Exemple #1
        public override void ChannelActive(IChannelHandlerContext contex)
            IChannelGroup g = Group;

            if (g == null)
                lock (this)
                    g = Group ?? (Group = new DefaultChannelGroup(contex.Executor));
            string msg = $"欢迎 to {0} secure chat server! { Dns.GetHostName()}\n";

            ReplyContent <string> reply = new ReplyContent <string>()
                ConnectionId = $"{contex.Channel.Id}",
                Cmd          = 0,
                Scope        = 0,
                Message      = msg

        public string replyContent(string ToUserName, string FromUserName, string Content)
            ReplyContent replycontext = new ReplyContent();

            replycontext.ToUserName   = "******" + ToUserName + "]]>";
            replycontext.FromUserName = "******" + FromUserName + "]]>";
            replycontext.CreateTime   = Util.ConvertDateTimeInt(DateTime.Now);
            replycontext.MsgType      = "<![CDATA[" + FromUserName + "]]>";
            replycontext.Content      = "<![CDATA[" + Content + "]]>";
            string        str = "";
            XmlSerializer xz  = new XmlSerializer(replycontext.GetType());

            using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter())
                XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings();
                settings.OmitXmlDeclaration = false;
                XmlSerializerNamespaces xns = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();
                xns.Add("", "");
                xz.Serialize(sw, replycontext, xns);
                //xz.Serialize(sw, replycontext);
                str = sw.ToString();
            //str = str.Replace("","");
            str = str.Substring(str.IndexOf("<xml>"));
            str = str.Replace("\r\n", "");
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the bot's reply to a given message.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s">The incoming message.</param>
        public override string GetReply(string msg)
            string reply = String.Empty;

            dominantCategory = ReplyContent.None;
            RequestState prevState   = this.requestState;
            RequestState storedState = RequestState.None;
            bool         blockCore2  = false;

            // Split the message into its component clauses.
            string[] s = Util.Split(msg, EndMarks.ToCharArray(), false);
            lastGreet    = usedGreet; // lastGreet is used to determine if a greeting in the user's message was a statement or a response.
            usedGreet    = false;
            genericReply = false;
            // First, compute a reply to the entire message for consistency. Then look at each individual clause.
            for (int i = -1; i < s.Length; i++)
                // Compute a reply to the current clause.
                string si;
                if (i == -1)
                    si           = GetReplyCore1(msg);
                    mainContent  = dominantCategory;
                    genericReply = true; // The bot will only reply generically if the complete message is indifferent.
                    si = GetReplyCore1(s[i], mainContent);
                reply += si;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(reply))
                    if (!Char.IsWhiteSpace(reply, reply.Length - 1))
                        reply += ' ';
                // If a request has been made, store the request in memory, but do not use it when computing replies to remaining clauses.
                if (requestState != prevState && requestState != RequestState.None)
                    storedState  = requestState;
                    requestState = RequestState.None;
                    blockCore2   = true;
            reply = reply.Trim();
            if (openReply > 0 && !blockCore2)
                bool runCore2 = Util.RandomBoolean(openReply);
                if (runCore2)
                    reply += ' ' + GetReplyCore2();
            reply = reply.Trim();
            reply = Util.Capitalize(reply);
            reply = method1(reply);
Exemple #4
        private void Handler_OnChannelActive(object sender, IChannelHandlerContext e)
            ReplyContent <object> reply = new ReplyContent <object>
                Cmd   = 0,
                Scope = 0,

            Clients.All.SendAsync("", reply);
        private void Handler_OnChannelActive(object sender, IChannelHandlerContext e)
            ReplyContent <object> reply = new ReplyContent <object>
                Cmd   = "active",
                Scope = "tcp",

        internal ReplyContent CreatReplyContent(ReplyStatus status, ReplyMethodName methodName, string content)
            ReplyContent replyModel = new ReplyContent()
                ReplyStatus     = status,
                ReplyMethodName = methodName,
                Content         = content

        public Task SendToOthers(string name, string message)
            ReplyContent <object> reply = new ReplyContent <object>
                ConnectionId = Context.ConnectionId,
                Scope        = "hub",
                Cmd          = "SendToOthers"

