public static void Load(ResFileSwitchLoader loader, ResFile resFile)
            uint padding = loader.ReadUInt32();

            resFile.Version = loader.ReadUInt32();
            resFile.ByteOrder         = loader.ReadByteOrder();
            resFile.Alignment         = loader.ReadByte();
            resFile.TargetAddressSize = loader.ReadByte(); //Thanks MasterF0X for pointing out the layout of the these
            uint OffsetToFileName = loader.ReadUInt32();

            resFile.Flag        = loader.ReadUInt16();
            resFile.BlockOffset = loader.ReadUInt16();
            uint RelocationTableOffset = loader.ReadUInt32();
            uint sizFile = loader.ReadUInt32();

            resFile.Name = loader.LoadString();
            long modelOffset     = loader.ReadOffset();
            long modelDictOffset = loader.ReadOffset();

            if (loader.ResFile.VersionMajor2 == 9)
                loader.ReadBytes(32); //reserved
            resFile.SkeletalAnims       = loader.LoadDictValues <SkeletalAnim>();
            resFile.MaterialAnims       = loader.LoadDictValues <MaterialAnim>();
            resFile.BoneVisibilityAnims = loader.LoadDictValues <VisibilityAnim>();
            resFile.ShapeAnims          = loader.LoadDictValues <ShapeAnim>();
            resFile.SceneAnims          = loader.LoadDictValues <SceneAnim>();
            resFile.MemoryPool          = loader.Load <MemoryPool>();
            resFile.BufferInfo          = loader.Load <BufferInfo>();
            resFile.ExternalFiles       = loader.LoadDictValues <ExternalFile>();
            long padding1 = loader.ReadInt64();

            resFile.StringTable = loader.Load <StringTable>();
            uint   StringPoolSize = loader.ReadUInt32();
            ushort numModel       = loader.ReadUInt16();

            //Read models after buffer data
            resFile.Models = loader.LoadDictValues <Model>(modelDictOffset, modelOffset);

            if (loader.ResFile.VersionMajor2 == 9)
                //Count for 2 new sections
                ushort unkCount  = loader.ReadUInt16();
                ushort unk2Count = loader.ReadUInt16();

                if (unkCount != 0)
                    throw new System.Exception("unk1 has section!");
                if (unk2Count != 0)
                    throw new System.Exception("unk2 has section!");

            ushort numSkeletalAnim       = loader.ReadUInt16();
            ushort numMaterialAnim       = loader.ReadUInt16();
            ushort numBoneVisibilityAnim = loader.ReadUInt16();
            ushort numShapeAnim          = loader.ReadUInt16();
            ushort numSceneAnim          = loader.ReadUInt16();
            ushort numExternalFile       = loader.ReadUInt16();
            uint   padding2 = loader.ReadUInt16();
            uint   padding3 = loader.ReadUInt32();

            resFile.Textures = new ResDict <TextureShared>();
            foreach (var ext in resFile.ExternalFiles)
                if (ext.Key.Contains(".bntx"))
                    BntxFile bntx = new BntxFile(new MemoryStream(ext.Value.Data));
                    ext.Value.LoadedFileData = bntx;
                    foreach (var tex in bntx.Textures)
                        resFile.Textures.Add(tex.Name, new SwitchTexture(bntx, tex));

            resFile.TexPatternAnims    = new ResDict <MaterialAnim>();
            resFile.MatVisibilityAnims = new ResDict <MaterialAnim>();
            resFile.ShaderParamAnims   = new ResDict <MaterialAnim>();
            resFile.ColorAnims         = new ResDict <MaterialAnim>();
            resFile.TexSrtAnims        = new ResDict <MaterialAnim>();

            //Split material animations into shader, texture, and visual animation lists
            foreach (var anim in resFile.MaterialAnims.Values)
                if (anim.Name.Contains("_ftp"))
                    resFile.TexPatternAnims.Add(anim.Name, anim);
                else if (anim.Name.Contains("_fts"))
                    resFile.ShaderParamAnims.Add(anim.Name, anim);
                else if (anim.Name.Contains("_fcl"))
                    resFile.ColorAnims.Add(anim.Name, anim);
                else if (anim.Name.Contains("_fst"))
                    resFile.TexSrtAnims.Add(anim.Name, anim);
                else if (anim.Name.Contains("_fvt"))
                    resFile.MatVisibilityAnims.Add(anim.Name, anim);
                else if (anim.MaterialAnimDataList != null && anim.MaterialAnimDataList.Any(x => x.VisibilyCount > 0))
                    resFile.MatVisibilityAnims.Add(anim.Name, anim);
                else if (anim.MaterialAnimDataList != null && anim.MaterialAnimDataList.Any(x => x.TexturePatternCount > 0))
                    resFile.TexPatternAnims.Add(anim.Name, anim);
                    resFile.ShaderParamAnims.Add(anim.Name, anim);
Exemple #2
        public static void Load(ResFileSwitchLoader loader, VertexBuffer vertexBuffer)
            if (loader.ResFile.VersionMajor2 == 9)
                vertexBuffer.Flags = loader.ReadUInt32();

