Exemple #1
        public static Color GetColorProp(byte rplId, StyleAttributeNames styleAttributeName, Color defaultColor, Style styleDef, Dictionary <byte, object> styles)
            object obj = null;

            if (styles != null && styles.TryGetValue(rplId, out obj))
                string text = obj as string;
                if (text != null)
                    ReportColor reportColor = new ReportColor(text);
            ReportColorProperty reportColorProperty = ((StyleBase)styleDef)[styleAttributeName] as ReportColorProperty;

            if (reportColorProperty != null && !reportColorProperty.IsExpression)
                ReportColor value = reportColorProperty.Value;
                if (value != null)
Exemple #2
        public static void ValidateBorderColorNotTransparent(ObjectType objectType, string objectName, AspNetCore.ReportingServices.ReportIntermediateFormat.Style styleClass, string styleName, ErrorContext errorContext)
            ReportColor reportColor = default(ReportColor);

            AspNetCore.ReportingServices.ReportIntermediateFormat.AttributeInfo attributeInfo = default(AspNetCore.ReportingServices.ReportIntermediateFormat.AttributeInfo);
            if (styleClass.GetAttributeInfo(styleName, out attributeInfo) && !attributeInfo.IsExpression && ReportColor.TryParse(attributeInfo.Value, true, out reportColor) && reportColor.ToColor().A != 255)
                errorContext.Register(ProcessingErrorCode.rsInvalidColor, Severity.Error, objectType, objectName, styleName, attributeInfo.Value);
 protected override void ResetInstanceCache()
     if (this.m_style != null)
     this.m_separator      = null;
     this.m_separatorColor = null;
     this.m_toolTip        = null;
 protected override void ResetInstanceCache()
     if (m_style != null)
     m_caption             = null;
     m_captionEvaluated    = false;
     m_titleSeparator      = null;
     m_titleSeparatorColor = null;
Exemple #5
 public ReportColorProperty(bool isExpression, string expressionString, ReportColor value, ReportColor defaultValue)
     : base(isExpression, expressionString)
     if (!isExpression)
         this.m_value = value;
         this.m_value = defaultValue;
Exemple #6
        protected void ExportToPdfMergeRowButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument(PageSize.A0);

            document.PageOrientation = PageOrientation.Landscape;


            ReportColor green    = ReportColor.Create(0, 100, 45);
            ReportColor textHong = ReportColor.Create(230, 184, 183);
            ReportColor textKhds = ReportColor.Create(99, 37, 35);
            ReportColor textKhln = ReportColor.Create(118, 147, 60);
            ReportColor textThds = ReportColor.Create(96, 73, 122);
            ReportColor textThln = ReportColor.Create(49, 134, 155);

            document.Save(MapPath("~/Uploads/Report_4_TongHopCallReport.pdf"), (paragraphs) =>
                foreach (IElementRoot paragraph in paragraphs)
                    if (paragraph is ITable)
                        ITable table   = paragraph as ITable;
                        ITableRow row1 = table.Rows[0];

                        for (int i = 1; i <= row1.Cells.Count; i++)
                            ITableCell cell     = row1.Cells[i - 1];
                            cell.BackgoundColor = green;

                            if (i > 3)
                                cell.TextColor = textHong;
                                cell.TextColor = ReportColor.While;

                        ITableRow row3 = table.Rows[2];
                        for (int i = 1; i <= row3.Cells.Count; i++)
                            ITableCell cell     = row3.Cells[i - 1];
                            cell.TextColor      = ReportColor.While;
                            cell.BackgoundColor = green;

 protected override void ResetInstanceCache()
     m_allowOutSidePlotArea = null;
     m_calloutBackColor     = null;
     m_calloutLineAnchor    = null;
     m_calloutLineColor     = null;
     m_calloutLineStyle     = null;
     m_calloutLineWidth     = null;
     m_calloutStyle         = null;
     m_showOverlapped       = null;
     m_markerOverlapping    = null;
     m_maxMovingDistance    = null;
     m_minMovingDistance    = null;
     m_disabled             = null;
        internal void PopulateStyleInstance(ICompiledStyleInstance styleInstance, bool isParagraphStyle)
            if (isParagraphStyle)
                TextAlignments textAlign = TextAlign;
                if (textAlign != 0)
                    styleInstance.TextAlign = textAlign;
            ReportColor color = Color;

