private static void BuildDetail(RectangleType rectWarper) { double x = 0, y = 0, wd = 0, ht = 0; #region [rect] x = 0.35; y = 0.20; wd = 7.65; ht = 01; RectangleType manirect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("manirect", rectWarper.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); manirect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //manirect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Red; x = 0; y = 0; wd = wd + 0; ht = 5.6; RectangleType rect_1 = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("rect_1", manirect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); rect_1.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //rect_1.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Orange; x = 0; y = 0; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.01; RectangleType title_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("title_rect", rect_1.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); title_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //title_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Orange; x = 0; y = y + title_rect.Height.Value; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.01; RectangleType party_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("party_rect", rect_1.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); party_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //party_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Blue; x = 0; y = y + party_rect.Height.Value; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.01; RectangleType items_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("items_rect", rect_1.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); items_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; items_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Bottom = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //items_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Green; x = 0; y = y + items_rect.Height.Value; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.01; RectangleType ledger_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("ledger_rect", rect_1.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); ledger_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; ledger_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Bottom = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //ledger_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Red; x = 0; y = y + ledger_rect.Height.Value; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.1; RectangleType grandtotal_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("grandtotal_rect", rect_1.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); grandtotal_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; grandtotal_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Bottom = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //grandtotal_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Aquamarine; x = 0; y = y + grandtotal_rect.Height.Value; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.1; RectangleType balance_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("balance_rect", rect_1.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); balance_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; balance_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Bottom = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //balance_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Aquamarine; x = 0; y = y + balance_rect.Height.Value; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.1; RectangleType Sign_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("Sign_rect", rect_1.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); Sign_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //Sign_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Aquamarine; #endregion [rect] #region [Title] x = 0; y = 0.01; wd = title_rect.Width.Value; ht = 0.30; TextboxType txt_title = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_title", title_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_title.Value = "QUOTATION"; txt_title.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; txt_title.Style.Font(PrintConfig.TitleTxtFont, 16, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_title.Style.TextDecoration = TextDecorationEnum.Underline; #endregion [Title] #region [party] x = 0; y = 0; wd = 5; ht = 0.1; RectangleType party_area = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("party_area", party_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); party_area.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //party_area.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Green; x = wd; y = 0; wd = party_rect.Width.Value - wd; ht = ht + 0; RectangleType nodt_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("nodt_rect", party_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); nodt_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //nodt_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.DarkOrange; x = 0.2; y = 0.08; wd = party_area.Width.Value - (x + 0.2); ht = 0.20; TextboxType txt_partyname = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_partyname", party_area.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_partyname.Value = "=Fields!" + PQuotation.PARTY_NAME + ".Value"; txt_partyname.CanGrow = true; txt_partyname.Style.Font(PrintConfig.PartyTxtFont, 12, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_partyname.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //txt_partyname.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.SandyBrown; x = x + 0; y = y + 0.2; wd = wd + 0; ht = ht + 0; TextboxType txt_city = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_city", party_area.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_city.Value = "=Fields!" + PQuotation.CITY + ".Value"; txt_city.Style.Font(PrintConfig.PartyTxtFont, 10, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_city.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; txt_city.CanGrow = true; //txt_city.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.SkyBlue; x = 0.20; y = txt_partyname.Top.Value; wd = nodt_rect.Width.Value - (x + 0.01); ht = 0.25; TextboxType txt_no = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_no", nodt_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_no.Value = "=Fields!" + PQuotation.QUOTATION_NO + ".Value"; txt_no.Style.Font(PrintConfig.PartyTxtFont, 12, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); x = x + 0; y = y + 0.25; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.20; TextboxType txt_date = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_date", nodt_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_date.Value = "=Fields!" + PQuotation.QUOTATION_DATE + ".Value"; txt_date.Style.Format = "dd-MM-yyyy"; txt_date.Style.Font(PrintConfig.PartyTxtFont, 11, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); #endregion [party] #region [sub] x = 0; y = 0; wd = items_rect.Width.Value; ht = 0.1; ReportUtil.AddSubreport("subreport_Print_quotationItems", "P_QuotationItem", items_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); #endregion [sub] #region [Ledger] x = 4.8; y = 0.01; wd = 2; ht = 0.18; TextboxType txt_ledger = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_ledger", ledger_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_ledger.Value = "=Fields!" + PQuotation.LEDGER + ".Value"; txt_ledger.Style.Font(PrintConfig.BodyTxtFont, 11, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_ledger.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //txt_ledger.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.DeepSkyBlue; x = 6.3; y = txt_ledger.Top.Value; wd = 1.33; ht = 0.18; TextboxType txt_additional = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_additional", ledger_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_additional.Value = "=Fields!" + PQuotation.ADDITIONAL + ".Value"; txt_additional.Style.Font(PrintConfig.BodyTxtFont, 11, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_additional.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; //txt_additional.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Tan; #endregion [Ledger] #region [Grand total] x = 0; y = 0; wd = 5.05; ht = 0.1; RectangleType amtnwords = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("amtnwords", grandtotal_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); amtnwords.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //amtnwords.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Red; x = 0.05; y = 0.01; wd = 4.7; ht = 0.19; TextboxType txt_amtnwords = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_amtnwords", amtnwords.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_amtnwords.Value = "=Fields!" + PQuotation.AMOUNT_IN_WORDS + ".Value"; txt_amtnwords.CanGrow = true; txt_amtnwords.Style.Font(PrintConfig.BodyTxtFont, 9, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_amtnwords.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //txt_amtnwords.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.DeepSkyBlue; x = 5; y = 0.01; wd = 1.3; ht = 0.19; TextboxType lbl_grandtotal = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_grandtotal", grandtotal_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_grandtotal.Value = " GRAND TOTAL"; lbl_grandtotal.Style.Font(PrintConfig.BodyTxtFont, 10, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_grandtotal.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //lbl_grandtotal.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.DeepSkyBlue; //lbl_grandtotal.Style.BorderStyle.Left = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; x = 6.2; y = 0.01; wd = 1.43; ht = 0.19; TextboxType txt_grandtotal = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_grandtotal", grandtotal_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_grandtotal.Value = "=Fields!" + PQuotation.GRANDTOTAL + ".Value"; txt_grandtotal.Style.Font(PrintConfig.BodyTxtFont, 11, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_grandtotal.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; //txt_grandtotal.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Tomato; #endregion [Grand total] #region [Outstanding] x = 0; y = 0.01; wd = balance_rect.Width.Value - 0.03; ht = 0.18; TextboxType txt_balance = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_balance", balance_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_balance.Value = "=Fields!" + PQuotation.OUTSTANDING + ".Value"; txt_balance.Style.Font(PrintConfig.BodyTxtFont, 10, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_balance.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; //txt_balance.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Tomato; #endregion [Outstanding] #region [sign] x = 0; y = 0.08; wd = Sign_rect.Width.Value - 0.8; ht = 0.28; TextboxType txt_forsign = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_forsign", Sign_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_forsign.Value = "Recevier Sign Prepared by Party Sign"; txt_forsign.Style.Font(PrintConfig.BodyTxtFont, 10, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_forsign.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; //txt_forsign.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Tomato; #endregion [sign] // // copy 2 // #region [rect] x = 0; y = rect_1.Height.Value + 0.10; wd = 7.65; ht = 5.6; RectangleType rect_2 = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("rect_2", manirect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); rect_2.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //rect_2.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Green; x = 0; y = Sign_rect.Height.Value + 0.10; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.01; RectangleType title_rect_1 = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("title_rect_1", rect_2.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); title_rect_1.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //title_rect_1.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Orange; x = 0; y = y + title_rect_1.Height.Value; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.01; RectangleType party_rect_1 = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("party_rect_1", rect_2.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); party_rect_1.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //party_rect_1.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Blue; x = 0; y = y + party_rect_1.Height.Value; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.01; RectangleType items_rect_1 = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("items_rect_1", rect_2.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); items_rect_1.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; items_rect_1.Style.BorderStyle.Bottom = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //items_rect_1.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Green; x = 0; y = y + items_rect_1.Height.Value; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.01; RectangleType ledger_rect_1 = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("ledger_rect_1", rect_2.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); ledger_rect_1.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; ledger_rect_1.Style.BorderStyle.Bottom = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //ledger_rect_1.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Red; x = 0; y = y + ledger_rect_1.Height.Value; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.1; RectangleType grandtotal_rect_1 = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("grandtotal_rect_1", rect_2.