Exemple #8
        public Task SendToOthers(string name, string message)
            ReplyContent <object> reply = new ReplyContent <object>
                ConnectionId = Context.ConnectionId,
                Scope        = 0,
                Cmd          = 8

            return(Clients.Others.SendAsync("sendToOthers", reply));
        public override Task OnDisconnectedAsync(Exception exception)
            var name = Context.GetHttpContext().Request.Query["name"];
            ReplyContent <object> reply = new ReplyContent <object>
                ConnectionId = Context.ConnectionId,
                Message      = $"{name} left the chat",
                Cmd          = "disconnected"

Exemple #10
        public Task Token(string request)
            string connectionId         = Context.ConnectionId;
            ReplyContent <object> reply = new ReplyContent <object>
                ConnectionId = connectionId,
                Scope        = 0,
                Cmd          = 2

            return(Clients.Caller.SendAsync("receive", reply));
        private async Task <HubConnection> ConnectionAsync()
            int reConnectionCount = 0;

            while (true)
                var HubConnection = new HubConnectionBuilder()

                try {
                    HubConnection.On <string> ("Reply", (Result) => {
                        ReplyContent result = PublicMethod.JsonDeSerialize <ReplyContent> (Result);
                        switch (result.ReplyMethodName)
                        case ReplyMethodName.Connection:
                            HubToken = result.Content;

                        case ReplyMethodName.Subscribe:

                        case ReplyMethodName.DeSubscribe:

                    HubConnection.On <string> ("Send", (content) => {
                        if (ReceiveMessage != null)
                            ReceiveMessage.Invoke(this, new ReceiveEventArgs(PublicMethod.JsonDeSerialize <SendContent> (content)));
                    await HubConnection.StartAsync();
                    await awaitHubtoken();

                } catch (Exception e) {
                    if (reConnectionCount >= 3)
                        CommunicationError(this, new ErrorEventArgs(true, e.ToString()));
                    await Task.Delay(5000);
Exemple #12
        public Task SendToGroup(string groupName, string name, string message)
            string connectionId         = Context.ConnectionId;
            ReplyContent <object> reply = new ReplyContent <object>
                ConnectionId = Context.ConnectionId,
                Scope        = 0,
                Cmd          = 2

            return(Clients.Group(groupName).SendAsync("toGroup", reply));
        public Task Token(string request)
            string connectionId         = Context.ConnectionId;
            ReplyContent <object> reply = new ReplyContent <object>
                ConnectionId = Context.ConnectionId,
                Scope        = "hub",
                Cmd          = "token"

        public Task SendToConnection(string connectionId, string name, string message)
            string connectionIdFrom     = Context.ConnectionId;
            ReplyContent <object> reply = new ReplyContent <object>
                ConnectionId = Context.ConnectionId,
                Scope        = "hub",
                Cmd          = "SendToConnection"

        public Task Login(RequestCommand request)
            string connectionId         = Context.ConnectionId;
            ReplyContent <object> reply = new ReplyContent <object>
                ConnectionId = Context.ConnectionId,
                Scope        = "hub",
                Cmd          = "login"

Exemple #16
        public Task SendTo(string connectionId, string message)
            ReplyContent <object> reply = new ReplyContent <object>
                ConnectionId = Context.ConnectionId,
                Scope        = 0,
                Cmd          = 2,
                Message      = message

            return(Clients.Client(connectionId).SendAsync("sendTo", reply));
        public Task SendToOthersInGroup(string groupName, string name, string message)
            string connectionId         = Context.ConnectionId;
            ReplyContent <object> reply = new ReplyContent <object>
                ConnectionId = Context.ConnectionId,
                Scope        = "hub",
                Cmd          = "SendToOthersInGroup"

        public async Task LeaveGroup(string groupName, string name)
            ReplyContent <object> reply = new ReplyContent <object>
                ConnectionId = Context.ConnectionId,
                Scope        = "hub",
                Cmd          = "LeaveGroup"

            await Clients.Group(groupName).Send(reply);

