddRibbonToolTip(this RibbonButton ribbon, string title, string content, string command, string expandedContent, string imgFilePath)
            RibbonToolTip ribbonToolTip = new RibbonToolTip()
                Title           = title,
                Content         = content,
                Command         = command,
                ExpandedContent = expandedContent

            if (imgFilePath != null)
                Uri         uri         = new Uri(imgFilePath);
                BitmapImage bitmapImage = new BitmapImage(uri);
                ribbonToolTip.ExpandedImage = bitmapImage;

            ribbon.ToolTip = ribbonToolTip;
Exemple #21
        public void Create()
            RibbonTab tab = FindOrMakeTab("Add-ins"); // add to Add-Ins tab

            if (tab == null)
            RibbonPanelSource panel = CreateButtonPanel("Speckle 2", tab);

            if (panel == null)
            RibbonToolTip speckleTip = CreateToolTip("Speckle", "Speckle Connector for " + Utils.AppName);
            RibbonButton  button     = CreateButton("Connector " + Utils.AppName, "Speckle", panel, null, speckleTip, "logo");

            // DUI2
            RibbonButton button2 = CreateButton("Connector " + Utils.AppName + "New UI (alpha)!", "SpeckleNewUi", panel, null, speckleTip, "logo");

            // help and resources buttons
            RibbonSplitButton helpButton = new RibbonSplitButton();

            helpButton.Text        = "Help & Resources";
            helpButton.Image       = LoadPngImgSource("help16.png");
            helpButton.LargeImage  = LoadPngImgSource("help32.png");
            helpButton.ShowImage   = true;
            helpButton.ShowText    = true;
            helpButton.Size        = RibbonItemSize.Large;
            helpButton.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical;

            RibbonToolTip communityTip = CreateToolTip("Community", "Check out our community forum! Opens a page in your web browser.");
            RibbonToolTip tutorialsTip = CreateToolTip("Tutorials", "Check out our tutorials! Opens a page in your web browser");
            RibbonToolTip docsTip      = CreateToolTip("Docs", "Check out our documentation! Opens a page in your web browser");
            RibbonButton  community    = CreateButton("Community", "SpeckleCommunity", null, helpButton, communityTip, "forum");
            RibbonButton  tutorials    = CreateButton("Tutorials", "SpeckleTutorials", null, helpButton, tutorialsTip, "tutorials");
            RibbonButton  docs         = CreateButton("Docs", "SpeckleDocs", null, helpButton, docsTip, "docs");
        public void CreateLegalDraftingRibbonPanel()
            //get existing or create new ribbon panel
            if (GetExistingLegalDraftingRibbonPanel())

            //Create new panel, if not exists
            _panelSource       = new RibbonPanelSource();
            _panelSource.Title = PANEL_TITLE;

            _ribbonPanel        = new RibbonPanel();
            _ribbonPanel.Source = _panelSource;


            //Add buttons
            RibbonButton button = new RibbonButton();

            button.Text             = "Legend";
            button.CommandParameter = "LegalLegend ";
            button.ShowText         = true;
            button.CommandHandler   = new LegalDraftingRibbonCommandHandler();

            RibbonToolTip toolTip = new RibbonToolTip();

            toolTip.Command         = "LegalLegend";;
            toolTip.Title           = "Command: LegalLegend";
            toolTip.Content         = "Generate legal plan's legend list";
            toolTip.ExpandedContent = "Generate legal plan's legend list " +
                                      "by searching drawing content visible in the viewports of layouts";
            button.ToolTip = toolTip;

            _panelSource.Items.Add(new RibbonRowBreak());
        /// <summary>
        /// Add this application command button to the
        /// specified Ribbon panel source
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ribSourcePanel">Ribbon panel source
        /// to add the button</param>
        private void AddCmdToRibbonPanel(
            RibbonPanelSource ribSourcePanel)
            //create button
            RibbonButton ribCmdCutSurface = new RibbonButton();

            ribCmdCutSurface.Text             = "Cut Solid\non Surface";
            ribCmdCutSurface.CommandParameter =
            ribCmdCutSurface.ShowText    = true;
            ribCmdCutSurface.ShowImage   = true;
            ribCmdCutSurface.Size        = RibbonItemSize.Large;
            ribCmdCutSurface.Orientation =
            ribCmdCutSurface.LargeImage =
            ribCmdCutSurface.CommandHandler = new AdskCommandHandler();