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); grandtotal_rect_1.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; grandtotal_rect_1.Style.BorderStyle.Bottom = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //grandtotal_rect_1.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Aquamarine; x = 0; y = y + grandtotal_rect_1.Height.Value; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.1; RectangleType balance_rect_1 = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("balance_rect_1", rect_2.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); balance_rect_1.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; balance_rect_1.Style.BorderStyle.Bottom = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //balance_rect_1.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Aquamarine; x = 0; y = y + balance_rect_1.Height.Value; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.1; RectangleType Sign_rect_1 = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("Sign_rect_1", rect_2.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); Sign_rect_1.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //Sign_rect_1.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.SaddleBrown; #endregion [rect] #region [Title] x = 0; y = 0.01; wd = title_rect_1.Width.Value; ht = 0.30; TextboxType txt_title_1 = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_title_1", title_rect_1.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_title_1.Value = "QUOTATION"; txt_title_1.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; txt_title_1.Style.Font(PrintConfig.TitleTxtFont, 16, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_title_1.Style.TextDecoration = TextDecorationEnum.Underline; #endregion [Title] #region [party] x = 0; y = 0; wd = 5; ht = 0.1; RectangleType party_area_1 = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("party_area_1", party_rect_1.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); party_area_1.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //party_area_1.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Green; x = wd; y = 0; wd = party_rect_1.Width.Value - wd; ht = ht + 0; RectangleType nodt_rect_1 = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("nodt_rect_1", party_rect_1.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); nodt_rect_1.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //nodt_rect_1.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.DarkOrange; x = 0.2; y = 0.08; wd = party_area_1.Width.Value - (x + 0.2); ht = 0.20; TextboxType txt_partyname_1 = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_partyname_1", party_area_1.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_partyname_1.Value = "=Fields!" + PQuotation.PARTY_NAME + ".Value"; txt_partyname_1.CanGrow = true; txt_partyname_1.Style.Font(PrintConfig.PartyTxtFont, 12, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_partyname_1.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //txt_partyname_1.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.SandyBrown; x = x + 0; y = y + 0.2; wd = wd + 0; ht = ht + 0; TextboxType txt_city_1 = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_city_1", party_area_1.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_city_1.Value = "=Fields!" + PQuotation.CITY + ".Value"; txt_city_1.Style.Font(PrintConfig.PartyTxtFont, 10, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_city_1.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; txt_city_1.CanGrow = true; //txt_city_1.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.SkyBlue; x = 0.20; y = txt_partyname_1.Top.Value; wd = nodt_rect_1.Width.Value - (x + 0.01); ht = 0.25; TextboxType txt_no_1 = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_no_1", nodt_rect_1.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_no_1.Value = "=Fields!" + PQuotation.QUOTATION_NO + ".Value"; txt_no_1.Style.Font(PrintConfig.PartyTxtFont, 12, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); x = x + 0; y = y + 0.25; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.20; TextboxType txt_date_1 = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_date_1", nodt_rect_1.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_date_1.Value = "=Fields!" + PQuotation.QUOTATION_DATE + ".Value"; txt_date_1.Style.Format = "dd-MM-yyyy"; txt_date_1.Style.Font(PrintConfig.PartyTxtFont, 11, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); #endregion [party] #region [sub] x = 0; y = 0; wd = items_rect_1.Width.Value; ht = 0.1; ReportUtil.AddSubreport("subreport_Print_quotationItems_1", "P_QuotationItem", items_rect_1.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); #endregion [sub] #region [Ledger] x = 4.8; y = 0.01; wd = 2; ht = 0.18; TextboxType txt_ledger_1 = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_ledger_1", ledger_rect_1.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_ledger_1.Value = "=Fields!" + PQuotation.LEDGER + ".Value"; txt_ledger_1.Style.Font(PrintConfig.BodyTxtFont, 11, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_ledger_1.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //txt_ledger_1.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.DeepSkyBlue; x = 6.3; y = txt_ledger_1.Top.Value; wd = 1.33; ht = 0.18; TextboxType txt_additional_1 = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_additional_1", ledger_rect_1.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_additional_1.Value = "=Fields!" + PQuotation.ADDITIONAL + ".Value"; txt_additional_1.Style.Font(PrintConfig.BodyTxtFont, 11, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_additional_1.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; //txt_additional_1.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Tan; #endregion [Ledger] #region [Grand total] x = 0; y = 0; wd = 5.05; ht = 0.1; RectangleType amtnwords_1 = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("amtnwords_1", grandtotal_rect_1.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); amtnwords_1.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //amtnwords_1.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Red; x = 0.05; y = 0.01; wd = 4.7; ht = 0.19; TextboxType txt_amtnwords_1 = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_amtnwords_1", amtnwords_1.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_amtnwords_1.Value = "=Fields!" + PQuotation.AMOUNT_IN_WORDS + ".Value"; txt_amtnwords_1.CanGrow = true; txt_amtnwords_1.Style.Font(PrintConfig.BodyTxtFont, 9, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_amtnwords_1.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //txt_amtnwords_1.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.DeepSkyBlue; x = 5; y = 0.01; wd = 1.3; ht = 0.19; TextboxType lbl_grandtotal_1 = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_grandtotal_1", grandtotal_rect_1.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_grandtotal_1.Value = " GRAND TOTAL"; lbl_grandtotal_1.Style.Font(PrintConfig.BodyTxtFont, 10, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_grandtotal_1.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //lbl_grandtotal_1.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.DeepSkyBlue; //lbl_grandtotal_1.Style.BorderStyle.Left = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; x = 6.2; y = 0.01; wd = 1.43; ht = 0.19; TextboxType txt_grandtotal_1 = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_grandtotal_1", grandtotal_rect_1.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_grandtotal_1.Value = "=Fields!" + PQuotation.GRANDTOTAL + ".Value"; txt_grandtotal_1.Style.Font(PrintConfig.BodyTxtFont, 11, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_grandtotal_1.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; //txt_grandtotal_1.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Tomato; #endregion [Grand total] #region [Outstanding] x = 0; y = 0.01; wd = balance_rect_1.Width.Value - 0.03; ht = 0.18; TextboxType txt_balance_1 = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_balance_1", balance_rect_1.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_balance_1.Value = "=Fields!" + PQuotation.OUTSTANDING + ".Value"; txt_balance_1.Style.Font(PrintConfig.BodyTxtFont, 10, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_balance_1.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; //txt_balance_1.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Tomato; #endregion [Outstanding] #region [sign] x = 0; y = 0.08; wd = Sign_rect_1.Width.Value - 0.8; ht = 0.28; TextboxType txt_forsign_1 = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_forsign_1", Sign_rect_1.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_forsign_1.Value = "Recevier Sign Prepared by Party Sign"; txt_forsign_1.Style.Font(PrintConfig.BodyTxtFont, 10, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_forsign_1.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; //txt_forsign_1.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Tomato; #endregion [sign] } // fn build details
private static void BuildDetail(RectangleType rectWarper) { double x = 0, y = 0, wd = 0, ht = 0; string sufx = ""; x = 0.35; y = 0.32; wd = 7.65; ht = 01; RectangleType manirect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("manirect" + sufx, rectWarper.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); manirect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //manirect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Red; #region [rectangles] x = 0; y = 0; wd = wd + 0; ht = 1; RectangleType company_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("company_rect" + sufx, manirect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); company_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //company_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Red; x = 0; y = ht + 0; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.01; RectangleType Title_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("Title_rect" + sufx, manirect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); Title_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; Title_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Gray; x = 0; y = y + Title_rect.Height.Value; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.01; RectangleType party_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("party_rect" + sufx, manirect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); party_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //party_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.DarkBlue; x = 0; y = y + party_rect.Height.Value + 0.04; wd = wd + 0; ht = Customise.SubReportHeight; RectangleType items_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("items_rect" + sufx, manirect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); items_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //items_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Orange; x = 0; y = y + items_rect.Height.Value; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.1; RectangleType subtotal_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("subtotal_rect" + sufx, manirect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); subtotal_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //subtotal_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Orange; x = 0; y = y + subtotal_rect.Height.Value; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.1; RectangleType total_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("total_rect" + sufx, manirect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); total_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //total_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Crimson; x = 0; y = y + total_rect.Height.Value; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.1; RectangleType grandtotal_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("grandtotal_rect" + sufx, manirect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); grandtotal_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //grandtotal_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Aquamarine; x = 0; y = y + grandtotal_rect.Height.Value; wd = wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.1; RectangleType sign_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("sign_rect" + sufx, manirect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); sign_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //sign_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Black; x = 0; y = y + sign_rect.Height.Value; wd = wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.1; RectangleType juridiction_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("juridiction_rect" + sufx, manirect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); juridiction_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; ////juridiction_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Cyan; #endregion [rectangles] #region [ Title ] x = 0; y = 0.01; wd = Title_rect.Width.Value; ht = 0.28; TextboxType txt_title = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txtTitle" + sufx, Title_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_title.Value = "=Fields!" + PPurchase.SALESTYPE + ".Value"; txt_title.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; txt_title.Style.Color.Color = Color.White; txt_title.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchaseTitleTxt_font, 20, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); x = 0; y = 0.04; wd = Title_rect.Width.Value; ht = ht + 0; TextboxType txt_copy = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txtCopy" + sufx, Title_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_copy.Value = "=Fields!" + PPurchase.COPIES + ".Value"; txt_copy.