            await Groups.RemoveFromGroupAsync(Context.ConnectionId, groupName);
        public string strreplyContent(string ToUserName, string FromUserName, string Content)
            ReplyContent replycontext = new ReplyContent();

            replycontext.ToUserName   = ToUserName;
            replycontext.FromUserName = FromUserName;
            replycontext.CreateTime   = Util.ConvertDateTimeInt(DateTime.Now);
            replycontext.MsgType      = "text";
            replycontext.Content      = Content;
            string str = string.Format("<xml><ToUserName><![CDATA[{0}]]></ToUserName><FromUserName><![CDATA[{1}]]></FromUserName><CreateTime>{2}</CreateTime><MsgType><![CDATA[{3}]]></MsgType><Content><![CDATA[{4}]]</Content></xml>", replycontext.ToUserName, replycontext.FromUserName, replycontext.CreateTime, replycontext.MsgType, replycontext.Content);

        public async Task JoinGroup(string groupName, string name)
            string connectionId         = Context.ConnectionId;
            ReplyContent <object> reply = new ReplyContent <object>
                ConnectionId = Context.ConnectionId,
                Scope        = "hub",
                Cmd          = "JoinGroup"
            await Groups.AddToGroupAsync(Context.ConnectionId, groupName);

            await Clients.Group(groupName).Send(reply);
        private void Subscribe(string channel)
            ISubscriber sub = Redis.GetSubscriber();

            sub.Subscribe(channel, (channel, message) =>
                long id = DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds();

                ReplyContent <object> reply = new ReplyContent <object>
                reply.Result = new { };
        public NotificationHub(ILogger <string> logger)
            _logger = logger;

            ServerHandler.Handler.OnChannelActive += Handler_OnChannelActive;
            ServerHandler.Handler.OnChannelRead0  += (e, s) =>
                ReplyContent <object> reply = new ReplyContent <object>
                    Scope   = "tcp",
                    Cmd     = "push",
                    Message = s
Exemple #23
        public override Task OnConnectedAsync()
            StringValues id = Context.GetHttpContext().Request.Query["id"];


            //var targetUser =  _identityUserRepository.FindByNormalizedUserNameAsync(_lookupNormalizer.NormalizeName(name));

            ReplyContent <object> reply = new ReplyContent <object>
                ConnectionId = Context.ConnectionId,
                Message      = "连接成功",// $"{CurrentUser.UserName}",
                Scope        = 0,
                Cmd          = 2

            return(Clients.All.SendAsync("connected", reply));
Exemple #24
        public Task Handler(RequestCommand request)
            //if (ChannelGroup != null && ChannelGroup.Count > 0)
            //    ChannelGroup.WriteAndFlushAsync(request, ChannelMatchers.All());
            ReplyContent <object> reply = new ReplyContent <object>
                ConnectionId = Context.ConnectionId,
                Scope        = request.Scope,
                Message      = request.Message,
                Cmd          = request.Cmd

            _eventBus.PublishAsync(typeof(object), reply);

            return(Clients.Caller.SendAsync("receive", reply));
        public Task Handler(string scope, string cmd, string message)
            if (ChannelGroup != null && ChannelGroup.Count > 0)
                ChannelGroup.WriteAndFlushAsync(message, ChannelMatchers.All());

            string connectionId         = Context.ConnectionId;
            ReplyContent <object> reply = new ReplyContent <object>
                ConnectionId = Context.ConnectionId,
                Scope        = scope,
                Message      = message,
                Cmd          = "handler"

        public override Task OnConnectedAsync()
            StringValues names = Context.GetHttpContext().Request.Query["name"];
            string       name  = names.Count >= 1 ? names[0] : "unknown";


            ReplyContent <object> reply = new ReplyContent <object>
                ConnectionId = Context.ConnectionId,
                Message      = $"{name} join the chat",
                Scope        = "hub",
                Cmd          = "connected"

