private void UpdateLineItemText(Widget LineItem, ResourceAmount Resource)
            var resourceInfo = ResourceLibrary.GetResourceByName(Resource.ResourceType);

            LineItem.GetChild(1).Text = resourceInfo.ShortName ?? resourceInfo.ResourceName;
            LineItem.GetChild(2).Text = String.Format("{0}",
            var counter = LineItem.GetChild(0).Children.Last();

            counter.Text = Resource.NumResources.ToString();
            LineItem.Tooltip = resourceInfo.ResourceName + "\n" + resourceInfo.Description;
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                if (i > 0)
                    LineItem.GetChild(i).TextColor = Resource.NumResources > 0
                        ? Color.Black.ToVector4()
                        : new Vector4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
                LineItem.GetChild(i).BackgroundColor = Resource.NumResources > 0
                    ? resourceInfo.Tint.ToVector4()
                    : new Vector4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
                LineItem.GetChild(i).Tooltip = resourceInfo.ResourceName + "\n" + resourceInfo.Description;
Exemple #2
        private Widget CreateLineItem(ResourceAmount Resource)
            var r = Root.ConstructWidget(new Gum.Widget
                MinimumSize = new Point(1, 32),
                MaximumSize = new Point(1, 32)

            var resourceInfo = ResourceLibrary.GetResourceByName(Resource.ResourceType);

            r.AddChild(new Gum.Widget
                MinimumSize     = new Point(32, 32),
                MaximumSize     = new Point(32, 32),
                Background      = new TileReference("resources", resourceInfo.NewGuiSprite),
                AutoLayout      = AutoLayout.DockLeft,
                BackgroundColor = resourceInfo.Tint.ToVector4()

            r.AddChild(new Gum.Widget
                AutoLayout = AutoLayout.DockFill,
                //Text = String.Format("{0} at ${1}e", Resource.NumResources, resourceInfo.MoneyValue),
                //Font = "outline-font",
                //TextColor = new Vector4(1,1,1,1),
                TextVerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Center

            UpdateLineItemText(r, Resource);

        // Aggregates resources by tags so that there aren't as many to display.
        private List <AggregatedResource> AggregateResources(IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, Pair <ResourceAmount> > > resources)
            List <AggregatedResource> aggregated = new List <AggregatedResource>();

            foreach (var pair in resources)
                var resource = ResourceLibrary.GetResourceByName(pair.Value.First.ResourceType);
                var existing = aggregated.FirstOrDefault(existingResource =>
                                                         AreListsEqual(ResourceLibrary.GetResourceByName(existingResource.Amount.First.ResourceType).Tags, resource.Tags));

                if (existing != null)
                    existing.Amount.First.NumResources  += pair.Value.First.NumResources;
                    existing.Amount.Second.NumResources += pair.Value.Second.NumResources;
                    existing.Members.Add(String.Format("{0}x {1}", pair.Value.First.NumResources, pair.Value.First.ResourceType));
                    aggregated.Add(new AggregatedResource()
                        Amount  = pair.Value,
                        Members = new List <string>()
                            String.Format("{0}x {1}", pair.Value.First.NumResources, pair.Value.First.ResourceType)
Exemple #4
        private void MoveRandomValue(IEnumerable <ResourceAmount> source, List <ResourceAmount> destination,
                                     ITradeEntity trader)
            foreach (var amount in source)
                Resource r = ResourceLibrary.GetResourceByName(amount.ResourceType);
                if (trader.TraderRace.HatedResources.Any(tag => r.Tags.Contains(tag)))
                if (amount.NumResources == 0)
                ResourceAmount destAmount =
                    destination.FirstOrDefault(resource => resource.ResourceType == amount.ResourceType);
                if (destAmount == null)
                    destAmount = new ResourceAmount(amount.ResourceType, 0);

                int numToMove = MathFunctions.RandInt(1, amount.NumResources + 1);
                amount.NumResources     -= numToMove;
                destAmount.NumResources += numToMove;
        public override void Construct()
            Font = "font16";

            OnUpdate = (sender, time) =>
                var builder = new StringBuilder();
                builder.AppendFormat("Liquid assets: ${0}\n", Faction.Treasurys.Select(t => t.Money.Value).Sum());

                var resources = Faction.ListResourcesInStockpilesPlusMinions();

                builder.AppendFormat("Material assets: {0} resources valued at ${1}\n", resources.Values.Select(r => r.First.NumResources + r.Second.NumResources).Sum(),
                                     resources.Values.Select(r =>
                    var value = ResourceLibrary.GetResourceByName(r.First.ResourceType).MoneyValue.Value;
                    return((r.First.NumResources * value) + (r.Second.NumResources * value));

                builder.AppendFormat("{0} employees at ${1} per day.\n", Faction.Minions.Count, Faction.Minions.Select(m => m.Stats.CurrentLevel.Pay.Value).Sum());

                var freeStockPile  = Faction.ComputeRemainingStockpileSpace();
                var totalStockPile = Faction.ComputeTotalStockpileSpace();
                builder.AppendFormat("Stockpile space: {0} used of {1} ({2:00.00}%)\n", totalStockPile - freeStockPile, totalStockPile, (float)(totalStockPile - freeStockPile) / (float)totalStockPile * 100.0f);

