public static List<Location> GetAllTracks()
            using (ReviewsDataContext context = new ReviewsDataContext())
                var list = (from track in context.Tracks
                            where track.Approved
                            select new Location
                                Approved = true,
                                City = track.City,
                                Details = track.Details,
                                Id = track.TrackId,
                                Lat = track.Lat,
                                Lon = track.Long,
                                Name = track.Name,
                                State = track.State,
                                StreetAddress = track.StreetAddress,
                                SubmittedBy = track.SubmittedBy,
                                Url = track.TrackWebsite,
                                Zip = track.ZipCode,
                                TrackLength = track.TrackLength.HasValue ? track.TrackLength.Value : -1

                return list;

 public static Location GetTrackById(int id, string user)
     using (ReviewsDataContext context = new ReviewsDataContext())
         var trackDetails = (from track in context.Tracks
                     where (track.Approved || String.Equals(track.SubmittedBy,user))&& track.TrackId== id
                     select new Location
                         Approved = true,
                         City = track.City,
                         Details = track.Details,
                         Id = track.TrackId,
                         Lat = track.Lat,
                         Lon = track.Long,
                         Name = track.Name,
                         State = track.State,
                         StreetAddress = track.StreetAddress,
                         SubmittedBy = track.SubmittedBy,
                         Url = track.TrackWebsite,
                         Zip = track.ZipCode,
                         TrackLength = track.TrackLength.HasValue ? track.TrackLength.Value : -1,
                         VisibleToUser = track.SubmittedBy.Equals(user) || track.Approved,
         return trackDetails;
        public static List<ProductViewModel> AllUnapprovedMotorcycles()
            using (ReviewsDataContext context = new ReviewsDataContext())
                List<ProductViewModel> unapprovedMotorcycles
                    = (from product in context.Products
                       join motor in context.Motorcycles on product.ProductId equals motor.ProductId
                       where !product.Approved &&
                       select new ProductViewModel
                        ProductBrand = product.Brand,
                        ProductDescription = product.Description,
                        ProductImage = product.Image,
                        ProductTitle = product.Title,
                        ProductId = product.ProductId,
                        IsMotorcycle = true,
                        SubmittedBy = product.SubmittedBy,
                        Subcategory = product.SubCategory,
                        Displacement = motor.Displacement.ToString(),
                        Gears = motor.Gears.Value,
                        TopSpeed = motor.TopSpeed.Value,
                        Torque = motor.Torque.Value,
                        EngineType = motor.EngineType,
                        SiteUrl = product.SiteUrl

                return unapprovedMotorcycles;
 public static void CreateUser(User dbUserModel)
     using (ReviewsDataContext context = new ReviewsDataContext())
         context.Users.InsertOnSubmit(dbUserModel); //.InsertAllOnSubmit(dbUserModel);
 public static void AddNewTrackReview(TrackReview dbNewReview)
     using (ReviewsDataContext context = new ReviewsDataContext())
         dbNewReview.DatePosted = DateTime.Now;
         context.TrackReviews.InsertOnSubmit(dbNewReview); //.InsertAllOnSubmit(dbUserModel);
        public static int AddNewMotorcycle( Motorcycle dbMotorcycle)
            using (ReviewsDataContext context = new ReviewsDataContext())
                context.Motorcycles.InsertOnSubmit(dbMotorcycle); //.InsertAllOnSubmit(dbUserModel);

                return dbMotorcycle.MotorcycleId;
        public static int AddTrack(Data.Track loc)
            using(ReviewsDataContext context = new ReviewsDataContext())

                return loc.TrackId;
        public static int AddNewGearProduct(Product dbProduct)
            using (ReviewsDataContext context = new ReviewsDataContext())
                context.Products.InsertOnSubmit(dbProduct); //.InsertAllOnSubmit(dbUserModel);

                return dbProduct.ProductId;
        public static Data.User GetUser(string userName)
            using (ReviewsDataContext context = new ReviewsDataContext())
               Data.User user = (from u in context.Users
                                 where u.UserName.Equals(userName)
                                 select u).FirstOrDefault();

               return user;
        //private static UsersDataContext _context;
        //private static UsersDataContext Context
        //    get
        //    {
        //        if (_context == null)
        //        {
        //            _context = new UsersDataContext();
        //        }
        //        return _context;
        //    }
        public static bool UserExists(string userName)
            using (ReviewsDataContext context = new ReviewsDataContext  ())

                var allUsersWithName = (from u in context.Users
                                 where u.UserName.Equals(userName)
                                 select u);

                return allUsersWithName.ToList().Count() > 0;
Exemple #11
        protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var ctx = new ReviewsDataContext();

