Exemple #1
        static void Dain()
            Thread sendThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ConnectionV2.SendBroadcastOfferToConnect)); //созадем новый поток отдельно для получения

            sendThread.IsBackground = true;
            //sendThread.Start(); // запускаем процесс отправки сообщений

            Thread DoRequestsRecieveingThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(RequestInteractivity.DoRequestsRecieveing)); //созадем новый поток отдельно для получения

            DoRequestsRecieveingThread.IsBackground = true;
            DoRequestsRecieveingThread.Start();// Запускаем процесс получния запросов

            AvailableConection available     = new AvailableConection();
            Thread             receiveThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(ConnectionV2.ReciveBroadcastOffer));

            receiveThread.IsBackground = true;

            //var availbCon = AvailableConection.ReturnGroupList();

            //for (int i = 0; i < availbCon.Count; i++)
            //    Console.WriteLine($"{i} - {availbCon[i].Item2}");
            //Console.WriteLine("enter the host number to interact");
            //var p = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            //var reciverIP = availbCon[p].Item2;

            var    reciverIP = "";
            string pass      = "******";

            while (true)
                var ans = RequestInteractivity.SendRequst(reciverIP, RequestTipe.GetDirectoryFiles, pass);
                ans = ans.Remove(0, 7);
                var files = ans.Split('\n');

                foreach (var file in files)
                string add = "";
                add = Console.ReadLine();
                if (pass[pass.Length - 1] == '.')
                    pass = add;
                    if (pass[pass.Length - 1] != '\\')
                        pass += '\\';
                    pass += add;
Exemple #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Thread getConnectThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ConnectionV2.GetConnect));

            Thread getConnectThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(RequestInteractivity.DoRequestsRecieveing));


        /// <summary>
        /// Загружает файлы в форму по заданному пути
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Указываем форму, в которой будем отрисовывать</param>
        /// <param name="ip">Указываем Ip адрес пк, у которого запрашивает директории по указанному пути</param>
        /// <param name="path">Указываем сам путь</param>
        /// <param name="control">Рисуем в первом контроле или во втором(по умолчанию - 0, (0/1))</param>
        public async void loadFiles(object sender, string ip, string path, int control = 0)
            var myIp = ip;//ip текущего пк

            var ans = "";

            if (myIp != "")
                ans = RequestInteractivity.SendRequst(myIp, RequestTipe.GetDirectoryFiles, path);
                ans = ans.Remove(0, 7);
                ans = GetDirectory(path);
            var files = ans.Split('\n');

            files[files.Length - 1] = null;
            MainWindow mainWindow = (MainWindow)sender;

            if (control == 0)
                Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, new Action(
                                                          () =>
                    // Очищаем list
                    //******************* *****
            else if (control == 1)
                Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, new Action(
                                                          () =>
                    // Очищаем list
            foreach (var file in files)
                if (file != null)
                    List <(string, string, string)> ps = mainWindow.CuttingMessages(file);
                    if (control == 0)
                        await Task.Run(() => mainWindow.loadInfromationAboutFiles0(ps[0].Item1, ps[0].Item2, ps[0].Item3));

                    else if (control == 1)
                        await Task.Run(() => mainWindow.loadInfromationAboutFiles1(ps[0].Item1, ps[0].Item2, ps[0].Item3));
                    // . . .
            if (control == 0)
                Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, new Action(
                                                          () =>
                    pathbox0.IsEnabled = true;
            else if (control == 1)
                Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, new Action(
                                                          () =>
                    pathbox1.IsEnabled = true;
        private MenuItem CreateDirectoryNodeForRemote(object direct)
            ClassAboutFilesAdding directoryInfo = (ClassAboutFilesAdding)direct;

            string ip_sender = "";

            if (directoryInfo.Sender == "Этот компьютер")
                ip_sender = "";
                ip_sender = directoryInfo.Sender;

            var ans = RequestInteractivity.SendRequst(ip_sender, RequestTipe.GetDirectoryFiles, directoryInfo.RootLocationFilesOrDirectory + directoryInfo.nameFile); //Получить папки от удаленного пк (здесь от отправителя)

            if (ans[0].ToString() == "A")
                ans = ans.Remove(0, 7);

                var files = ans.Split('\n');
                files[files.Length - 1] = null;

                object papka_ = null;
                System.Windows.Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, new Action(
                                                                         () =>
                    WpfControlLibrary3.UserControl1 papka = new WpfControlLibrary3.UserControl1();