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; txt_copy.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchaseCopyTxt_font, 14, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Italic); txt_copy.Style.Color.Color = Color.White; #endregion [ Title ] #region [ COMPANY AREA] x = 0; y = 0; wd = 0.9; ht = Customise.companyrectHeight; RectangleType Company_logo = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("Company_logo" + sufx, company_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); Company_logo.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //Company_logo.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.DarkBlue; if (Customise.PrintPurchaseWithLogo == true) { x = wd + 0; y = 0; wd = company_rect.Width.Value - (x + 0.01); ht = ht + 0; } else { x = 0.02 + 0; y = 0; wd = company_rect.Width.Value - (x + 0.01); ht = ht + 0; } RectangleType Company_txt = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("Company_txt" + sufx, company_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); Company_txt.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //Company_txt.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.SaddleBrown; #region [ Company txt] if (Customise.PrintPurchase_PlainHeader == true) { x = 0; y = 0.05; wd = Company_txt.Width.Value - 0.02; ht = 0.4; TextboxType txt_compname = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_compname" + sufx, Company_txt.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_compname.Value = "=Fields!" + PPurchase.COMPANY_NAME + ".Value"; txt_compname.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchaseHeaderCmpTxt_font, 30, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_compname.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; //txt_compname.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Tan; x = 0; y = 0.50; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.18; TextboxType txt_address1 = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_address1" + sufx, Company_txt.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_address1.Value = "=Fields!" + PPurchase.ADDRESS1 + ".Value"; txt_address1.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchaseAddressCmpTxt_font, 8, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_address1.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; //txt_address1.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.AntiqueWhite; x = 0; y = y + 0.17; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.18; TextboxType txt_address2 = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_address2" + sufx, Company_txt.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_address2.Value = "=Fields!" + PPurchase.ADDRESS2 + ".Value"; txt_address2.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchaseAddressCmpTxt_font, 8, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_address2.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; //t_address2.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.SeaGreen; x = 0.03; y = y + 0.17; wd = wd - x; ht = 0.18; TextboxType txt_company_tin = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_company_tin" + sufx, Company_txt.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_company_tin.Value = "=Fields!" + PPurchase.COMPANY_TIN + ".Value"; txt_company_tin.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchaseAddressCmpTxt_font, 8, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_company_tin.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; //txt_company_tin.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.RoyalBlue; } #endregion [ Company txt] #endregion [ COMPANY AREA] #region [ Party AREA] x = 0; y = 0; wd = 5; ht = 0.1; RectangleType party_area = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("party_area" + sufx, party_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); party_area.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; party_area.Style.BorderStyle.Right = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //party_area.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Green; x = wd; y = 0; wd = party_rect.Width.Value - wd; ht = ht + 0; RectangleType nodt_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("nodt_rect" + sufx, party_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); nodt_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //nodt_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.DarkOrange; #region [ Party - Address] x = 0.18; y = 0.12; wd = party_area.Width.Value - (x + 0.2); ht = 0.20; TextboxType lbl_partyname = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_partyname" + sufx, party_area.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_partyname.Value = "TO.M/S. "; lbl_partyname.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchasePartyTxt_font, 10, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_partyname.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //lbl_partyname.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Salmon; x = 0.8; y = 0.08; wd = party_area.Width.Value - (x + 0.2); ht = 0.20; TextboxType txt_partyname = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_partyname" + sufx, party_area.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_partyname.Value = "=Fields!" + PPurchase.PARTY_NAME + ".Value"; txt_partyname.CanGrow = true; txt_partyname.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchasePartyTxt_font, 12, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_partyname.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //txt_partyname.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.SandyBrown; x = x + 0; y = y + 0.20; wd = party_area.Width.Value - (x + 0.2); ht = ht + 0; TextboxType txt_street1 = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txtStreet1" + sufx, party_area.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_street1.CanGrow = true; txt_street1.Value = "=Fields!" + PPurchase.STREET1 + ".Value"; txt_street1.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchasePartyTxt_font, 10, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_street1.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //txt_street1.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.SeaGreen; x = x + 0; y = y + 0.2; wd = wd + 0; ht = ht + 0; TextboxType txt_city = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_city" + sufx, party_area.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_city.Value = "=Fields!" + PPurchase.CITY + ".Value"; txt_city.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchasePartyTxt_font, 10, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_city.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; txt_city.CanGrow = true; //txt_city.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.SkyBlue; x = x + 0; y = y + 0.18; wd = wd + 0; ht = ht + 0; TextboxType txt_tin = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_tin" + sufx, party_area.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_tin.Value = "=Fields!" + PPurchase.GSTIN + ".Value"; txt_tin.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchasePartyTxt_font, 10, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_tin.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //txt_tin.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Sienna; #endregion [ Party - Address ] #region [ No - Dt ] x = 0.20; y = lbl_partyname.Top.Value; wd = nodt_rect.Width.Value - (x + 0.01); ht = 0.25; TextboxType lbl_no = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_no" + sufx, nodt_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_no.Value = "No."; lbl_no.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchasePartyTxt_font, 16, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); x = x + 0; y = lbl_no.Top.Value + 0.4; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.20; TextboxType lbl_date = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_date" + sufx, nodt_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_date.Value = "Date :"; lbl_date.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchasePartyTxt_font, 12, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); x = 0.70; y = lbl_partyname.Top.Value - 0.001; wd = nodt_rect.Width.Value - (x + 0.01); ht = 0.25; TextboxType txt_no = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_no" + sufx, nodt_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_no.Value = "=Fields!" + PPurchase.PURCHASE_NO + ".Value"; txt_no.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchasePartyTxt_font, 16, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); x = x + 0; y = lbl_date.Top.Value; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.20; TextboxType txt_date = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_date" + sufx, nodt_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_date.Value = "=Fields!" + PPurchase.PURCHASE_DATE + ".Value"; txt_date.Style.Format = "dd-MM-yyyy"; txt_date.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchasePartyTxt_font, 12, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); #endregion [ No - Dt ] #endregion [Party area] #region [ ITEMS DETAILS AREA] x = 0; y = 0; wd = items_rect.Width.Value; ht = 0.1; ReportUtil.AddSubreport("subreport_Print_invoiceItems", "P_PurchaseItem", items_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); #endregion [ ITEMS DETAILS AREA] #region [SUB TOTAL AREA] x = 0.03; y = 0.05; wd = 1.5; ht = 0.16; TextboxType lbl_eoe = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_eoe" + sufx, subtotal_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_eoe.Value = "E&OE"; lbl_eoe.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchaseBodyTxt_font, 7, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_eoe.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //lbl_eoe.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.DeepSkyBlue; x = 2.2; y = 0.03; wd = 1.35; ht = 0.16; TextboxType lbl_total = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_total" + sufx, subtotal_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_total.Value = "Total"; lbl_total.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchaseBodyTxt_font, 9, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_total.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; x = 3.85; y = 0; wd = 0.5; ht = 0.2; RectangleType total_qty = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("total_qty" + sufx, subtotal_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); total_qty.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; total_qty.Style.BorderStyle.Left = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; total_qty.Style.BorderStyle.Right = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; x = 0; y = 0.03; wd = 0.5; ht = 0.16; TextboxType txt_qtys = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_qtys" + sufx, total_qty.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_qtys.Value = "=Fields!" + PPurchase.TOTAL_QTY + ".Value"; txt_qtys.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchaseBodyTxt_font, 7, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_qtys.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; x = 4.8; y = 0; wd = 0.65; ht = 0.2; RectangleType total_amt = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("total_amt" + sufx, subtotal_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); total_amt.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; total_amt.Style.BorderStyle.Left = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; total_amt.Style.BorderStyle.Right = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //total_amt.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.OrangeRed; x = 0; y = 0.03; wd = 0.63; ht = 0.16; TextboxType txt_total = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_total" + sufx, total_amt.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_total.Value = "=Fields!" + PPurchase.TAXABLE_VALUE + ".Value"; txt_total.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchaseBodyTxt_font, 7, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_total.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; x = 5.65; y = 0; wd = 0.55; ht = 0.2; RectangleType total_sgst_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("total_sgst_rect" + sufx, subtotal_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); total_sgst_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; total_sgst_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Left = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; total_sgst_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Right = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //total_sgst_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.BlueViolet; x = 0; y = 0.03; wd = 0.52; ht = 0.16; TextboxType total_sgst = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("total_sgst" + sufx, total_sgst_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); total_sgst.Value = "=Fields!" + PPurchase.TOTAL_SGST + ".Value"; total_sgst.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchaseBodyTxt_font, 7, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); total_sgst.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; x = 6.40; y = 0; wd = 0.55; ht = 0.2; RectangleType total_cgst_rec = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("total_cgst_rec" + sufx, subtotal_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); total_cgst_rec.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; total_cgst_rec.Style.BorderStyle.Left = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; total_cgst_rec.Style.BorderStyle.Right = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //total_cgst_rec.