            var newReview = new Review()
                MovieId  = "Thriller-Terminator 123",
                Reviewer = GetRandomString(5),
                Rating   = RatingEnum.Awful,
                Text     = "blah-blah"


        public static List<ReviewViewModel> GetAllReviewsForPage(int id)
            List<ReviewViewModel> list = new List<ReviewViewModel>();
            using (ReviewsDataContext context = new ReviewsDataContext()) {

                list = (from review in context.Reviews
                            join user in context.Users on review.UserId equals user.UserName
                            join product in context.Products on review.ProductId equals product.ProductId
                            where review.ProductId == id
                            select new ReviewViewModel
                                User = user.UserName,
                                UserMotorcycle = user.CurrentMotorcycle,
                                Rating = review.StarRating,
                                ReviewText = review.Review1,
                                LengthOfUse = review.LengthOfUse,
                                PostedDateStr = review.DatePosted.ToShortDateString()
                return list;

Exemple #13
        protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var ctx = new ReviewsDataContext();

            foreach (var g in ctx.Genres)

            foreach (var r in ctx.Reviewers)

            ctx.Reviewers.InsertOnSubmit(new Reviewer()
                Login = GetRandomString(5)

        public static List<ProductViewModel> AllUnapprovedGear()
            using (ReviewsDataContext context = new ReviewsDataContext())
                List<ProductViewModel> unapprovedGear = (from product in context.Products
                                                         where !product.Approved &&
                                                         select new ProductViewModel
                                                            ProductBrand = product.Brand,
                                                            ProductDescription = product.Description,
                                                            ProductImage = product.Image,
                                                            ProductTitle = product.Title,
                                                            ProductId = product.ProductId,
                                                            SubmittedBy = product.SubmittedBy,
                                                            Subcategory = product.SubCategory,
                                                            SiteUrl = product.SiteUrl,
                                                            IsGear = true

                return unapprovedGear;
Exemple #15
        // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            services.AddAuthorization(options =>
                options.AddPolicy("ClientPolicy", p => p.RequireClaim("client_ClientType"));

            services.AddMvc(config =>
                var policy = new AuthorizationPolicyBuilder()

                config.Filters.Add(new AuthorizeFilter(policy));

            ReviewsDataContext dataCtx = new ReviewsDataContext(Configuration.GetConnectionString("ReviewsDataStore"));

            //ReviewsStoreMongo store = new ReviewsStoreMongo(dataCtx);
            services.AddSingleton <IReviewsStore, ReviewsStoreMongo>();
        public static List<ReviewViewModel> GetAllTrackReviewsForPage(int id)
            List<ReviewViewModel> list = new List<ReviewViewModel>();
            using (ReviewsDataContext context = new ReviewsDataContext())

                list = (from review in context.TrackReviews
                        join user in context.Users on review.UserId equals user.UserName
                        join track in context.Tracks on review.TrackId equals track.TrackId
                        where review.TrackId == id
                        select new ReviewViewModel
                            User = user.UserName,
                            UserMotorcycle = user.CurrentMotorcycle,
                            Rating = review.StarRating,
                            ReviewText = review.Review,
                            NumberOfVisits = review.NumberOfVisits.HasValue ? review.NumberOfVisits.Value: 0,
                            PostedDateStr = review.DatePosted.ToShortDateString()
                return list;

        public static void CalculateReviewAverages()
            using (ReviewsDataContext context = new ReviewsDataContext())
                var allProducts = (from product in context.Products
                                   select product);

                var allReviews = (from review in context.Reviews
                                  select new {
                                    ProductId= review.ProductId,
                                    Review =review.StarRating

                foreach (var p in allProducts)
                    if(allReviews.Any(x=> x.ProductId == p.ProductId)){
                        p.AverageRating = allReviews.Where(x => x.ProductId == p.ProductId).Average(x => Convert.ToDouble(x.Review));

        public static List<Location> AllUnapprovedTracks()
            using (ReviewsDataContext context = new ReviewsDataContext())
                List<Location> locations =
                    (from track in context.Tracks
                     where !track.Approved
                     select new Location
                         City = track.City,
                         State = track.State,
                         Name = track.Name,
                         Details = track.Details,
                         StreetAddress = track.StreetAddress,
                         SubmittedBy = track.SubmittedBy,
                         Id= track.TrackId,
                         Url = track.TrackWebsite,
                         TrackLength = track.TrackLength.Value,
                         Zip = track.ZipCode,

                return locations;
        public static List<string> GetAllBrands(string category)
            using (ReviewsDataContext context = new ReviewsDataContext())
                return (from product in context.Products
                             where product.Approved && product.Category.Equals(category)
                             select product.Brand).Distinct().ToList();

        public static Models.ViewModels.Product.CategoryAndBrandModel GetAllFacetsForCategory(string category)
            using (ReviewsDataContext context = new ReviewsDataContext())
                ///Make new linq to sql class for producs
                List<string> brands = (from product in context.Products
                                       where String.Equals(product.Category, category)
                                       select product.Brand).Distinct().ToList();

