public async Task <IActionResult> Delete(int id)
            byte[] empIdBytes = new byte[200];
            if (HttpContext.Session.TryGetValue("empId", out empIdBytes))
                int employeeId = int.Parse(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(empIdBytes));
                if (employeeId == 1)
                    List <Employee> employees = (from emp in _context.Employees
                                                 emp.Id == employeeId
                                                 select emp).ToList();
                    Employee employee = employees[0];
                    ViewData["username"]   = employee.Username;
                    ViewData["isLoggedIn"] = true;
                    ViewData["isAdmin"]    = true;

                    Reservation reservation = await _context.Reservations.FindAsync(id);

                    ReservationPassager rp = (from r in _context.ReservationPassagers where r.ResrvationId == reservation.Id select r).First();
                    Passager            p  = (from pa in _context.Passagers where pa.Id == rp.PassagerId select pa).First();

                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                else if (employeeId != 1 && employeeId > 0)
                    List <Employee> employees = (from emp in _context.Employees
                                                 where emp.Id == employeeId
                                                 select emp).ToList();
                    Employee employee = employees[0];
                    ViewData["username"]   = employee.Username;
                    ViewData["isLoggedIn"] = true;
                    ViewData["isAdmin"]    = false;

                    ViewData["isLoggedIn"] = false;
                    ViewData["isAdmin"]    = false;

                ViewData["isLoggedIn"] = false;
                ViewData["isAdmin"]    = false;

        public ViewResult Details(Reservation model)
            byte[] empIdBytes = new byte[200];
            if (HttpContext.Session.TryGetValue("empId", out empIdBytes))
                int employeeId = int.Parse(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(empIdBytes));
                if (employeeId == 1)
                    List <Employee> employees = (from emp in _context.Employees
                                                 emp.Id == employeeId
                                                 select emp).ToList();
                    Employee employee = employees[0];
                    ViewData["username"]   = employee.Username;
                    ViewData["isLoggedIn"] = true;
                    ViewData["isAdmin"]    = true;

                    ViewData["reservation"] = model;

                    ViewData["_resId"]   = model.Id;
                    ViewData["_resDate"] = model.ReservationDate.ToShortDateString();

                    Ticket t = _context.Tickets.Find(model.TicketId);
                    Flight f = _context.Flights.Find(t.FlightId);
                    Plane  p = _context.Planes.Find(f.PlaneId);
                    ReservationPassager rp   = (from rpas in _context.ReservationPassagers where rpas.ResrvationId == model.Id select rpas).First();
                    Passager            pass = _context.Passagers.Find(rp.PassagerId);
                    //Reservation_Confirmation rc = (from rcon in _context.ReservationConfirmations where rcon.ReservationId == model.Id select rcon).First();

                    ViewData["_locFrom"]  = _context.LivingPlaces.Find(_context.Addresses.Find(f.LocationFromId).LivingPlaceId).Name + ", " + _context.Countries.Find(_context.Addresses.Find(f.LocationFromId).CountryId).Name;
                    ViewData["_locTo"]    = _context.LivingPlaces.Find(_context.Addresses.Find(f.LocationToId).LivingPlaceId).Name + ", " + _context.Countries.Find(_context.Addresses.Find(f.LocationToId).CountryId).Name;
                    ViewData["_takeOffD"] = f.TakeOffDateTime.ToLongDateString();
                    ViewData["_landingD"] = f.LandingDateTime.ToLongDateString();
                    ViewData["_duration"] = (f.LandingDateTime - f.TakeOffDateTime).TotalMinutes + " mins.";
                    ViewData["_plType"]   = _context.PlaneTypes.Find(p.PlaneTypeId).Name;
                    ViewData["_upn"]      = p.UniquePlaneNumber;
                    ViewData["_pilot"]    = _context.Employees.Find(p.PilotId).Name + " " + _context.Employees.Find(p.PilotId).Family;
                    ViewData["_fnm"]      = pass.FirstName;
                    ViewData["_snm"]      = pass.SecondName;
                    ViewData["_lnm"]      = pass.LastName;
                    ViewData["_egn"]      = pass.Egn;
                    ViewData["_nat"]      = _context.Nationalities.Find(pass.NationalityId).Name;
                    ViewData["_phNum"]    = pass.PhoneNumber;
                    //ViewData["_mail"] = rc.Email;
                    ViewData["_tickType"] = _context.TicketTypes.Find(t.TicketTypeId).Name;
                    ViewData["_tickPr"]   = t.Price + " $";
                    ViewData["_tickCnt"]  = 1;
                    ViewData["_totalPr"]  = (1 * t.Price).ToString() + " $";

                else if (employeeId != 1 && employeeId > 0)
                    List <Employee> employees = (from emp in _context.Employees
                                                 where emp.Id == employeeId
                                                 select emp).ToList();
                    Employee employee = employees[0];
                    ViewData["username"]   = employee.Username;
                    ViewData["isLoggedIn"] = true;
                    ViewData["isAdmin"]    = false;