                Text = builder.ToString();

        private Widget CreateLineItem(ResourceAmount Resource)
            var r = Root.ConstructWidget(new Gui.Widget
                MinimumSize = new Point(1, 32),
                Background  = new TileReference("basic", 0)

            var resourceInfo = ResourceLibrary.GetResourceByName(Resource.ResourceType);

            var icon = r.AddChild(new ResourceIcon()
                MinimumSize         = new Point(32 + 16, 32 + 16),
                MaximumSize         = new Point(32 + 16, 32 + 16),
                Layers              = resourceInfo.GuiLayers,
                AutoLayout          = AutoLayout.DockLeft,
                BackgroundColor     = Resource.NumResources > 0 ? resourceInfo.Tint.ToVector4() : new Vector4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f),
                TextColor           = Color.White.ToVector4(),
                TextHorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right,
                TextVerticalAlign   = VerticalAlign.Bottom

            r.AddChild(new Gui.Widget
                AutoLayout          = AutoLayout.DockLeft,
                MinimumSize         = new Point(128 / GameSettings.Default.GuiScale, 0),
                MaximumSize         = new Point(128 / GameSettings.Default.GuiScale, 32),
                TextColor           = Resource.NumResources > 0 ? Color.Black.ToVector4() : new Vector4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f),
                TextVerticalAlign   = VerticalAlign.Center,
                TextHorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left,
                HoverTextColor      = GameSettings.Default.Colors.GetColor("Highlight", Color.DarkRed).ToVector4(),
                Font = GameSettings.Default.GuiScale == 1 ? "font10" : "font8",
                ChangeColorOnHover = true,
                WrapText           = true

            r.AddChild(new Gui.Widget
                AutoLayout = AutoLayout.DockRight,
                //Text = String.Format("{0} at ${1}e", Resource.NumResources, resourceInfo.MoneyValue),
                //Font = "font18-outline",
                //TextColor = new Vector4(1,1,1,1),
                TextColor         = Resource.NumResources > 0 ? Color.Black.ToVector4() : new Vector4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f),
                TextVerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Center,
                HoverTextColor    = GameSettings.Default.Colors.GetColor("Highlight", Color.DarkRed).ToVector4(),
                Font = GameSettings.Default.GuiScale == 1 ? "font10" : "font8",
                ChangeColorOnHover = true,

            UpdateLineItemText(r, Resource);

Exemple #7
        public void Eat(DateTime time)
            bool outOfFood = false;

            foreach (var creature in Party)
                var resource = Resources.FirstOrDefault(r => r.NumResources > 0 && ResourceLibrary.GetResourceByName(r.ResourceType).Tags.Contains(Resource.ResourceTags.Edible));
                if (resource != null)
                else if (MathFunctions.RandEvent(0.5f))
                    outOfFood             = true;
                    creature.Creature.Hp -= MathFunctions.Rand(1, 10);
                    var thoughts = creature.Creature.GetComponent <DwarfThoughts>();
                    if (thoughts != null)
            var numDied = Party.Count(p => p.Creature.Hp <= 0);

            foreach (var creature in Party.Where(p => p.Creature.Hp <= 0))

            if (outOfFood)
                if (numDied == 0)
                    LastEvent = "The adventuring party ran out of food!";
                    LastEvent = String.Format("The adventuring party ran out of food! {0} starved to death.", numDied);
            Party.RemoveAll(p => p.Creature.Hp <= 0);

            if (Party.Count == 0)
                AdventureState = State.Done;
                LastEvent      = "All of the members of the adventuring party starved to death.";
                Money = 0;
            HourOfLastEating = time.Hour;
Exemple #8
        public DwarfBux ComputeValue(ResourceLibrary.ResourceType Resource)
            var resource = ResourceLibrary.GetResourceByName(Resource);

            if (SourceEnvoy.OwnerFaction.Race.CommonResources.Any(r => resource.Tags.Contains(r)))
                return(resource.MoneyValue * 0.75m);
            if (SourceEnvoy.OwnerFaction.Race.RareResources.Any(r => resource.Tags.Contains(r)))
                return(resource.MoneyValue * 1.25m);
Exemple #9
        public override void OnAction(WorldManager world)
            var   owner         = world.Factions.Factions[OwnerFaction];
            var   des           = world.Factions.Factions[DestinationFaction];
            var   charisma      = Party.Max(p => p.Stats.BuffedChar);
            float tradeGoodness = charisma - MathFunctions.Rand(0, 10.0f);
            var   politics      = world.Diplomacy.GetPolitics(owner, des);

            if (Resources.Any(r => ResourceLibrary.GetResourceByName(r.ResourceType).Tags.Any(t => des.Race.HatedResources.Contains(t))))
                politics.RecentEvents.Add(new Diplomacy.PoliticalEvent()
                    Description = "You gave us something we hate!",
                    Change      = -5,
                    Duration    = new TimeSpan(4, 0, 0, 0),
                    Time        = world.Time.CurrentDate
                LastEvent = String.Format("The {0} of {1} were offended by our peace offering. They captured the envoy.", des.Race.Plural, des.Name);
                Money          = 0;
                AdventureState = State.Done;

            decimal tradeValue = (Resources.Sum(r => GetValue(ResourceLibrary.GetResourceByName(r.ResourceType), des) * r.NumResources) + (decimal)Money) * (decimal)charisma;

            if (MathFunctions.Rand(0, 500) < (float)tradeValue)
                politics.RecentEvents.Add(new Diplomacy.PoliticalEvent()
                    Description = "You sent a peace envoy.",
                    Change      = 10,
                    Duration    = new TimeSpan(8, 0, 0, 0),
                    Time        = world.Time.CurrentDate
                politics.HasMet   = true;
                politics.WasAtWar = false;
                LastEvent         = String.Format("The adventuring party made peace with the {0} of {1}!", des.Race.Plural, des.Name);
                Money             = 0;
                AdventureState = State.ComingBack;

        private void UpdateLineItemText(Widget LineItem, ResourceAmount Resource)
            var resourceInfo = ResourceLibrary.GetResourceByName(Resource.ResourceType);
            var font         = LineItem.Root.GetTileSheet("font10");
            var label        = resourceInfo.ShortName ?? resourceInfo.Name;

            if (font != null)
                Point measurements = font.MeasureString(resourceInfo.ShortName ?? resourceInfo.Name);
                label = font.WordWrapString(label, 1.0f, 128 / GameSettings.Default.GuiScale, LineItem.WrapWithinWords);
                if (128 / GameSettings.Default.GuiScale < measurements.X)
                    LineItem.MinimumSize.Y = font.TileHeight * label.Split('\n').Length;
            LineItem.GetChild(1).Text = label;
            LineItem.GetChild(2).Text = String.Format("{0}",
            var counter = LineItem.GetChild(0).Children.Last();

            counter.Text = Resource.NumResources.ToString();
            LineItem.Tooltip = resourceInfo.Name + "\n" + resourceInfo.Description;
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                if (i > 0)
                    LineItem.GetChild(i).TextColor = Resource.NumResources > 0
                        ? Color.Black.ToVector4()
                        : new Vector4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
                LineItem.GetChild(i).BackgroundColor = Resource.NumResources > 0
                    ? resourceInfo.Tint.ToVector4()
                    : new Vector4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
                LineItem.GetChild(i).Tooltip = resourceInfo.Name + "\n" + resourceInfo.Description;
Exemple #11
        private static void _wait_for_trade(YarnEngine State, List <Ancora.AstNode> Arguments, Yarn.MemoryVariableStore Memory)
            var envoy         = Memory.GetValue("$envoy").AsObject as TradeEnvoy;
            var playerFaction = Memory.GetValue("$player_faction").AsObject as Faction;
            var world         = Memory.GetValue("$world").AsObject as WorldManager;

