Exemple #1
         * This method is called at the beginning of each intermission phase. (game phase 2)
         * It counts the number of surviving cities and unspent missiles. It increments the score
         * after counting this. It starts the timer over at 0.
        private void StartIntermission()
            SoundPlayer SP = new SoundPlayer();

            SP.SoundLocation = "sounds/bloop.wav";

            roundType = newRand(3);

            flakPoints = cityPoints = 0;

            foreach (Base B in baseArray)
                flakPoints += (B.GetAmmunition());
            foreach (City C in cityArray)
                if (!C.IsDestroyed())
                    cityPoints += 1;

            score += multiplier * ((flakPoints * 5) + (cityPoints * 100));

            if (score >= newCityBenchmark)
                foreach (City Restore in cityArray)
                    if (Restore.IsDestroyed())
                        newCityBenchmark += 10000;
            bigTimer = 0;