}   // TestFormatItemCounters

		private static void ListAllErrors ( List<FormatStringError> plstAllErrors )
			const int POS_LABEL = ArrayInfo.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT;
			const int POS_VALUE = ArrayInfo.ARRAY_SECOND_ELEMENT;
			const char DELIMITER = FormatStringError.LABEL_VALUE_DELIMITER;

			ReportDetail.DetailFormat = "{3}    {0} = {1}";

			int intErrorCount = plstAllErrors.Count;

			for ( int intI = ArrayInfo.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT ;
					  intI < intErrorCount ;
					  intI++ )
				FormatStringError fse = plstAllErrors [ intI ];
				string [ ] astrErrorDetails = fse.Split ( );
				int intNDetails = astrErrorDetails.Length;						// Save a trip into the collection.
				ReportDetails rptDtlsColl = new ReportDetails ( intNDetails );

				string [ ] astrErrorSummaryFirst = new string [ ]
                    string.Format (
                        Properties.Resources.MSG_FORMAT_ERROR_DETAILS ,			// Format template string
                        FormatItem.XofY (										// Format Item 0
                            intI + ORDINAL_FROM_SUBSCRIPT ,						//		X = Item Number
                            intErrorCount ) )									//		Y = Item Count
                };  // string [ ] astrErrorSummaryFirst

				//  ------------------------------------------------------------
				//  Maybe there is a better way to accompish this. Nevertheless,
				//  this method works for generating a completely blank string
				//  of a length that must be determined at runtime.
				//  ------------------------------------------------------------

				string [ ] astrErrorSummaryAllOthers = new string [ ]
                    string.Empty.PadRight ( astrErrorSummaryFirst [ ArrayInfo.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT ].Length )
                };  // string [ ] astrErrorSummaryAllOthers

				for ( int intJ = ArrayInfo.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT ; intJ < intNDetails ; intJ++ )
					string [ ] astrLabelAndValue = astrErrorDetails [ intJ ].Split ( DELIMITER );
					rptDtlsColl.Add (
						new ReportDetail (
							astrLabelAndValue [ POS_LABEL ].Trim ( ) ,								// Label (Format Item = 0)
							astrLabelAndValue [ POS_VALUE ].Trim ( ) ,								// Value (Format Item = 1) as String
							( ReportDetail.ItemDisplayOrder ) ArrayInfo.OrdinalFromIndex ( intJ ) ,	// Item Number (Format Item = 2) - The arithmetic operation casts it to int (signed), so it must be forcibly cast back to unsigned int.
							null ,																	// Individual Format String (Null = Use Default from static property)
							( intJ == ArrayInfo.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT )								// Additional Details - Condition
								? astrErrorSummaryFirst												//		Value if Condition is True
								: astrErrorSummaryAllOthers ) );									//		Value if Condition is False
				}   // for ( uint uintJ = ArrayInfo.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT ; uintJ < intNDetails ; uintJ++ )

				rptDtlsColl.ListAllItems ( );
			}   // for ( int intI = ArrayInfo.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT ; intI < intErrorCount ; intI++ )
		}   // ListAllErrors
Exemple #2
        }   // MergeOutputFQFN

        private static void ReportDetailsTests ( bool pfTestSorting )
            const uint OUT_OF_ORDER = 900;

            string strTaskName = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod ( ).Name;

            Console.WriteLine (
                Properties.Resources.IDS_MSG_BATCH ,
                strTaskName ,
                Properties.Resources.IDS_MSG_BEGIN ,
                Environment.NewLine );

            if ( pfTestSorting )
                FormatStringParsing_Drills.TestFormatItemCounters ( );

            ReportDetails rdColl = new ReportDetails ( );

            if ( pfTestSorting )
                Console.WriteLine (
                    Properties.Resources.MSG_REPORT_DETAILS_SELECTIVELY_OVERRIDDEN ,
                    Environment.NewLine );
                Console.WriteLine (
                    Properties.Resources.MSG_REPORT_DETAILS_AUTO_ORDERED ,
                    Environment.NewLine );

            rdColl.Add ( new ReportDetail (
                Properties.Resources.IDS_MSG_REPORT_LABEL_1 ,
                Properties.Resources.IDS_MSG_REPORT_LABEL_1.Length ,
                Properties.Resources.IDS_MSG_REPORT_LABEL_1.Length.ToString ( ) ) );
            rdColl.Add ( new ReportDetail (
                Properties.Resources.IDS_MSG_REPORT_LABEL_2 ,
                Properties.Resources.IDS_MSG_REPORT_LABEL_2.Length ,
                Properties.Resources.IDS_MSG_REPORT_LABEL_2.Length.ToString ( ) ) );
            rdColl.Add ( new ReportDetail (
                Properties.Resources.IDS_MSG_REPORT_LABEL_3 ,
                Properties.Resources.IDS_MSG_REPORT_LABEL_3.Length ,
                Properties.Resources.IDS_MSG_REPORT_LABEL_3.Length.ToString ( ) ,
                ( ReportDetail.ItemDisplayOrder ) OUT_OF_ORDER ) );                                   // This one is intentionally out of order.
            rdColl.Add ( new ReportDetail (
                Properties.Resources.IDS_MSG_REPORT_LABEL_4 ,
                Properties.Resources.IDS_REALLY_LONG_STRING.Length ) ); // Leave the display value NULL.

