Exemple #1
        // METHOD               :   ValidateAndSetRequest
        // DESCRIPTION          :   This method does the initial validation of the
        //                          HTTP request to see if its structure is valid.
        // PARAMETERS           :
        //  string request      :   contains the request line from the client
        //  string serverInfo   :   contains the ip address and port of the server
        //                          to validate against the URI portion of request
        // RETURNS              :
        //  Boolean             :   returns true if request is valid, false otherwise
        public Boolean ValidateAndSetRequest(string request, string serverInfo)
            Boolean isValid = false;

            //Split request string by spaces. GET | HTTP://.... | HTTP/Version
            string[] split = request.Split(' ');

            //Validate request method to ensure GET was used
            if (ValidateRequestMethod(split[0]) != true)
                StatusCode = NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
            else if (ValidateHTTPStructure(split[1], serverInfo) != true)
                StatusCode = BAD_REQUEST;
            else if (ValidateHTTPVersion(split[2]) != true)
                StatusCode = HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED;
            else if (ValidateFileType(split[1]) != true)
                StatusCode = NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
            else if (ValidateFileExists(split[1], serverInfo) != true)
                StatusCode = NOT_FOUND;
                Method      = split[0];
                RequestURI  = split[1];
                HTTPVersion = split[2];
                StatusCode  = ALL_OKAY;
                isValid     = true;

            //Strip host info from request URI
            string resource = RequestURI.Replace("http://", "");

            resource = resource.Replace(serverInfo, "");

            //Log incoming request
            string message = "[REQUEST] " + Method + resource;


            //Build Response somewhere?
Exemple #2
        public string CreateResponse()
            string response    = HTTPVersion + StatusCode + "\n";
            string contentPath = RequestURI.Replace(Host, "");

            if (!StatusCode.ToString().StartsWith("4") || !StatusCode.ToString().StartsWith("5"))
                if (ContentType.StartsWith("text"))
                    //string data = File.ReadAllText(ServerRoot + contentPath);
                    //byte[] data = File.ReadAllBytes(ServerRoot + contentPath);

                response += "Content-Type: " + ContentType + "\n";
                response += "Content-Length: ";
