Exemple #1
        public void Create(RequestShared r)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
            var     userId = _user.GetUserId(HttpContext.User);
            var     id     = "18fb9898-50b3-4854-9df3-f7d834bdd3b9";
            Request data   = new Request()
                CategoryId   = r.CategoryId,
                UserId       = id,
                CityId       = r.CityId,
                PhoneNumber  = r.PhoneNumber,
                Title        = r.Title,
                Description  = r.Description,
                Approved     = false,
                Email        = r.Email,
                Active       = true,
                Address      = r.Address,
                PostalCode   = r.PostalCode,
                InsertedDate = DateTime.Now

        public JsonResult Search(int?page = 1)
            //Giphy API params
            string key    = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GiphyAPIKey"]; //retrieve the key from a secret place
            string q      = Request.QueryString["q"];                                                    //the user's search string
            string rating = Request.QueryString["rating"];                                               //desired max msrp rating
            string lang   = Request.QueryString["lang"];                                                 //language selected, for localization purposes

            //Pagination Params - the page variable is from the url route's {page} variable
            int limit  = 9;                     //number of images per page, let's not change this for now
            int offset = (int)page * 9 - limit; //get the offset for the current page

            //Get User Info for logging the request in the DB log Table
            DateTime timestamp = DateTime.Now;            //Timestamp for user request
            string   userAgent = Request.UserAgent;       //User Agent Type
            string   userIP    = Request.UserHostAddress; //User IP ADDR

            //Create new log entry
            var log = db.RequestLogs.Create();

            //Add data to the new entry fields
            log.RequestTime        = timestamp;
            log.RequestClientIP    = userIP;
            log.RequestClientAgent = userAgent;
            log.RequestQuery       = q;
            log.RequestRating      = rating;
            log.RequestLang        = lang;
            //add the new log to the DB Table and save

            //Giphy API Reqquest
            string url = "https://api.giphy.com/v1/gifs/search?api_key=" + key + "&q=" + q + "&limit=" + limit +
                         "&offset=" + offset + "&rating=" + rating + "&lang=" + lang;

            //Get the JSON from Giphy
            //inspired by: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/network-programming/how-to-request-data-using-the-webrequest-class
            WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(url);                       //send the request

            WebResponse response   = request.GetResponse();                    //get the response
            Stream      dataStream = response.GetResponseStream();             //start the data stream
            string      reader     = new StreamReader(dataStream).ReadToEnd(); //read in as a string

            //Parse the string into a JSON Object
            //inspired by: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20437279/getting-json-data-from-a-response-stream-and-reading-it-as-a-string
            var serializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); //prepare the serializer to parse
            var data       = serializer.DeserializeObject(reader);                       //parse the string into a JSON object with the serializer's Deserialize method

            //clean up
            dataStream.Close();                               //close the stream
            response.Close();                                 //close the response
            return(Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); //return the JSON object, allow GET requests
Exemple #3
 public ActionResult Requests(Requests requests)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         //Add new request to the database
     //Return the requests
Exemple #4
        public void Create(DonationRegisterShared register)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
            var      userId = _user.GetUserId(HttpContext.User);
            var      id     = "18fb9898-50b3-4854-9df3-f7d834bdd3b9";
            Donation data   = new Donation()
                CategoryId   = register.CategoryId,
                UserId       = id,
                PhoneNumber  = register.PhoneNumber,
                Title        = register.Title,
                Description  = register.Description,
                Email        = register.Email,
                InsertedDate = DateTime.Now

Exemple #5
        private void AddToDatabase(string data)
            Request request = new Request
                IPAddress     = Request.UserHostAddress,
                DateOfRequest = DateTime.Now,
                Browser       = Request.Browser.Type,
                SpecialSite   = (string)data

            Debug.WriteLine("IPAddress = " + request.IPAddress);
            Debug.WriteLine("Browser = " + request.Browser);
            Debug.WriteLine("DateOfRequest = " + request.DateOfRequest);
            Debug.WriteLine("SpecialSite = " + request.SpecialSite);
                Debug.WriteLine("Changes were saved");
            //Got a bunch of errors so this was how i figured out how to fix them.
            catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)
                Exception raise = dbEx;
                foreach (var validationErrors in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors)
                    foreach (var validationError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors)
                        string message = string.Format("{0}:{1}",

Exemple #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (var db = new RequestsContext())
                db.Requests.Add(new Requests {
                    Index = 5, Name = "Another Blog ", Visits = null, Date = DateTime.Now

                var requests = db.Requests;

                foreach (var request in db.Requests)

                var s = db.Database.Connection.Database;
                var t = db.Database.Connection.ConnectionString;
                var c = requests.Count();

            //Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");