            if (color != null)
                styleInstance.Color = color;
            string fontFamily = FontFamily;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fontFamily))
                styleInstance.FontFamily = fontFamily;
            ReportSize fontSize = FontSize;

            if (fontSize != null)
                styleInstance.FontSize = fontSize;
            FontStyles fontStyle = FontStyle;

            if (fontStyle != 0)
                styleInstance.FontStyle = fontStyle;
            FontWeights fontWeight = FontWeight;

            if (fontWeight != 0)
                styleInstance.FontWeight = fontWeight;
            TextDecorations textDecoration = TextDecoration;

            if (textDecoration != 0)
                styleInstance.TextDecoration = textDecoration;
Exemple #9
        public static ReportColor ToReportColorByRgb(this string rgb)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rgb))

            if (rgb.StartsWith("#"))
                rgb = rgb.Substring(1);

            int argb = int.Parse(rgb, NumberStyles.HexNumber);

 protected override void ResetInstanceCache()
     if (m_style != null)
     m_distanceFromScale      = null;
     m_startWidth             = null;
     m_endWidth               = null;
     m_inRangeBarPointerColor = null;
     m_inRangeLabelColor      = null;
     m_inRangeTickMarksColor  = null;
     m_placement              = null;
     m_toolTip = null;
     m_hidden  = null;
     m_backgroundGradientType = null;
 protected override void ResetInstanceCache()
     if (m_style != null)
     m_min                     = null;
     m_max                     = null;
     m_crossAt                 = null;
     m_visible                 = null;
     m_margin                  = null;
     m_interval                = null;
     m_intervalType            = null;
     m_intervalOffset          = null;
     m_intervalOffsetType      = null;
     m_labelInterval           = null;
     m_labelIntervalType       = null;
     m_labelIntervalOffset     = null;
     m_labelIntervalOffsetType = null;
     m_variableAutoInterval    = null;
     m_marksAlwaysAtPlotEdge   = null;
     m_reverse                 = null;
     m_location                = null;
     m_interlaced              = null;
     m_interlacedColor         = null;
     m_logScale                = null;
     m_logBase                 = null;
     m_hideLabels              = null;
     m_angle                   = null;
     m_arrows                  = null;
     m_preventFontShrink       = null;
     m_preventFontGrow         = null;
     m_preventLabelOffset      = null;
     m_preventWordWrap         = null;
     m_allowLabelRotation      = null;
     m_includeZero             = null;
     m_labelsAutoFitDisabled   = null;
     m_minFontSize             = null;
     m_maxFontSize             = null;
     m_offsetLabels            = null;
     m_hideEndLabels           = null;
 protected override void ResetInstanceCache()
     if (m_style != null)
     m_hidden               = null;
     m_position             = null;
     m_layout               = null;
     m_dockOutsideChartArea = null;
     m_autoFitTextDisabled  = null;
     m_minFontSize          = null;
     m_headerSeparator      = null;
     m_headerSeparatorColor = null;
     m_columnSeparator      = null;
     m_columnSeparatorColor = null;
     m_columnSpacing        = null;
     m_interlacedRows       = null;
     m_interlacedRowsColor  = null;
     m_equallySpacedItems   = null;
     m_reversed             = null;
     m_maxAutoSize          = null;
     m_textWrapThreshold    = null;
        internal static Color GetColorProp(byte rplId, StyleAttributeNames styleAttributeName, Color defaultColor, Style styleDef, Dictionary <byte, object> styles)
            object value = null;

            if (styles != null && styles.TryGetValue(rplId, out value))
                string text = value as string;
                if (text != null)
                    return(new ReportColor(text).ToColor());
            ReportColorProperty reportColorProperty = styleDef[styleAttributeName] as ReportColorProperty;

            if (reportColorProperty != null && !reportColorProperty.IsExpression)
                ReportColor value2 = reportColorProperty.Value;
                if (value2 != null)
 internal static void ValidateBorderColorNotTransparent(ObjectType objectType, string objectName, Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportIntermediateFormat.Style styleClass, string styleName, ErrorContext errorContext)
     if (styleClass.GetAttributeInfo(styleName, out Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportIntermediateFormat.AttributeInfo styleAttribute) && !styleAttribute.IsExpression && ReportColor.TryParse(styleAttribute.Value, allowTransparency: true, out ReportColor reportColor) && reportColor.ToColor().A != byte.MaxValue)
         errorContext.Register(ProcessingErrorCode.rsInvalidColor, Severity.Error, objectType, objectName, styleName, styleAttribute.Value);
Exemple #15
 protected override void ResetInstanceCache()
     this.m_color          = null;
     this.m_scaleFactor    = null;
     this.m_indicatorStyle = null;
Exemple #16
        protected void ExportToPdfMergeRowButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument(PageSize.A0);

            document.PageOrientation = PageOrientation.Landscape;