            //create a tooltip
            Autodesk.Windows.RibbonToolTip ribToolTip = new RibbonToolTip();
            ribToolTip.Command = "CUTSURFACE";
            ribToolTip.Title   = "Cut Solid on Surface";
            ribToolTip.Content = "Generate a Civil3D TIN Surface on the " +
                                 "bottom of an AutoCAD solid that cut/pass through " +
                                 "a Civil3D TIN Surface.";
            ribToolTip.ExpandedContent = "If the name of the TIN Surface " +
                                         "to create already exist, this command will erase all " +
                                         "points of the surface and add the newly generated points." +
                                         "\n\nThe number of points per AutoCAD unit of drawing " +
                                         "represent the number of points will be added to " +
                                         "the new surface along the edge length, higher " +
                                         "values result in more dense TIN surfaces.";
            ribCmdCutSurface.ToolTip = ribToolTip;

        public static RibbonButton AddButton(
            string fName,
            string lName,
            string img16,
            string img32,
            string description,
            Orientation orientation,
            string fullDescription,
            string helpImage,
            string helpLink = null)
                var tt = new RibbonToolTip
                    IsHelpEnabled = true,
                    Content       = description,
                    Command       = fName,
                    IsProgressive = true
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(helpLink))
                    tt.HelpTopic = Language.RusWebLanguages.Contains(Language.CurrentLanguageName)
                        ? $"https://modplus.org/ru/autocadplugins/{fName.ToLower()}"
                        : $"https://modplus.org/en/autocadplugins/{fName.ToLower()}";
                    tt.HelpTopic = Language.RusWebLanguages.Contains(Language.CurrentLanguageName)
                        ? $"https://modplus.org/ru/{helpLink.ToLower()}"
                        : $"https://modplus.org/en/{helpLink.ToLower()}";

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullDescription))
                    tt.ExpandedContent = fullDescription;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(helpImage))
                        tt.ExpandedImage = new System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage(new Uri(helpImage, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));
                    // ignored

                var ribBtn = new RibbonButton
                    CommandParameter = tt.Command = fName,
                    Name             = tt.Title = lName,
                    Text             = ConvertLName(lName),
                    CommandHandler   = new RibbonCommandHandler(),
                    Orientation      = orientation,
                    Size             = RibbonItemSize.Large,
                    ShowImage        = true,
                    ShowText         = true,
                    ToolTip          = tt
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(img16))
                        ribBtn.Image = new System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage(new Uri(img16, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(img32))
                        ribBtn.LargeImage = new System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage(new Uri(img32, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));
                    // ignored

            catch (Exception)
Exemple #25
        public void YTBIM()
            // 상하관계 : 탭 > 패널 > 패널 소스 > 갤러리 > 버튼 > 툴팁
            // 생성순서 : 탭 -> 갤러리 -> 패널 소스 -> 버튼 -> 툴팁 -> 패널

            // 리본 컨트롤
            RibbonControl RC = ComponentManager.Ribbon;

            #region 탭 추가
            // 메뉴탭에 탭 추가
            RibbonTab RT = new RibbonTab();
            RT.Name  = "YT.BIM";
            RT.Title = "YT.BIM";
            RT.Id    = "YTBIM ID";

            #region 갤러리 추가
            // 버튼이 담기는 갤러리 추가

            // #1 콤보박스 갤러리
            RibbonGallery RG1 = new RibbonGallery();
            RG1.Name        = "MyGallery1";
            RG1.Id          = "MyGalleryId1";
            RG1.DisplayMode = GalleryDisplayMode.ComboBox;

            // #2 라지박스 갤러리
            RibbonGallery RG2 = new RibbonGallery();
            RG2.Name        = "MyGallery2";
            RG2.Id          = "MyGalleryId2";
            RG2.DisplayMode = GalleryDisplayMode.LargeButton;

            // #3 표준박스 갤러리
            RibbonGallery RG3 = new RibbonGallery();
            RG3.Name        = "MyGallery3";
            RG3.Id          = "MyGalleryId3";
            RG3.DisplayMode = GalleryDisplayMode.StandardButton;