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.OrangeRed; x = 0; y = 0.03; wd = 0.52; ht = 0.16; TextboxType total_cgst = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("total_cgst" + sufx, total_cgst_rec.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); total_cgst.Value = "=Fields!" + PPurchase.TOTAL_CGST + ".Value"; total_cgst.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchaseBodyTxt_font, 7, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); total_cgst.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; x = 6.92; y = 0; wd = 0.71; ht = 0.2; RectangleType total_sub_rec = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("total_sub_rec" + sufx, subtotal_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); total_sub_rec.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //total_sub_rec.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.OrangeRed; x = 0; y = 0.03; wd = 0.69; ht = 0.16; TextboxType total_sub = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("total_sub" + sufx, total_sub_rec.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); total_sub.Value = "=Fields!" + PPurchase.TOTAL_SUB + ".Value"; total_sub.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchaseBodyTxt_font, 7, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); total_sub.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; //x = 4.63; y = 0; wd = items_rect.Width.Value - x; ht = 0.2; //RectangleType total_line = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("total_line" + sufx, subtotal_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); //total_line.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //total_line.Style.BorderStyle.Bottom = BorderStyleEnum.Double; //total_line.Style.BorderStyle.Left = BorderStyleEnum.Double; //total_line.Style.BorderStyle.Right = BorderStyleEnum.None; #endregion [SUB TOTAL AREA] //#region [TOTAL AREA] #region [notes] x = 0; y = 0; wd = 4.5; ht = 0.6; RectangleType rect_notes = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("rect_notes" + sufx, total_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); rect_notes.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //rect_notes.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.OrangeRed; x = 0.05; y = 0.06; wd = 4.5; ht = 0.26; TextboxType txt_notes = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_notes" + sufx, rect_notes.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_notes.Value = "=Fields!" + PPurchase.NOTES + ".Value"; txt_notes.CanGrow = true; txt_notes.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchaseBodyTxt_font, 8, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_notes.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; #endregion [notes] #region [Labels] x = 4.88; y = 0; wd = 2.72; ht = 0.1; RectangleType rect_totallbl = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("rect_totallbl" + sufx, total_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); rect_totallbl.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //rect_totallbl.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Tan; x = 0; y = 0; wd = 2.72; ht = 0.01; RectangleType bx_1 = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("bx_1" + sufx, rect_totallbl.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); bx_1.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.Solid; //bx_1.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Tan; x = 0; y = 0.03; wd = 1.8; ht = 0.18; TextboxType lbl_taxablevalue = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_taxablevalue" + sufx, bx_1.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_taxablevalue.Value = " Taxable Value"; lbl_taxablevalue.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchaseBodyTxt_font, 8, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_taxablevalue.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //lbl_taxablevalue.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.DeepSkyBlue; x = 1.85; y = lbl_taxablevalue.Top.Value; wd = 0.82; ht = 0.12; TextboxType txt_taxable_amt = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_taxable_amt" + sufx, bx_1.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_taxable_amt.Value = "=Fields!" + PPurchase.TAXABLE_VALUE + ".Value"; txt_taxable_amt.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchaseBodyTxt_font, 7, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_taxable_amt.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; //txt_taxable_amt.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.White; x = 0; y = 0.01; wd = 2.72; ht = 0.01; RectangleType bx_2 = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("bx_2" + sufx, rect_totallbl.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); bx_2.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.Solid; //bx_2.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Tan; x = 0; y = 0.03; wd = 1.8; ht = 0.18; TextboxType lbl_Sgst = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_Sgst" + sufx, bx_2.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_Sgst.Value = "=Fields!" + PPurchase.LBL_SGST + ".Value"; lbl_Sgst.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchaseBodyTxt_font, 8, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_Sgst.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //lbl_Sgst.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.DeepSkyBlue; x = 1.85; y = lbl_Sgst.Top.Value; wd = 0.82; ht = 0.12; TextboxType txt_Sgst = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_Sgst" + sufx, bx_2.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_Sgst.Value = "=Fields!" + PPurchase.TOTAL_SGST + ".Value"; txt_Sgst.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchaseBodyTxt_font, 7, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_Sgst.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; //txt_Sgst.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.White; x = 0; y = 0.02; wd = 2.72; ht = 0.01; RectangleType bx_3 = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("bx_3" + sufx, rect_totallbl.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); bx_3.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.Solid; //bx_3.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.MistyRose; x = 0; y = 0.03; wd = 1.8; ht = 0.18; TextboxType lbl_cgst = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_cgst" + sufx, bx_3.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_cgst.Value = "=Fields!" + PPurchase.LBL_CGST + ".Value"; lbl_cgst.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchaseBodyTxt_font, 8, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_cgst.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //lbl_cgst.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.DeepSkyBlue; x = 1.85; y = lbl_cgst.Top.Value; wd = 0.82; ht = 0.12; TextboxType txt_cgst = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_cgst" + sufx, bx_3.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_cgst.Value = "=Fields!" + PPurchase.TOTAL_CGST + ".Value"; txt_cgst.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchaseBodyTxt_font, 7, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_cgst.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; //txt_cgst.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.White; x = 0; y = 0.03; wd = 2.72; ht = 0.01; RectangleType bx_4 = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("bx_4" + sufx, rect_totallbl.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); bx_1.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.Solid; //bx_1.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Tan; x = 0; y = 0.03; wd = 1.8; ht = 0.18; TextboxType lbl_GSTTotal = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_GSTTotal" + sufx, bx_4.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_GSTTotal.Value = " TOTAL GST TAX "; lbl_GSTTotal.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchaseBodyTxt_font, 8, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_GSTTotal.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //lbl_GSTTotal.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.DeepSkyBlue; x = 1.85; y = lbl_GSTTotal.Top.Value; wd = 0.82; ht = 0.12; TextboxType txt_GSTTotal = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_GSTTotal" + sufx, bx_4.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_GSTTotal.Value = "=Fields!" + PPurchase.GSTTOTAL + ".Value"; txt_GSTTotal.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchaseBodyTxt_font, 7, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_GSTTotal.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; //txt_GSTTotal.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.White; x = 0; y = 0.04; wd = 2.72; ht = 0.01; RectangleType bx_5 = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("bx_5" + sufx, rect_totallbl.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); bx_1.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.Solid; //bx_1.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Tan; x = 0; y = 0.03; wd = 1.8; ht = 0.18; TextboxType txt_ledger = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_ledger" + sufx, bx_5.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_ledger.Value = "=Fields!" + PPurchase.LEDGER + ".Value"; txt_ledger.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchaseBodyTxt_font, 8, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_ledger.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //txt_ledger.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.DeepSkyBlue; x = 1.85; y = txt_ledger.Top.Value; wd = 0.82; ht = 0.12; TextboxType txt_additional = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_additional" + sufx, bx_5.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_additional.Value = "=Fields!" + PPurchase.ADDITIONAL + ".Value"; txt_additional.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchaseBodyTxt_font, 7, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_additional.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; //txt_additional.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.White; x = 0; y = 0.05; wd = 2.72; ht = 0.01; RectangleType bx_6 = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("bx_6" + sufx, rect_totallbl.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); bx_1.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.Solid; //bx_1.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Tan; x = 0; y = 0.03; wd = 1.8; ht = 0.18; TextboxType lbl_round = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_round" + sufx, bx_6.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_round.Value = " Round off "; lbl_round.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchaseBodyTxt_font, 8, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_round.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //lbl_round.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.DeepSkyBlue; x = 1.85; y = lbl_round.Top.Value; wd = 0.82; ht = 0.12; TextboxType txt_round = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_round" + sufx, bx_6.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_round.Value = "=Fields!" + PPurchase.ROUNDS + ".Value"; txt_round.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchaseBodyTxt_font, 7, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_round.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; //txt_round.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Beige; #endregion [total field] #region [Grand total] x = 0; y = 0; wd = 4.93; ht = 0.45; RectangleType amtnwords = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("amtnwords" + sufx, grandtotal_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); amtnwords.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //amtnwords.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Red; x = 0.05; y = 0.01; wd = 4.7; ht = 0.4; TextboxType txt_amtnwords = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_amtnwords" + sufx, amtnwords.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_amtnwords.Value = "=Fields!" + PPurchase.AMOUNT_IN_WORDS + ".Value"; txt_amtnwords.CanGrow = true; txt_amtnwords.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchaseBodyTxt_font, 10, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_amtnwords.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //txt_amtnwords.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.DeepSkyBlue; x = 4.93; y = 0.08; wd = 1.3; ht = 0.28; TextboxType lbl_grandtotal = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_grandtotal" + sufx, grandtotal_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_grandtotal.Value = " GRAND TOTAL"; lbl_grandtotal.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchaseBodyTxt_font, 10, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_grandtotal.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; // lbl_grandtotal.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.DeepSkyBlue; //lbl_grandtotal.Style.BorderStyle.Left = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; x = 6.20; y = 0.08; wd = 1.43; ht = 0.28; TextboxType txt_grandtotal = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_grandtotal" + sufx, grandtotal_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_grandtotal.Value = "=Fields!" + PPurchase.GRANDTOTAL + ".Value"; txt_grandtotal.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchaseBodyTxt_font, 12, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_grandtotal.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; // txt_grandtotal.