Exemple #1
        public bool? Resolve(ResolutionPass pass)
            // Guard ourselves from invalid/unnecessary calls
            if (Result == false) return false;
            if (PassesComplete == null && pass != ResolutionPass.First) throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(
                "Cannot execute resolution pass '{0}'. Expecting '{1}'", pass, ResolutionPass.First));
            if (PassesComplete == ResolutionPass.First && pass != ResolutionPass.Second) throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(
                "Cannot execute resolution pass '{0}'. Expecting '{1}'", pass, ResolutionPass.Second));
            if (PassesComplete == ResolutionPass.Second) return Result;

            if (pass == ResolutionPass.Second)
                if (MethodInfo.IsGenericMethodDefinition)
                    // Lez infer lambda arguments using knowledge about method generic argument types
                    // upd. Along with that we'll infer stuff that wasn't touched during the first pass

                    for (var i = 0; i < FormalArgs.Count; ++i)
                        if (FormalArgs[i].IsFunctionType())
                            var fFormal = FormalArgs[i].GetFunctionDesc();
                            var resolvedLambdaArgs = fFormal.Args.Select(lambdaArg => ResolveGenericArgs(lambdaArg));

                            if (resolvedLambdaArgs.Any(resolvedLambdaArg => resolvedLambdaArg == null))
                                throw new ArgumentException("First pass of resolution failed: " +
                                    "not all types necessary to fully resolve lambda parameters were inferred.");
                                RealArgs[i] = new StronglyTypedAstBuilder(Closure).VisitLambda(

                                var realArgType = RealArgs[i].GetType().IsLambda() && FormalArgs[i].IsLambda() ?
                                   RealArgs[i].GetType() : RealArgs[i].Type;
                                MatchTypesExact(FormalArgs[i], realArgType, ResolutionPass.Second, true);

                    // Everything should be inferred at this moment, or ALL ABOARD THE FAILBOAT
                    if (InferenceCache.Any(kvp => kvp.Value == null))
                        throw new ArgumentException("First pass of resolution failed: not all generic arguments had been inferred");

                    MethodInfo = MethodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(InferenceCache.Values.ToArray());
                    FormalArgs = new List<Type>(MethodInfo.GetParameters().Select(p => p.ParameterType));
                    InferenceCache = new Dictionary<Type, Type>();

            // Screw varargs methods for now
            var formalArgs = MethodInfo.GetParameters().Select(p => p.ParameterType).ToArray();
            var realArgs = RealArgs.Select((arg, i) => arg.GetType().IsLambda() && FormalArgs[i].IsLambda() ? arg.GetType() : arg.Type).ToArray();

            if (formalArgs.Length == realArgs.Length)
                Result = true;

                for (var i = 0; i < formalArgs.Length; i++)
                    var formal = formalArgs[i];
                    var real = realArgs[i];

                    var matchResult = MatchTypesAllowInheritance(formal, real, pass);
                    Result = Result.Accumulate(matchResult);

                // first version of method inference assumed that at this point all generic args are inferred
                // however this approach is invalid since return result might need some help from lambda parameters
                // example: IQueryable<TResult> Select<TSource, TResult>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource,TResult>> selector)
                // damn that was so elegant...
                Result = false;

            // Update information about state
            if (PassesComplete == ResolutionPass.First) PassesComplete = ResolutionPass.Second;
            if (PassesComplete == null) PassesComplete = ResolutionPass.First;

            return Result;
Exemple #2
        private bool? MatchTypesExact(Type formal, Type real, ResolutionPass pass, bool allowTypeInference)
            // Replace formal type with its inferred type if it's a generic argument of the method
            if (InferenceCache.ContainsKey(formal))
                // If a generic argument of the method ain't inferred yet, it's high time for that
                if (allowTypeInference && InferenceCache[formal] == null)
                    InferenceCache[formal] = real;

                if (InferenceCache[formal] != null)
                    formal = InferenceCache[formal];

