Exemple #1
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public org.neo4j.kernel.internal.GraphDatabaseAPI restartDatabase(RestartAction action, String... configChanges) throws java.io.IOException
        public virtual GraphDatabaseAPI RestartDatabase(RestartAction action, params string[] configChanges)
            FileSystemAbstraction fs = ResolveDependency(typeof(FileSystemAbstraction));

            action.Run(fs, _databaseLayout);
            _database = null;
            // This DatabaseBuilder has already been configured with the global settings as well as any test-specific settings,
            // so just apply these additional settings.
            _databaseBuilder.Config = stringMap(configChanges);
Exemple #2
        public void Init()

            _resetActionGoodLan = new RestartAction(new SettingsRestartAction()
                Check   = new CheckLan(),
                Log     = new LogFileTest(),
                Restart = new RestartCompTest(),
                Period  = 1

            _resetActionBadLan = new RestartAction(new SettingsRestartAction()
                Check   = new CheckLanBad(),
                Log     = new LogFileTest(),
                Restart = new RestartCompTest(),
                Period  = 1
        private void Restart()
            RestartAction action = new RestartAction(solutionsTree, solutionsCheckedListBox.SelectedSolutionNode);