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Tomato; #endregion [Grand total] //#endregion [TOTAL AREA] #region [for SIGN AREA] #region [amounts in words] x = 0; y = 0; wd = 4.5; ht = 0.5; RectangleType receiver_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("receiver_rect" + sufx, sign_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); receiver_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //amtnwords.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Red; x = 0.05; y = 0.08; wd = wd - 0.2; ht = 0.18; TextboxType txt_receiversign = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_receiversign" + sufx, receiver_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_receiversign.Value = "Receiver Signature"; //txt_receiversign.CanGrow = true; txt_receiversign.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchaseBodyTxt_font, 10, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_receiversign.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //txt_receiversign.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Violet; #endregion [amounts in words] #region [Signature] x = amtnwords.Width.Value; y = 0; wd = 2.72; ht = 0.95; RectangleType forspace = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("forspace" + sufx, sign_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); forspace.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //forspace.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Violet; x = 0.05; y = 0.06; wd = 2.4; ht = 0.16; TextboxType lbl_for = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_for" + sufx, forspace.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_for.Value = "For"; lbl_for.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchaseFORTxt_font, 9, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_for.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; x = x + 0.3; y = 0.04; wd = 2.7 - x; ht = 0.20; TextboxType lbl_forcompany = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_forcompany" + sufx, forspace.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_forcompany.Value = "=Fields!COMPANY_NAME.Value"; lbl_forcompany.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchaseFORTxt_font, 10, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_forcompany.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; x = lbl_for.Left.Value + 0.2; y = 0.70; wd = 2.7 - x; ht = 0.15; TextboxType lbl_sign = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_sign" + sufx, forspace.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_sign.Value = " Authorized signatory"; lbl_sign.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchaseBodyTxt_font, 9, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_sign.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; #endregion [Signature] #endregion [for SIGN AREA] #region [Juridication] if (Customise.PrintJuridication == true) { x = 0.09; y = 0.01; wd = juridiction_rect.Width.Value - x; ht = 0.16; TextboxType lbl_stj = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_stj" + sufx, juridiction_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_stj.Value = "Subject to " + Customise.JuridicationTxt + " Juridication"; lbl_stj.Style.Font(Customise.PrintPurchaseBodyTxt_font, 7, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_stj.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; } #endregion [Juridication] } // fn build details
private static void BuildDetail(RectangleType rectWarper) { double x = 0, y = 0, wd = 0, ht = 0; string sufx = ""; x = 0.35; y = 0.32; wd = 7.65; ht = 01; RectangleType manirect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("manirect" + sufx, rectWarper.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); manirect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //manirect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Red; #region [rectangles] x = 0; y = 0; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.01; RectangleType company_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("company_rect" + sufx, manirect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); company_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //company_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Red; x = 0; y = ht + 0; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.01; RectangleType Title_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("Title_rect" + sufx, manirect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); Title_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; Title_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Gray; x = 0; y = y + Title_rect.Height.Value; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.01; RectangleType No_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("No_rect" + sufx, manirect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); No_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //No_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.DarkBlue; x = 0; y = y + Title_rect.Height.Value; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.01; RectangleType consigneelbl_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("consigneelbl_rect" + sufx, manirect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); consigneelbl_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //consigneelbl_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.SaddleBrown; x = 0; y = y + consigneelbl_rect.Height.Value; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.01; RectangleType party_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("party_rect" + sufx, manirect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); party_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //party_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.SaddleBrown; x = 0; y = y + party_rect.Height.Value + 0.04; wd = wd + 0; ht = 4.8; RectangleType items_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("items_rect" + sufx, manirect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); items_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //items_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Orange; x = 0; y = y + items_rect.Height.Value; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.1; RectangleType subtotal_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("subtotal_rect" + sufx, manirect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); subtotal_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //subtotal_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Orange; x = 0; y = y + subtotal_rect.Height.Value; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.1; RectangleType total_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("total_rect" + sufx, manirect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); total_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //total_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Crimson; x = 0; y = y + total_rect.Height.Value; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.1; RectangleType grandtotal_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("grandtotal_rect" + sufx, manirect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); grandtotal_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //grandtotal_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Aquamarine; x = 0; y = y + grandtotal_rect.Height.Value; wd = wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.1; RectangleType sign_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("sign_rect" + sufx, manirect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); sign_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //sign_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Black; x = 0; y = y + sign_rect.Height.Value; wd = wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.1; RectangleType juridiction_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("juridiction_rect" + sufx, manirect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); juridiction_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //juridiction_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Cyan; #endregion [rectangles] #region [ Title ] x = 0; y = 0.01; wd = Title_rect.Width.Value; ht = 0.23; TextboxType txt_title = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txtTitle" + sufx, Title_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_title.Value = "TAX INVOICE"; txt_title.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; txt_title.Style.Color.Color = Color.White; txt_title.Style.Font("Arial", 16, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); x = 0; y = 0.04; wd = Title_rect.Width.Value; ht = ht + 0; TextboxType txt_copy = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txtCopy" + sufx, Title_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_copy.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.COPIES + ".Value"; txt_copy.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; txt_copy.Style.Font("Arial", 12, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Italic); txt_copy.Style.Color.Color = Color.White; #endregion [ Title ] #region [ COMPANY AREA] x = 0; y = 0; wd = 0.9; ht = 0.95; RectangleType Company_logo = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("Company_logo" + sufx, company_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); Company_logo.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //Company_logo.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.DarkBlue; x = wd; y = 0; wd = company_rect.Width.Value - (x + 0.01); ht = ht + 0; RectangleType Company_txt = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("Company_txt" + sufx, company_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); Company_txt.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //Company_txt.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.SaddleBrown; #region [ Company txt] x = 0; y = 0.05; wd = Company_txt.Width.Value - 0.02; ht = 0.4; TextboxType txt_compname = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_compname" + sufx, Company_txt.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_compname.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.COMPANY_NAME + ".Value"; txt_compname.Style.Font("Calibri", 30, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_compname.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; //txt_compname.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Tan; x = 0; y = 0.50; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.18; TextboxType txt_address1 = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_address1" + sufx, Company_txt.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_address1.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.ADDRESS1 + ".Value"; txt_address1.Style.Font("Tahoma", 8, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_address1.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; //txt_address1.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.AntiqueWhite; x = 0; y = y + 0.17; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.18; TextboxType txt_address2 = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_address2" + sufx, Company_txt.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_address2.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.ADDRESS2 + ".Value"; txt_address2.Style.Font("Tahoma", 8, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_address2.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; //t_address2.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.SeaGreen; x = 0.03; y = y + 0.17; wd = wd - x; ht = 0.18; TextboxType txt_company_tin = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_company_tin" + sufx, Company_txt.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_company_tin.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.COMPANY_TIN + ".Value"; txt_company_tin.Style.Font("Tahoma", 8, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_company_tin.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; //txt_company_tin.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.RoyalBlue; #endregion [ Company txt] #endregion [ COMPANY AREA] #region [No AREA] x = 0; y = 0; wd = 4; ht = 0.1; RectangleType no_area = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("no_area" + sufx, No_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); no_area.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; no_area.Style.BorderStyle.Right = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //no_area.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Green; x = wd; y = 0; wd = No_rect.Width.Value - wd; ht = ht + 0; RectangleType transport_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("transport_rect" + sufx, No_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); transport_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //transport_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.DarkOrange; #region [gst - No -sales type - date] x = 0.18; y = 0.04; wd = no_area.Width.Value - (x + 0.2); ht = 0.16; TextboxType lbl_gstinno = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_gstinno" + sufx, no_area.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_gstinno.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.COMPANY_GST + ".Value"; lbl_gstinno.Style.Font("Calibri", 10, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_gstinno.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //lbl_gstinno.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Salmon; x = x + 0; y = y + ht; wd = no_area.Width.Value - (x + 0.2); ht = 0.16; TextboxType lbl_salestype = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_salestype" + sufx, no_area.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_salestype.