            // #4 윈도우 갤러리
            RibbonGallery RG4 = new RibbonGallery();
            RG4.Name        = "MyGallery4";
            RG4.Id          = "MyGalleryId4";
            RG4.DisplayMode = GalleryDisplayMode.Window;


            #region 패널 소스에 갤러리 추가
            // 패널 소스 추가
            RibbonPanelSource RPS = new RibbonPanelSource();
            RPS.Name  = "YT AUTO BIM";
            RPS.Title = "YT AUTO BIM";
            RPS.Id    = "MyPanelId";

            #region 버튼 생성
            // 버튼 1
            RibbonButton B1 = new RibbonButton();
            B1.Name           = "기둥일람표 작성";
            B1.Text           = "기둥 일람표";
            B1.Id             = "MyButtonId1";
            B1.ShowText       = true;
            B1.ShowImage      = true;
            B1.Image          = Images.getBitmap(Properties.Resources.기둥일람표2_32x32_);
            B1.LargeImage     = Images.getBitmap(Properties.Resources.기둥일람표2_32x32_);
            B1.Orientation    = System.Windows.Controls.Orientation.Vertical;
            B1.Size           = RibbonItemSize.Large;
            B1.CommandHandler = new RibbonCommandHandler();

            // 버튼 1의 툴팁
            RibbonToolTip rbnT1 = new RibbonToolTip();
            rbnT1.Command         = "Create Column Schedule";
            rbnT1.Title           = "YT AUTO COLUMN SCHEDULE";
            rbnT1.Content         = "Create column schedule automatically";
            rbnT1.ExpandedContent = "In the opened window, input column data and click Just one button.";
            B1.ToolTip            = rbnT1;

            // 버튼2
            RibbonButton B2 = new RibbonButton();
            B2.Name        = "MyButton2";
            B2.Text        = "My Button2";
            B2.Id          = "MyButtonId2";
            B2.Image       = Images.getBitmap(Properties.Resources.기둥일람표2_32x32_);
            B2.LargeImage  = Images.getBitmap(Properties.Resources.기둥일람표2_32x32_);
            B2.Size        = RibbonItemSize.Large;
            B2.Orientation = System.Windows.Controls.Orientation.Vertical;
            B2.ShowText    = true;

            // 버튼3
            RibbonButton B3 = new RibbonButton();
            B3.Name        = "MyButton3";
            B3.Text        = "My Button3";
            B3.Id          = "MyButtonId3";
            B3.Image       = Images.getBitmap(Properties.Resources.기둥일람표2_32x32_);
            B3.LargeImage  = Images.getBitmap(Properties.Resources.기둥일람표2_32x32_);
            B3.Size        = RibbonItemSize.Large;
            B3.Orientation = System.Windows.Controls.Orientation.Vertical;
            B3.ShowText    = true;

            // 버튼4
            RibbonButton B4 = new RibbonButton();
            B4.Name        = "MyButton4";
            B4.Text        = "My Button4";
            B4.Id          = "MyButtonId4";
            B4.Image       = Images.getBitmap(Properties.Resources.기둥일람표2_32x32_);
            B4.LargeImage  = Images.getBitmap(Properties.Resources.기둥일람표2_32x32_);
            B4.Size        = RibbonItemSize.Large;
            B4.Orientation = System.Windows.Controls.Orientation.Vertical;
            B4.ShowText    = true;

            #region 갤러리에 버튼 추가




            #region 패널에 일반 버튼 추가
            // 일반 패널
            RibbonRowPanel RRP = new RibbonRowPanel();
            RRP.Items.Add(new RibbonSeparator());


            // 탭에 패널 추가
            RibbonPanel RP = new RibbonPanel();
            RP.Source = RPS;

Exemple #26
        private RibbonButton CreateButton(string name, string CommandParameter, RibbonPanelSource sourcePanel = null, RibbonSplitButton sourceButton = null, RibbonToolTip tooltip = null, string imageName = "")
            var button = new RibbonButton();

            // ribbon panel source info assignment
            button.Text       = name;
            button.Id         = name;
            button.ShowImage  = true;
            button.ShowText   = true;
            button.ToolTip    = tooltip;
            button.HelpSource = new System.Uri("https://speckle.guide/user/autocadcivil.html");
            button.Size       = RibbonItemSize.Large;
            button.Image      = LoadPngImgSource(imageName + "16.png");
            button.LargeImage = LoadPngImgSource(imageName + "32.png");