            Console.WriteLine (
                Properties.Resources.IDS_MSG_LONGEST_LABEL ,
                rdColl.WidthOfWidestLabel );
            Console.WriteLine (
                Properties.Resources.IDS_MSG_LONGEST_VALUE ,
                rdColl.WidthOfWidestValue ,
                Environment.NewLine );

            if ( pfTestSorting )
            {   // The sorting pass shows it twice.
                Console.WriteLine (
                    Properties.Resources.MSG_REPORT_DETAILS_UNSORTED ,
                    Environment.NewLine );
            }   // if ( pfTestSorting )

            //  ----------------------------------------------------------------
            //  Since the value of this property is computed on demand by
            //  enumerating the collection, it is more efficient to hoist it out
            //  of the loop that also enumerates it. This change improves the
            //  performance of the foreach loop that follows it from an O(n^2)
            //  operation to an O(n) operation.
            //  Since the typical size of these report item collections is on
            //  tho order of a few hundred items or less, the computational 
            //  impact of this change is too small to measure without running
            //  hundreds or thousands of iterations. Nevertheless, when it's so
            //  easy to do so, I believe that any operation should be designed
            //  to scale as well as possible.
            //  ----------------------------------------------------------------

            int intWidthOfWidestLabel = rdColl.WidthOfWidestLabel;
            int intWidthOfWidestValue = rdColl.WidthOfWidestValue;

            foreach ( ReportDetail rdItem in rdColl )
                Console.WriteLine (
                    ReportDetail.DEFAULT_FORMAT ,
                    intWidthOfWidestLabel ,
                    rdItem.GetPaddedValue (
                        intWidthOfWidestValue ,
                        FormatItem.Alignment.Right ,
                        NumericFormats.DECIMAL ) );
            }   // foreach ( ReportDetail rdItem in rdColl )

            if ( pfTestSorting )
            {   // The second pass follows a sort.
                Console.WriteLine (
                    Properties.Resources.MSG_REPORT_DETAILS_UNSORTED ,
                    Environment.NewLine );

                rdColl.Sort ( );    // ReportDetails implements IComparable. Use it.

                foreach ( ReportDetail rdItem in rdColl )
                    Console.WriteLine (
                        ReportDetail.DEFAULT_FORMAT ,
                        rdItem.GetPaddedLabel ( intWidthOfWidestLabel ) ,
                        rdItem.GetPaddedValue (
                            intWidthOfWidestValue ,
                            FormatItem.Alignment.Right ,
                            NumericFormats.DECIMAL ) );
                }   // foreach ( ReportDetail rdItem in rdColl )
            }   // if ( pfTestSorting )

            Console.WriteLine (
                Properties.Resources.IDS_MSG_BATCH ,
                strTaskName ,
                Properties.Resources.IDS_MSG_DONE ,
                Environment.NewLine );
        }   // private void ReportDetailsTests
Exemple #3
        }   // private void ReportDetailsTests

        private static void ReportHelpersTests ( )
            const uint DESIRED_WIDTH_MINIMUM = 1;
            const uint DESIRED_WIDTH_MAXIMUM = 10;

            const uint ITEM_NUMBER_MINIMUM = 0;
            const uint ITEM_NUMBER_MAXIMUM = 4;

            string strTaskName = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod ( ).Name;

            Console.WriteLine (
                Properties.Resources.IDS_MSG_BATCH ,
                strTaskName ,
                Properties.Resources.IDS_MSG_BEGIN ,
                Environment.NewLine );

            uint uintTestNumber = MagicNumbers.ZERO;
            uint uintExceptionCount = MagicNumbers.ZERO;
            long lngTotalTests = MagicNumbers.ZERO;
            string strHeadingFormat = null;

            uint uintItemIndexCounter = MagicNumbers.ZERO;

            for ( uint uintItemIndex = ITEM_NUMBER_MINIMUM ;
                       uintItemIndex <= ITEM_NUMBER_MAXIMUM ;
                       uintItemIndex++ )                           