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.SALES_TYPE + ".Value"; lbl_salestype.Style.Font("Calibri", 10, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_salestype.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //lbl_salestype.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Salmon; x = x + 0; y = y + ht; wd = no_area.Width.Value - (x + 0.2); ht = 0.16; TextboxType lbl_no = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_no" + sufx, no_area.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_no.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.INVOICE_NO + ".Value"; lbl_no.Style.Font("Calibri", 10, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_no.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //lbl_no.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Salmon; x = x + 0; y = y + ht; wd = no_area.Width.Value - (x + 0.2); ht = 0.20; TextboxType lbl_date = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_date" + sufx, no_area.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_date.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.INVOICE_DATE + ".Value"; lbl_date.Style.Font("Calibri", 10, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_date.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; lbl_date.Style.Format = "dd-MM-yyyy"; //lbl_date.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Salmon; #endregion [gst - No -sales type - date] #region [ No - Dt ] x = 0.18; y = 0.20; wd = transport_rect.Width.Value - (x + 0.2); ht = 0.20; TextboxType lbl_modeoftransport = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_modeoftransport" + sufx, transport_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_modeoftransport.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.TRANSPORT + ".Value"; lbl_modeoftransport.Style.Font("Calibri", 10, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_modeoftransport.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //lbl_modeoftransport.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Salmon; //x = x + 0; y = y + ht; wd = transport_rect.Width.Value - (x + 0.2); ht = 0.20; //TextboxType lbl_vehicle = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_vehicle" + sufx, transport_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); //lbl_vehicle.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.VEHICLE_NO + ".Value"; //lbl_vehicle.Style.Font("Calibri", 10, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); //lbl_vehicle.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; ////lbl_vehicle.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Salmon; x = x + 0; y = y + ht; wd = transport_rect.Width.Value - (x + 0.2); ht = 0.20; TextboxType lbl_place = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_place" + sufx, transport_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_place.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.PLACE + ".Value"; lbl_place.Style.Font("Calibri", 10, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_place.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //lbl_place.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Salmon; #endregion [ No - Dt ] #endregion [Party area] #region [billto] x = 0; y = 0; wd = 4; ht = 0.1; RectangleType billto = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("billto" + sufx, consigneelbl_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); billto.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; billto.Style.BorderStyle.Right = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //billto.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Green; x = 0.02; y = 0.02; wd = billto.Width.Value - (x + 0.2); ht = 0.20; TextboxType header_party = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("header_party" + sufx, billto.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); header_party.Value = "Details of Receiver (Billed to)"; header_party.Style.Font("Calibri", 10, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); header_party.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; //header_party.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Salmon; x = wd; y = 0; wd = consigneelbl_rect.Width.Value - wd; ht = ht + 0; RectangleType shippingto = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("shippingto" + sufx, consigneelbl_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); shippingto.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //shippingto.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.DarkOrange; x = 0.02; y = 0.02; wd = shippingto.Width.Value - (x + 0.2); ht = 0.20; TextboxType header_shipping = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("header_shipping" + sufx, shippingto.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); header_shipping.Value = "Details of Consignee (Shipped to)"; header_shipping.Style.Font("Calibri", 10, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); header_shipping.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; //header_shipping.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Salmon; #endregion [ Party - Address] #region [ Party AREA] x = 0; y = 0; wd = 4; ht = 1.1; RectangleType party_area = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("party_area" + sufx, party_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); party_area.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; party_area.Style.BorderStyle.Right = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //party_area.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Green; x = wd; y = 0; wd = party_rect.Width.Value - wd; ht = ht + 0; RectangleType shipping_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("shipping_rect" + sufx, party_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); shipping_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //nodt_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.DarkOrange; #endregion [ Party - Address] #region [ Party - Address] x = 0.08; y = 0.06; wd = party_area.Width.Value - (x + 0.2); ht = 0.20; TextboxType txt_partyname = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_partyname" + sufx, party_area.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_partyname.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.PARTY_NAME + ".Value"; txt_partyname.CanGrow = true; txt_partyname.Style.Font("Calibri", 12, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_partyname.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //txt_partyname.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.SandyBrown; x = x + 0; y = y + 0.20; wd = party_area.Width.Value - (x + 0.2); ht = ht + 0; TextboxType txt_street1 = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txtStreet1" + sufx, party_area.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_street1.CanGrow = true; txt_street1.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.STREET1 + ".Value"; txt_street1.Style.Font("Calibri", 10, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_street1.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //txt_street1.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.SeaGreen; x = x + 0; y = y + 0.2; wd = wd + 0; ht = ht + 0; TextboxType txt_city = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_city" + sufx, party_area.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_city.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.CITY + ".Value"; txt_city.Style.Font("Calibri", 10, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_city.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; txt_city.CanGrow = true; //txt_city.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.SkyBlue; x = x + 0; y = y + 0.18; wd = wd + 0; ht = ht + 0; TextboxType txt_tin = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_tin" + sufx, party_area.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_tin.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.GSTIN + ".Value"; txt_tin.Style.Font("Calibri", 10, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_tin.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //txt_tin.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Sienna; #endregion [ Party - Address ] #region [ shipping_rect] x = 0.08; y = 0.08; wd = shipping_rect.Width.Value - (x + 0.2); ht = 0.20; TextboxType shipping_partyname = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("shipping_partyname" + sufx, shipping_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); shipping_partyname.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.SHIPPING_NAME + ".Value"; shipping_partyname.CanGrow = true; shipping_partyname.Style.Font("Calibri", 12, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); shipping_partyname.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //shipping_partyname.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.SandyBrown; x = x + 0; y = y + 0.20; wd = shipping_rect.Width.Value - (x + 0.2); ht = ht + 0; TextboxType shipping_street1 = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("shipping_street1" + sufx, shipping_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); shipping_street1.CanGrow = true; shipping_street1.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.SHIPPING_STREET1 + ".Value"; shipping_street1.Style.Font("Calibri", 10, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); shipping_street1.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //shipping_street1.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.SeaGreen; x = x + 0; y = y + 0.2; wd = wd + 0; ht = ht + 0; TextboxType shipping_city = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("shipping__city" + sufx, shipping_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); shipping_city.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.SHIPPING_CITY + ".Value"; shipping_city.Style.Font("Calibri", 10, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); shipping_city.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; shipping_city.CanGrow = true; //shipping_city.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.SkyBlue; x = x + 0; y = y + 0.18; wd = wd + 0; ht = ht + 0; TextboxType shipping_tin = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("shipping_tin" + sufx, shipping_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); shipping_tin.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.SHIPPING_GSTIN + ".Value"; shipping_tin.Style.Font("Calibri", 10, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); shipping_tin.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //shipping_tin.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Sienna; #endregion [ shipping_rect] #region [ ITEMS DETAILS AREA] x = 0; y = 0; wd = items_rect.Width.Value; ht = 0.1; ReportUtil.AddSubreport("subreport_Print_invoiceItems", "P_InvoiceItem", items_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); #endregion [ ITEMS DETAILS AREA] #region [SUB TOTAL AREA] x = 0.03; y = 0.05; wd = 1.5; ht = 0.16; TextboxType lbl_eoe = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_eoe" + sufx, subtotal_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_eoe.Value = "E&OE"; lbl_eoe.Style.Font("Tahoma", 7, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_eoe.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //lbl_eoe.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.DeepSkyBlue; x = 1.3; y = 0.03; wd = 1.35; ht = 0.16; TextboxType lbl_total = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_total" + sufx, subtotal_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_total.Value = "Total"; lbl_total.Style.Font("Tahoma", 9, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_total.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; x = 3.05; y = 0; wd = 0.4; ht = 0.2; RectangleType total_qty = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("total_qty" + sufx, subtotal_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); total_qty.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; total_qty.Style.BorderStyle.Left = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; total_qty.Style.BorderStyle.Right = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; x = 0; y = 0.03; wd = 0.4; ht = 0.16; TextboxType txt_qtys = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_qtys" + sufx, total_qty.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_qtys.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.TOTAL_QTY + ".Value"; txt_qtys.Style.Font("Tahoma", 7, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_qtys.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; x = 4.25; y = 0; wd = 0.5; ht = 0.2; RectangleType total_areasq = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("total_areasq" + sufx, subtotal_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); total_areasq.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; total_areasq.Style.BorderStyle.Left = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; total_areasq.Style.BorderStyle.Right = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; x = 0; y = 0.03; wd = 0.5; ht = 0.16; TextboxType txt_areasq = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_areasq" + sufx, total_areasq.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_areasq.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.TOTAL_AREASQ + ".Value"; txt_areasq.Style.Font("Tahoma", 7, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_areasq.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; x = 5.25; y = 0; wd = 0.7; ht = 0.2; RectangleType total_amt = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("total_amt" + sufx, subtotal_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); total_amt.