/// <summary>
/// <para>Transform each element of one or more sequences by applying a mapping function to them. If <code>map</code> is run with two or more sequences, it will iterate for as many items as there are in the shortest sequence.</para>
/// <example><para>Example: Return the first five squares.</para>
/// <code>r.expr([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).map(function (val) {
///     return val.mul(val);
/// }).run(conn, callback);
/// // Result passed to callback
/// [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
/// </code></example>
                    public Map map ( Object expr, Object exprA, ReqlFunction2 func2 )
                        Arguments arguments = new Arguments();
                        return new Map (arguments);
 public Funcall do_ ( Object expr, Object exprA, ReqlFunction2 func2 )
     Arguments arguments = new Arguments();
     return new Funcall (arguments);
/// <summary>
/// <para>Produce a single value from a sequence through repeated application of a reduction
/// function.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <example><para>Example: Return the number of documents in the table `posts.</para>
/// <code>r.table("posts").map(function(doc) {
///     return 1
/// }).reduce(function(left, right) {
///     return left.add(right)
/// }).run(conn, callback);
/// </code></example>
                        public Reduce reduce ( ReqlFunction2 func2 )
                        Arguments arguments = new Arguments(this);
                        return new Reduce (arguments );
/// <summary>
/// <para>Returns a left outer join of two sequences.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <example><para>Example: Return a list of all Marvel heroes, paired with any DC heroes who could beat them in a fight.</para>
/// <code>r.table('marvel').outerJoin(r.table('dc'), function(marvelRow, dcRow) {
///     return marvelRow('strength').lt(dcRow('strength'))
/// }).run(conn, callback)
/// </code></example>
                        public OuterJoin outerJoin ( Object exprA, ReqlFunction2 func2 )
                        Arguments arguments = new Arguments(this);
                        return new OuterJoin (arguments );
 internal OuterJoin outerJoin ( Object exprA, ReqlFunction2 func2 )
    return OuterJoin ( exprA, func2 );
 internal Funcall do_ ( Object exprA, ReqlFunction2 func2 )
    return Do_ ( exprA, func2 );
 internal Map map ( Object exprA, ReqlFunction2 func2 )
    return Map ( exprA, func2 );
 internal InnerJoin innerJoin ( Object exprA, ReqlFunction2 func2 )
    return InnerJoin ( exprA, func2 );
 internal Fold fold ( Object exprA, ReqlFunction2 func2 )
    return Fold ( exprA, func2 );
/// <summary>
/// <para>Apply a function to a sequence in order, maintaining state via an accumulator. The <code>fold</code> command returns either a single value or a new sequence.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <example><para>Example: Concatenate words from a list.</para>
/// <code>r.table('words').orderBy('id').fold('', function (acc, word) {
///     return acc.add(r.branch(acc.eq(''), '', ', ')).add(word);
/// }).run(conn, callback);
/// </code>
/// <para>(This example could be implemented with <code>reduce</code>, but <code>fold</code> will preserve the order when <code>words</code> is a RethinkDB table or other stream, which is not guaranteed with <code>reduce</code>.)</para></example>
                        public Fold Fold ( Object exprA, ReqlFunction2 func2 )
                            Arguments arguments = new Arguments(this);
                            return new Fold (arguments );
 internal Reduce reduce ( ReqlFunction2 func2 )
    return Reduce ( func2 );
 internal Reduce reduce ( Object expr, ReqlFunction2 func2 )
    return Reduce ( expr, func2 );
/// <summary>
/// <para>Produce a single value from a sequence through repeated application of a reduction function.</para>
/// <example><para>Example: Return the number of documents in the table <code>posts</code>.</para>
/// <code>r.table("posts").map(function(doc) {
///     return 1;
/// }).reduce(function(left, right) {
///     return left.add(right);
/// }).default(0).run(conn, callback);
/// </code>
/// <para>A shorter way to execute this query is to use <a href="/api/javascript/count">count</a>.</para></example>
                            public Reduce Reduce ( Object expr, ReqlFunction2 func2 )
                                Arguments arguments = new Arguments();
                                return new Reduce (arguments);