Exemple #1
        protected override string GenerateCommandLineCommands()
            List <string> argv = new List <string>();

            argv.Add(Path.Combine(OutputDirectory.GetMetadata("FullPath"), Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetFileName(ResourceScript.GetMetadata("FullPath")), "res")));

            string sourceFileDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(ResourceScript.GetMetadata("SourceFilePath"));

            if (sourceFileDirectory.EndsWith("\\"))
                sourceFileDirectory = sourceFileDirectory.Substring(0, sourceFileDirectory.Length - 1);

            string[] includePaths = new[]
                @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\NETFXSDK\4.6.1\include\um",
                $@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.{WindowsSDKBuildVersion}.0\ucrt",
                $@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.{WindowsSDKBuildVersion}.0\shared",
                $@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.{WindowsSDKBuildVersion}.0\um",
                $@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.{WindowsSDKBuildVersion}.0\winrt",

            argv.AddRange(includePaths.Select(path => "/i" + path));

            return(string.Join(" ", argv.Select(x => $"\"{x}\"")));
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update()
     if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
         RaycastHit hit;
         Ray        ray       = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
         int        layermask = 1 << 13;
         if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, layermask))
             //Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward) * hit.distance, Color.yellow);
             Debug.Log("Did Hit " + hit.transform.gameObject.tag);
             GameObject     gameObject = hit.transform.gameObject;
             ResourceScript r          = gameObject.GetComponent <ResourceScript>();
             UnitScript     u          = gameObject.GetComponent <UnitScript>();
             FloorScript    f          = gameObject.GetComponent <FloorScript>();
             if (r != null)
             if (u != null)
             if (f != null)
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        resourceGameObject = GameObject.FindWithTag ("Resource");
        resourceScript = resourceGameObject.GetComponent<ResourceScript>();

        _rigidbody3D = GetComponent<Rigidbody> ();
Exemple #4
    // Use this for initialization
    private void Start()
        TC = Instantiate(TileControlPreFab).GetComponent <TileController>();
        rs = GetComponent <ResourceScript>();
        TC.Cursor.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>().Stop();
        EnemyParent = new GameObject();

        waveText.text = currentWave.ToString();

        Spawners = new SpawnerScript[StartPos.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < StartPos.Length; i++)
            Spawners[i] = Instantiate(SpawnerPreFab, TC.TileToWorldPosition(StartPos[i]), transform.rotation).GetComponent <SpawnerScript>();

        if (AFK != null)
            afkMode = true;
            TC.AllowPlayerMovement = false;
            StartWaveText.GetComponent <Text>().text = "Press G to Start the game!";
            isFadingOut = true;
            oneSet      = true;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        resourceGameObject = GameObject.FindWithTag("Resource");
        resourceScript     = resourceGameObject.GetComponent <ResourceScript>();

        _rigidbody3D = GetComponent <Rigidbody> ();
Exemple #6
    public void Split(ResourceScript rs, ItemContainer con)
        ItemContainer a = ItemContainer.FindItemContainer(building.OutputContainers, rs.Item);

        if (a.item == ItemList.Nothing)
            a.item = rs.Item;

        ItemContainer.UpdateValue(1, a);
Exemple #7
        private ResourceScript Root()
            var rc = new ResourceScript();

            while (Lexer.Peek() != Tokens.End)
                var e = Element();
 // Simple function to reset all task tracking variables
 // Again, some parts may be redundant at times, but still easier than alternative
 private void ResetTaskVars()
     m_ActiveSound     = null;
     m_CurrentTask     = Task.Idle;
     m_Timer           = 0.0f;
     m_InPosition      = m_TimerStarted = m_TaskCompleted = m_CantComplete = false;
     m_TaskGoal        = m_TaskProgress = 0;
     m_ResourceType    = Resource.None;
     m_CurrentResource = null;
Exemple #9
 public void SpecialCase(ItemContainer con, ResourceScript rs)
     //Special cases for certain buildings.
     if (building == BuildingList.Splitter && con.amount < con.item.MaxStack)
         splitter.Split(rs, con);
         ItemContainer.UpdateValue(-1, con);
     else if (gameObject.GetComponent <Crafting>() && con.amount < con.item.MaxStack)
Exemple #10
    void OnTriggerStay(Collider other)
        if (other.GetComponent <ResourceScript> () && Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            ResourceScript rs = other.GetComponent <ResourceScript>();