            //ITable table = document.NewTable(3);
            //ITableRow row1 = table.NewRow();
            //row1.BackgoundColor = ReportColor.Red;
            //row1.TextColor = ReportColor.While;

            //ITableCell r1c123 = row1.NewCell();
            //r1c123.Value = "R1C1 - R2C1 - R3C1";
            //r1c123.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            //r1c123.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Middle;
            //r1c123.Rowspan = 3;

            //ITableCell r1c2 = row1.NewCell();
            //r1c2.Value = "R1C2";

            //ITableCell r1c3 = row1.NewCell();
            //r1c3.Value = "R1C3";

            //ITableRow row2 = table.NewRow();

            //ITableCell r2c23 = row2.NewCell();
            //r2c23.Colspan = 2;
            //r2c23.Value = "R2C2 - R2C3";

            ////ITableCell r2c3 = row2.NewCell();
            ////r2c3.Value = "R2C3";

            //ITableRow row3 = table.NewRow();

            //ITableCell r3c2 = row3.NewCell();
            //r3c2.Value = "R3C2";

            //ITableCell r3c3 = row3.NewCell();
            //r3c3.Value = "R3C3";


            ReportColor green    = ReportColor.Create(0, 100, 45);
            ReportColor textHong = ReportColor.Create(230, 184, 183);
            ReportColor textKhds = ReportColor.Create(99, 37, 35);
            ReportColor textKhln = ReportColor.Create(118, 147, 60);
            ReportColor textThds = ReportColor.Create(96, 73, 122);
            ReportColor textThln = ReportColor.Create(49, 134, 155);

            document.Save(MapPath("~/Uploads/data_merge_row.pdf"), (paragraphs) =>
                foreach (IElementRoot paragraph in paragraphs)
                    if (paragraph is ITable)
                        ITable table   = paragraph as ITable;
                        ITableRow row1 = table.Rows[0];

                        for (int i = 1; i <= row1.Cells.Count; i++)
                            ITableCell cell     = row1.Cells[i - 1];
                            cell.BackgoundColor = green;

                            if (i >= 3)
                                cell.TextColor = textHong;
                                cell.TextColor = ReportColor.While;

                        ITableRow row4 = table.Rows[3];
                        for (int i = 1; i <= row4.Cells.Count; i++)
                            ITableCell cell = row4.Cells[i - 1];
                            cell.TextColor  = ReportColor.While;
                            if (i <= 10)
                                cell.BackgoundColor = green;
                            else if (i == 11)
                                cell.BackgoundColor = textKhds;
                            else if (i == 12)
                                cell.BackgoundColor = textKhln;
                            else if (i == 13)
                                cell.BackgoundColor = textThds;
                            else if (i == 14)
                                cell.BackgoundColor = textThln;

                        ITableRow row5 = table.Rows[4];
                        for (int i = 1; i <= row5.Cells.Count; i++)
                            ITableCell cell = row5.Cells[i - 1];
                            cell.TextColor  = ReportColor.While;

                            if (i <= 11)
                                cell.BackgoundColor = textKhds;
                            else if (i <= 18)
                                cell.BackgoundColor = textKhln;
                            else if (i <= 29)
                                cell.BackgoundColor = textThds;
                                cell.BackgoundColor = textThln;

Exemple #17
 protected override void ResetInstanceCache()
     m_color = null;
Exemple #18
 public BorderItem(int?width, BorderStyle style, ReportColor color)
     Width = width;
     Style = style;
     Color = color;
        // Accesses the data saved with the custom report item in the design environment and
        // creates the custom report items image that will be rendered on the report.
        private byte[] DrawImage(CustomReportItem customReportItem)
            int dpi = 96;
            int imageWidth = (int)(customReportItem.Width.ToInches() * dpi);
            int imageHeight = (int)(customReportItem.Height.ToInches() * dpi);

