public override void ExportBinary(IExportContainer container, Stream stream) { if (CompleteImageSize == 0) { return; } if (IsReadStreamData(container.Version)) { string path = StreamData.Path; if (path != string.Empty) { if (m_imageData.Length != 0) { throw new Exception("Texture contains data and resource path"); } using (ResourcesFile res = File.Collection.FindResourcesFile(File, path)) { if (res == null) { Logger.Log(LogType.Warning, LogCategory.Export, $"Can't export '{ValidName}' because resources file '{path}' wasn't found"); return; } using (PartialStream resStream = new PartialStream(res.Stream, res.Offset, res.Size)) { resStream.Position = StreamData.Offset; Export(container, stream, resStream, StreamData.Size); } } return; } } using (MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream(m_imageData)) { Export(container, stream, memStream, m_imageData.Length); } }
public IReadOnlyList <byte> GetImageData() { byte[] data = m_imageData; if (IsReadStreamData(File.Version)) { if (StreamData.Path != string.Empty) { if (m_imageData.Length != 0) { throw new Exception($"Texture '{ValidName}' contains both data and resource path"); } using (ResourcesFile res = File.Collection.FindResourcesFile(File, StreamData.Path)) { if (res != null) { data = new byte[StreamData.Size]; using (PartialStream resStream = new PartialStream(res.Stream, res.Offset, res.Size)) { resStream.Position = StreamData.Offset; resStream.ReadBuffer(data, 0, data.Length); } } } } } if (IsSwapBytes(File.Platform, TextureFormat)) { for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i += 2) { byte b = data[i]; data[i] = data[i + 1]; data[i + 1] = b; } } return(data); }
Stream LoadBaml(Resource res, string name) { if (res.ResourceType != ResourceType.Embedded) { return(null); } Stream s = res.TryOpenStream(); if (s == null) { return(null); } s.Position = 0; ResourcesFile resources; try { resources = new ResourcesFile(s); } catch (ArgumentException) { return(null); } foreach (var entry in resources.OrderBy(e => e.Key)) { if (entry.Key == name) { if (entry.Value is Stream) { return((Stream)entry.Value); } if (entry.Value is byte[]) { return(new MemoryStream((byte[])entry.Value)); } } } return(null); }
public byte[] GetContent(ISerializedFile file) { using (ResourcesFile res = file.Collection.FindResourcesFile(file, Source)) { if (res == null) { return(null); } if (Size == 0) { return(null); } byte[] data = new byte[Size]; using (PartialStream resStream = new PartialStream(res.Stream, res.Offset, res.Size)) { resStream.Position = Offset; resStream.ReadBuffer(data, 0, data.Length); } return(data); } }
private void Read(Stream baseStream, bool isClosable) { m_files.Clear(); m_resources.Clear(); using (EndianStream stream = new EndianStream(baseStream, baseStream.Position, EndianType.BigEndian)) { long position = stream.BaseStream.Position; Header.Read(stream); if (Header.Generation < BundleGeneration.BF_530_x) { ReadPre530Metadata(stream, isClosable); } else { Read530Metadata(stream, isClosable, position); } foreach (BundleMetadata metadata in Metadatas) { foreach (BundleFileEntry entry in metadata.AssetsEntries) { if (!IsSerializedFileLoaded(entry.Name)) { SerializedFile file = entry.ReadSerializedFile(m_fileCollection, OnRequestDependency); m_files.Add(file); } } foreach (BundleFileEntry entry in metadata.ResourceEntries) { ResourcesFile resesFile = entry.ReadResourcesFile(m_filePath); m_resources.Add(resesFile); } } } }
public bool CheckAssetIntegrity() { if (IsReadLoadType(File.Version)) { using (ResourcesFile res = File.Collection.FindResourcesFile(File, FSBResource.Source)) { return(res != null); } } else if (IsReadStreamingInfo(File.Version)) { if (LoadType == AudioClipLoadType.Streaming) { if (m_audioData == null) { using (ResourcesFile res = File.Collection.FindResourcesFile(File, StreamingInfo.Path)) { return(res != null); } } } } return(true); }