            playerInventory.AddItem(rs.resourceType, 50);

        if (CheckForDroppedItems(other))
Exemple #11
 void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
     if (other.CompareTag("Resource"))
         //Direct Pickup
         ResourceScript rs = other.GetComponent <ResourceScript>();
         resources += rs.qty;
     else if (other.CompareTag("Queen"))
         if (resources > 0)
             other.gameObject.GetComponent <QueenController>().FeedResources(resources);
             resources = 0;
Exemple #12
    private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)
        if (collision.transform.tag == "Resource")
            ResourceScript resourceScript = collision.transform.GetComponent <ResourceScript>();
            foreach (var resource in currentDiveResources)
                if (resource.resourceId == resourceScript.resource.resourceId)
                    resource.amount += resourceScript.resource.amount;

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        DoorRenderer = objectToMove.GetComponent <Renderer>();
        resourceCont = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <AMS_ResourceController>();
        if (resourceCont == null)
            Debug.Log("ERROR: can't find resource controller");
            Debug.Log("Self Destructing!!!");

         * {
         *  actualTarget = resourceCont.winConditionResources * percOfCap;
         *  if (percOfCap != 1f)
         *  {
         *      var component = GetComponentInChildren<LevelGateHelperScript>();
         *      if (component != null) { Destroy(component.gameObject); Debug.Log("Deleting mid gate trigger volume - see comments"); }//This is deleted because if you don't need the full resource amount to open it is probably not a level end
         *      else { Debug.Log("can't find trigger, maybe someone already deleted it"); }
         *  }
         * }
        var moveHSpeed = moveAmountHorizontal / timeOfMove;
        var moveVSpeed = moveAmountVertical / timeOfMove;

        moveSpeed                   = new Vector3(moveHSpeed, moveVSpeed, 0f);
        DoorAudioSource             = gameObject.GetComponent <AudioSource>();
        DoorAudioSource.playOnAwake = false; //Turn off playOnAwake
        DoorAudioSource.playOnAwake = false;
        // DoorAudioSource.outputAudioMixerGroup.audioMixer.name = "SfxMixer";
        ResourceScript = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <ResourceScript>();

        SetSpawnPoints(spawnPointsEnable, false);//this sets whatever the door would enable to disabled

        /*  for (int i = 0; i < DoorSounds.Length; i++)
         * {
         *    DoorSoundPicked++;
         * }*/
Exemple #14
    IEnumerator CheckInputs()
        foreach (GameObject input in inupts)
            hit = Physics.OverlapSphere(input.transform.position, inOverlapSphereRadius, onlyItems);

            //if it spots an object near it's input (The red thing on the back of buildings)
            if (hit.Length > 0)
                ResourceScript rs = hit[0].GetComponent <ResourceScript>();

                foreach (ItemContainer con in InputContainers)
                    //If the item containers resource matches the one that's being fed in, increase the amount by one and destroy the game object.
                    if (con.item.CurrentResourceType == rs.Item.CurrentResourceType && con.amount < con.item.MaxStack)
                        ItemContainer.UpdateValue(1, con);
                        SpecialCase(con, rs);
                    //Otherwise use an empty one
                    else if (con.item == NewItemList.Nothing)
                        con.item = rs.Item;
                        ItemContainer.UpdateValue(1, con);
                        SpecialCase(con, rs);
        yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate());

