Exemple #1
        // imaqDraw*OnImage uses this weird format for passing colors.
        // Most things are grayscale, RGB is 0xAABBGGRR, and HSL is 0xAABBGGRR as well,
        // meaning you have to convert it to an RGB value first.
        public static float ConvertPixelValueToFloat(PixelValue value, ImageType type)
            switch (type)
            case ImageType.U8:
            case ImageType.I16:
            case ImageType.U16:
            case ImageType.Single:

            case ImageType.Rgb32:
                Rgb32Value rgbValue = value.Rgb32;
                return(rgbValue.Blue << 16 | rgbValue.Green << 8 | rgbValue.Red);

            case ImageType.Hsl32:
                Hsl32Value hslValue = value.Hsl32;
                // We need to convert this to a Rgb32 first.
                CVI_Color2 hslColor = new CVI_Color2();
                hslColor.Hsl = hslValue;
                CVI_Color2 result       = VisionDllCommon.imaqChangeColorSpace2(ref hslColor, ColorMode.Hsl, ColorMode.Rgb, 0.0, IntPtr.Zero);
                Rgb32Value rgbToConvert = result.Rgb;
                return(rgbToConvert.Blue << 16 | rgbToConvert.Green << 8 | rgbToConvert.Red);

                // Don't DebugAssert here since the user could get here by passing an invalid image type.
                //Debug.Fail("Unexpected image type " + type + " passed to ConvertPixelValueToFloat!");
Exemple #2
        public static void IVA_OverlayLine(VisionImage image, int[] xCoordinates, int[] yCoordinates, byte[] colors)
            Rgb32Value   color      = new Rgb32Value(colors[0], colors[1], colors[2]);
            PointContour startPoint = new PointContour(xCoordinates[0], yCoordinates[0]);
            PointContour endPoint   = new PointContour(xCoordinates[1], yCoordinates[1]);

            image.Overlays.Default.AddLine(new LineContour(startPoint, endPoint), color);
Exemple #3
        // Calculates the distance between the two color values in the CIE colorspace.
        private void CalculateColorDistance(Rgb32Value rgb32Value1, Rgb32Value rgb32Value2)
            // Transform to the correct colorspace.
            CieLabValue cieLabValue1 = Algorithms.ConvertColorValue(new ColorValue(rgb32Value1), ColorMode.CieLab).CieLab;
            CieLabValue cieLabValue2 = Algorithms.ConvertColorValue(new ColorValue(rgb32Value2), ColorMode.CieLab).CieLab;

            // Calculate distance in CIE.
            double distance = Math.Pow(cieLabValue1.L - cieLabValue2.L, 2) + Math.Pow(cieLabValue1.A - cieLabValue2.A, 2) + Math.Pow(cieLabValue1.B - cieLabValue2.B, 2);

            distance             = Math.Sqrt(distance);
            distanceTextBox.Text = String.Format("{0:0.00}", distance);
Exemple #4
        public void showCross(double angle, PointContour center, Rgb32Value colcor)
            double      rate  = angle / 180 * Math.PI;
            LineContour line1 = new LineContour(new PointContour(center.X - 2000 * Math.Sin(rate), center.Y - 2000 * Math.Cos(rate)),
                                                new PointContour(center.X + 2000 * Math.Sin(rate), center.Y + 2000 * Math.Cos(rate)));

            LineContour line2 = new LineContour(new PointContour(center.X + 2000 * Math.Cos(rate), center.Y - 2000 * Math.Sin(rate)),
                                                new PointContour(center.X - 2000 * Math.Cos(rate), center.Y + 2000 * Math.Sin(rate)));

            this.imageSet.Image.Overlays.Default.AddLine(line1, colcor);
            this.imageSet.Image.Overlays.Default.AddLine(line2, colcor);
Exemple #5
        // Overlay an arrowhead at the end of a line segment.
        private void DrawArrow(Overlay overlay, LineContour line, Rgb32Value color)
            // This code computes the position of the arrow.
            double dX = line.End.X - line.Start.X;
            double dY = line.End.Y - line.Start.Y;

            double lineAngle = Math.Atan2(dY, dX);

            // The arrow has 3 points.
            Collection <PointContour> arrowPoints = new Collection <PointContour>();

            arrowPoints.Add(new PointContour(line.End.X - 6 * Math.Cos(lineAngle - .35), line.End.Y - 6 * Math.Sin(lineAngle - .35)));
            arrowPoints.Add(new PointContour(line.End.X - 6 * Math.Cos(lineAngle + .35), line.End.Y - 6 * Math.Sin(lineAngle + .35)));
            overlay.AddPolygon(new PolygonContour(arrowPoints), color, DrawingMode.PaintValue);
Exemple #6
        // DisplayColorDistance plots two points in the CIE colorspace and draws
        // a line between these two points.
        private void DisplayColorDistance()
            // Only handle two points.
            if (imageViewer1.Roi.Count != 2)

            // Get pixel values.
            Rgb32Value rgb32Value1 = imageViewer1.Image.GetPixel(imageViewer1.Roi[0].Shape as PointContour).Rgb32;
            Rgb32Value rgb32Value2 = imageViewer1.Image.GetPixel(imageViewer1.Roi[1].Shape as PointContour).Rgb32;

            // Remove any previous overlays.