            State.PlayerInterface.WaitForTrade((tradeResult, transaction) =>
                if (tradeResult == Gui.Widgets.TradeDialogResult.Cancel)
                    Memory.SetValue("$trade_result", new Yarn.Value("cancelled"));
                else if (tradeResult == Gui.Widgets.TradeDialogResult.RejectProfit)
                    Memory.SetValue("$trade_result", new Yarn.Value("unprofitable"));
                else if (transaction.PlayerItems.Select(i => ResourceLibrary.GetResourceByName(i.ResourceType))
                         .SelectMany(i => i.Tags)
                         .Any(tag => envoy.OwnerFaction.Race.HatedResources.Contains(tag)))
                    Memory.SetValue("$trade_result", new Yarn.Value("hated"));
                else if (transaction.PlayerItems.Select(i => ResourceLibrary.GetResourceByName(i.ResourceType))
                         .SelectMany(i => i.Tags)
                         .Any(tag => envoy.OwnerFaction.Race.LikedResources.Contains(tag)))
                    Memory.SetValue("$trade_result", new Yarn.Value("liked"));
                    Memory.SetValue("$trade_result", new Yarn.Value("acceptable"));

                Memory.SetValue("$trade_transaction", new Yarn.Value(transaction));
Exemple #12
 public DwarfBux ComputeValue(ResourceType Resource)
Exemple #13
 public string GetStatusString(WorldManager world)
     return(String.Format("Food supply {0}, {1}", Resources.Sum(r => ResourceLibrary.GetResourceByName(r.ResourceType).Tags.Contains(Resource.ResourceTags.Edible) ? r.NumResources : 0), GetETAString(world)));
Exemple #14
        public void SetTradeItems(List <ResourceAmount> leftResources, List <ResourceAmount> rightResources, DwarfBux leftMoney, DwarfBux rightMoney)

            var left      = GetTopResources(leftResources).ToList();
            int leftCount = left.Count + (leftMoney > 0.0m ? 1 : 0);

            int k = 0;

            foreach (var resource in left)
                var resourceType = ResourceLibrary.GetResourceByName(resource.ResourceType);
                LeftItems.AddChild(new ResourceIcon()
                    Layers      = resourceType.GuiLayers,
                    MinimumSize = new Point(32, 32),
                    MaximumSize = new Point(32, 32),
                    Rect        = new Rectangle(LeftWidget.Rect.X + 16 + k * 4 - leftCount * 2, LeftWidget.Rect.Y + 5, 32, 32)

            if (leftMoney > 0.0m)
                LeftItems.AddChild(new Widget()
                    Background  = new TileReference("coins", 1),
                    MinimumSize = new Point(32, 32),
                    MaximumSize = new Point(32, 32),
                    Rect        = new Rectangle(LeftWidget.Rect.X + 16 + k * 4 - leftCount * 2, LeftWidget.Rect.Y + 5, 32, 32)

            var right      = GetTopResources(rightResources).ToList();
            int rightCount = right.Count + (rightMoney > 0.0m ? 1 : 0);

            k = 0;
            foreach (var resource in GetTopResources(rightResources))
                var resourceType = ResourceLibrary.GetResourceByName(resource.ResourceType);
                RightItems.AddChild(new ResourceIcon()
                    Layers      = resourceType.GuiLayers,
                    MinimumSize = new Point(32, 32),
                    MaximumSize = new Point(32, 32),
                    Rect        = new Rectangle(RightWidget.Rect.X + 16 + k * 4 - rightCount * 2, RightWidget.Rect.Y + 5, 32, 32)

            if (rightMoney > 0.0m)
                RightItems.AddChild(new Widget()
                    Background  = new TileReference("coins", 1),
                    MinimumSize = new Point(32, 32),
                    MaximumSize = new Point(32, 32),
                    Rect        = new Rectangle(RightWidget.Rect.X + 16 + k * 4 - rightCount * 2, RightWidget.Rect.Y + 5, 32, 32)
Exemple #15
        public override void OnAction(WorldManager world)
            if (Resources.Count == 0)
                LastEvent = String.Format("The trade party didn't have anything to trade, so they're coming home.");

            var   owner                      = world.Factions.Factions[OwnerFaction];
            var   dest                       = world.Factions.Factions[DestinationFaction];
            var   charisma                   = Party.Max(p => p.Stats.BuffedChar);
            float tradeGoodness              = charisma - MathFunctions.Rand(0, 10.0f);
            var   politics                   = world.Diplomacy.GetPolitics(owner, dest);
            List <ResourceAmount> destGoods  = dest.Race.GenerateResources(world);
            List <ResourceAmount> tradeGoods = new List <ResourceAmount>();
            bool wasBadTrade                 = false;
            int  randIters                   = 100;

            for (int iter = 0; iter < randIters; iter++)
                var resourceType = Datastructures.SelectRandom(Resources);
                if (resourceType.NumResources == 0)
                var  resource = ResourceLibrary.GetResourceByName(resourceType.ResourceType);
                bool liked    = resource.Tags.Any(t => dest.Race.LikedResources.Contains(t));
                bool hated    = resource.Tags.Any(t => dest.Race.HatedResources.Contains(t));