            // If the types are delegates/lambdas they need special treatment
            if (formal.IsFunctionType() && real.IsFunctionType())
                return MatchFunctionTypes(formal, real, pass, allowTypeInference && pass == ResolutionPass.Second);
                bool? ok = formal.SameMetadataToken(real);

                if (ok != false && real.IsGenericType)
                    var formalArgs = formal.GetGenericArguments();
                    var realArgs = real.GetGenericArguments();

                    for (var i = 0; i < realArgs.Length; ++i)
                        var matchResult = MatchTypesExact(formalArgs[i], realArgs[i], pass, allowTypeInference);
                        ok = ok.Accumulate(matchResult);

                return ok;
Exemple #3
        private bool? MatchFunctionTypes(Type formal, Type real, ResolutionPass pass, bool allowTypeInference)
            if (formal.IsLambda() && real.IsDelegate())
                return false;
                var formalDesc = formal.GetFunctionDesc();
                var realDesc = real.GetFunctionDesc();
                var argsOfFormal = formalDesc.Args.ToArray();
                var argsOfReal = realDesc.Args.ToArray();

                if (argsOfFormal.Length != argsOfReal.Length)
                    return false;
                    bool? ok = true;
                    for (var i = 0; i < argsOfFormal.Length; ++i)
                        var matchResult = MatchTypesExact(argsOfFormal[i], argsOfReal[i], pass, allowTypeInference);
                        ok = ok.Accumulate(matchResult);

                    var returnValueMatched = MatchTypesExact(formalDesc.ReturnValue, realDesc.ReturnValue, pass, allowTypeInference);
                    ok = ok.Accumulate(returnValueMatched);

                    if (ok == false && pass == ResolutionPass.First)
                        ok = null;

                    return ok;
Exemple #4
        private bool? MatchTypesAllowInheritance(Type formal, Type real, ResolutionPass pass)
            // We don't compare metadata tokens here yet because even if they are equal we need to fill inferenceCache.
//            if (formal.MetadataToken == real.MetadataToken) return true;

            // Next try natural type conversion
            if (formal.IsAssignableFrom(real))
                return true;

            // If that fails, maybe the types are delegates/lambdas and need special treatment
            if (formal.IsFunctionType() && real.IsFunctionType())
                return MatchFunctionTypes(formal, real, pass, false);

            // If that fails, maybe formal parameter type is an generic type parameterized by method generic argument
            // and that f***s up all the conversion jazz (see Playground.V2.Tests.TestParameterInfo)
            if (formal.IsGenericType && formal.FullName == null)
                Type baseOfRealThatMatchesFormal;
                if (formal.IsInterface)
                    // All interfaces will be included here, not only the ones directly implemented => no recursion
                    // What's more - this stuff works fine for open generics (see Playground.V2.Tests.TestGetInterfaces)
                    // And what's more - generic arguments of base interfaces will match those of the real type
                    var baseInterfaces = new List<Type>(real.GetInterfaces());
                    if (real.IsInterface) baseInterfaces.Add(real);

                    baseOfRealThatMatchesFormal =
                        baseInterfaces.SingleOrDefault(iface => iface.SameMetadataToken(formal));
                    var baseTypes = new List<Type>();
                    for (var current = real; current != null; current = current.BaseType) baseTypes.Add(current);

                    baseOfRealThatMatchesFormal =
                        baseTypes.SingleOrDefault(type => type.SameMetadataToken(formal));

                // If this is not null, then stuff isn't that bad - now we only need to match generic type arguments
                // with previously inferred types and update the inference cache with matching results.
                if (baseOfRealThatMatchesFormal != null)
                    bool? ok = true;
                    for (var i = 0; i < formal.GetGenericArguments().Length; ++i)
                        var formalArg = formal.GetGenericArguments()[i];
                        var realArg = real.GetGenericArguments()[i];

                        var matchResult = MatchTypesExact(formalArg, realArg, pass, true);
                        ok = ok.Accumulate(matchResult);

                    if (!ok.HasValue && pass == ResolutionPass.Second)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Second-pass resolution can't result in a null match");

                    return ok;

            // Types are incompatible
            return false;