            vertexBuffer.Attributes = loader.LoadDictValues <VertexAttrib>();
            vertexBuffer.MemoryPool = loader.Load <MemoryPool>();
            long unk = loader.ReadOffset();

            if (loader.ResFile.VersionMajor2 > 2 || loader.ResFile.VersionMajor > 0)
                loader.ReadOffset();// unk2
            long   VertexBufferSizeOffset = loader.ReadOffset();
            long   VertexStrideSizeOffset = loader.ReadOffset();
            long   padding         = loader.ReadInt64();
            int    BufferOffset    = loader.ReadInt32();
            byte   numVertexAttrib = loader.ReadByte();
            byte   numBuffer       = loader.ReadByte();
            ushort Idx             = loader.ReadUInt16();
            uint   vertexCount     = loader.ReadUInt32();

            vertexBuffer.VertexSkinCount = (byte)loader.ReadUInt32();

            //Buffers use the index buffer offset from memory info section
            //This goes to a section in the memory pool which stores all the buffer data, including faces
            //To obtain a list of all the buffer data, it would be by the index buffer offset + BufferOffset

            var StrideArray           = loader.LoadList <VertexBufferStride>(numBuffer, (uint)VertexStrideSizeOffset);
            var VertexBufferSizeArray = loader.LoadList <VertexBufferSize>(numBuffer, (uint)VertexBufferSizeOffset);

            vertexBuffer.Buffers = new List <Buffer>();
            for (int buff = 0; buff < numBuffer; buff++)
                Buffer data = new Buffer();
                data.Flags  = VertexBufferSizeArray[buff].GpuAccessFlags;
                data.Stride = (ushort)StrideArray[buff].Stride;
                uint size = VertexBufferSizeArray[buff].Size;

                if (buff == 0)
                    data.BufferOffset = ((int)BufferInfo.BufferOffset + BufferOffset);
                if (buff > 0)
                    data.BufferOffset = vertexBuffer.Buffers[buff - 1].BufferOffset + vertexBuffer.Buffers[buff - 1].Size;
                if (data.BufferOffset % 8 != 0)
                    data.BufferOffset = data.BufferOffset + (8 - (data.BufferOffset % 8));

                data.Data    = new byte[1][];
                data.Data[0] = loader.LoadCustom(() =>  //Load buffer data from mem block
                }, (uint)data.BufferOffset);

Exemple #3
        public static void Load(ResFileSwitchLoader loader, Material mat)
            if (loader.ResFile.VersionMajor2 == 9)
                mat.Flags = loader.ReadEnum <MaterialFlags>(true);

            mat.Name         = loader.LoadString();
            mat.RenderInfos  = loader.LoadDictValues <RenderInfo>();
            mat.ShaderAssign = loader.Load <ShaderAssign>();
            long TextureArrayOffset = loader.ReadInt64();
            long TextureNameArray   = loader.ReadInt64();
            long SamplerArrayOffset = loader.ReadInt64();

            mat.Samplers     = loader.LoadDictValues <Sampler>();
            mat.ShaderParams = loader.LoadDictValues <ShaderParam>();
            long SourceParamOffset = loader.ReadInt64();

            mat.UserData = loader.LoadDictValues <UserData>();
            long VolatileFlagsOffset    = loader.ReadInt64();
            long userPointer            = loader.ReadInt64();
            long SamplerSlotArrayOffset = loader.ReadInt64();
            long TexSlotArrayOffset     = loader.ReadInt64();

            if (loader.ResFile.VersionMajor2 != 9)
                mat.Flags = loader.ReadEnum <MaterialFlags>(true);
            ushort idx                    = loader.ReadUInt16();
            ushort numRenderInfo          = loader.ReadUInt16();
            byte   numTextureRef          = loader.ReadByte();
            byte   numSampler             = loader.ReadByte();
            ushort numShaderParam         = loader.ReadUInt16();
            ushort numShaderParamVolatile = loader.ReadUInt16();
            ushort sizParamSource         = loader.ReadUInt16();
            ushort sizParamRaw            = loader.ReadUInt16();
            ushort numUserData            = loader.ReadUInt16();

            if (loader.ResFile.VersionMajor2 != 9)
                loader.ReadUInt32(); //Padding
            var textures = loader.LoadCustom(() => loader.LoadStrings(numTextureRef), (uint)TextureNameArray);

            mat.TextureRefs = new List <TextureRef>();
            if (textures != null)
                foreach (var tex in textures)
                    mat.TextureRefs.Add(new TextureRef()
                        Name = tex

            //Add names to the value as switch does not store any
            foreach (var sampler in mat.Samplers)
                sampler.Value.Name = sampler.Key;

            mat.ShaderParamData = loader.LoadCustom(() => loader.ReadBytes(sizParamSource), (uint)SourceParamOffset);

            mat.VolatileFlags    = loader.LoadCustom(() => loader.ReadBytes((int)Math.Ceiling(numShaderParam / 8f)), (uint)VolatileFlagsOffset);
            mat.TextureSlotArray = loader.LoadCustom(() => loader.ReadInt64s(numTextureRef), (uint)SamplerSlotArrayOffset);
            mat.SamplerSlotArray = loader.LoadCustom(() => loader.ReadInt64s(numSampler), (uint)TexSlotArrayOffset);