                if (tradeGoodness < 0 && liked)
                    LastEvent = String.Format("{0} gave the {1} {2}, which made them very angry!",
                                              dest.Race.Name, resourceType.ResourceType);
                    string badTrade = "You gave us something we hate.";
                    if (!politics.RecentEvents.Any(ev => ev.Description == badTrade))
                        politics.RecentEvents.Add(new Diplomacy.PoliticalEvent()
                            Description = badTrade,
                            Change      = -5,
                            Duration    = new TimeSpan(4, 0, 0, 0),
                            Time        = world.Time.CurrentDate
                    wasBadTrade = true;
                else if (tradeGoodness > 0 && liked)
                    string goodTrade = "You gave us something we like.";
                    if (!politics.RecentEvents.Any(ev => ev.Description == goodTrade))
                        politics.RecentEvents.Add(new Diplomacy.PoliticalEvent()
                            Description = goodTrade,
                            Change      = 5,
                            Duration    = new TimeSpan(4, 0, 0, 0),
                            Time        = world.Time.CurrentDate
                var resourceValue = GetValue(resource, dest);

                // Now find a resource of equal or greater value and trade for it.
                int randIter2 = 0;
                while (randIter2 < 100)
                    var randGood = Datastructures.SelectRandom(destGoods);
                    if (randGood.NumResources == 0)

                    var good          = ResourceLibrary.GetResourceByName(randGood.ResourceType);
                    var randGoodValue = GetValue(good, dest);

                    // Trade the most of this resource we possibly can. If we want to
                    // trade an item of lesser value, try to trade 1 good for as much of it as possible.
                    if (randGoodValue <= resourceValue)
                        int numToTrade = Math.Min((int)(resourceValue / randGoodValue), randGood.NumResources);
                        if (numToTrade * randGoodValue >= 0.75f * resourceValue)
                            randGood.NumResources -= numToTrade;
                            tradeGoods.Add(new ResourceAmount(good, numToTrade));
                    // If we're trading upwards, try trading as much of our resource as possible for the valuable item.
                        int numToTrade = Math.Min((int)(randGoodValue / resourceValue), resourceType.NumResources);
                        if (numToTrade * resourceValue >= 0.75f * randGoodValue)
                            resourceType.NumResources -= numToTrade;
                            tradeGoods.Add(new ResourceAmount(good, 1));


                // We failed to find a good of equal value, so let's just trade money.
                if (randIter2 == 100)
                    Money += resourceValue;

            if (!wasBadTrade)
                LastEvent = String.Format("The trade party is returning home with {0} goods, and {1}.", Resources.Sum(r => r.NumResources), Money);

Exemple #16
        public override void Construct()
            Border    = "border-one";
            Font      = "font10";
            TextColor = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1);
            OnShown  += (sender) =>
                //Parent.OnClick = null;
                var titleBar = AddChild(new Gui.Widget()
                    AutoLayout  = Gui.AutoLayout.DockTop,
                    MinimumSize = new Point(0, 34),
                int k = 0;
                foreach (var ingredient in Data.RequiredResources)
                    var resource = ResourceLibrary.GetAverageWithTag(ingredient.ResourceType);
                    titleBar.AddChild(new Gui.Widget
                        MinimumSize         = new Point(32, 32),
                        MaximumSize         = new Point(32, 32),
                        Background          = resource.GuiLayers[0],
                        AutoLayout          = AutoLayout.DockLeft,
                        Text                = ingredient.NumResources.ToString(),
                        TextHorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right,
                        TextVerticalAlign   = VerticalAlign.Bottom,
                        Font                = "font10-outline-numsonly",
                        TextColor           = Color.White.ToVector4(),
                        Tooltip             = ingredient.ResourceType.ToString()
                    if (k < Data.RequiredResources.Count - 1)
                        titleBar.AddChild(new Gui.Widget
                            MinimumSize         = new Point(16, 32),
                            MaximumSize         = new Point(16, 32),
                            AutoLayout          = AutoLayout.DockLeft,
                            Text                = "+",
                            TextHorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center,
                            TextVerticalAlign   = VerticalAlign.Bottom,
                            Font                = "font10"
                        titleBar.AddChild(new Gui.Widget
                            MinimumSize         = new Point(16, 32),
                            MaximumSize         = new Point(16, 32),
                            AutoLayout          = AutoLayout.DockLeft,
                            Text                = ">>",
                            TextHorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center,
                            TextVerticalAlign   = VerticalAlign.Bottom,
                            Font                = "font10"

                titleBar.AddChild(new Gui.Widget
                    MinimumSize         = new Point(32, 32),
                    MaximumSize         = new Point(32, 32),
                    Background          = Data.Icon,
                    AutoLayout          = Gui.AutoLayout.DockLeft,
                    Text                = Data.CraftedResultsCount.ToString(),
                    Font                = "font10-outline-numsonly",
                    TextHorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right,
                    TextVerticalAlign   = VerticalAlign.Bottom,
                    TextColor           = Color.White.ToVector4()
                titleBar.AddChild(new Gui.Widget
                    Text              = " " + Data.Name,
                    Font              = "font16",
                    AutoLayout        = Gui.AutoLayout.DockLeft,
                    TextVerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Center,
                    MinimumSize       = new Point(0, 34),
                    Padding           = new Margin(0, 0, 16, 0)

                AddChild(new Gui.Widget
                    Text                   = Data.Description + "\n",
                    AutoLayout             = Gui.AutoLayout.DockTop,
                    AutoResizeToTextHeight = true

                var minion = World.PlayerFaction.Minions.FirstOrDefault(m => Data.IsMagical ? m.Stats.IsTaskAllowed(Task.TaskCategory.Research) : m.Stats.IsTaskAllowed(Task.TaskCategory.BuildObject));

                var nearestBuildLocation = World.PlayerFaction.FindNearestItemWithTags(Data.CraftLocation, Vector3.Zero, false, null);
                if (minion == null)
                    AddChild(new Gui.Widget
                        Text       = String.Format("Needs {0} to {1}!", Data.IsMagical ? "Wizard" : "CraftsDwarf", Data.Verb),
                        TextColor  = new Vector4(1, 0, 0, 1),
                        AutoLayout = Gui.AutoLayout.DockBottom
                else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Data.CraftLocation) && Data.Type == CraftItem.CraftType.Resource && nearestBuildLocation == null)
                    AddChild(new Gui.Widget
                        Text       = String.Format("Needs {0} to {1}!", Data.CraftLocation, Data.Verb),
                        TextColor  = new Vector4(1, 0, 0, 1),
                        AutoLayout = Gui.AutoLayout.DockBottom
                    foreach (var resourceAmount in Data.RequiredResources)
                        var child = AddChild(new Widget()
                            AutoLayout  = AutoLayout.DockTop,
                            MinimumSize = new Point(200, 18)