Exemple #27
        public string resText(RequestXML requestXML)
            string resxml = "";
            Reply  reply  = new Reply();

            if (requestXML.Content.Equals("1"))
                var mediaId = new MultimediaService().UploadMultimedia(GlobalToken.AccessToken, "image", "test1.jpg");
                resxml = reply.strreplyImage(requestXML.FromUserName, requestXML.ToUserName, mediaId);
            if (requestXML.Content.Equals("2"))
                resxml = reply.strreplyImage(requestXML.FromUserName, requestXML.ToUserName, "L7vNwJMTBWViMx7fQeFsHSzXv9Sgz1E9ECvNq1qnjTRSp9tF7p7Owc_60zSknHMG");
            if (requestXML.Content.Equals("3"))
                var mediaId = new MultimediaService().UploadMultimedia(GlobalToken.AccessToken, "voice", "test1.amr");
                resxml = reply.strreplyVoice(requestXML.FromUserName, requestXML.ToUserName, mediaId);
                // Util.WriteTxt(resxml);
            if (requestXML.Content.Equals("4"))
                new PushMessageService().pushMessage();
            if (requestXML.Content.Equals("5"))
                new PushMessageService().pushImage();
            if (requestXML.Content.Equals("6"))
                resxml = new ReplyContent().replyContent(requestXML.FromUserName, requestXML.ToUserName, "测试");
Exemple #28
        protected override void ChannelRead0(IChannelHandlerContext contex, string msg)
            if (!RequestCommand <string> .TryGetCommand(msg, out RequestCommand <string> cmd))
                contex.WriteAndFlushAsync("无法识别的JSON指令;" + msg);
            ReplyContent <string> reply = new ReplyContent <string>()
                ConnectionId = $"{contex.Channel}",
                Cmd          = cmd.Cmd,
                Scope        = cmd.Scope

            // Group.WriteAndFlushAsync(reply, new AllChannelMatcher(contex.Channel.Id));
            if (string.Equals("bye", msg, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
Exemple #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Core logic for computing replies to messages. This method scans the user's message and attempts to construct an appropriate response. If the dominant category of the user's message
        /// is the same as the specified ReplyContent, a reply will not be generated for this message.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s">The message to reply to.</param>
        /// <returns>A suitable reply, mostly in lowercase except for special cases.</returns>
        private string GetReplyCore1(string s, ReplyContent c)
            dominantCategory = ReplyContent.None;
            // Using Reinterpret, compile the following structures: words, the list of individual words and separators; rwords, the same list but case-sensitive; message, the complete reinterpreted message.
            string[] words0 = Util.Split(s, Separators.ToCharArray(), true);
            string[] rwords = new string[words0.Length * 2];
            string[] words  = new string[words0.Length * 2];
            int      wi     = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < words0.Length; i++)
                string w  = Reinterpret(words0[i]);
                string rw = SensitiveReinterpret(words0[i]); // rwords[i] is defined as words[i] with the capitalization the user used when typing the word
                if (w.Contains(' '))
                    string[] split = w.Split(' '); string[] rsplit = rw.Split(' ');
                    words[wi] = split[0]; rwords[wi] = rsplit[0]; wi++;
                    words[wi] = split[1]; rwords[wi] = rsplit[1]; wi++;
                    words[wi] = w; rwords[wi] = rw; wi++;
            rwords = Util.RefineLength(rwords);
            words  = Util.RefineLength(words);
            string[] withspace = (string[])words.Clone();
            for (int i = 0; i < words.Length - 1; i++)
                if (!EndMarks.Contains(words[i + 1]))
                    withspace[i] += ' ';
            string message = String.Concat(withspace);

            // Scan the user message for responses to the bot's most recent request, if there is one. If it returns a response, it must assign dominantCategory accordingly or it will default to None.
            switch (requestState)
            case RequestState.Name:
                if (c == ReplyContent.Name)
                int r = SearchName(words, message);
                if (r == 1)
                    openReply = 100; dominantCategory = ReplyContent.Name; return(Greet(true, true, 0, 0));
                if (r == PRIVATE)
                    openReply = 100; return(GenericReply());

            case RequestState.Mood:
                if (c == ReplyContent.Mood)
                int moodResponse = SearchMood(words, message);
                if (moodResponse != NO_MOOD)
                    openReply = 100; dominantCategory = ReplyContent.Mood; return(ReplyMood(words, message));

