private void OnPlayerDeath() { if (ResetGame != null) { ResetGame.Invoke(); } }
//Match func //Downlaod Move from db void GetOpponentMove() //REF { WebClient a = new WebClient(); string gettxt = "type=3&name=" + player.Name + "&id=" + lobby; int e = 0; while (true) { string str = "?"; try { str = a.DownloadString(host + gettxt); } catch (Exception) {}; if (str == "?") { if (e > 5) { output.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => output.Text += "|C| Game has canceled. Close the program" + Environment.NewLine)); return; } output.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => output.Text += "|C| Server is not responding for " + e + ". times." + Environment.NewLine)); e++; } if (str != "" && str != "?") { try { string[] splitted = str.Split(';'); string wp = splitted[0]; string bp = splitted[1]; string move = splitted[2]; int turn = int.Parse(splitted[3]); if (move == "START") { findmatch.Invoke(new Player((wp == player.Name) ? bp : wp), (wp == player.Name) ? 1 : 2); } else if (move == "DODGE") { output.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => output.Text += "Your opponent left the game!" + Environment.NewLine)); resetgame.Invoke(); return; } else { string[] movesplitted = move.Split('*'); string[] startpos = movesplitted[0].Split(':'); string[] movepos = movesplitted[1].Split(':'); getplayermove.Invoke(int.Parse(startpos[0]), int.Parse(startpos[1]), new Move(int.Parse(movepos[0]), int.Parse(movepos[1])), turn); } } catch (Exception) { output.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => output.Text += "|C| Server is not responding for " + e + ". times." + Environment.NewLine)); e++; } } Thread.Sleep(1000); } }
public void BackButton() { fader.gameObject.SetActive(true); fader.DOColor(, 2f).onComplete = () => { mainMenuPanel.gameObject.SetActive(true); mainMenuPanel.alpha = 1; ResetGame?.Invoke(); }; }
private void btnResetGame_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ResetGame?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); }
/// <summary> /// lanza el evento de reset /// </summary> internal void RaiseEventReset() { ResetGame?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); }
/// <summary> /// lanza el evento de reset /// </summary> private void RaiseEventReset() { ResetGame?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); }
protected virtual void OnResetGame() { ResetGame?.Invoke(); }
public bool Move(int x, int y, Move b, Player c) { Unit selected = SelectUnitByXY(x, y); List <Move> aviable = WithReversedMoves(GetMoves(selected), selected.EHJB); if (aviable.Count == 0) { return(false); } if (IsAviableMoves(aviable, b) && IsVaildMove(b, selected) && c == selected.player && turn > -1) { Unit FI = selected; Unit SI = SelectUnitByXY(selected.x + b.ChangeX, selected.y + b.ChangeY); if (SI.GetType() == typeof(Kiraly)) { return(false); } lastmove.x = FI.x; lastmove.y = FI.y; lastmove.end = b; int srt1 = FI.x; int srt2 = FI.y; Player str3 = FI.player; FI.x = SI.x; FI.y = SI.y; if (FI.GetType() == typeof(Gyalog) && (FI.y == 0 || FI.y == 7)) { units.Add(new KiralyN(FI.x, FI.y, str3)); units.Remove(FI); } if (SI.GetType() != typeof(Unit)) { unitdestroly.Invoke(SI); } units.Remove(SI); units.Add(new Unit(srt1, srt2)); List <string> o = new List <string> { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" }; output.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => output.Text += "T:" + turn + " [" + c.Name + "] " + o[x] + (y + 1).ToString() + " => " + (o[x + b.ChangeX]).ToString() + (y + b.ChangeY + 1).ToString() + " with: " + selected.GetType().ToString().Split('.')[1] + Environment.NewLine)); //Sakk / Matt Player given = null; players.ForEach((v) => { int index = players.FindIndex((u) => u == v); if (IsSakk(v)) { sakkfor[index]++; if (!(sakkfor[index] > 1)) { output.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => output.Text += "SAKK for " + v.Name + Environment.NewLine)); given = v; } else { endgame = index; output.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => output.Text += "SAKKMATT for " + v.Name + Environment.NewLine)); output.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => output.Text += "Win for " + players.Find((u) => u != v).Name + Environment.NewLine)); resetgame.Invoke(); } } else { sakkfor[index] = 0; } }); sakkfordel.Invoke(given); Show(); if (!(turn < 0)) { turn++; } return(true); } return(false); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ResetGame?.Invoke(); }