protected virtual IEnumerable <Tuple <string, string> > WriteResourceFilesInProject(Metadata.PEFile module) { foreach (var r in module.Resources.Where(r => r.ResourceType == Metadata.ResourceType.Embedded)) { Stream stream = r.TryOpenStream(); stream.Position = 0; if (r.Name.EndsWith(".resources", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { bool decodedIntoIndividualFiles; var individualResources = new List <Tuple <string, string> >(); try { var resourcesFile = new ResourcesFile(stream); if (resourcesFile.AllEntriesAreStreams()) { foreach (var(name, value) in resourcesFile) { string fileName = Path.Combine(name.Split('/').Select(p => CleanUpFileName(p)).ToArray()); string dirName = Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dirName) && directories.Add(dirName)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(targetDirectory, dirName)); } Stream entryStream = (Stream)value; entryStream.Position = 0; individualResources.AddRange( WriteResourceToFile(fileName, (string)name, entryStream)); } decodedIntoIndividualFiles = true; } else { decodedIntoIndividualFiles = false; } } catch (BadImageFormatException) { decodedIntoIndividualFiles = false; } catch (EndOfStreamException) { decodedIntoIndividualFiles = false; } if (decodedIntoIndividualFiles) { foreach (var entry in individualResources) { yield return(entry); } } else { stream.Position = 0; string fileName = GetFileNameForResource(r.Name); foreach (var entry in WriteResourceToFile(fileName, r.Name, stream)) { yield return(entry); } } } else { string fileName = GetFileNameForResource(r.Name); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(Path.Combine(targetDirectory, fileName), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { stream.Position = 0; stream.CopyTo(fs); } yield return(Tuple.Create("EmbeddedResource", fileName)); } } }
public override byte[] ExportBinary() { byte[] data = m_imageData; int offset = 0; int length = data.Length; if (IsReadStreamData) { string path = StreamData.Path; if (path != string.Empty) { if (data.Length != 0) { throw new Exception("Texture contains data and resource path"); } const string archivePrefix = "archive:/"; if (path.StartsWith(archivePrefix)) { path = path.Substring(archivePrefix.Length); } ResourcesFile res = AssetsFile.Collection.FindResourcesFile(AssetsFile, path); if (res == null) { Logger.Log(LogType.Warning, LogCategory.Export, $"Can't export '{Name}' because resources file '{path}' hasn't been found"); return(null); } data = res.Data; long longOffset = StreamData.Offset; long longSize = StreamData.Size; if (longOffset > int.MaxValue) { throw new Exception($"Unsupported offset value {longOffset}"); } if (longSize > int.MaxValue) { throw new Exception($"Unsupported size value {longSize}"); } offset = (int)longOffset; length = (int)longSize; } } switch (TextureFormat.ToContainerType()) { case ContainerType.None: return(m_imageData); case ContainerType.DDS: return(ExportDDS(data, offset, length)); case ContainerType.PVR: return(ExportPVR(data, offset, length)); case ContainerType.KTX: return(ExportKTX(data, offset, length)); default: throw new NotSupportedException($"Unsupported texture container {TextureFormat.ToContainerType()}"); } }
public override void Read(AssetReader reader) { base.Read(reader); if (IsReadLoadType(reader.Version)) { LoadType = (AudioClipLoadType)reader.ReadInt32(); Channels = reader.ReadInt32(); Frequency = reader.ReadInt32(); BitsPerSample = reader.ReadInt32(); Length = reader.ReadSingle(); if (IsReadIsTrackerFormat(reader.Version)) { IsTrackerFormat = reader.ReadBoolean(); } if (IsReadAmbisonic(reader.Version)) { Ambisonic = reader.ReadBoolean(); } if (IsAlignTrackerFormat(reader.Version)) { reader.AlignStream(AlignType.Align4); } if (IsReadAudioClipFlags(reader.Version)) { AudioClipFlags = reader.ReadInt32(); } if (IsReadFSBResourceFirst(reader.Version)) { FSBResource.Read(reader); } SubsoundIndex = reader.ReadInt32(); PreloadAudioData = reader.ReadBoolean(); LoadInBackground = reader.ReadBoolean(); Legacy3D = reader.ReadBoolean(); reader.AlignStream(AlignType.Align4); if (!IsReadFSBResourceFirst(reader.Version)) { FSBResource.Read(reader); } if (IsReadType(reader.Version)) { Type = (FMODSoundType)reader.ReadInt32(); } if (IsReadCompressionFormat(reader.Version)) { CompressionFormat = (AudioCompressionFormat)reader.ReadInt32(); } reader.AlignStream(AlignType.Align4); #if UNIVERSAL if (IsReadEditorResource(reader.Flags)) { EditorResource.Read(reader); if (IsReadCompressionFormat(reader.Version)) { EditorCompressionFormat = (AudioCompressionFormat)reader.ReadInt32(); } } #endif } else { if (IsReadDecompressOnLoadFirst(reader.Version)) { DecompressOnLoad = reader.ReadBoolean(); } Format = (FMODSoundFormat)reader.ReadInt32(); if (IsReadType(reader.Version)) { Type = (FMODSoundType)reader.ReadInt32(); } if (IsReadLength(reader.Version)) { Length = reader.ReadSingle(); Frequency = reader.ReadInt32(); Size = reader.ReadInt32(); } if (IsReadDecompressOnLoadSecond(reader.Version)) { DecompressOnLoad = reader.ReadBoolean(); } if (IsRead3D(reader.Version)) { Legacy3D = reader.ReadBoolean(); } if (IsReadUseHardware(reader.Version)) { UseHardware = reader.ReadBoolean(); } if (IsAlignBools(reader.Version)) { reader.AlignStream(AlignType.Align4); } if (IsStreamInt32(reader.Version)) { LoadType = (AudioClipLoadType)reader.ReadInt32(); } if (IsReadStreamingInfo(reader.Version)) { bool isInnerData = true; if (LoadType == AudioClipLoadType.Streaming) { using (ResourcesFile res = File.Collection.FindResourcesFile(File, StreamingFileName)) { isInnerData = res == null; } } if (isInnerData) { m_audioData = reader.ReadByteArray(); reader.AlignStream(AlignType.Align4); } else { StreamingInfo.Read(reader, StreamingFileName); } } else { m_audioData = reader.ReadByteArray(); if (IsAlignAudioData(reader.Version)) { reader.AlignStream(AlignType.Align4); } } if (IsReadDecompressOnLoadThird(reader.Version)) { DecompressOnLoad = reader.ReadBoolean(); } if (IsReadStream(reader.Version)) { if (!IsStreamInt32(reader.Version)) { LoadType = reader.ReadBoolean() ? AudioClipLoadType.CompressedInMemory : AudioClipLoadType.DecompressOnLoad; } } } }
public override void ExportBinary(IExportContainer container, Stream stream) { if (IsReadLoadType(container.Version)) { using (ResourcesFile res = File.Collection.FindResourcesFile(File, FSBResource.Source)) { if (res == null) { Logger.Log(LogType.Warning, LogCategory.Export, $"Can't export '{ValidName}' because resources file '{FSBResource.Source}' hasn't been found"); return; } if (StreamedResource.IsReadSize(container.Version)) { using (PartialStream resStream = new PartialStream(res.Stream, res.Offset, res.Size)) { resStream.Position = FSBResource.Offset; resStream.CopyStream(stream, FSBResource.Size); } } else { // I think they read data by its type for this verison, so I can't even export raw data :/ Logger.Log(LogType.Warning, LogCategory.Export, $"Can't export '{ValidName}' because of unknown size"); } } } else { if (IsReadStreamingInfo(container.Version)) { if (LoadType == AudioClipLoadType.Streaming) { if (m_audioData == null) { using (ResourcesFile res = File.Collection.FindResourcesFile(File, StreamingInfo.Path)) { if (res == null) { Logger.Log(LogType.Warning, LogCategory.Export, $"Can't export '{ValidName}' because resources file '{StreamingInfo.Path}' hasn't been found"); return; } using (PartialStream resStream = new PartialStream(res.Stream, res.Offset, res.Size)) { resStream.Position = StreamingInfo.Offset; resStream.CopyStream(stream, StreamingInfo.Size); } } } else { stream.Write(m_audioData, 0, m_audioData.Length); } } else { stream.Write(m_audioData, 0, m_audioData.Length); } } else { stream.Write(m_audioData, 0, m_audioData.Length); } } }