Exemple #15
 private void OnEnable()
     _dt       = 0;
     _resource = GetComponent <TargetScript>().GetTarget().GetComponent <ResourceScript>();
     _storage  = GetComponents <StorageScript>().Where(script => _resource.Type == script.Type).ToList()[0];
		object SetApplicationIcon(TextBox tb) {            
			string iconPath = tb.Text;
			string newIconId;
			ResourceScript rc;
			if (iconPath.Trim() == "") return null;
			if (iconResourceScriptPath != null)
				rc = new ResourceScript(iconResourceScriptPath);
				newIconId = foundIconEntry != null ? foundIconEntry.ResourceID : DEFAULT_ICON_ID;
				iconResourceScriptPath = AddResourceScriptToProject(project, DEFAULT_RC_NAME);
				rc = new ResourceScript();
				newIconId = DEFAULT_ICON_ID;
			rc.SetIcon(newIconId, iconPath);
			return null;
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the icon file location from the rc files added to project. 
		/// Searches all project items of type "ResourceCompile" and returns the resource of type ICON with the lowest ID.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>path to the icon file or null if the icon wasn't specified</returns>
		string GetApplicationIconPathFromResourceScripts() {
			foundIconEntry = null;
			iconResourceScriptPath = null;
			IEnumerable <ProjectItem> resourceScripts = project.Items.Where(
						item => item is FileProjectItem && ((FileProjectItem)item).BuildAction == "ResourceCompile");			
			// search in all resource scripts, but due to limitation in resource compiler, only one of them can contain icons
			foreach (ProjectItem item in resourceScripts) {
				ResourceScript rc = new ResourceScript(item.FileName);
				if (rc.Icons.Count == 0) continue;
				if (foundIconEntry == null || rc.Icons.First().ResourceID.CompareTo(foundIconEntry.ResourceID)<0) {
					foundIconEntry = rc.Icons.First();
					iconResourceScriptPath = item.FileName;
			//when no icon was found, then select the resource script where icon definition may be created
			if (iconResourceScriptPath == null && resourceScripts.Any())
				iconResourceScriptPath = resourceScripts.First().FileName;
			return foundIconEntry != null ? foundIconEntry.Data : null;
Exemple #18
 void Start()
     resource = new ResourceScript(Bomb, _modID, this);
     Audio.PlaySoundAtTransform("Selection", transform);
     resource.Top_letters    = new List <char>();
     resource.Bottom_letters = new List <char>();
     resource.Right_letters  = new List <char>();
     resource.Left_letters   = new List <char>();
     for (int i = 0; i <= 7; i++)
         if (i == 0 || i == 1)
             GenerateLetter(1, i);
         if (i == 2 || i == 3)
             GenerateLetter(2, i);
         if (i == 4 || i == 5)
             GenerateLetter(3, i);
         if (i == 6 || i == 7)
             GenerateLetter(4, i);
     Moon_button.OnInteract += delegate() { if (!ismoonpressed && !isAnimating)
                                                ismoonpressed = true; resource.Roles_Fight();
                                            return(false); };
     foreach (KMSelectable button in Players)
         button.OnInteract += delegate() { if (ismoonpressed)
                                               GetComponent <KMBombModule>().HandleStrike(); Debug.LogFormat("[Town of KTaNE #{0}] It clearly states in the manual that when you are READY you should CLICK on the MOON first!", _modID);
                                           } return(false); };
         button.OnHighlight += delegate() { if (ismoonpressed)
                                                Player_joined.text = resource.Players_name[Array.IndexOf(Players, button)];
                                            return; };
         button.OnHighlightEnded += delegate() { if (ismoonpressed)
                                                     Player_joined.text = "";
                                                 return; };
     foreach (KMSelectable arrow in RoleArrows)
         arrow.OnInteract += delegate() { RoleArrowPress(arrow); return(false); };
     foreach (KMSelectable msg in MessageArrows)
         msg.OnInteract += delegate() { MessageArrowPress(msg); return(false); };
     foreach (KMSelectable msgrole in MessageRoleArrows)
         msgrole.OnInteract += delegate() { MessageRoleArrowPress(msgrole); return(false); };
     Submit.OnInteract             += delegate() { SubmitBUTT(); return(false); };
     Return.OnInteract             += delegate() { ReturntoGame(); return(false); };
     MessagesDisplay.OnInteract    += delegate() { MessageDisplay(); return(false); };
     MessageRoleDisplay.OnInteract += delegate() { MessagesRoleDisplay(); return(false); };
    } // End of TakeWood() function

    private void GatherResource()
        // Step 1) Path to current target node
        if (!MovementChecker())   // Check movement and pathing on desired node
            return;               // If false returned then not ready, so exit function
        // Step 2) Check we have a resource
        if (m_CurrentResource == null)
            m_CurrentResource = m_Resources[(int)m_ResourceType].GetTargetResource(); // If not, request a resource from the pointer
            if (m_CurrentResource == null)                                            // Check if the resource returned is null
            {                                                                         // If it is, then we have no resources available yet
                m_CantComplete = true;                                                // So set can't complete flag
                return;                                                               // And exit function
            // Otherwise, we've got a valid resource, so...
            m_TargetNodeString = m_CurrentResource.GetNodeName(); // Reset our target to suit new resource
            return;                                               // Need to start pathing though so exit function for MovementChecker to run

