public MsgRegisterCompletionEvent(CompletionEnlistment completion, ref Register register, RequestAsyncResult result, CompletionParticipantProxy proxy) : base(completion)
     this.register = register;
     this.proxy = proxy;
     this.result = result;
 public MsgRegisterEvent(ParticipantEnlistment participant, ref Register register, RequestAsyncResult result) : base(participant)
     this.register = register;
     this.result = result;
        public virtual IAsyncResult BeginRequest(string item, int format, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
            if (IsDisposed)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.GetType().ToString());
            if (!IsConnected)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.NotConnectedMessage);
            if (item == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("item");
            if (item.Length > Ddeml.MAX_STRING_SIZE)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.StringParameterInvalidMessage, "item");

            // Create a string handle for the item name.
            IntPtr itemHandle = Ddeml.DdeCreateStringHandle(_InstanceId, item, Ddeml.CP_WINANSI);

            // TODO: It might be possible that the request completed synchronously.
            // Request the data from the server.
            int transactionId = 0;
            IntPtr result = Ddeml.DdeClientTransaction(
                ref transactionId);

            // Free the string handle created earlier.
            Ddeml.DdeFreeStringHandle(_InstanceId, itemHandle);

            // If the result is null then the asynchronous operation could not begin.
            if (result == IntPtr.Zero)
                int error = Ddeml.DdeGetLastError(_InstanceId);
                string message = Resources.RequestFailedMessage;
                message = message.Replace("${service}", _Service);
                message = message.Replace("${topic}", _Topic);
                message = message.Replace("${item}", item);
                throw new DdemlException(message, error);

            // Create an IAsyncResult for the asynchronous operation and add it to the asynchronous transaction table.
            RequestAsyncResult ar = new RequestAsyncResult(this);
            ar.Item = item;
            ar.Format = format;
            ar.Callback = callback;
            ar.AsyncState = state;
            ar.TransactionId = transactionId;
            _AsynchronousTransactionTable.Add(transactionId, ar);

            return ar;
 public MsgEnlistTransactionEvent(CoordinatorEnlistment coordinator, ref CreateCoordinationContext create, RequestAsyncResult result) : base(coordinator)
     this.create = create;
     this.result = result;
 public Message EndRequest(IAsyncResult result)
 public MsgRegisterEvent(ParticipantEnlistment participant, ref Register register, RequestAsyncResult result) : base(participant)
     this.register = register;
     this.result   = result;
                public static Message End(IAsyncResult result)
                    RequestAsyncResult thisPtr = AsyncResult.End <RequestAsyncResult>(result);

 public MsgCreateTransactionEvent(CompletionEnlistment completion, ref CreateCoordinationContext create, RequestAsyncResult result) : base(completion)
     this.create = create;
     this.result = result;
            public static Message End(IAsyncResult result)
                RequestAsyncResult requestResult = AsyncResult.End <RequestAsyncResult>(result);

        internal override async Task devRequestAsync(YDevice device, string req_first_line, byte[] req_head_and_body, RequestAsyncResult asyncResult, object asyncContext)
            String serial = device.imm_getSerialNumber();

            byte[] req = imm_prepareRequest(req_first_line, req_head_and_body);
            await _ywatcher.DevRequestAsync(serial, req, asyncResult, asyncContext);

            //Debug.WriteLine("async req to " + serial + " " + req_first_line);