                Console.WriteLine (
                    "LOOP DEBUG: uintItemIndexCounter = {0}, uintItemIndex = {1}" ,
                    ++uintItemIndexCounter ,
                    uintItemIndex );
                uint uintMaximumWidthCounter = MagicNumbers.ZERO;

                for ( uint uintMaximumWidth = DESIRED_WIDTH_MINIMUM ;
                           uintMaximumWidth < DESIRED_WIDTH_MAXIMUM ;
                           uintMaximumWidth++ )

                    Console.WriteLine (
                        "LOOP DEBUG: uintMaximumWidthCounter = {0}, uintMaximumWidth = {1}" ,
                        ++uintMaximumWidthCounter ,
                        uintMaximumWidth );
                    uint uintAlignmentCounter = MagicNumbers.ZERO;

                    foreach ( FormatItem.Alignment enmAlignment in s_aenmAlignment )

                        Console.WriteLine (
                            "LOOP DEBUG: uintAlignmentCounter = {0}, enmAlignment = {1}" ,
                            ++uintAlignmentCounter ,
                            enmAlignment );
                        uint uintTestFormatCounter = MagicNumbers.ZERO;

                        foreach ( string strTestFormat in s_astrFormats )

                        Console.WriteLine (
                            "LOOP DEBUG: uintTestFormatCounter = {0}, strTestFormat = {1}" ,
                            ++uintTestFormatCounter ,
                            strTestFormat );

                            if ( lngTotalTests == MagicNumbers.ZERO )
                                                * ( DESIRED_WIDTH_MAXIMUM - DESIRED_WIDTH_MINIMUM )
                                                * s_aenmAlignment.Length
                                                * s_astrFormats.Length;
                                strHeadingFormat = FormatItem.UpgradeFormatItem (
                                    Properties.Resources.MSG_NEW_TEST ,
                                    ITEM_NUMBER_MINIMUM ,
                                    FormatItem.AdjustToMaximumWidth (
                                        ITEM_NUMBER_MINIMUM ,
                                        ( uint ) lngTotalTests.ToString (
                                            NumericFormats.NUMBER_PER_REG_SETTINGS_0D ).Length ,
                                        FormatItem.Alignment.Right ,
                                        NumericFormats.NUMBER_PER_REG_SETTINGS_0D ) );
                            }   // if ( lngTotalTests == MagicNumbers.ZERO )

                            Console.WriteLine (
                                strHeadingFormat ,
                                ++uintTestNumber ,
                                lngTotalTests ,
                                Environment.NewLine );
                            string strUpgradedFormat = FormatItem.AdjustToMaximumWidth (
                                uintItemIndex ,
                                uintMaximumWidth ,
                                enmAlignment ,
                                strTestFormat );

                            ReportDetails rdColl = new ReportDetails ( );

                            rdColl.Add ( new ReportDetail (
                                Properties.Resources.MSG_PENMALIGNMENT ,
                                ( object ) uintItemIndex ) );
                            rdColl.Add ( new ReportDetail (
                                Properties.Resources.MSG_PUINTMAXIMUMWIDTH ,
                                ( object ) uintMaximumWidth ) );
                            rdColl.Add ( new ReportDetail (
                                Properties.Resources.MSG_PENMALIGNMENT ,
                                enmAlignment ) );
                            rdColl.Add ( new ReportDetail (
                                Properties.Resources.MSG_PSTRFORMATSTRING ,
                                ( object ) strTestFormat ) );               // Coerce strTestFormat into the object.

                            rdColl.Add ( new ReportDetail (
                                Properties.Resources.MSG_UPGRADED_FORMAT ,
                                ( object ) strUpgradedFormat ) );

                            int uintRequiredWidth = rdColl.WidthOfWidestLabel;

                            foreach ( ReportDetail rdItem in rdColl )
                                Console.WriteLine (
                                    ReportDetail.DEFAULT_FORMAT ,
                                    rdItem.Label.PadRight ( ( int ) uintRequiredWidth ) ,
                                    rdItem.Value );
                            }   // foreach ( ReportDetail rdItem in rdColl )

                            //  ------------------------------------------------
                            //  There are intentionally programed exceptions in
                            //  this test.
                            //  ------------------------------------------------

                                Console.WriteLine (
                                    Properties.Resources.MSG_SHOW_SAMPLE_BEFORE_AND_AFTER ,
                                    Properties.Resources.MSG_SAMPLE_FORMAT_STRING ,
                                    FormatItem.UpgradeFormatItem (
                                        Properties.Resources.MSG_SAMPLE_FORMAT_STRING ,
                                        uintItemIndex ,
                                        strUpgradedFormat ) ,
                                    Environment.NewLine );
                            catch ( Exception exAllKinds )
								rs_appThis.BaseStateManager.AppExceptionLogger.ReportException ( exAllKinds );