                        child.AddChild(new Gui.Widget()
                            Font       = "font8",
                            Text       = String.Format("{0} {1}: ", resourceAmount.NumResources, resourceAmount.ResourceType),
                            AutoLayout = AutoLayout.DockLeft

                        var resourceSelector = child.AddChild(new Gui.Widgets.ComboBox
                            Font        = "font8",
                            Items       = Master.Faction.ListResourcesWithTag(resourceAmount.ResourceType).Where(r => r.NumResources >= resourceAmount.NumResources).Select(r => r.ResourceType.ToString()).OrderBy(p => p).ToList(),
                            AutoLayout  = AutoLayout.DockLeft,
                            MinimumSize = new Point(200, 18),
                            Tooltip     = String.Format("Type of {0} to use.", resourceAmount.ResourceType)
                        }) as Gui.Widgets.ComboBox;

                        if (AllowWildcard)
                            resourceSelector.Items.Insert(0, "Any");

                        if (resourceSelector.Items.Count == 0)
                            resourceSelector.Items.Add("<Not enough!>");

                        resourceSelector.SelectedIndex = 0;


                    if (Data.Type == CraftItem.CraftType.Resource)
                        var child2 = AddChild(new Widget()
                            AutoLayout  = AutoLayout.DockTop,
                            MinimumSize = new Point(100, 18)

                        child2.AddChild(new Gui.Widget()
                            Font       = "font8",
                            Text       = "Repeat ",
                            AutoLayout = AutoLayout.DockLeft
                        NumCombo = child2.AddChild(new Gui.Widgets.ComboBox
                            Font  = "font8",
                            Items = new List <string>()
                            AutoLayout  = AutoLayout.DockLeft,
                            MinimumSize = new Point(64, 18),
                            MaximumSize = new Point(64, 18),
                            Tooltip     = "Craft this many objects."
                        }) as Gui.Widgets.ComboBox;
                        NumCombo.SelectedIndex = 0;

                    var bottomBar = AddChild(new Widget()
                        AutoLayout  = AutoLayout.DockTop,
                        MinimumSize = new Point(256, 32)

                    bool hasExisting = false;
                    if (BuildAction != null)
                        if (Data.Type == CraftItem.CraftType.Object && PlaceAction != null)
                            hasExisting = true;
                            var resources = Master.Faction.ListResources();
                            if (resources.Any(resource => ResourceLibrary.GetResourceByName(resource.Key).CraftInfo.CraftItemType == Data.Name))
                                bottomBar.AddChild(new Button()
                                    Text    = "Place Existing",
                                    OnClick = (widget, args) =>
                                        PlaceAction(this, args);
                                    AutoLayout  = AutoLayout.DockLeftCentered,
                                    MinimumSize = new Point(64, 28),
                                    Tooltip     = String.Format("Place an existing {0} from our stockpiles.", Data.Name)

                        var buildButton = bottomBar.AddChild(new Button()
                            Text    = hasExisting ? String.Format("{0} New", Data.Verb): Data.Verb,
                            OnClick = (widget, args) =>
                                BuildAction(this, args);
                                //sender.Hidden = true;
                            AutoLayout  = AutoLayout.DockLeftCentered,
                            MinimumSize = new Point(64, 28),
                            Tooltip     = String.Format("{1} a new {0} using the selected resources.", Data.Name, Data.Verb)

                        //Parent.OnClick = (parent, args) => buildButton.OnClick(buildButton, args);

        public override void Construct()
            ItemSize = new Point(32, 64);
            Background      = new TileReference("basic", 0);
            BackgroundColor = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 0.5f);
            OnUpdate        = (sender, time) =>
                var existingResourceEntries = new List <Widget>(Children);
                var aggregated =
                        Master.Faction.ListResourcesInStockpilesPlusMinions().Where(p => p.Value.First.NumResources > 0 || p.Value.Second.NumResources > 0));
                foreach (var resource in aggregated)
                    var resourceTemplate = ResourceLibrary.GetResourceByName(resource.Amount.First.ResourceType);

                    // Don't display resources with no value (a hack, yes!). This is to prevent "special" resources from getting traded.
                    if (resourceTemplate.MoneyValue == 0.0m)

                    var icon = existingResourceEntries.FirstOrDefault(w => w is ResourceIcon && (w as ResourceIcon).EqualsLayers(resourceTemplate.GuiLayers));

                    StringBuilder label = new StringBuilder();
                    foreach (var aggregates in resource.Members)

                    if (icon == null)
                        icon = AddChild(new ResourceIcon()
                            Layers  = resourceTemplate.GuiLayers,
                            Tooltip = label.ToString(),
                        icon.Tooltip = label.ToString();
                        if (!Children.Contains(icon))

                    string text = "S" + resource.Amount.First.NumResources.ToString();
                    text += "\n";
                    if (resource.Amount.Second.NumResources > 0)
                        text += "I" + resource.Amount.Second.NumResources.ToString();
                    icon.Text = text;
                var width         = Root.RenderData.VirtualScreen.Width - ItemSpacing.X;
                var itemsThatFit  = width / (ItemSize.X + ItemSpacing.X);
                var sensibleWidth = (Math.Min(Children.Count, itemsThatFit) * (ItemSize.X + ItemSpacing.X)) + ItemSpacing.X;
                Rect = new Rectangle((Root.RenderData.VirtualScreen.Width / 2 - sensibleWidth / 2), 0, sensibleWidth, 32);
Exemple #18
 public float ComputeValue(ResourceLibrary.ResourceType Resource)
     // Todo: Account for rare or common items.
Exemple #19
 public float ComputeValue(ResourceLibrary.ResourceType Resource)
Exemple #20
        public override void Construct()
            AutoSizeColumns = true;
            IsRootTray      = true;

            ItemSource = new Gui.Widget[]
                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text = "CHEAT MODE",

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text           = "DEBUG",
                    ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                        ItemSize   = new Point(200, 20),
                        ItemSource = Debugger.EnumerateSwitches().Select(s =>
                                                                         new HorizontalMenuTray.CheckboxMenuItem
                            Text         = Debugger.GetNicelyFormattedName(s.Name),
                            InitialState = s.State,
                            SetCallback  = s.Set

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "DEBUG SAVE",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                        // Turn off binary compressed saves and save a nice straight json save for debugging purposes.