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; total_amt.Style.BorderStyle.Left = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; total_amt.Style.BorderStyle.Right = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //total_amt.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.OrangeRed; x = 0; y = 0.03; wd = 0.68; ht = 0.16; TextboxType txt_total = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_total" + sufx, total_amt.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_total.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.TAXABLE_VALUE + ".Value"; txt_total.Style.Font("Tahoma", 7, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_total.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; x = 6.15; y = 0; wd = 0.65; ht = 0.2; RectangleType total_sgst_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("total_sgst_rect" + sufx, subtotal_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); total_sgst_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; total_sgst_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Left = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; total_sgst_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Right = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //total_sgst_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.BlueViolet; x = 0; y = 0.03; wd = 0.62; ht = 0.16; TextboxType total_sgst = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("total_sgst" + sufx, total_sgst_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); total_sgst.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.TOTAL_SGST + ".Value"; total_sgst.Style.Font("Tahoma", 7, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); total_sgst.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; x = 7.0; y = 0; wd = 0.65; ht = 0.2; RectangleType total_cgst_rec = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("total_cgst_rec" + sufx, subtotal_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); total_cgst_rec.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; total_cgst_rec.Style.BorderStyle.Left = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; total_cgst_rec.Style.BorderStyle.Right = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //total_cgst_rec.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.OrangeRed; x = 0; y = 0.03; wd = 0.62; ht = 0.16; TextboxType total_cgst = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("total_cgst" + sufx, total_cgst_rec.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); total_cgst.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.TOTAL_CGST + ".Value"; total_cgst.Style.Font("Tahoma", 7, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); total_cgst.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; x = 6.92; y = 0; wd = 0.71; ht = 0.2; RectangleType total_sub_rec = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("total_sub_rec" + sufx, subtotal_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); total_sub_rec.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //total_sub_rec.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.OrangeRed; //x = 0; y = 0.03; wd = 0.69; ht = 0.16; //TextboxType total_sub = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("total_sub" + sufx, total_sub_rec.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); //total_sub.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.TOTAL_SUB + ".Value"; //total_sub.Style.Font("Tahoma", 7, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); //total_sub.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; //x = 4.63; y = 0; wd = items_rect.Width.Value - x; ht = 0.2; //RectangleType total_line = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("total_line" + sufx, subtotal_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); //total_line.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //total_line.Style.BorderStyle.Bottom = BorderStyleEnum.Double; //total_line.Style.BorderStyle.Left = BorderStyleEnum.Double; //total_line.Style.BorderStyle.Right = BorderStyleEnum.None; #endregion [SUB TOTAL AREA] //#region [TOTAL AREA] #region [notes] x = 0; y = 0; wd = 4.4; ht = 0.6; RectangleType rect_notes = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("rect_notes" + sufx, total_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); rect_notes.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //rect_notes.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.OrangeRed; x = 0.05; y = 0.06; wd = 4.4; ht = 0.26; TextboxType txt_notes = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_notes" + sufx, rect_notes.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_notes.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.NOTES + ".Value"; txt_notes.CanGrow = true; txt_notes.Style.Font("Tahoma", 8, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_notes.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; #endregion [notes] #region [Labels] x = 4.75; y = 0; wd = 2.85; ht = 0.1; RectangleType rect_totallbl = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("rect_totallbl" + sufx, total_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); rect_totallbl.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //rect_totallbl.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Tan; x = 0; y = 0; wd = 2.85; ht = 0.01; RectangleType bx_1 = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("bx_1" + sufx, rect_totallbl.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); bx_1.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.Solid; //bx_1.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Tan; x = 0; y = 0.03; wd = 1.8; ht = 0.18; TextboxType lbl_taxablevalue = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_taxablevalue" + sufx, bx_1.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_taxablevalue.Value = " Taxable Value"; lbl_taxablevalue.Style.Font("Tahoma", 8, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_taxablevalue.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //lbl_taxablevalue.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.DeepSkyBlue; x = 1.85; y = lbl_taxablevalue.Top.Value; wd = 0.96; ht = 0.12; TextboxType txt_taxable_amt = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_taxable_amt" + sufx, bx_1.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_taxable_amt.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.TAXABLE_VALUE + ".Value"; txt_taxable_amt.Style.Font("Tahoma", 7, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_taxable_amt.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; //txt_taxable_amt.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.White; x = 0; y = 0.01; wd = 2.85; ht = 0.01; RectangleType bx_2 = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("bx_2" + sufx, rect_totallbl.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); bx_2.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.Solid; //bx_2.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Tan; x = 0; y = 0.03; wd = 1.8; ht = 0.18; TextboxType lbl_Sgst = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_Sgst" + sufx, bx_2.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_Sgst.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.LBL_SGST + ".Value"; lbl_Sgst.Style.Font("Tahoma", 8, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_Sgst.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //lbl_Sgst.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.DeepSkyBlue; x = 1.85; y = lbl_Sgst.Top.Value; wd = 0.96; ht = 0.12; TextboxType txt_Sgst = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_Sgst" + sufx, bx_2.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_Sgst.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.TOTAL_SGST + ".Value"; txt_Sgst.Style.Font("Tahoma", 7, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_Sgst.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; //txt_Sgst.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.White; x = 0; y = 0.02; wd = 2.85; ht = 0.01; RectangleType bx_3 = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("bx_3" + sufx, rect_totallbl.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); bx_3.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.Solid; //bx_3.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.MistyRose; x = 0; y = 0.03; wd = 1.8; ht = 0.18; TextboxType lbl_cgst = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_cgst" + sufx, bx_3.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_cgst.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.LBL_CGST + ".Value"; lbl_cgst.Style.Font("Tahoma", 8, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_cgst.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //lbl_cgst.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.DeepSkyBlue; x = 1.85; y = lbl_cgst.Top.Value; wd = 0.96; ht = 0.12; TextboxType txt_cgst = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_cgst" + sufx, bx_3.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_cgst.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.TOTAL_CGST + ".Value"; txt_cgst.Style.Font("Tahoma", 7, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_cgst.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; //txt_cgst.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.White; x = 0; y = 0.03; wd = 2.85; ht = 0.01; RectangleType bx_4 = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("bx_4" + sufx, rect_totallbl.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); bx_1.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.Solid; //bx_1.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Tan; x = 0; y = 0.03; wd = 1.8; ht = 0.18; TextboxType lbl_GSTTotal = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_GSTTotal" + sufx, bx_4.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_GSTTotal.Value = " TOTAL GST TAX "; lbl_GSTTotal.Style.Font("Tahoma", 8, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_GSTTotal.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //lbl_GSTTotal.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.DeepSkyBlue; x = 1.85; y = lbl_GSTTotal.Top.Value; wd = 0.96; ht = 0.12; TextboxType txt_GSTTotal = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_GSTTotal" + sufx, bx_4.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_GSTTotal.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.GSTTOTAL + ".Value"; txt_GSTTotal.Style.Font("Tahoma", 7, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_GSTTotal.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; //txt_GSTTotal.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.White; x = 0; y = 0.04; wd = 2.85; ht = 0.01; RectangleType bx_5 = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("bx_5" + sufx, rect_totallbl.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); bx_1.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.Solid; //bx_1.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Tan; x = 0; y = 0.03; wd = 1.8; ht = 0.18; TextboxType txt_ledger = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_ledger" + sufx, bx_5.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_ledger.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.LEDGER + ".Value"; txt_ledger.Style.Font("Tahoma", 8, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_ledger.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //txt_ledger.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.DeepSkyBlue; x = 1.85; y = txt_ledger.Top.Value; wd = 0.96; ht = 0.12; TextboxType txt_additional = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_additional" + sufx, bx_5.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_additional.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.ADDITIONAL + ".Value"; txt_additional.Style.Font("Tahoma", 7, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_additional.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; //txt_additional.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.White; x = 0; y = 0.05; wd = 2.85; ht = 0.01; RectangleType bx_6 = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("bx_6" + sufx, rect_totallbl.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); bx_1.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.Solid; //bx_1.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Tan; x = 0; y = 0.03; wd = 1.8; ht = 0.18; TextboxType lbl_round = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_round" + sufx, bx_6.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_round.Value = " Round off "; lbl_round.Style.Font("Tahoma", 8, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_round.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //lbl_round.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.DeepSkyBlue; x = 1.85; y = lbl_round.Top.Value; wd = 0.96; ht = 0.12; TextboxType txt_round = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_round" + sufx, bx_6.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_round.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.ROUNDS + ".Value"; txt_round.Style.Font("Tahoma", 7, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_round.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; //txt_round.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Green; #endregion [total field] #region [Grand total] x = 0; y = 0; wd = 4.8; ht = 0.45; RectangleType amtnwords = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("amtnwords" + sufx, grandtotal_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); amtnwords.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //amtnwords.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Red; x = 0.05; y = 0.01; wd = 4.7; ht = 0.4; TextboxType txt_amtnwords = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_amtnwords" + sufx, amtnwords.