            // add ribbon button pannel to the ribbon panel source
            if (sourcePanel != null)
                button.Orientation      = Orientation.Vertical;
                button.CommandParameter = CommandParameter;
                button.CommandHandler   = new ButtonCommandHandler(CommandParameter);
            else if (sourceButton != null)
                button.Orientation      = Orientation.Horizontal;
                button.CommandParameter = CommandParameter;
                button.CommandHandler   = new ButtonCommandHandler(CommandParameter);
 /// <summary>
 ///   Initialize Automation Peer for RibbonToolTip
 /// </summary>
 public RibbonToolTipAutomationPeer(RibbonToolTip owner) : base(owner)
Exemple #28
        public static bool AddRibbon()
            RibbonControl rc = ComponentManager.Ribbon;

            string tabId = "MyTools";
            var    tabs  = rc.Tabs.Select(d => d.Id).ToList();

            if (tabs.Contains(tabId))
                var tab = rc.Tabs.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id == tabId);

                RibbonTab rt = new RibbonTab
                    Title    = "我的工具",
                    Id       = tabId,
                    IsActive = true

                RibbonPanel rp = new RibbonPanel();

                RibbonPanelSource rps = new RibbonPanelSource();
                rps.Title = "车位工具";
                rp.Source = rps;

                string       btnName = "添加车位";
                RibbonButton rb      = new RibbonButton
                    Name             = btnName,
                    Text             = btnName,
                    ShowText         = true,
                    Image            = Properties.Resources.AddCar.GetBitmapImage(16),
                    LargeImage       = Properties.Resources.AddCar.GetBitmapImage(32),
                    Orientation      = System.Windows.Controls.Orientation.Vertical,
                    CommandHandler   = new RibbonCommandHandler(),
                    CommandParameter = "AddCar",
                    Size             = RibbonItemSize.Large


                RibbonToolTip rtt = new RibbonToolTip
                    Title           = "添加车位",
                    Content         = "添加车位的功能",
                    Command         = "AddCar",
                    ExpandedContent = "添加车位,排序及统计",
                    ExpandedImage   = Properties.Resources.AddCarToolTip.GetBitmapImage(),
                rb.ToolTip = rtt;
        private static RibbonButton GetSmallRibbonButton(string fName, string lName, string img, string fullDescription, string helpImage, RibbonToolTip tt)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullDescription))
                tt.ExpandedContent = fullDescription;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(helpImage))
                    tt.ExpandedImage = new System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage(new Uri(helpImage, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));
                // ignored

            var ribBtn = new RibbonButton
                CommandParameter = tt.Command = fName,
                Name             = tt.Title = lName,
                CommandHandler   = new RibbonCommandHandler(),
                Orientation      = Orientation.Horizontal,
                Size             = RibbonItemSize.Standard,
                ShowImage        = true,
                ShowText         = false,
                ToolTip          = tt

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(img))
                    ribBtn.Image = new System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage(new Uri(img, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));
                // ignored

Exemple #30
        public static void Toolbar(UIControlledApplication application)
            // Create tab
            string tabName = "BIMicon";


            // Create ribbon
            Autodesk.Revit.UI.RibbonPanel panelLibrary   = application.CreateRibbonPanel(tabName, "Library");
            Autodesk.Revit.UI.RibbonPanel panelModelling = application.CreateRibbonPanel(tabName, "Modelling");
            Autodesk.Revit.UI.RibbonPanel panelProject   = application.CreateRibbonPanel(tabName, "Project");
            Autodesk.Revit.UI.RibbonPanel panelSchedules = application.CreateRibbonPanel(tabName, "Schedules");
            Autodesk.Revit.UI.RibbonPanel panelSheets    = application.CreateRibbonPanel(tabName, "Sheets");
            Autodesk.Revit.UI.RibbonPanel panelSupport   = application.CreateRibbonPanel(tabName, "Support");

            // Retrieve assembly path
            string assemblyPath = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;

            // Help url for BIMicon items in the ribbon
            string         urlHelp        = @"https://www.bimicon.com/bimicon-plugin/";
            ContextualHelp contextHelpUrl = new ContextualHelp(ContextualHelpType.Url, urlHelp);