                    ViewData["isLoggedIn"] = false;
                    ViewData["isAdmin"]    = false;

                ViewData["isLoggedIn"] = false;
                ViewData["isAdmin"]    = false;

        public async Task <IActionResult> Create(AddReservationViewModel model)
            byte[] empIdBytes = new byte[200];
            if (HttpContext.Session.TryGetValue("empId", out empIdBytes))
                int employeeId = int.Parse(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(empIdBytes));
                if (employeeId == 1)
                    List <Employee> employees = (from emp in _context.Employees
                                                 emp.Id == employeeId
                                                 select emp).ToList();
                    Employee employee = employees[0];
                    ViewData["username"]   = employee.Username;
                    ViewData["isLoggedIn"] = true;
                    ViewData["isAdmin"]    = true;

                else if (employeeId != 1 && employeeId > 0)
                    List <Employee> employees = (from emp in _context.Employees
                                                 where emp.Id == employeeId
                                                 select emp).ToList();
                    Employee employee = employees[0];
                    ViewData["username"]   = employee.Username;
                    ViewData["isLoggedIn"] = true;
                    ViewData["isAdmin"]    = false;

                    if (ModelState.IsValid)
                        Ticket      t    = (from _t in _context.Tickets where _t.TicketTypeId == model.TicketTypeId select _t).First();
                        int         rId  = _context.Reservations.Max(r => r.Id);
                        Reservation _res = new Reservation()
                            Id = rId + 1,
                            ReservationDate = DateTime.Now,
                            TicketId        = t.Id

                        await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                        int      pId   = _context.Passagers.Max(p => p.Id);
                        Passager _pass = new Passager()
                            Id            = pId + 1,
                            FirstName     = model.FirstName,
                            SecondName    = model.SecondName,
                            LastName      = model.LastName,
                            Egn           = model.EGN,
                            PhoneNumber   = model.PhoneNumber,
                            NationalityId = model.NationalityId

                        await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                        int _flId = _context.Flights.Find(_context.Tickets.Find(_res.TicketId).FlightId).Id;
                        foreach (var item in flightCtrl.passagerNames)
                            if (item.Equals(new Tuple <int, List <string> >(_flId, new List <string>())))
                                item.Item2.Add(_pass.FirstName + " " + _pass.LastName);

                        int psId = _context.ReservationPassagers.Max(ps => ps.Id);
                        ReservationPassager _rp = new ReservationPassager()
                            Id           = psId + 1,
                            PassagerId   = _pass.Id,
                            ResrvationId = _res.Id

                        await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                        // sends email
                        MimeMessage    message = new MimeMessage();
                        MailboxAddress from    = new MailboxAddress("Admin",
                        string         passFullName = _pass.FirstName + " " + _pass.LastName;
                        MailboxAddress to           = new MailboxAddress(passFullName,

                        message.Subject = "About your flight reservation:";

                        string text = "Hello, " + passFullName + "!" + Environment.NewLine
                                      + "Today (" + _res.ReservationDate + "), you made a reservation for a plane ticket for a flight with No "
                                      + model.FlightId + ". Your ticket is with No "
                                      + _res.TicketId + "." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Personal Information:" + Environment.NewLine
                                      + "First Name: " + _pass.FirstName + Environment.NewLine
                                      + "Second Name: " + _pass.SecondName + Environment.NewLine
                                      + "Last Name: " + _pass.LastName + Environment.NewLine
                                      + "Personal Identification Number: " + _pass.Egn + Environment.NewLine
                                      + "Phone Number: " + _pass.PhoneNumber + Environment.NewLine
                                      + "Email: " + model.Email + Environment.NewLine
                                      + Environment.NewLine + "If some of this data is incorrect or the person who made this reservation was not you,"
                                      + " please contact us on email: [email protected]" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine
                                      + "Greetings from FlightManager's team!";

                        message.Body = new TextPart("plain")
                            Text = text
                        using (var client = new MailKit.Net.Smtp.SmtpClient())
                            client.Connect("", 587, false);
                            client.Authenticate("*****@*****.**", "myPass_Petya123");

                            await client.DisconnectAsync(true);


                    ViewData["isLoggedIn"] = false;
                    ViewData["isAdmin"]    = false;

                    if (ModelState.IsValid)
                        Ticket      t    = (from _t in _context.Tickets where _t.TicketTypeId == model.TicketTypeId select _t).First();
                        int         rId  = _context.Reservations.Max(r => r.Id);
                        Reservation _res = new Reservation()
                            Id = rId + 1,
                            ReservationDate = DateTime.Now,
                            TicketId        = t.Id

