Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the execution result, a list of individual results for each resolver tracked.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>IDictionary&lt;System.String, System.Object&gt;.</returns>
        private IResponseFieldSet GenerateExecutionResult()
            // apollo tracing does not specifiy providing startOffset and duration keys for the execution
            // phase, just output the resolvers array
            var list = new ResponseList();

            foreach (var timeEntry in _resolverEntries.OrderBy(x => x.Value.StartOffsetTicks))
                var resolverEntry = new ResponseFieldSet();
                resolverEntry.Add("path", new ResponseList(timeEntry
                                                           .Select(x => new ResponseSingleValue(x))));

                var parentType = _schema.KnownTypes.FindGraphType(timeEntry.Key.Request?.DataSource?.Value);
                if (parentType != null)
                    resolverEntry.AddSingleValue("parentType", parentType.Name);

                resolverEntry.AddSingleValue("fieldName", timeEntry.Key.Request.Field.Name);
                resolverEntry.AddSingleValue("returnType", timeEntry.Key.Request.Field.TypeExpression.ToString());
                resolverEntry.AddSingleValue("startOffset", timeEntry.Value.StartOffsetNanoseconds);
                resolverEntry.AddSingleValue("duration", timeEntry.Value.DurationNanoSeconds);

            var dictionary = new ResponseFieldSet();

            dictionary.Add("resolvers", list);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Adds the specified <paramref name="slimResponse"/> to the list of responses after applying the filters specified in
        ///     the search options.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="slimResponse">The response to add.</param>
        public void AddResponse(SearchResponseSlim slimResponse)
            if (State.HasFlag(SearchStates.InProgress) && slimResponse.Token == Token && ResponseMeetsOptionCriteria(slimResponse))
                var fullResponse = new SearchResponse(slimResponse);
                fullResponse = new SearchResponse(fullResponse, fullResponse.Files.Where(f => FileMeetsOptionCriteria(f)).ToList());

                if (Options.FilterResponses && fullResponse.FileCount < Options.MinimumResponseFileCount)

                Interlocked.Add(ref resultCount, fullResponse.Files.Count);


                ResponseReceived?.Invoke(this, fullResponse);

                if (resultCount >= Options.FileLimit)
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a result representing the list items of this instance. This result
        /// is built in a manner that can be easily serialized.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="result">The result that was generated.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if the result that was generated is valid and should
        /// be included in a final result, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
        private bool GenerateListItemResult(out IResponseItem result)
            result = null;
            var includeResult = false;

            // this instance represents an array of children
            // create an output array of the generated data for each child
            if (_childListItems.Count == 0)
                result        = new ResponseList();
                includeResult = true;
                var list = new ResponseList();
                foreach (var child in _childListItems)
                    var includeChildResult = child.GenerateResult(out var childResult);
                    includeResult = includeResult || includeChildResult;
                    if (includeChildResult)

                if (includeResult)
                    result = list;

 private void ShowResult(Query value)
     lock (_lock)
                    public override bool ModLoad()
                        HelpResponses = new ResponseList();
                        string loadDir;
                        string loadFile;
                        if (MyBase.ConfigManager.Configuration.ContainsKey("services-help1"))
                            OptionsList myConfig = MyBase.ConfigManager.Configuration["services-help1"];
                            if (myConfig.ContainsKey("help-file-directory1"))
                                loadDir = myConfig["help-file-directory1"];
                                loadDir = "help/";

                            if (myConfig.ContainsKey("help-language1"))
                                loadFile = myConfig["help-language1"];
                                loadFile = "en.lang";

                            MyBase.Core.SendLogMessage("Help", "ModLoad", BlackLight.Services.Error.Errors.ERROR, "Failed to find help configuration block", "", "", "");
                            return false;
                        if (new DirectoryInfo(loadDir).Exists == false)
                            MyBase.Core.SendLogMessage("Help", "ModLoad", BlackLight.Services.Error.Errors.ERROR, "Failed to find help file directory", "Using default of \"help/\"", "", "");
                            loadDir = "help/";
                            if (new DirectoryInfo(loadDir).Exists == false)
                                MyBase.Core.SendLogMessage("Help", "ModLoad", BlackLight.Services.Error.Errors.ERROR, "Failed to find help file directory", "", "", "");
                                return false;