            /*---Ribbon Panel Library---*/
            #region Ribbon Panel Library
            // Duplicate sheets
            PushButtonData buttonRemoveBackups = new PushButtonData(

            PushButton pbRemoveBackups = panelLibrary.AddItem(buttonRemoveBackups) as PushButton;
            pbRemoveBackups.LargeImage            = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/BIMiconToolbar;component/RemoveBackups/Images/iconRemoveBackup.png"));
            pbRemoveBackups.Image                 = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/BIMiconToolbar;component/RemoveBackups/Images/iconRemoveBackupSmall.png"));
            pbRemoveBackups.ToolTip               = "Remove Revit backup files.";
            pbRemoveBackups.LongDescription       = "Remove Revit backup files from selected folder including subfolders.";
            pbRemoveBackups.AvailabilityClassName = "BIMiconToolbar.Tab.CommandAvailability";
            // Set the context help when F1 pressed

            // File Rename
            PushButtonData buttonFilesRename = new PushButtonData(

            PushButton pbFilesRename = panelLibrary.AddItem(buttonFilesRename) as PushButton;
            pbFilesRename.LargeImage            = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/BIMiconToolbar;component/FilesRename/Images/iconFilesRename.png"));
            pbFilesRename.Image                 = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/BIMiconToolbar;component/FilesRename/Images/iconFilesRenameSmall.png"));
            pbFilesRename.ToolTip               = "Rename the files inside a folder.";
            pbFilesRename.LongDescription       = "Rename all files of a certain type inside a folder.";
            pbFilesRename.AvailabilityClassName = "BIMiconToolbar.Tab.CommandAvailability";
            // Set the context help when F1 pressed

            // Family Browser
            PushButtonData buttonFamilyBrowser = new PushButtonData(

            PushButton pbFamilyBrowser = panelLibrary.AddItem(buttonFamilyBrowser) as PushButton;
            pbFamilyBrowser.LargeImage      = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/BIMiconToolbar;component/FamilyBrowser/Images/iconFamilyBrowser.png"));
            pbFamilyBrowser.Image           = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/BIMiconToolbar;component/FamilyBrowser/Images/iconFamilyBrowserSmall.png"));
            pbFamilyBrowser.ToolTip         = "Open a dockable panel to search and load families.";
            pbFamilyBrowser.LongDescription = "Open a dockable panel that allows searching and browsing families.";

            // Set the context help when F1 pressed


            /*---Ribbon Panel Library---*/
            #region Ribbon Panel Modelling
            // Duplicate sheets
            PushButtonData buttonFloorFinish = new PushButtonData(
                "Floor Finish",

            PushButton pbFloorFinish = panelModelling.AddItem(buttonFloorFinish) as PushButton;
            pbFloorFinish.LargeImage      = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/BIMiconToolbar;component/FloorFinish/Images/iconFloorFinish.png"));
            pbFloorFinish.Image           = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/BIMiconToolbar;component/FloorFinish/Images/iconFloorFinishSmall.png"));
            pbFloorFinish.ToolTip         = "Create floor finishes by selecting rooms.";
            pbFloorFinish.LongDescription = "Create floor finishes by selecting rooms and floor type.";
            // Set the context help when F1 pressed


            /*---Ribbon Panel Schedules---*/
            #region Ribbon Panel Schedules

            // Export Schedules
            PushButtonData buttonExportSchedules = new PushButtonData(

            PushButton pbExportSchedules = panelSchedules.AddItem(buttonExportSchedules) as PushButton;
            pbExportSchedules.LargeImage      = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/BIMiconToolbar;component/ExportSchedules/Images/iconSchedulesExcel.png"));
            pbExportSchedules.Image           = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/BIMiconToolbar;component/ExportSchedules/Images/iconSchedulesExcelSmall.png"));
            pbExportSchedules.ToolTip         = "Export selected schedules.";
            pbExportSchedules.LongDescription = "Export selected schedules to the selected destination.";

            // Set the context help when F1 pressed

            // Warnings Review
            PushButtonData buttonWarningsReport = new PushButtonData(

            PushButton pbWarningsReport = panelSchedules.AddItem(buttonWarningsReport) as PushButton;
            pbWarningsReport.LargeImage      = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/BIMiconToolbar;component/WarningsReport/Images/iconWarningsReview.png"));
            pbWarningsReport.Image           = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/BIMiconToolbar;component/WarningsReport/Images/iconWarningsReviewSmall.png"));
            pbWarningsReport.ToolTip         = "Generate Warnings report.";
            pbWarningsReport.LongDescription = "Exports a Warnings report classified by priority.";