            // Transform to the correct colorspace.
            CieXyzValue cieXyzValue1 = Algorithms.ConvertColorValue(new ColorValue(rgb32Value1), ColorMode.CieXyz).CieXyz;
            CieXyzValue cieXyzValue2 = Algorithms.ConvertColorValue(new ColorValue(rgb32Value2), ColorMode.CieXyz).CieXyz;

            // Calculate points.
            double sum1 = cieXyzValue1.X + cieXyzValue1.Y + cieXyzValue1.Z;

            if (sum1 == 0.0)
                sum1 = 1;
            PointContour point1 = new PointContour(cieXyzValue1.Y / sum1 * 255, cieXyzValue1.X / sum1 * 255);
            double       sum2   = cieXyzValue2.X + cieXyzValue2.Y + cieXyzValue2.Z;

            if (sum2 == 0.0)
                sum2 = 1;
            PointContour point2 = new PointContour(cieXyzValue2.Y / sum2 * 255, cieXyzValue2.X / sum2 * 255);

            // Display ovals around the points to make them more visible.
            imageViewer2.Image.Overlays.Default.AddOval(new OvalContour(point1.X - 5, point1.Y - 5, 10, 10), Rgb32Value.BlackColor);
            imageViewer2.Image.Overlays.Default.AddOval(new OvalContour(point2.X - 5, point2.Y - 5, 10, 10), Rgb32Value.BlackColor);

            // Draw a line between the points.
            imageViewer2.Image.Overlays.Default.AddLine(new LineContour(point1, point2), Rgb32Value.BlackColor);

            // Calculate distance in CIE
            CalculateColorDistance(rgb32Value1, rgb32Value2);
Exemple #7
        private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            double[]           classCount  = new double[8];
            OverlayTextOptions textOptions = new OverlayTextOptions("Arial", 14);

            textOptions.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalTextAlignment.Center;

            // Get the next image

            // Process the image
            VisionImage binaryImage = new VisionImage();

            Algorithms.Threshold(imageViewer1.Image, binaryImage, new Range(0, 200));
            Algorithms.RejectBorder(binaryImage, binaryImage);
            Collection <ParticleReport> reports = Algorithms.ParticleReport(binaryImage);

            foreach (ParticleReport report in reports)
                RectangleContour contour = report.BoundingRect;
                contour.Left   -= 10;
                contour.Top    -= 10;
                contour.Height += 20;
                contour.Width  += 20;

                // Classify the part
                ClassifierReport classifierReport = classifier.Classify(binaryImage, new Roi(new Shape[] { contour }));

                // Display the result
                if (classifierReport.ClassificationScore > 500)
                    textOptions.BackgroundColor = Rgb32Value.TransparentColor;
                    int        classIndex = 0;
                    Rgb32Value textColor  = Rgb32Value.BlackColor;
                    switch (classifierReport.BestClassName)
                    case "Motor":
                        textColor  = Rgb32Value.WhiteColor;
                        classIndex = 0;

                    case "Bolt":
                        textColor  = new Rgb32Value(Color.Cyan);
                        classIndex = 1;

                    case "Screw":
                        textColor  = Rgb32Value.RedColor;
                        classIndex = 2;

                    case "Gear":
                        textColor  = Rgb32Value.BlackColor;
                        classIndex = 3;

                    case "Washer":
                        textColor  = new Rgb32Value(Color.Magenta);
                        classIndex = 4;

                    case "Worm Gear":
                        textColor  = Rgb32Value.GreenColor;
                        classIndex = 5;

                    case "Bracket":
                        textColor  = new Rgb32Value(0x80, 0x80, 0);
                        classIndex = 6;
                    imageViewer1.Image.Overlays.Default.AddText(classifierReport.BestClassName, report.CenterOfMass, textColor, textOptions);
                    textOptions.BackgroundColor = Rgb32Value.BlackColor;
                    imageViewer1.Image.Overlays.Default.AddText("Unknown!", report.CenterOfMass, Rgb32Value.RedColor, textOptions);