                        // Todo: Why isn't World managing this paused state itself?
                        bool paused          = Master.World.Paused;
                        var  previousSetting = DwarfGame.COMPRESSED_BINARY_SAVES;
                        DwarfGame.COMPRESSED_BINARY_SAVES = false;
                            String.Format("{0}_{1}_DEBUG", Overworld.Name, Master.World.GameID),
                            (success, exception) =>
                            Master.World.MakeAnnouncement(success ? "Debug save created.": "Debug save failed - " + exception.Message);
                            DwarfGame.COMPRESSED_BINARY_SAVES = previousSetting;
                            Master.World.Paused = paused;

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text           = "BUILD",
                    ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                        ItemSource = RoomLibrary.GetRoomTypes().Select(r =>
                                                                       new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                            Text    = r,
                            OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Build/" + r)

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text           = "SPAWN",
                    ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                        Columns    = 5,
                        ItemSource = EntityFactory.EnumerateEntityTypes().Where(s => !s.Contains("Resource") ||
                                                                                !ResourceLibrary.GetResourceByName(s.Substring(0, s.Length - " Resource".Length)).Generated).OrderBy(s => s).Select(s =>
                                                                                                                                                                                                    new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                            Text    = s,
                            OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Spawn/" + s)

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text           = "PLACE BLOCK",
                    ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                        Columns    = 3,
                        ItemSource = VoxelLibrary.PrimitiveMap.Keys
                                     .Where(t => t.Name != "empty" && t.Name != "water")
                                     .OrderBy(s => s.Name)
                                     .Select(s =>
                                             new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                            Text    = s.Name,
                            OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Place/" + s.Name)

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "DELETE BLOCK",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Delete Block")

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "KILL BLOCK",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Kill Block")

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text           = "PLACE GRASS",
                    ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                        Columns    = 3,
                        ItemSource = GrassLibrary.TypeList
                                     .OrderBy(s => s.Name)
                                     .Select(s =>
                                             new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                            Text    = s.Name,
                            OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Grass/" + s.Name)

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text           = "PLACE DECAL",
                    ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                        Columns    = 3,
                        ItemSource = DecalLibrary.TypeList
                                     .OrderBy(s => s.Name)
                                     .Select(s =>
                                             new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                            Text    = s.Name,
                            OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Decal/" + s.Name)

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text           = "PLACE RAIL",
                    ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                        Columns    = 1,
                        ItemSource = new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem[]
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text           = "RAW PIECES",
                                ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                                    Columns    = 2,
                                    ItemSize   = new Point(200, 20),
                                    ItemSource = Rail.RailLibrary.EnumeratePieces().Select(p =>
                                                                                           new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                        Text    = p.Name,
                                        OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Rail/" + p.Name)

                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text           = "USING PATTERNS",
                                ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                                    Columns    = 1,
                                    ItemSource = Rail.RailLibrary.EnumeratePatterns().Select(p =>
                                                                                             new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                        Text    = p.Name,
                                        OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                                            var railTool     = Master.Tools[GameMaster.ToolMode.BuildRail] as Rail.BuildRailTool;
                                            railTool.Pattern = p;
                                            railTool.GodModeSwitch = true;

                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "PAINT",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                                    var railTool = Master.Tools[GameMaster.ToolMode.PaintRail] as Rail.PaintRailTool;
                                    railTool.SelectedResources = new List <ResourceAmount>(new ResourceAmount[] { new ResourceAmount("Rail", 1) });
                                    railTool.GodModeSwitch = true;

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "KILL THINGS",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Kill Things")

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text           = "TRAILER",
                    ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                        ItemSource = new List <HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem>()
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "SPIN +",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => this.Master.World.Camera.Trailer(Vector3.Zero, 2.0f, 0.0f),
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "SPIN -",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => this.Master.World.Camera.Trailer(Vector3.Zero, -2.0f, 0.0f),
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "ZOOM -",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => this.Master.World.Camera.Trailer(Vector3.Zero, 0.0f, 2.5f),
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "ZOOM +",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => this.Master.World.Camera.Trailer(Vector3.Zero, 0.0f, -2.5f),
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "FWD",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => this.Master.World.Camera.Trailer(Vector3.Forward * 5, 0.0f, 0.0f),
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "BACK",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => this.Master.World.Camera.Trailer(Vector3.Backward * 5, 0.0f, 0.0f),
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "LEFT",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => this.Master.World.Camera.Trailer(Vector3.Left * 5, 0.0f, 0.0f),
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "RIGHT",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => this.Master.World.Camera.Trailer(Vector3.Right * 5, 0.0f, 0.0f),

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "FILL WATER",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Fill Water")

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "FILL LAVA",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Fill Lava")

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text           = "TRADE ENVOY",
                    ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                        ItemSource = Master.World.Factions.Factions.Values.Where(f => f.Race.IsIntelligent && f != Master.Faction).Select(s =>
                            return(new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text = s.Name,
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => Master.World.Diplomacy.SendTradeEnvoy(s, Master.World)
                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text           = "EVENT",
                    ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                        ItemSource = Master.World.GoalManager.EventScheduler.Events.Events.Select(e =>
                            return(new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text = e.Name,
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => Master.World.GoalManager.EventScheduler.ActivateEvent(Master.World, e)
                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text           = "WAR PARTY",
                    ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                        ItemSource = Master.World.Factions.Factions.Values.Where(f => f.Race.IsIntelligent && f != Master.Faction).Select(s =>
                            return(new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text = s.Name,
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => Master.World.Diplomacy.SendWarParty(s)

