private void dgvAvailableMetadata_CellContentDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { // This is the double-click on the available list // // Get selected row if (dgvAvailableMetadata.SelectedRows.Count <= 0) { return; } var selectedRow = dgvAvailableMetadata.SelectedRows; ReportMetadata rm = new ReportMetadata(); ConvertSelectedRow(rm, selectedRow[0]); // Insert into db with client id rm.ClientUID = Utils.ClientID; rm.UID = 0; rm.RecordType = "CL"; rm.Save(); // Reload lists // loadList(); }
private void OLDLogoDoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Show file dialog var file = openFileDialog1.ShowDialog(); if (file == DialogResult.OK) { // Only File Name string fileName = openFileDialog1.SafeFileName; // Full Path including file name string fullPathFileName = openFileDialog1.FileName; // Extract File Path string pathOnly = fullPathFileName.Replace(fileName, ""); // Get Company Logo // ReportMetadata rmd = new ReportMetadata(); rmd.ClientUID = Utils.ClientID; rmd.RecordType = FCMConstant.MetadataRecordType.CLIENT; rmd.FieldCode = "COMPANYLOGO"; rmd.Read(clientUID: Utils.ClientID, fieldCode: "COMPANYLOGO"); rmd.InformationType = MackkadoITFramework.Helper.Utils.InformationType.IMAGE; rmd.ClientType = ""; rmd.CompareWith = ""; rmd.Description = "Company"; // rmd.Condition = fullPathFileName; var logoFolder = CodeValue.GetCodeValueExtended(FCMConstant.CodeTypeString.SYSTSET, FCMConstant.SYSFOLDER.LOGOFOLDER); // rmd.Condition = logoFolder + fileName; // The intention is to save the reference path %XXX% // rmd.Condition = FCMConstant.SYSFOLDER.LOGOFOLDER + fileName; txtLogo1Location.Text = rmd.Condition; rmd.Save(); Bitmap MyImage; pbxLogo.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; if (rmd.Condition != null) { // MyImage = new Bitmap(rmd.Condition); string logoLocation = logoFolder + fileName; MyImage = new Bitmap(logoLocation); pbxLogo.Image = (Image)MyImage; } } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ReportMetadata rmd = new ReportMetadata(); rmd.UID = Convert.ToInt32(txtUID.Text); rmd.RecordType = txtRecordType.Text; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtClientUID.Text)) { rmd.ClientUID = 0; } else { rmd.ClientUID = Convert.ToInt32(txtClientUID.Text); } rmd.ClientType = txtClientType.Text; rmd.Description = txtDescription.Text; rmd.InformationType = cbxType.Text; rmd.FieldCode = txtFieldCode.Text; rmd.Condition = txtCondition.Text; rmd.Condition = txtCondition.Text; rmd.CompareWith = txtCompareWith.Text; rmd.Enabled = checkEnabled.Checked ? 'Y' : 'N'; rmd.UseAsLabel = checkUseLabel.Checked ? 'Y' : 'N'; rmd.Save(); MessageBox.Show("Code Type Save Successfully."); if (uiReportMetadata != null) { uiReportMetadata.Show(); } this.Visible = false; if (_callingFrom != null && _callingFrom.GetType().Name == "UIReportMetadata") { UIReportMetadata uirmd = (UIReportMetadata)_callingFrom; uirmd.refreshList(); } }
/// <summary> /// Update logo display flag /// </summary> private static void UpdateLogoStatus(Client.Client eventClient) { // Update Logo Display Status // var rmd = new ReportMetadata { ClientUID = Utils.ClientID, RecordType = Utils.MetadataRecordType.CLIENT, FieldCode = Utils.FieldCode.COMPANYLOGO }; if (rmd.Read(clientUID: Utils.ClientID, fieldCode: Utils.FieldCode.COMPANYLOGO)) { rmd.Enabled = eventClient.DisplayLogo; rmd.Save(); } return; }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ReportMetadata rmd = new ReportMetadata(); rmd.UID = Convert.ToInt32(txtUID.Text); rmd.RecordType = txtRecordType.Text; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtClientUID.Text)) { rmd.ClientUID = 0; } else { rmd.ClientUID = Convert.ToInt32(txtClientUID.Text); } rmd.ClientType = txtClientType.Text; rmd.Description = txtDescription.Text; rmd.InformationType = txtInformationType.Text; rmd.FieldCode = txtFieldCode.Text; rmd.TableName = txtTableName.Text; rmd.FieldName = txtFieldName.Text; rmd.FilePath = txtFilePath.Text; rmd.FileName = txtFileName.Text; rmd.Save(); MessageBox.Show("Code Type Save Successfully."); if (uiReportMetadata != null) { uiReportMetadata.loadMetadataList(rmd.UID); } this.Visible = false; }