                    papka.Ip_From       = directoryInfo.Sender;
                    papka.Ip_To         = directoryInfo.Receiver;
                    papka.Path_From     = directoryInfo.RootLocationFilesOrDirectory + directoryInfo.nameFile;
                    papka.Path_To       = directoryInfo.RemoteLocationFilesOrDirectory + directoryInfo.nameFile;
                    papka.IsHeightValue = files.Length - 1;
                    if (sbros != null)
                        WpfControlLibrary3.UserControl1 tyc = (WpfControlLibrary3.UserControl1)sbros;
                        papka.OnCompleteTransmit           += tyc.ChangedvalueForProgressBar;
                    papka_ = papka;

                var directoryNode = new MenuItem()
                    Title = directoryInfo.nameFile, flk = papka_
                };                                                                                  //создаем фалй или папку, пока что мы не знаем

                foreach (var file in files)
                    if (file != null)
                        string name = "";

                        List <(string, string, string)> ps = CuttingMessages(file);

                        if (ps[0].Item3 == "-1")
                            name = ps[0].Item1 + "\\";
                            name = ps[0].Item1;

                        ClassAboutFilesAdding files1 = new ClassAboutFilesAdding() // создаём экземпляр класса
                            nameFile        = ps[0].Item1,                         // указываем имя файла
                            time            = ps[0].Item2,                         // указываем время создания
                            sizeFile        = ps[0].Item3,                         // указываем размер
                            LocalParentPath = directoryInfo.RootLocationFilesOrDirectory,
                            LocalParentName = directoryInfo.nameFile,
                            RootLocationFilesOrDirectory = directoryInfo.RootLocationFilesOrDirectory + directoryInfo.nameFile + "\\",
                            Receiver = directoryInfo.Receiver,
                            Sender   = directoryInfo.Sender,
                            RemoteLocationFilesOrDirectory = directoryInfo.RemoteLocationFilesOrDirectory + directoryInfo.nameFile + "\\",
                            RemoteParentName = directoryInfo.nameFile,
                            RemoteParentPath = directoryInfo.RemoteLocationFilesOrDirectory

                        if (ps[0].Item3 == "" || ps[0].Item3 == "-1")
                            sbros = directoryNode.flk;
                            System.Windows.Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, new Action(
                                                                                     () =>
                                UserControl1 flk = new UserControl1();
                                flk.Ip_From      = files1.Sender;
                                flk.Ip_To        = files1.Receiver;
                                flk.Path_From    = files1.RootLocationFilesOrDirectory;
                                flk.Path_To      = files1.RemoteLocationFilesOrDirectory;
                                flk.NameFile     = files1.nameFile;
                                WpfControlLibrary3.UserControl1 _papka = (WpfControlLibrary3.UserControl1)directoryNode.flk;
                                flk.OnCompleteTransmit += _papka.ChangedvalueForProgressBar;

                                if (files1.Sender != "Этот компьютер")
                                    var client = new TcpFileClient(files1.Sender);

                                    //Подписываемся на события
                                    client.SendingEvent += flk.ChangedvalueForProgressBar;
                                    client.FailEvent    += flk.SendingFailMessage;
                                    client.ReadyEvent   += flk.SendingSuccessfullyMessage;

                                    ////var ans = RequestInteractivity.SendRequst(ip_to, RequestTipe.GetFileFromMe, flk.Path_To + "|" + flk.Path_From);

                                    string path = flk.Path_To + files1.nameFile + "|" + flk.Path_From + files1.nameFile;
                                    client.SendFileRequest(path);    //Запускаем процесс получения файла
                                    var client = new TcpFileClient(files1.Receiver);

                                    //Подписываемся на события
                                    client.SendingEvent += flk.ChangedvalueForProgressBar;
                                    client.FailEvent    += flk.SendingFailMessage;
                                    client.ReadyEvent   += flk.SendingSuccessfullyMessage;

                                    ////var ans = RequestInteractivity.SendRequst(ip_to, RequestTipe.GetFileFromMe, flk.Path_To + "|" + flk.Path_From);

                                    string path = flk.Path_To + files1.nameFile + "|" + flk.Path_From + files1.nameFile;
                                    client.SendFileRequest(path);    //Запускаем процесс получения файла

                                directoryNode.Items.Add(new MenuItem()
                                    Title = ps[0].Item1, flk = flk