                List<string> subcategories = (from product in context.Products
                                              where String.Equals(product.Category, category) && product.Approved
                                              select product.SubCategory).Distinct().ToList();

                return new Models.ViewModels.Product.CategoryAndBrandModel { Subcategories = subcategories.Distinct(StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase).ToList(), Brands = brands.Distinct(StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase).ToList() };
        public static List<Product> GetFilteredProducts(string category, string brand, string subcategory)
            using (ReviewsDataContext context = new ReviewsDataContext())
                List<Product> products = (from product in context.Products
                                          where product.Approved && String.Equals(product.Category.ToLower(), category.ToLower())
                                          && (String.IsNullOrEmpty(brand) || String.Equals(brand.ToLower(), product.Brand.ToLower()))
                                          && (String.IsNullOrEmpty(subcategory) || string.Equals(subcategory, product.SubCategory.ToLower()))
                                          select product).OrderBy(x => x.Brand).OrderBy(x => x.Title).ToList();

                return products;
        public static ProductViewModel GetProductInfo(int id, string user)
            using (ReviewsDataContext context = new ReviewsDataContext())
                var productInfo = (from product in context.Products
                                   where product.ProductId == id
                                   select product).FirstOrDefault();
                ProductViewModel model = new ProductViewModel
                    ProductTitle = productInfo.Title,
                    ProductImage = productInfo.Image,
                    ProductId = productInfo.ProductId,
                    ProductBrand = productInfo.Brand,
                    ProductDescription = productInfo.Description,
                    SubmittedBy = productInfo.SubmittedBy,
                    IsApproved = productInfo.Approved,
                    VisibleToUser = productInfo.SubmittedBy.Equals(user) || productInfo.Approved,
                    IsAccessory = String.Equals(DatabaseConstants.CategoryConstantStrings[DatabaseConstants.CategoryConstants.ACCESSORIES],productInfo.Category,StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase),
                    IsGear = String.Equals(DatabaseConstants.CategoryConstantStrings[DatabaseConstants.CategoryConstants.GEAR],productInfo.Category,StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase),
                    IsMotorcycle = String.Equals(DatabaseConstants.CategoryConstantStrings[DatabaseConstants.CategoryConstants.MOTORCYCLES],productInfo.Category,StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)

                if (model.IsMotorcycle)
                    var motorcycleInfo = (from moto in context.Motorcycles
                                          where moto.ProductId == id
                                          select moto).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (motorcycleInfo != null)
                        model.Displacement = motorcycleInfo.Displacement != null ? motorcycleInfo.Displacement.ToString() : "0";
                        model.TopSpeed = motorcycleInfo.TopSpeed.HasValue ? motorcycleInfo.TopSpeed.Value : 0;
                        model.Torque = motorcycleInfo.Torque.HasValue ? motorcycleInfo.Torque.Value : 0;
                        model.Gears = motorcycleInfo.Gears.HasValue ? motorcycleInfo.Gears.Value : 0;


                return model;
 public ReviewRepository(ReviewsDataContext context) : base(context)
        public static List<Product> GetAllBrandsAndTypesForCategory(string category)
            using (ReviewsDataContext context = new ReviewsDataContext())
                ///Make new linq to sql class for producs
                List<Product> products = (from product in context.Products
                                          where String.Equals(product.Category, category) && product.Approved
                                          select product).ToList();

                return products;
        public static int DuplicateProductExists(Product dbProduct)
            using (ReviewsDataContext context = new ReviewsDataContext())
                Product p = (from product in context.Products
                            where IsDuplicate(product, dbProduct) && product.Approved
                            select product).FirstOrDefault();

                if (p == null)
                    return -99;// no duplicat found feel free to insert
                return p.ProductId; // duplicate found make suggestion to user.... allow them to ignore notification
        public static bool HasUserReviewedTrack(int id, string userId)
            using (ReviewsDataContext context = new ReviewsDataContext())
                var x = (from review in context.TrackReviews
                         where review.TrackId == id && string.Equals(review.UserId, userId)
                         select review).ToList();

                return x.Count > 0;
Exemple #27
 public ReviewsStoreMongo(ReviewsDataContext ctx)
     _dc = ctx;
 protected Repository(ReviewsDataContext context)
     _context = context;