                        if (File.Exists(loadDir + loadFile) == false)
                            MyBase.Core.SendLogMessage("Help", "ModLoad", BlackLight.Services.Error.Errors.ERROR, "Failed to find language file", "Using default of \"en.lang\"", "", "");
                            loadDir = "en.lang";
                            if (File.Exists(loadDir + loadFile) == false)
                                MyBase.Core.SendLogMessage("Help", "ModLoad", BlackLight.Services.Error.Errors.ERROR, "Failed to find language file", "", "", "");
                                return false;

                        System.Xml.XmlDocument XMLDOC = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();
                        XMLDOC.Load(loadDir + loadFile);

                        string tName;
                        string tErrorName;
                        string tErrorValue;
                        string[] tErrorValues;
                        BlackLight.Services.Modules.Help.Lists.ErrorList tErrors = new BlackLight.Services.Modules.Help.Lists.ErrorList();
                        BlackLight.Services.Modules.Help.Lists.CommandList tCommands = new BlackLight.Services.Modules.Help.Lists.CommandList();
                        foreach (XmlNode tNode in XMLDOC.DocumentElement)
                            if (tNode.Name == "service")
                                if (tNode.Attributes["name"] != null && tNode.Attributes["name"].Value != "")
                                    tName = tNode.Attributes["name"].Value;
                                    MyBase.Core.SendLogMessage("Help", "ModLoad", BlackLight.Services.Error.Errors.ERROR, "XML Data Corruption", "", "", "");
                                    //MessageBox.Show("XML Data corruption");
                                    return false;

                                foreach (XmlNode tNodeInner in tNode)
                                    if (tNodeInner.Name == "responses")

                                        foreach (XmlNode tErrorNode in tNodeInner)
                                            if (tErrorNode.Attributes["name"] != null && tErrorNode.Attributes["name"].Value != "")
                                                tErrorName = tErrorNode.Attributes["name"].Value;
                                                MyBase.Core.SendLogMessage("Help", "ModLoad", BlackLight.Services.Error.Errors.ERROR, "XML Data Corruption", "", "", "");
                                                //Show("XML Data corruption");
                                                return false;
                                            if (tErrorNode.InnerText != null&& tErrorNode.InnerText != "")
                                                tErrorValue = tErrorNode.InnerText.Trim();
                                                MyBase.Core.SendLogMessage("Help", "ModLoad", BlackLight.Services.Error.Errors.ERROR, "XML Data Corruption", "", "", "");
                                                //MessageBox.Show("XML Data corruption");
                                                return false;
                                            tErrorValue = tErrorValue.Replace("  ", " ");
                                            tErrorValue = tErrorValue.Replace("  ", " ");
                                            tErrorValue = tErrorValue.Replace("`B", "");
                                            tErrorValue = tErrorValue.Replace("`U", "");
                                            tErrorValue = tErrorValue.Replace("\r\n", "\r");
                                            tErrorValue = tErrorValue.Replace("\n", "\r");
                                            tErrorValues = tErrorValue.Split('\r');
                                            tErrors.Add(new ServiceErrorResponse(tErrorName, tErrorValues));
                                    else if (tNodeInner.Name == "commands")
                                        if (GetAllCommands(tNodeInner, tCommands) == false)
                                            return false;
                                        MyBase.Core.SendLogMessage("Help", "ModLoad", BlackLight.Services.Error.Errors.ERROR, "XML Data Corruption", "", "", "");
                                        //MessageBox.Show("XML Data corruption");
                                        return false;
                                HelpResponses.Add(new ServiceResponses(tName, tErrors, tCommands));
                                MyBase.Core.SendLogMessage("Help", "ModLoad", BlackLight.Services.Error.Errors.ERROR, "XML Data Corruption", "", "", "");
                                //MessageBox.Show("XML Data corruption");
                                return false;
                        return true;