Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Gather all revenue date during a month/year combination.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     Separate the incoming data string into the month and year component.
        ///     Check if any live event took place during the month in question.
        ///         If so, add their combined revenue to the data model.
        ///     Search the financial gateways for membership renewals payments.
        ///         Add any matches to the relevant gold, silver or bronze revenue totals in the model.
        ///     Search the database for any accepted private session requested that had been paid for.
        ///         Add any matches to the private fee count, and add the total revenue to the model.
        ///     Search for any class cancellation fines settled during the month in question.
        ///         Add the total of any fines to the viewmodel.
        ///     Instantiate the model and return it.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="selectedData">A <see cref="string"/> containing a numeric month and year</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public RevenueReportModel GetRevenueData(string selectedData)
            int year  = int.Parse(selectedData.Substring(0, 4));
            int month = int.Parse(selectedData.Substring(5, 2));
            RevenueReportModel model;

            //Create ViewModel
            //Add Data to Sending Model
            using (_db)
                //Get Event Revenue
                var events = _db.LiveEvents
                             .Where(e => e.EventDate.Month == month && e.EventDate.Year == year)

                float eventRevenueTotal = 0;
                foreach (var show in events)
                    eventRevenueTotal = eventRevenueTotal + show.EventRevenue;

                //Get Membership Revenue
                DateTime startDate = new DateTime(year, month, 1);
                DateTime endDate   = new DateTime(year, month, DateTime.DaysInMonth(year, month));

                var bronzeRequest = new TransactionSearchRequest().SettledAt.Between(startDate, endDate).Amount.Is(40);
                var silverRequest = new TransactionSearchRequest().SettledAt.Between(startDate, endDate).Amount.Is(55);
                var goldRequest   = new TransactionSearchRequest().SettledAt.Between(startDate, endDate).Amount.Is(70);

                ResourceCollection <Transaction> bResults = PaymentGateways.Gateway.Transaction.Search(bronzeRequest);
                var bFeesCollected = bResults.Ids.Count;
                var bTotal         = bFeesCollected * 40;
                ResourceCollection <Transaction> sResults = PaymentGateways.Gateway.Transaction.Search(silverRequest);
                var sFeesCollected = sResults.Ids.Count;
                var sTotal         = sFeesCollected * 55;
                ResourceCollection <Transaction> gResults = PaymentGateways.Gateway.Transaction.Search(goldRequest);
                var gFeesCollected = gResults.Ids.Count;
                var gTotal         = gFeesCollected * 70;

                //Get Private Session Revenue
                var pFeesCollected = 0;
                foreach (var payment in _db.Payments.Where(p => p.PaymentDate.Month == month && p.PaymentDate.Year == year).ToList())
                    if (payment.PaymentDescription.Equals("Private Session Booking Fee") && payment.PaymentSettled)
                var privateTotal = pFeesCollected * 30;

                //Get Fine Revenue
                var fineRequest = new TransactionSearchRequest().SettledAt.Between(startDate, endDate).Amount.Is(30).Refund.Is(1.5);
                ResourceCollection <Transaction> fineResults = PaymentGateways.Gateway.Transaction.Search(fineRequest);
                var    finesCollected = fineResults.Ids.Count;
                double fineTotal      = finesCollected * 1.5;

                model = new RevenueReportModel
                    BronzeFeesCollected = bTotal,
                    CurrentDate         = new DateTime(year, month, 1),
                    Events                 = events.ToList(),
                    FinesCollected         = fineTotal,
                    GoldFeesCollected      = gTotal,
                    NoBronzeMemberships    = bFeesCollected,
                    NoCancellationFines    = finesCollected,
                    NoGoldMemberships      = gFeesCollected,
                    NoPrivateSessions      = pFeesCollected,
                    NoSilverMemberships    = sFeesCollected,
                    PrivateFeesCollected   = privateTotal,
                    SilverFeesCollected    = sTotal,
                    TotalEventRevenue      = eventRevenueTotal,
                    TotalMembershipRevenue = bTotal + sTotal + gTotal,
                    TotalOtherRevenue      = privateTotal + fineTotal,
                    TotalMonthRevenue      = eventRevenueTotal + bTotal + sTotal + gTotal + privateTotal + fineTotal
Exemple #2
        public RevenueReportModel GetRevenueReport(DateTime dateFrom, DateTime dateTo, string createdBy)
            var addMonth = dateTo.AddMonths(1);
            var orders   = _shoppingContext.Orders.AsNoTracking().Where(w => (w.CreatedDateTime >= dateFrom && w.CreatedDateTime < addMonth) &&
                                                                        !w.CanceledBy.HasValue).OrderBy(w => w.CreatedDateTime).ToList();

            var invoices = _shoppingContext.Invoices.AsNoTracking().Where(w => w.ApprovedBy.HasValue && !w.OrderId.HasValue &&
                                                                          (w.ApprovedDateTime >= dateFrom && w.ApprovedDateTime < addMonth))
                           .OrderBy(w => w.CreatedDateTime).ToList();
            var model = new RevenueReportModel()
                TimeFrom  = dateFrom.ToString("MM/yyyy"),
                TimeTo    = dateTo.ToString("MM/yyyy"),
                CreatedBy = createdBy

            foreach (var item in orders)
                foreach (var orderDetail in item.OrderDetails)
                    var existedItem =
                        model.Details.FirstOrDefault(w => item.CreatedDateTime.ToString("MM/yyyy").Equals(w.Time, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                    if (existedItem != null)
                        existedItem.Quantity += orderDetail.Quantity;
                        existedItem.Amount   += orderDetail.Quantity * orderDetail.UnitPrice;
                        model.Details.Add(new RevenueDetailReportModel()
                            Quantity     = orderDetail.Quantity,
                            Amount       = orderDetail.Quantity * orderDetail.UnitPrice,
                            CategoryId   = orderDetail.Product.ProductCategoryId,
                            CategoryName = orderDetail.Product.ProductCategory.Name,
                            Time         = item.CreatedDateTime.ToString("MM/yyyy")

            foreach (var item in invoices)
                foreach (var detail in item.InvoiceDetails)
                    var existedItem =
                        model.Details.FirstOrDefault(w => item.CreatedDateTime.ToString("MM/yyyy").Equals(w.Time, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                    if (existedItem != null)
                        existedItem.Quantity += detail.Quantity;
                        existedItem.Amount   += detail.Quantity * detail.UnitPrice;
                        model.Details.Add(new RevenueDetailReportModel()
                            Quantity     = detail.Quantity,
                            Amount       = detail.Quantity * detail.UnitPrice,
                            CategoryId   = detail.Product.ProductCategoryId,
                            CategoryName = detail.Product.ProductCategory.Name,
                            Time         = item.CreatedDateTime.ToString("MM/yyyy")

            model.Details = model.Details.OrderBy(p => DateTime.Parse(p.Time)).ToList();