public bool OverlapSphere(Vector3 center, float radius, out RewinderHitboxHit hit) { bool proximityHit = false; hit = new RewinderHitboxHit(); hit.Group = Group; hit.Distance = -1f; // Sphere overlaps dont have a distance if (Group.HasProximityHitbox) { if (proximityHit = Group.ProximityHitbox.OverlapSphere(ref Matrix, center, radius)) { hit.Hitbox = Group.ProximityHitbox; } else { return(false); } } for (int i = 0; i < Group.BodyHitboxes.Length; ++i) { RewinderHitbox hitbox = Group.BodyHitboxes[i]; if (hitbox.OverlapSphere(ref HitboxMatrices[i], center, radius)) { hit.Hitbox = hitbox; return(true); } } return(proximityHit); }
public bool Raycast(Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction, out RewinderHitboxHit hit) { float distance = 0; bool proximityHit = false; hit = new RewinderHitboxHit(); hit.Group = Group; hit.Distance = -1f; if (Group.HasProximityHitbox) { if (proximityHit = Group.ProximityHitbox.Raycast(ref Matrix, origin, direction, out distance)) { hit.Hitbox = Group.ProximityHitbox; hit.Distance = distance; } else { return(false); } } for (int i = 0; i < Group.BodyHitboxes.Length; ++i) { RewinderHitbox hitbox = Group.BodyHitboxes[i]; if (hitbox.Raycast(ref HitboxMatrices[i], origin, direction, out distance)) { hit.Hitbox = hitbox; hit.Distance = distance; return(true); } } return(proximityHit); }
void Update() { if (Application.isPlaying && RewinderSnapshot.Count > 0) { RewinderSnapshot snapshot = RewinderSnapshot.Find(Time.time - behind); if (snapshot != null) { accuracy = (float)System.Math.Round(Mathf.Abs((Time.time - behind) - snapshot.Time), 3); RewinderHitboxGroupSnapshot group = snapshot.Groups.First(); // On first time, setup debug display #if REWINDER_DEBUG if (debugDict.Count == 0) { foreach (RewinderHitbox hitbox in group.Group.BodyHitboxes) { switch (hitbox.ColliderType) { case RewinderColliderType.Sphere: { GameObject go = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere); go.renderer.material = Resources.Load("RewinderDebug", typeof(Material)) as Material; go.transform.localScale = hitbox.Collider.bounds.size; debugDict.Add(hitbox, go); } break; case RewinderColliderType.Box: { GameObject go = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); go.transform.localScale = hitbox.Bounds.size; go.renderer.material = Resources.Load("RewinderDebug", typeof(Material)) as Material; debugDict.Add(hitbox, go); } break; } } } // Move debug display for (int i = 0; i < group.HitboxMatrices_Debug.Length; ++i) { Matrix4x4 m = group.HitboxMatrices_Debug[i]; RewinderHitbox hitbox = group.Group.BodyHitboxes[i]; GameObject go = debugDict[hitbox]; go.transform.position = m.MultiplyPoint(; go.transform.rotation = group.HitboxRotations_Debug[i]; } #endif // Do collision detection (if any) if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { RaycastHit rHit; Ray r = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = null; switch (selected) { case 0: { List <RewinderHitboxHit> hits; // Time how long the raycast takes sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); RewinderSnapshot.Raycast(behind, r.origin, r.direction, out hits); sw.Stop(); hit = hits.FirstOrDefault(); RewinderSnapshot.Recycle(hits); = false; } break; case 1: if (Physics.Raycast(r, out rHit, 1024f, 1 << 8)) { drawPosition = rHit.point; List <RewinderHitboxHit> hits; // Time how long the overlap takes sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); RewinderSnapshot.OverlapSphere(behind, drawPosition, 0.5f, out hits); sw.Stop(); hit = hits.FirstOrDefault(); RewinderSnapshot.Recycle(hits); sphereExample.transform.position = drawPosition; = true; } break; } sw.Stop(); time = (float)((double)sw.ElapsedTicks / (double)System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.Frequency); } } } }