                            if ( uintTestNumber == lngTotalTests )
                            {   // We need just one test of this type of error.
                                    Console.WriteLine (
                                        Properties.Resources.MSG_SHOW_SAMPLE_BEFORE_AND_AFTER ,
                                        Properties.Resources.MSG_SAMPLE_FORMAT_STRING ,
                                        FormatItem.UpgradeFormatItem (
                                            Properties.Resources.MSG_SAMPLE_FORMAT_STRING ,
                                            uintItemIndex ,
                                            "(4,9:X8)" ) ,      // This format item is invalid.
                                        Environment.NewLine );
                                catch ( Exception exAllKinds )
									rs_appThis.BaseStateManager.AppExceptionLogger.ReportException ( exAllKinds );
                            }   // if ( uintTestNumber == lngTotalTests )
                        }   // foreach ( string strTestFormat in s_astrFormats )
                    }   // foreach ( FormatItem.Alignment enmAlignment in s_aenmAlignment )
                }   // for ( uint uintMaximumWidth = MINIMUM_DESIRED_WIDTH ; uintMaximumWidth <= MAXIMUM_DESIRED_WIDTH ; uintMaximumWidth++ )
            }   // for ( uint uintItemIndex = MINIMUM_ITEM_NUMBER ; uintItemIndex < FORMAT_ITEM_LIMIT ; uintItemIndex++ )

            Console.WriteLine (
                Properties.Resources.MSG_EXCETIONS_COUNTED ,
                uintExceptionCount ,
                Environment.NewLine );
            Console.WriteLine (
                Properties.Resources.IDS_MSG_BATCH ,
                strTaskName ,
                Properties.Resources.IDS_MSG_DONE ,
                Environment.NewLine );
        }   // ReportHelpersTests
        }   // private static string [ ] MakePaddedLabels

        private ReportDetails UseInputFromFile ( )
            ReportDetails rptDetails = new ReportDetails ( s_astrPaddedLbels.Length );
            int intItemIndex = ArrayInfo.ARRAY_INVALID_INDEX;
            string strInputFQFN = Path.Combine (
                Program.rs_strDataDirectory ,
                _strTestDataFileName );
            FileInfo fiInputFile = new FileInfo ( strInputFQFN );
            string [ ] astrLinesFromFile = File.ReadAllLines ( strInputFQFN );
            int intLogestLine = WizardWrx.ReportHelpers.MaxStringLength ( new List<string> ( astrLinesFromFile ) );

            foreach ( string strLabel in s_astrPaddedLbels )
                switch ( s_enmDetailItem [ ++intItemIndex ] )
                    case DetailItem.DataSource:
                        rptDetails.Add ( new ReportDetail ( 
                            strLabel ,
                            _enmDataSource.ToString ( ) ) );
                        break;  // case DetailItem.DataSource

                    case DetailItem.SourceFQFN:
                        if ( fiInputFile.DirectoryName == Program.rs_strDataDirectory )
                            rptDetails.Add ( new ReportDetail (
                                strLabel ,
                                fiInputFile.Name ) );
                            rptDetails.Add ( new ReportDetail (
                                strLabel ,
                                fiInputFile.FullName ) );

                        break;  // case DetailItem.SourceFQFN

                    case DetailItem.ModDate:
                        rptDetails.Add ( new ReportDetail (
                            strLabel ,
                            SysDateFormatters.ReformatSysDate (
                                fiInputFile.LastWriteTime , 
                                SysDateFormatters.RFD_YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS ) ) );
                        break;  // case DetailItem.ModDate

                    case DetailItem.FileSize:
                        rptDetails.Add ( new ReportDetail (
                            strLabel , 
                            fiInputFile.Length.ToString ( NumericFormats.NUMBER_PER_REG_SETTINGS_0D ) ) );
                        break;  // case DetailItem.FileSize

                    case DetailItem.LineCount:
                        rptDetails.Add ( new ReportDetail (
                            strLabel ,
                            astrLinesFromFile.LongLength.ToString ( NumericFormats.NUMBER_PER_REG_SETTINGS_0D ) ) );
                        break;  // case DetailItem.LineCount

                    case DetailItem.LongestLine:
                        rptDetails.Add ( new ReportDetail (
                            strLabel ,
                            intLogestLine.ToString ( NumericFormats.NUMBER_PER_REG_SETTINGS_0D ) ) );
                        break;  // case DetailItem.LongestLine
                }   // switch ( s_enmDetailItem [ ++intItemIndex ] )                
            }   // foreach ( string strLabel in s_astrPaddedLbels )

            return rptDetails;
        }   // private void UseInputFromFile