            System.Drawing.Bitmap image = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(imageWidth, imageHeight);
            System.Drawing.Graphics graphics = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(image);
            System.Drawing.Color backgroundColor = customReportItem.Style.BackgroundColor.Value.ToColor();
            if (backgroundColor == System.Drawing.Color.Transparent)
                backgroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.White;


            int maxX = (int)LookupCustomProperty(customReportItem.CustomProperties, "poly:MaxX", 100);
            int maxY = (int)LookupCustomProperty(customReportItem.CustomProperties, "poly:MaxY", 100);
            int minX = (int)LookupCustomProperty(customReportItem.CustomProperties, "poly:MinX", 0);
            int minY = (int)LookupCustomProperty(customReportItem.CustomProperties, "poly:MinY", 0);

            float scaleX = imageWidth / (float)(maxX - minX);
            float scaleY = imageHeight / (float)(maxY - minY);

            string proportional = (string)LookupCustomProperty(customReportItem.CustomProperties, "poly:Proportional", bool.FalseString);

            if ((string)proportional == bool.TrueString)
                if (scaleX > scaleY)
                    scaleX = scaleY;
                    scaleY = scaleX;

            string transString = (string)LookupCustomProperty(customReportItem.CustomProperties, "poly:Translucency", "Opaque");
            int translucency = 255;

            switch (transString)
                case "Opaque":
                    translucency = 255;

                case "Translucent":
                    translucency = 128;

                case "Transparent":
                    translucency = 32;

            CustomData customData = customReportItem.CustomData;

            // Iterate over the Shapes
            foreach (DataMember shape in customData.DataRowHierarchy.MemberCollection)
                // Get the Points for drawing the shapes
                List<System.Drawing.Point> points = new List<System.Drawing.Point>();
                System.Drawing.Brush brush = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.Black);

                DataDynamicMemberInstance shapeInstance = (DataDynamicMemberInstance)shape.Instance;

                while (shapeInstance.MoveNext())

                    // Get the Color for the Shape
                    string colorname = (string)LookupCustomProperty(shape.CustomProperties, "poly:Color", "Black");
                    ReportColor rptColor = new ReportColor(colorname);
                    System.Drawing.Color color = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(translucency, rptColor.ToColor());
                    brush = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(color);

                    // Get the Hyperlink value if one has been assigned
                    string hyperlink = (string)LookupCustomProperty(shape.CustomProperties, "poly:Hyperlink", "");

                    // Iterate over the Points
                    foreach (DataMember point in shape.Children)
                        DataDynamicMemberInstance pointInstance = (DataDynamicMemberInstance)point.Instance;

                        while (pointInstance.MoveNext())
                            for (int i = 0; i < customData.RowCollection.Count; i++)
                                DataRow row = customData.RowCollection[i];

                                int x = (int)LookupDataValue(row, "X", 0);
                                int y = (int)LookupDataValue(row, "Y", 0);

                                x = (int)((x - minX) * scaleX);
                                y = (int)((y - minY) * scaleY);

                                points.Add(new System.Drawing.Point(x, y));

                    // Create the Hyperlink Actions
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hyperlink))
                        // Build the coordinates for the Hyperlink Actions
                        float[] coordinates = new float[points.Count * 2];
                        for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                            System.Drawing.Point point = points[i];

                            coordinates[i * 2] = (100 * point.X) / imageWidth;
                            coordinates[i * 2 + 1] = (100 * point.Y) / imageHeight;

                        Image polygonImage = (Image)customReportItem.GeneratedReportItem;
                        ActionInfoWithDynamicImageMap imageMap = polygonImage.ImageInstance.CreateActionInfoWithDynamicImageMap();
                        Action action = imageMap.CreateHyperlinkAction();
                        action.Instance.HyperlinkText = hyperlink;
                        imageMap.CreateImageMapAreaInstance(ImageMapArea.ImageMapAreaShape.Polygon, coordinates);

                    // Draw the image
                    graphics.FillPolygon(brush, points.ToArray());

            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
            image.Save(stream, ImageFormat.Bmp);

            byte[] imageData = new byte[(int)stream.Length];
            stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            stream.Read(imageData, 0, (int)stream.Length);

            return imageData;