                        await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                        int      pId   = _context.Passagers.Max(p => p.Id);
                        Passager _pass = new Passager()
                            Id            = pId + 1,
                            FirstName     = model.FirstName,
                            SecondName    = model.SecondName,
                            LastName      = model.LastName,
                            Egn           = model.EGN,
                            PhoneNumber   = model.PhoneNumber,
                            NationalityId = model.NationalityId

                        await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                        int psId = _context.ReservationPassagers.Max(ps => ps.Id);
                        ReservationPassager _rp = new ReservationPassager()
                            Id           = psId + 1,
                            PassagerId   = _pass.Id,
                            ResrvationId = _res.Id

                        await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                        // sends email
                        MimeMessage    message = new MimeMessage();
                        MailboxAddress from    = new MailboxAddress("Admin",
                        string         passFullName = _pass.FirstName + " " + _pass.LastName;
                        MailboxAddress to           = new MailboxAddress(passFullName,

                        message.Subject = "About your flight reservation:";

                        string text = "Hello, " + passFullName + "!" + Environment.NewLine
                                      + "Today (" + _res.ReservationDate + "), you made a reservation for a plane ticket for a flight with No "
                                      + model.FlightId + ". Your ticket is with No "
                                      + _res.TicketId + "." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Personal Information:" + Environment.NewLine
                                      + "First Name: " + _pass.FirstName + Environment.NewLine
                                      + "Second Name: " + _pass.SecondName + Environment.NewLine
                                      + "Last Name: " + _pass.LastName + Environment.NewLine
                                      + "Personal Identification Number: " + _pass.Egn + Environment.NewLine
                                      + "Phone Number: " + _pass.PhoneNumber + Environment.NewLine
                                      + "Email: " + model.Email + Environment.NewLine
                                      + Environment.NewLine + "If some of this data is incorrect or the person who made this reservation was not you,"
                                      + " please contact us on email: [email protected]" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine
                                      + "Greetings from FlightManager's team!";

                        message.Body = new TextPart("plain")
                            Text = text
                        using (var client = new MailKit.Net.Smtp.SmtpClient())
                            client.Connect("", 587, false);
                            client.Authenticate("*****@*****.**", "myPass_Petya123");

                            await client.DisconnectAsync(true);


                ViewData["isLoggedIn"] = false;
                ViewData["isAdmin"]    = false;

                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    Ticket      t    = (from _t in _context.Tickets where _t.TicketTypeId == model.TicketTypeId select _t).First();
                    int         rId  = _context.Reservations.Max(r => r.Id);
                    Reservation _res = new Reservation()
                        Id = rId + 1,
                        ReservationDate = DateTime.Now,
                        TicketId        = t.Id

                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                    int      pId   = _context.Passagers.Max(p => p.Id);
                    Passager _pass = new Passager()
                        Id            = pId + 1,
                        FirstName     = model.FirstName,
                        SecondName    = model.SecondName,
                        LastName      = model.LastName,
                        Egn           = model.EGN,
                        PhoneNumber   = model.PhoneNumber,
                        NationalityId = model.NationalityId

                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                    int psId = _context.ReservationPassagers.Max(ps => ps.Id);
                    ReservationPassager _rp = new ReservationPassager()
                        Id           = psId + 1,
                        PassagerId   = _pass.Id,
                        ResrvationId = _res.Id

                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                    // sends email
                    MimeMessage    message = new MimeMessage();
                    MailboxAddress from    = new MailboxAddress("Admin",
                    string         passFullName = _pass.FirstName + " " + _pass.LastName;
                    MailboxAddress to           = new MailboxAddress(passFullName,

                    message.Subject = "About your flight reservation:";

                    string text = "Hello, " + passFullName + "!" + Environment.NewLine
                                  + "Today (" + _res.ReservationDate + "), you made a reservation for a plane ticket for a flight with No "
                                  + model.FlightId + ". Your ticket is with No "
                                  + _res.TicketId + "." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Personal Information:" + Environment.NewLine
                                  + "First Name: " + _pass.FirstName + Environment.NewLine
                                  + "Second Name: " + _pass.SecondName + Environment.NewLine
                                  + "Last Name: " + _pass.LastName + Environment.NewLine
                                  + "Personal Identification Number: " + _pass.Egn + Environment.NewLine
                                  + "Phone Number: " + _pass.PhoneNumber + Environment.NewLine
                                  + "Email: " + model.Email + Environment.NewLine
                                  + Environment.NewLine + "If some of this data is incorrect or the person who made this reservation was not you,"
                                  + " please contact us on email: [email protected]" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine
                                  + "Greetings from FlightManager's team!";

                    message.Body = new TextPart("plain")
                        Text = text
                    using (var client = new MailKit.Net.Smtp.SmtpClient())
                        client.Connect("", 587, false);
                        client.Authenticate("*****@*****.**", "myPass_Petya123");

                        await client.DisconnectAsync(true);