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_amtnwords.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.AMOUNT_IN_WORDS + ".Value"; txt_amtnwords.CanGrow = true; txt_amtnwords.Style.Font("Tahoma", 10, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_amtnwords.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //txt_amtnwords.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.DeepSkyBlue; x = 4.83; y = 0.08; wd = 1.3; ht = 0.28; TextboxType lbl_grandtotal = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_grandtotal" + sufx, grandtotal_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_grandtotal.Value = " GRAND TOTAL"; lbl_grandtotal.Style.Font("Tahoma", 10, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_grandtotal.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; // lbl_grandtotal.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.DeepSkyBlue; //lbl_grandtotal.Style.BorderStyle.Left = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; x = 6.20; y = 0.08; wd = 1.43; ht = 0.28; TextboxType txt_grandtotal = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_grandtotal" + sufx, grandtotal_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_grandtotal.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.GRANDTOTAL + ".Value"; txt_grandtotal.Style.Font("Tahoma", 12, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_grandtotal.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; // txt_grandtotal.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Tomato; #endregion [Grand total] //#endregion [TOTAL AREA] #region [for SIGN AREA] #region [amounts in words] x = 0; y = 0; wd = 4.5; ht = 0.5; RectangleType receiver_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("receiver_rect" + sufx, sign_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); receiver_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //amtnwords.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Red; x = 0.05; y = 0.08; wd = wd - 0.2; ht = 0.18; TextboxType txt_receiversign = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_receiversign" + sufx, receiver_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_receiversign.Value = "Receiver Signature"; //txt_receiversign.CanGrow = true; txt_receiversign.Style.Font("Tahoma", 10, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_receiversign.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //txt_receiversign.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Violet; #endregion [amounts in words] #region [Signature] x = amtnwords.Width.Value; y = 0; wd = 2.85; ht = 0.95; RectangleType forspace = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("forspace" + sufx, sign_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); forspace.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //forspace.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Violet; x = 0.3; y = 0.06; wd = 1; ht = 0.16; TextboxType lbl_for = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_for" + sufx, forspace.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_for.Value = "For"; lbl_for.Style.Font("Times New Roman", 9, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_for.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; x = x + 0.3; y = 0.04; wd = 2.8 - x; ht = 0.20; TextboxType lbl_forcompany = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_forcompany" + sufx, forspace.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_forcompany.Value = "=Fields!" + PInvoice.COMPANY_NAME + ".Value"; lbl_forcompany.Style.Font("Times New Roman", 10, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_forcompany.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; x = lbl_for.Left.Value + 0.3; y = 0.70; wd = 2.4 - x; ht = 0.15; TextboxType lbl_sign = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_sign" + sufx, forspace.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_sign.Value = " Authorized signatory"; lbl_sign.Style.Font("Tahoma", 9, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_sign.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; #endregion [Signature] #endregion [for SIGN AREA] #region [Juridication] x = 0.09; y = 0.01; wd = juridiction_rect.Width.Value - x; ht = 0.16; TextboxType lbl_stj = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_stj" + sufx, juridiction_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_stj.Value = "Subject to Chennai Juridication"; lbl_stj.Style.Font("Tahoma", 7, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_stj.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; #endregion [Juridication] } // fn build details
private static void BuildDetail(RectangleType rectWarper) { double x = 0, y = 0, wd = 0, ht = 0; #region [rect] x = 0.35; y = 0.20; wd = 7.65; ht = 01; RectangleType manirect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("manirect", rectWarper.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); manirect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //manirect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Red; x = 0; y = 0; wd = wd + 0; ht = 5.6; RectangleType rect_1 = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("rect_1", manirect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); rect_1.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //rect_1.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Orange; x = 0; y = 0; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.01; RectangleType title_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("title_rect", rect_1.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); title_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //title_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Orange; x = 0; y = y + title_rect.Height.Value; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.01; RectangleType party_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("party_rect", rect_1.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); party_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //party_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Blue; x = 0; y = y + party_rect.Height.Value; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.01; RectangleType items_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("items_rect", rect_1.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); items_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; items_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Bottom = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //items_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Green; x = 0; y = y + items_rect.Height.Value; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.01; RectangleType ledger_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("ledger_rect", rect_1.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); ledger_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; ledger_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Bottom = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //ledger_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Red; x = 0; y = y + ledger_rect.Height.Value; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.1; RectangleType grandtotal_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("grandtotal_rect", rect_1.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); grandtotal_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; grandtotal_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Bottom = BorderStyleEnum.Outset; //grandtotal_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Aquamarine; x = 0; y = y + grandtotal_rect.Height.Value; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.1; RectangleType Sign_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("Sign_rect", rect_1.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); Sign_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //Sign_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Aquamarine; #endregion [rect] #region [Title] x = 0; y = 0.01; wd = title_rect.Width.Value; ht = 0.30; TextboxType txt_title = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_title", title_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_title.Value = "DELIVERY NOTE"; txt_title.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; txt_title.Style.Font(Customised.TitleTxtFont, 16, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_title.Style.TextDecoration = TextDecorationEnum.Underline; #endregion [Title] #region [party] x = 0; y = 0; wd = 5; ht = 0.1; RectangleType party_area = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("party_area", party_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); party_area.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //party_area.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Green; x = wd; y = 0; wd = party_rect.Width.Value - wd; ht = ht + 0; RectangleType nodt_rect = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("nodt_rect", party_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); nodt_rect.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; //nodt_rect.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.DarkOrange; x = 2.5; y = 0.08; wd = party_area.Width.Value - (x + 0.2); ht = 0.20; TextboxType txt_partyname = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_partyname", party_area.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_partyname.Value = "=Fields!" + POUTWARD.PARTY_NAME + ".Value"; txt_partyname.CanGrow = true; txt_partyname.Style.Font(Customised.PartyTxtFont, 12, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_partyname.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //txt_partyname.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.SandyBrown; x = x + 0; y = y + 0.2; wd = wd + 0; ht = ht + 0; TextboxType txt_city = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_city", party_area.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_city.Value = "=Fields!" + POUTWARD.CITY + ".Value"; txt_city.Style.Font(Customised.PartyTxtFont, 10, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_city.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; txt_city.CanGrow = true; //txt_city.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.SkyBlue; x = 0.20; y = txt_partyname.Top.Value; wd = nodt_rect.Width.Value - (x + 0.01); ht = 0.25; TextboxType txt_no = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_no", nodt_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_no.Value = "=Fields!" + POUTWARD.OUTWARD_NO + ".Value"; txt_no.Style.Font(Customised.PartyTxtFont, 12, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); x = x + 0; y = y + 0.25; wd = wd + 0; ht = 0.20; TextboxType txt_date = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_date", nodt_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_date.Value = "=Fields!" + POUTWARD.OUTWARD_DATE + ".Value"; txt_date.Style.Format = "dd-MM-yyyy"; txt_date.Style.Font(Customised.PartyTxtFont, 11, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); #endregion [party] #region [sub] x = 0; y = 0; wd = items_rect.Width.Value; ht = 0.1; ReportUtil.AddSubreport("subreport_Print_OutwardItem", "P_OutwardItem", items_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); #endregion [sub] #region [Ledger] x = 4.8; y = 0.01; wd = 2; ht = 0.18; TextboxType txt_ledger = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_ledger", ledger_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_ledger.Value = "TOTAL QTY : "; txt_ledger.Style.Font(Customised.BodyTxtFont, 11, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_ledger.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; //txt_ledger.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.DeepSkyBlue; x = 6.3; y = txt_ledger.Top.Value; wd = 1.33; ht = 0.18; TextboxType txt_additional = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_additional", ledger_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_additional.Value = "=Fields!" + POUTWARD.TOTAL_QTY + ".Value"; txt_additional.Style.Font(Customised.BodyTxtFont, 11, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_additional.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; //txt_additional.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Tan; #endregion [Ledger] #region [Grand total] x = 4.8; y = 0.01; wd = 1.3; ht = 0.19; TextboxType lbl_grandtotal = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("lbl_grandtotal", grandtotal_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); lbl_grandtotal.Value = "No of Bundles"; lbl_grandtotal.Style.Font(Customised.BodyTxtFont, 10, FontWeightEnum.Bolder, FontStyleEnum.Normal); lbl_grandtotal.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Left; x = 6.3; y = 0.01; wd = 1.43; ht = 0.19; TextboxType txt_grandtotal = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_grandtotal", grandtotal_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_grandtotal.Value = "=Fields!" + POUTWARD.TOTAL_BUNDLE + ".Value"; txt_grandtotal.Style.Font(Customised.BodyTxtFont, 11, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_grandtotal.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Right; #endregion [Grand total] #region [sign] x = 0; y = 0.08; wd = Sign_rect.Width.Value - 0.8; ht = 0.28; TextboxType txt_forsign = ReportUtil.AddTextbox("txt_forsign", Sign_rect.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); txt_forsign.Value = "Recevier Sign Prepared by Party Sign"; txt_forsign.Style.Font(Customised.BodyTxtFont, 10, FontWeightEnum.Normal, FontStyleEnum.Normal); txt_forsign.Style.TextAlign = TextAlignRptEnum.Center; //txt_forsign.Style.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Tomato; #endregion [sign] } // fn build details