            // Set the context help when F1 pressed


            /*---Ribbon Panel Sheets---*/
            #region Ribbon Panel Sheets

            // Duplicate sheets
            PushButtonData buttonDuplicateSheets = new PushButtonData(

            PushButton pbDuplicateSheets = panelSheets.AddItem(buttonDuplicateSheets) as PushButton;
            pbDuplicateSheets.LargeImage      = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/BIMiconToolbar;component/DuplicateSheets/Images/iconDupSheets.png"));
            pbDuplicateSheets.Image           = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/BIMiconToolbar;component/DuplicateSheets/Images/iconDupSheetsSmall.png"));
            pbDuplicateSheets.ToolTip         = "Duplicate active sheet.";
            pbDuplicateSheets.LongDescription = "Duplicate current active sheet with detailing and annotation elements.";

            // Set the context help when F1 pressed

            // View on Sheet
            PushButtonData buttonViewOnSheet = new PushButtonData(
                "View on\nSheet",

            PushButton pbViewOnSheet = panelSheets.AddItem(buttonViewOnSheet) as PushButton;
            pbViewOnSheet.LargeImage      = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/BIMiconToolbar;component/ViewOnSheet/Images/iconViewOnSheet.png"));
            pbViewOnSheet.Image           = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/BIMiconToolbar;component/ViewOnSheet/Images/iconViewOnSheetSmall.png"));
            pbViewOnSheet.ToolTip         = "Place active view on selected sheet.";
            pbViewOnSheet.LongDescription = "Place active view on selected sheet.";

            // Set the context help when F1 pressed


            /*---Ribbon Panel Project---*/
            #region Ribbon Panel Project
            //Create push buttons for panelProject

            PushButtonData buttonNumberDoors = new PushButtonData(

            PushButton pbNumberDoors = panelProject.AddItem(buttonNumberDoors) as PushButton;
            pbNumberDoors.LargeImage = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/BIMiconToolbar;component/NumberDoors/Images/iconNumberDoors.png"));
            pbNumberDoors.Image      = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/BIMiconToolbar;component/NumberDoors/Images/iconNumberDoorsSmall.png"));

            RibbonToolTip numberDoorsToolTip = Auxiliar.ButtonToolTip("NumberDoorsHelp.mp4",
                                                                      "Number doors according to room number.",
                                                                      "Assigns a door number according to room. The primary parameter to use for door number" +
                                                                      "is picked from the ToRoom paramter from the door. If there is no room on either side" +
                                                                      "of the door, no number will be assigned.");

            Auxiliar.SetRibbonItemToolTip(pbNumberDoors, numberDoorsToolTip);

            // Set the context help when F1 pressed

            // Number Windows
            PushButtonData buttonNumberWindows = new PushButtonData(

            PushButton pbNumberWindows = panelProject.AddItem(buttonNumberWindows) as PushButton;
            pbNumberWindows.LargeImage      = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/BIMiconToolbar;component/NumberWindows/Images/iconNumberWindows.png"));
            pbNumberWindows.Image           = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/BIMiconToolbar;component/NumberWindows/Images/iconNumberWindowsSmall.png"));
            pbNumberWindows.ToolTip         = "Number windows according to room number.";
            pbNumberWindows.LongDescription = "Assigns a window number according to room. The primary parameter to use for window number" +
                                              "is picked from the ToRoom paramter from the window. If there is no room on either side" +
                                              "of the window, no number will be assigned.";

            // Set the context help when F1 pressed

            // Number by Spline
            PushButtonData buttonNumberBySpline = new PushButtonData(
                "Number\nby Spline",

            PushButton pbNumberBySpline = panelProject.AddItem(buttonNumberBySpline) as PushButton;
            pbNumberBySpline.LargeImage      = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/BIMiconToolbar;component/NumberBySpline/Images/iconNumberBySpline.png"));
            pbNumberBySpline.Image           = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/BIMiconToolbar;component/NumberBySpline/Images/iconNumberBySpline.png"));
            pbNumberBySpline.ToolTip         = "Number elements by intersecting with selected spline.";
            pbNumberBySpline.LongDescription = "Number elements of a selected category by interseting the bounding box with selected spline.";