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "DWARF BUX",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) => Master.Faction.AddMoney(100m)

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text           = "MINIONS",
                    ExpansionChild = new HorizontalMenuTray.Tray
                        ItemSource = new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem[]
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "PAY",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => Master.PayEmployees()
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "STARVE",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                                    foreach (var minion in Master.Faction.Minions)
                                        minion.Status.Hunger.CurrentValue = 0;
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "XP",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                                    foreach (var minion in Master.Faction.Minions)
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "DISEASE",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Disease")
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "HAPPY",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                                    foreach (var minion in Master.Faction.Minions)
                                        var thoughts = minion.GetRoot().GetComponent <DwarfThoughts>();
                                        if (thoughts != null)
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "PISSED",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                                    foreach (var minion in Master.Faction.Minions)
                                        var thoughts = minion.GetRoot().GetComponent <DwarfThoughts>();
                                        if (thoughts != null)
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "GAMBLE",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                                    foreach (var employee in Master.Faction.Minions)
                                        employee.AssignTask(new Scripting.GambleTask()
                                            Priority = Task.PriorityType.High
                            new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                                Text    = "PASS OUT",
                                OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                                    var employee = Datastructures.SelectRandom(Master.Faction.Minions);
                                    if (employee != null)
                                        employee.Creature.Heal(-employee.Status.Health.CurrentValue * employee.Creature.MaxHealth + 1);

                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "SPAWN TEST",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                        // Copy is required because spawning some types results in the creation of new types. EG, snakes create snake meat.
                        var     keys       = EntityFactory.EnumerateEntityTypes().ToList();
                        int     num        = keys.Count();
                        float   gridSize   = (float)Math.Ceiling(Math.Sqrt((double)num));
                        Vector3 gridCenter = Master.World.CursorLightPos;
                        int     i          = 0;
                        for (float dx = -gridSize / 2; dx <= gridSize / 2; dx++)
                            for (float dz = -gridSize / 2; dz <= gridSize / 2; dz++)
                                if (i >= num)

                                Vector3     pos    = MathFunctions.Clamp(gridCenter + new Vector3(dx, VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeY, dz), Master.World.ChunkManager.Bounds);
                                VoxelHandle handle = VoxelHelpers.FindFirstVisibleVoxelOnRay(Master.World.ChunkManager.ChunkData, pos, pos + Vector3.Down * 100);
                                if (handle.IsValid)
                                    EntityFactory.CreateEntity <GameComponent>(keys[i], handle.WorldPosition + Vector3.Up);
                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "SPAWN CRAFTS",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                        // Copy is required because spawning some types results in the creation of new types. EG, snakes create snake meat.
                        var     itemTypes  = CraftLibrary.EnumerateCraftables().Where(craft => craft.Type == CraftItem.CraftType.Object).ToList();
                        int     num        = itemTypes.Count();
                        float   gridSize   = (float)Math.Ceiling(Math.Sqrt((double)num));
                        Vector3 gridCenter = Master.World.CursorLightPos;

                        int i = 0;
                        for (float dx = -gridSize / 2; dx <= gridSize / 2; dx++)
                            for (float dz = -gridSize / 2; dz <= gridSize / 2; dz++)
                                if (i < num)
                                    var item = itemTypes[i];
                                    if (item.Name != "Explosive")
                                        Vector3     pos    = MathFunctions.Clamp(gridCenter + new Vector3(dx, VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeY, dz), Master.World.ChunkManager.Bounds);
                                        VoxelHandle handle = VoxelHelpers.FindFirstVisibleVoxelOnRay(Master.World.ChunkManager.ChunkData, pos, pos + Vector3.Down * 100);

                                        if (handle.IsValid)
                                            var blackboard = new Blackboard();
                                            List <ResourceAmount> resources = item.RequiredResources.Select(r => new ResourceAmount(ResourceLibrary.GetResourcesByTag(r.ResourceType).First(), r.NumResources)).ToList();
                                            blackboard.SetData <List <ResourceAmount> >("Resources", resources);
                                            blackboard.SetData <string>("CraftType", item.Name);

                                            var entity = EntityFactory.CreateEntity <GameComponent>(item.EntityName, handle.WorldPosition + Vector3.Up + item.SpawnOffset, blackboard);
                                            if (entity != null)
                                                if (item.AddToOwnedPool)
                                                    Master.Faction.OwnedObjects.Add(entity as Body);
                                                if (item.Moveable)
                                                if (item.Deconstructable)
                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "+1 HOUR",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                        Master.World.Time.CurrentDate += new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0);
                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "FORCE REBUILD",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                        foreach (var chunk in Master.World.ChunkManager.ChunkData.ChunkMap)
                            for (int Y = 0; Y < VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeY; ++Y)
                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "REPULSE",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) => ActivateGodTool("Repulse")
                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "SLOWMO",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) => GameSettings.Default.EnableSlowMotion = !GameSettings.Default.EnableSlowMotion
                new HorizontalMenuTray.MenuItem
                    Text    = "LET IT SNOW",
                    OnClick = (sender, args) =>
                        var storm = Weather.CreateStorm(Vector3.One, 100.0f, Master.World);
                        storm.TypeofStorm = StormType.SnowStorm;

Exemple #21
        public override void Construct()
            Font  = "font10";
            Title = AddChild(new Widget()
                Font       = "font16",
                Text       = "Finance",
                AutoLayout = AutoLayout.DockTop

            InfoWidget = AddChild(new Widget()
                Font        = "font10",
                Text        = "",
                MinimumSize = new Point(640, 300),
                AutoLayout  = AutoLayout.DockTop

