Exemple #1
        private bool RemoveReservation(ReservationAllocation reservation)
            ReservationInterval searchInterval = new ReservationInterval(reservation.GetStartTime
                                                                             (), reservation.GetEndTime());
            ICollection <InMemoryReservationAllocation> reservations = currentReservations[searchInterval

            if (reservations != null)
                if (!reservations.Remove(reservation))
                    Log.Error("Unable to remove reservation: {} from plan.", reservation.GetReservationId
                if (reservations.IsEmpty())
                    Sharpen.Collections.Remove(currentReservations, searchInterval);
                string errMsg = "The specified Reservation with ID " + reservation.GetReservationId
                                    () + " does not exist in the plan";
                throw new ArgumentException(errMsg);
            Sharpen.Collections.Remove(reservationTable, reservation.GetReservationId());
            Log.Info("Sucessfully deleted reservation: {} in plan.", reservation.GetReservationId
 private void DoAssertions(ReservationAllocation rAllocation, ReservationId reservationID
                           , ReservationDefinition rDef, IDictionary <ReservationInterval, ReservationRequest
                                                                      > allocations, int start, int[] alloc)
     NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(reservationID, rAllocation.GetReservationId());
     NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(rDef, rAllocation.GetReservationDefinition());
     NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(allocations, rAllocation.GetAllocationRequests());
     NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(user, rAllocation.GetUser());
     NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(planName, rAllocation.GetPlanName());
     NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(start, rAllocation.GetStartTime());
     NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(start + alloc.Length + 1, rAllocation.GetEndTime(
Exemple #3
        /// <exception cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Server.Resourcemanager.Reservation.Exceptions.PlanningException
        ///     "/>
        public virtual void Validate(Plan plan, ReservationAllocation reservation)
            ReservationAllocation oldReservation = plan.GetReservationById(reservation.GetReservationId

            // check updates are using same name
            if (oldReservation != null && !oldReservation.GetUser().Equals(reservation.GetUser
                throw new MismatchedUserException("Updating an existing reservation with mismatching user:"******" != " + reservation.GetUser());
            long startTime = reservation.GetStartTime();
            long endTime   = reservation.GetEndTime();
            long step      = plan.GetStep();

            // for every instant in time, check we are respecting cluster capacity
            for (long t = startTime; t < endTime; t += step)
                Resource currExistingAllocTot = plan.GetTotalCommittedResources(t);
                Resource currNewAlloc         = reservation.GetResourcesAtTime(t);
                Resource currOldAlloc         = Resource.NewInstance(0, 0);
                if (oldReservation != null)
                // check the cluster is never over committed
                // currExistingAllocTot + currNewAlloc - currOldAlloc >
                // capPlan.getTotalCapacity()
                if (Resources.GreaterThan(plan.GetResourceCalculator(), plan.GetTotalCapacity(),
                                          Resources.Subtract(Resources.Add(currExistingAllocTot, currNewAlloc), currOldAlloc
                                                             ), plan.GetTotalCapacity()))
                    throw new ResourceOverCommitException("Resources at time " + t + " would be overcommitted by "
                                                          + "accepting reservation: " + reservation.GetReservationId());
        /// <exception cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Server.Resourcemanager.Reservation.Exceptions.PlanningException
        ///     "/>
        public virtual void Validate(Plan plan, ReservationAllocation reservation)
            // this is entire method invoked under a write-lock on the plan, no need
            // to synchronize accesses to the plan further
            // Try to verify whether there is already a reservation with this ID in
            // the system (remove its contribution during validation to simulate a
            // try-n-swap
            // update).
            ReservationAllocation oldReservation = plan.GetReservationById(reservation.GetReservationId

            // sanity check that the update of a reservation is not changing username
            if (oldReservation != null && !oldReservation.GetUser().Equals(reservation.GetUser
                throw new MismatchedUserException("Updating an existing reservation with mismatched user:"******" != " + reservation.GetUser());
            long     startTime         = reservation.GetStartTime();
            long     endTime           = reservation.GetEndTime();
            long     step              = plan.GetStep();
            Resource planTotalCapacity = plan.GetTotalCapacity();

            Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Api.Records.Resource maxAvgRes = Resources.Multiply(planTotalCapacity
                                                                                       , maxAvg);
            Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Api.Records.Resource maxInsRes = Resources.Multiply(planTotalCapacity
                                                                                       , maxInst);
            // define variable that will store integral of resources (need diff class to
            // avoid overflow issues for long/large allocations)
            CapacityOverTimePolicy.IntegralResource runningTot = new CapacityOverTimePolicy.IntegralResource
                                                                     (0L, 0L);
            CapacityOverTimePolicy.IntegralResource maxAllowed = new CapacityOverTimePolicy.IntegralResource
            maxAllowed.MultiplyBy(validWindow / step);
            // check that the resources offered to the user during any window of length
            // "validWindow" overlapping this allocation are within maxAllowed
            // also enforce instantaneous and physical constraints during this pass
            for (long t = startTime - validWindow; t < endTime + validWindow; t += step)
                Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Api.Records.Resource currExistingAllocTot = plan.GetTotalCommittedResources
                Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Api.Records.Resource currExistingAllocForUser = plan.GetConsumptionForUser
                                                                                           (reservation.GetUser(), t);
                Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Api.Records.Resource currNewAlloc = reservation.GetResourcesAtTime
                Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Api.Records.Resource currOldAlloc = Resources.None();
                if (oldReservation != null)
                    currOldAlloc = oldReservation.GetResourcesAtTime(t);
                // throw exception if the cluster is overcommitted
                // tot_allocated - old + new > capacity
                Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Api.Records.Resource inst = Resources.Subtract(Resources.Add
                                                                                          (currExistingAllocTot, currNewAlloc), currOldAlloc);
                if (Resources.GreaterThan(plan.GetResourceCalculator(), planTotalCapacity, inst,
                    throw new ResourceOverCommitException(" Resources at time " + t + " would be overcommitted ("
                                                          + inst + " over " + plan.GetTotalCapacity() + ") by accepting reservation: " +
                // throw exception if instantaneous limits are violated
                // tot_alloc_to_this_user - old + new > inst_limit
                if (Resources.GreaterThan(plan.GetResourceCalculator(), planTotalCapacity, Resources
                                          .Subtract(Resources.Add(currExistingAllocForUser, currNewAlloc), currOldAlloc),
                    throw new PlanningQuotaException("Instantaneous quota capacity " + maxInst + " would be passed at time "
                                                     + t + " by accepting reservation: " + reservation.GetReservationId());
                // throw exception if the running integral of utilization over validWindow
                // is violated. We perform a delta check, adding/removing instants at the
                // boundary of the window from runningTot.
                // runningTot = previous_runningTot + currExistingAllocForUser +
                // currNewAlloc - currOldAlloc - pastNewAlloc - pastOldAlloc;
                // Where:
                // 1) currNewAlloc, currExistingAllocForUser represent the contribution of
                // the instant in time added in this pass.
                // 2) pastNewAlloc, pastOldAlloc are the contributions relative to time
                // instants that are being retired from the the window
                // 3) currOldAlloc is the contribution (if any) of the previous version of
                // this reservation (the one we are updating)
                // expire contributions from instant in time before (t - validWindow)
                if (t > startTime)
                    Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Api.Records.Resource pastOldAlloc = plan.GetConsumptionForUser
                                                                                   (reservation.GetUser(), t - validWindow);
                    Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Api.Records.Resource pastNewAlloc = reservation.GetResourcesAtTime
                                                                                   (t - validWindow);
                    // runningTot = runningTot - pastExistingAlloc - pastNewAlloc;
                // check integral
                // runningTot > maxAvg * validWindow
                // NOTE: we need to use comparator of IntegralResource directly, as
                // Resource and ResourceCalculator assume "int" amount of resources,
                // which is not sufficient when comparing integrals (out-of-bound)
                if (maxAllowed.CompareTo(runningTot) < 0)
                    throw new PlanningQuotaException("Integral (avg over time) quota capacity " + maxAvg
                                                     + " over a window of " + validWindow / 1000 + " seconds, " + " would be passed at time "
                                                     + t + "(" + Sharpen.Extensions.CreateDate(t) + ") by accepting reservation: " +