Exemple #1
 private void BeforeTransformObjects(object sender, RhinoTransformObjectsEventArgs e)
     foreach (var item in e.Objects)
        private void RhinoDoc_BeforeTransformObjects(object sender, RhinoTransformObjectsEventArgs e)
            //dealing with Alt + Gumball drag duplicate action
            var isCopied = e.ObjectsWillBeCopied;

            if (isCopied)
                this._isObjectCopied = isCopied;
                Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine($"{e.ObjectCount} will be copied: {e.ObjectsWillBeCopied}");
Exemple #3
        public void TransformUpdateState(RhinoTransformObjectsEventArgs ea)
            bool sendBool = utils.properties.getPushState();

            if (sendBool == false)
                //Do nothing.
            else if (sendBool == true)
                //debug.alert("Tranformation event!");

                //TODO: Reset document if artboard reference moves.

                string G00_Path = utils.file_structure.getPathFor("G00");
                System.IO.File.WriteAllText(G00_Path, "3");
Exemple #4
        private void RhinoDocOnBeforeTransformObjects(object sender, RhinoTransformObjectsEventArgs ea)
            RhinoObject[] rhinoObjects = ea.Objects;
            Vector3d      traslation;
            Transform     transform;

            ea.Transform.DecomposeAffine(out transform, out traslation);
            transform = transform.Transpose();

            for (int i = 0; i < rhinoObjects.Length; i++)
                //Se il guid é presente nella lista allora fa parte delle jitter forme
                if (RigidBodyManager.GuidList.Contains(rhinoObjects[i].Id))
                    int index = RigidBodyManager.GuidList.IndexOf(rhinoObjects[i].Id);
                    //If it is a rigid transformation (so translation and rotation)
                    if (ea.Transform.RigidType == TransformRigidType.Rigid)
                    {   //Rotate the body
                        JMatrix rotation = RigidBodyManager.RigidBodies[index].Orientation * new JMatrix((float)transform.M00, (float)transform.M01, (float)transform.M02, (float)transform.M10, (float)transform.M11, (float)transform.M12, (float)transform.M20, (float)transform.M21, (float)transform.M22);
                        RigidBodyManager.RigidBodies[index].Orientation = rotation;
                        //Move the center of mass of Jitter shape on the center of the BBox of rhino shape
                        Brep rhinoobj = (Brep)(ea.Objects[i].Geometry).Duplicate();
                        Point3d centerBbox = rhinoobj.GetBoundingBox(true).Center;
                        RigidBodyManager.RigidBodies[index].Position = RigidBodyManager.Point3dtoJVector(centerBbox);
                        //Find the difference between rhino bbx center and jitter bbox center
                        JVector bboxjitter = RigidBodyManager.RigidBodies[index].BoundingBox.Center;
                        JVector diff       = bboxjitter - RigidBodyManager.Point3dtoJVector(centerBbox);
                        //Align the center of both bboxes
                        RigidBodyManager.RigidBodies[index].Position -= diff;
                        RhinoApp.WriteLine("You can't apply a non rigid transformation to a shape that has a rigid body property");
                        rigidTransf = false;
Exemple #5
 private void RhinoDocOnBeforeTransformObjects(object sender, RhinoTransformObjectsEventArgs ea)
     RhinoApp.WriteLine("Transform Objects Count: {0}", ea.ObjectCount);
 /// <summary>
 /// Get current transform
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 public void TryTraceTransform(object sender,RhinoTransformObjectsEventArgs e)
     CurrentTransform = e.Transform;
     CurrentObj = RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.GetSelectedObjects(true, true); // Is there a better way to select objects? (unable to select from e)