            // Set the context help when F1 pressed

            // Match grids
            PushButtonData buttonMatchGrids = new PushButtonData(

            PushButton pbMatchGrids = panelProject.AddItem(buttonMatchGrids) as PushButton;
            pbMatchGrids.LargeImage      = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/BIMiconToolbar;component/MatchGrids/Images/iconMatchGrids.png"));
            pbMatchGrids.Image           = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/BIMiconToolbar;component/MatchGrids/Images/iconMatchGridsSmall.png"));
            pbMatchGrids.ToolTip         = "Match grids display from one view to all selected views";
            pbMatchGrids.LongDescription = "Match grids display from one view to all other selected views.";

            // Set the context help when F1 pressed

            // Mark Origin
            PushButtonData buttonMarkOrigin = new PushButtonData(

            PushButton pbMarkOrigin = panelProject.AddItem(buttonMarkOrigin) as PushButton;
            pbMarkOrigin.LargeImage      = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/BIMiconToolbar;component/MarkOrigin/Images/iconMarkerOrigin.png"));
            pbMarkOrigin.Image           = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/BIMiconToolbar;component/MarkOrigin/Images/iconMarkerOrigin.png"));
            pbMarkOrigin.ToolTip         = "Marks in the current view Revit's internal origin";
            pbMarkOrigin.LongDescription = "Marks in the current view Revit's internal origin";

            // Set the context help when F1 pressed

            // Interior Elevations
            PushButtonData buttonInteriorElevations = new PushButtonData(

            PushButton pbInteriorElevations = panelProject.AddItem(buttonInteriorElevations) as PushButton;
            pbInteriorElevations.LargeImage      = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/BIMiconToolbar;component/InteriorElevations/Images/iconInteriorElev.png"));
            pbInteriorElevations.Image           = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/BIMiconToolbar;component/InteriorElevations/Images/iconInteriorElevSmall.png"));
            pbInteriorElevations.ToolTip         = "Creates interior elevations from selected rooms";
            pbInteriorElevations.LongDescription = "Creates interior elevations from selected rooms and place them onto sheets";

            // Set the context help when F1 pressed


            /*--- Ribbon Panel Support ---*/
            #region Panel Support

            //Create buttons for panelSupport
            PushButtonData buttonVersion = new PushButtonData(

            PushButtonData buttonDocumentation = new PushButtonData(

            PushButtonData buttonHelp = new PushButtonData(

            // Stacked items for stacked buttons
            IList <Autodesk.Revit.UI.RibbonItem> stackedSupport = panelSupport.AddStackedItems(buttonHelp, buttonDocumentation, buttonVersion);

            // Defining buttons
            PushButton pbHelp = stackedSupport[0] as PushButton;
            pbHelp.ToolTip         = "Get Help";
            pbHelp.LongDescription = "Contact us for any query or help";
            BitmapImage pbHelpImage = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/BIMiconToolbar;component/Support/Help/Images/iconHelpSmall.png"));
            pbHelp.Image = pbHelpImage;
            pbHelp.AvailabilityClassName = "BIMiconToolbar.Tab.CommandAvailability";
            // Set the context help when F1 pressed

            PushButton pbDocumentation = stackedSupport[1] as PushButton;
            pbDocumentation.ToolTip         = "Documentation";
            pbDocumentation.LongDescription = "Check our online documentation";
            BitmapImage pbDocumentationImage = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/BIMiconToolbar;component/Support/Docs/Images/iconDocSmall.png"));
            pbDocumentation.Image = pbDocumentationImage;
            pbDocumentation.AvailabilityClassName = "BIMiconToolbar.Tab.CommandAvailability";
            // Set the context help when F1 pressed

            PushButton pbVersion = stackedSupport[2] as PushButton;
            pbVersion.ToolTip         = "Display current version";
            pbVersion.LongDescription = "Retrieves current version";
            BitmapImage pbVersionImageSmall = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/BIMiconToolbar;component/Support/Version/Images/iconVersionSmall.png"));
            pbVersion.Image = pbVersionImageSmall;
            pbVersion.AvailabilityClassName = "BIMiconToolbar.Tab.CommandAvailability";
            // Set the context help when F1 pressed