            OnUpdate = (sender, time) =>
                numrows = 0;
                AddRow("Liquid assets:", Faction.Economy.CurrentMoney.ToString());
                var resources = Faction.ListResourcesInStockpilesPlusMinions();
                AddRow("Material assets:", String.Format("{0} goods valued at ${1}", resources.Values.Select(r => r.First.NumResources + r.Second.NumResources).Sum(),
                                                         resources.Values.Select(r =>
                    var value = ResourceLibrary.GetResourceByName(r.First.ResourceType).MoneyValue.Value;
                    return((r.First.NumResources * value) + (r.Second.NumResources * value));
                var payPerDay = (DwarfBux)Faction.Minions.Select(m => m.Stats.CurrentLevel.Pay.Value).Sum();
                AddRow("Employees:", String.Format("{0} at {1} per day.", Faction.Minions.Count, payPerDay));
                AddRow("Runway:", String.Format("{0} day(s).\n", (int)(Faction.Economy.CurrentMoney / Math.Max(payPerDay, (decimal)0.01))));
                var freeStockPile  = Faction.ComputeRemainingStockpileSpace();
                var totalStockPile = Math.Max(Faction.ComputeTotalStockpileSpace(), 1);
                AddRow("Stockpile space:", String.Format("{0} used of {1} ({2:00.00}%)\n", totalStockPile - freeStockPile, totalStockPile, (float)(totalStockPile - freeStockPile) / (float)totalStockPile * 100.0f));
                var freeTreasury  = Faction.ComputeRemainingTreasurySpace();
                var totalTreasury = Math.Max(Faction.ComputeTotalTreasurySpace(), 1.0m);
                AddRow("Treasury space:", String.Format("{0} used of {1} ({2:00.00}%)\n", Faction.Economy.CurrentMoney, (DwarfBux)totalTreasury, 100.0f * (1.0f - ((float)(decimal)(totalTreasury - Faction.Economy.CurrentMoney) / (float)totalTreasury))));
                AddRow("Average dwarf happiness:", String.Format("{0}%", (int)(float)Faction.Minions.Sum(m => m.Status.Happiness.Percentage) / Math.Max(Faction.Minions.Count, 1)));
            var selector = AddChild(new ComboBox()
                Items      = Faction.World.Stats.GameStats.Keys.ToList(),
                AutoLayout = AutoLayout.DockTop
            }) as ComboBox;
            var graph = AddChild(new Graph()
                AutoLayout = AutoLayout.DockFill, GraphStyle = Graph.Style.LineChart
            }) as Graph;

            graph.Values = Faction.World.Stats.GameStats["Money"].Values.Select(v => v.Value).ToList();

            selector.OnSelectedIndexChanged = (sender) =>
                var values = Faction.World.Stats.GameStats[selector.SelectedItem].Values;
                graph.Values = Faction.World.Stats.GameStats[selector.SelectedItem].Values.Select(v => v.Value).ToList();
                if (values.Count > 0)
                    graph.XLabelMin = "\n" + TextGenerator.AgeToString(Faction.World.Time.CurrentDate - values.First().Date);
                    graph.XLabelMax = "\nNow";
Exemple #22
 public bool CanBuild()
     foreach (var resource in Master.Faction.ListResourcesInStockpilesPlusMinions().Where(r => Data.CanBuildWith(ResourceLibrary.GetResourceByName(r.Key))))
         if (resource.Value.First.NumResources > 0 || resource.Value.Second.NumResources > 0)
Exemple #23
        public static void ProcessTrade(DialogueContext Context)
            if (Context.TradePanel.Result == Gui.Widgets.TradeDialogResult.Propose)
                var containsHatedItem = Context.TradePanel.Transaction.PlayerItems
                                        .Select(item => ResourceLibrary.GetResourceByName(item.ResourceType))
                                        .SelectMany(item => item.Tags)
                                        .Any(tag => Context.Envoy.OwnerFaction.Race.HatedResources.Contains(tag));
                var containsLikedItem = Context.TradePanel.Transaction.PlayerItems
                                        .Select(item => ResourceLibrary.GetResourceByName(item.ResourceType))
                                        .SelectMany(item => item.Tags)
                                        .Any(tag => Context.Envoy.OwnerFaction.Race.LikedResources.Contains(tag));

                if (containsHatedItem)
                    var phrase = Datastructures.SelectRandom(Context.Envoy.OwnerFaction.Race.Speech.OffensiveTrades);
                    var action = Context.NumOffensiveTrades >= 3 ? GoodbyeWithPrompt(phrase) : RootWithPrompt(phrase);

                    if (!Context.Politics.HasEvent("you tried to give us something offensive"))
                        Context.Politics.RecentEvents.Add(new Diplomacy.PoliticalEvent()
                            Change      = -0.25f,
                            Description = "you tried to give us something offensive",
                            Duration    = new TimeSpan(4, 0, 0, 0),
                            Time        = Context.World.Time.CurrentDate
                    if (containsLikedItem)
                        if (!Context.Politics.HasEvent("you gave us something we liked"))
                            Context.Politics.RecentEvents.Add(new Diplomacy.PoliticalEvent()
                                Change      = 0.25f,
                                Description = "you gave us something we liked",
                                Duration    = new TimeSpan(4, 0, 0, 0),
                                Time        = Context.World.Time.CurrentDate


                    Context.World.GoalManager.OnGameEvent(new Goals.Events.Trade
                        PlayerFaction = Context.PlayerFaction,
                        PlayerGold    = Context.TradePanel.Transaction.PlayerMoney,
                        PlayerGoods   = Context.TradePanel.Transaction.PlayerItems,
                        OtherFaction  = Context.Envoy.OwnerFaction,
                        OtherGold     = Context.TradePanel.Transaction.EnvoyMoney,
                        OtherGoods    = Context.TradePanel.Transaction.EnvoyItems

                    if (!Context.Politics.HasEvent("we had profitable trade"))
                        Context.Politics.RecentEvents.Add(new Diplomacy.PoliticalEvent()
                            Change      = 0.25f,
                            Description = "we had profitable trade",
                            Duration    = new TimeSpan(2, 0, 0, 0),
                            Time        = Context.World.Time.CurrentDate
            else if (Context.TradePanel.Result == Gui.Widgets.TradeDialogResult.RejectOffense ||
                     Context.TradePanel.Result == Gui.Widgets.TradeDialogResult.RejectProfit)
                Context.Transition(RootWithPrompt("Changed your mind?"));