        // Step 3) Check if mesh has been setup for "animation"
        if (!m_InPosition)
            // Otherwise we're at the right node, so...
            transform.LookAt(new Vector3(m_CurrentResource.transform.position.x,                         // Look at the resource position .x and .z
                                         transform.position.y, m_CurrentResource.transform.position.z)); // (keeping y though to avoid weird rotations)
            m_Mesh.SetMeshAlternate((int)m_CurrentTask, m_Alternate);                                    // Set the mesh to alternate between default and chopping to resemble an animation
            m_ActiveSound = m_Audio.Play(m_TaskSoundName, m_CurrentResource.gameObject);
            m_InPosition  = true;                                                                        // Set InPosition flag to true
            switch (m_ResourceType)
            case Resource.Log:

            case Resource.Berry:

            case Resource.Fish:
            // Don't need to return, as we can carry on to setting up timers and start task

        // Step 4) Setup or Update task timer
        if (TimerChecker()) // Handle timer, returns true when timer finished
            // Step 5) Handle resouce unit transfer
            bool resourceRemaining = m_CurrentResource.Gathered();                                                          // Call get unit method on resource; bool to track if it's depleted, will use bool later on
            if (!m_Inventory.AddAmount(1, (int)m_ResourceType))                                                             // Add one unit to inventory - use (int) cast on Resource enum (more readable than a const int)
            {                                                                                                               // Something went wrong, either invalid parameters or inventory is full
                Debug.Log("ERROR: Couldn't add item '" + m_ResourceType.ToString() + "' to inventory in GatherResource()"); // Debug a warning
                m_CantComplete = true;                                                                                      // Just cancel task, this may be changed to have a better handler of full inventory etc
                m_ActiveSound = null;
                return;                     // Quit the function
            else                            // Otherwise add to inventory was successful...
                m_TaskProgress += 1;        // so increase task progress tracker
            // Step 6) Check and handle task progress
            if (m_TaskProgress == m_TaskGoal)
            {                           // If task has now been completed
                m_TaskCompleted = true; // Bool flag to tell Update() we're done
                m_ActiveSound = null;
                return; // Exit function
            }           // Otherwise if the task isn't complete...

            // Step 7) Handle resource validity
            if (!resourceRemaining)     // Check if resource is depleted (true = not depleted, false = depleted)
                m_ActiveSound     = null;
                m_CurrentResource = m_Resources[(int)m_ResourceType].GetTargetResource(); // Try to get a new resource
                if (m_CurrentResource == null)                                            // Check if resource is valid
                    m_CantComplete = true;                                                // No more resources left, set can't complete to true
                    return;                                                               // Exit function
                m_Timer            = m_TaskTimes[(int)m_CurrentTask];                     // Otherwise resource is valid, so reset timer,
                m_TargetNodeString = m_CurrentResource.GetNodeName();                     // Set the required node variable
                m_InPosition       = false;                                               // And set flag for NOT in position
                m_Mesh.ResetMesh();                                                       // Return mesh to default
                m_Stats.ResetMultipliers();                                               // Set multiplier back to false till back to gathering
                return;                                                                   // Exit function
            } // Otherwise, resource not depleted and task not finished so...
            m_Timer = m_TaskTimes[(int)m_CurrentTask];                                    // Reset timer
            return;                                                                       // Exit function
Exemple #20
 private void OnDisable()
     _storage  = null;
     _resource = null;
Exemple #21
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     EventManager.Reset    += ResetThis;
     attachedResourceScript = gameObject.GetComponent <ResourceScript>();
     initialWaitTime        = attachedResourceScript.waitTimer;