            case RequestState.Place:
                if (c == ReplyContent.Place)
                int rplace = SearchPlace(words, rwords, message);
                if (rplace == 1)
                    dominantCategory = ReplyContent.Place; return(ReplyPlace());
                if (rplace == PRIVATE)
                    openReply = 100; return(GenericReply());
            // Scan the user message for recognised reply categories.
            for (int i = 0; i < contentCount; i++)
                replyContent[i] = 0;
            // Greeting
            if (Util.IndexOfAny(message, ReadGreetings) > -1 || message.IndexOf("good day") == 0) // "Good day" is recognised as a greeting only if it is at the start of a sentence.
                replyContent[(int)ReplyContent.Greeting] += 13;
            if (!knowsName)
                replyContent[(int)ReplyContent.Greeting] += 2;
            // Name
            if (Util.IndexOfAny(Refine(message), ReadGivenName) > -1)
                if (SearchName(words, message) == 1)
                    replyContent[(int)ReplyContent.Name] += 37;
            // Mood
            int moodMod = SearchMood(words, message);

            if (moodMod != NO_MOOD)
                replyContent[(int)ReplyContent.Mood] += (Math.Abs(moodMod) * 7) + 3;
            // Place
            if (Util.IndexOfAny(Refine(message), ReadGivenPlace) > -1)
                if (SearchPlace(words, rwords, message) == 1)
                    replyContent[(int)ReplyContent.Place] += 31;
            // Compute a dominant category set. Currently only supports one dominant category.
            int categoryIndex = 0;
            int maxValue      = -1;

            replyContent[(int)ReplyContent.NA] = -2;
            for (int i = 0; i < contentCount; i++)
                if (replyContent[i] > maxValue)
                    maxValue      = replyContent[i];
                    categoryIndex = i;
            dominantCategory = (ReplyContent)categoryIndex;
            // Check that we are not repeating a response to the main message. Note that if s is the main message itself, the reply content of c is "not applicable" (NA).
            if (dominantCategory == c)
            // Compute a response based on the dominant category.
            openReply = 0;
            switch (dominantCategory)
            case ReplyContent.Mood:     // Express feelings on the user's mood.
            { openReply = 100; return(ReplyMood(words, message)); }

            case ReplyContent.Name:     // Greet the user by name, request the user's mood.
                return(Greet(true, true, 0, 100));

            case ReplyContent.Greeting:     // Greet the user if it was an initial greeting; otherwise leave the reply open. Depends on lastGreet.
                if (lastGreet)
                    openReply = 100; return(String.Empty);
                    return(Greet(true, Util.RandomBoolean(60)));

            case ReplyContent.Place:

                openReply = 100; dominantCategory = ReplyContent.None; return(GenericReply());
        private async Task <ConnectionInfo> ConnectionAsync(string baseUrl, ConnectionType type = ConnectionType.Base)
            ConnectionInfo connectionObject = new ConnectionInfo()
                Url            = baseUrl,
                ConnectionType = type

            while (true)
                connectionObject.HubConnection = new HubConnectionBuilder()

                    connectionObject.HubConnection.On <string>("Reply", (Result) =>
                        ReplyContent result = PublicMethod.JsonDeSerialize <ReplyContent>(Result);
                        switch (result.ReplyMethodName)
                        case ReplyMethodName.Connection:
                            connectionObject.HubToken = result.Content;

                        case ReplyMethodName.Subscribe:

                    connectionObject.HubConnection.On <string>("Send", content =>
                        if (!_isTerminal)
                            _connectionList.Where(x => x.ConnectionType == ConnectionType.Self).FirstOrDefault().HubConnection.InvokeAsync("Send", content, true);
                    connectionObject.HubConnection.Closed += (e) =>
                        if (connectionObject.ConnectionType == ConnectionType.SubHub)
                    if (type == ConnectionType.SubHub)
                        // connectionObject.HubConnection.Connected += () =>
                        // {
                        //     var task = Task.Run(() =>
                        //     {
                        //         DateTime timer = DateTime.Now;
                        //         while (DateTime.Now.Subtract(timer).Minutes < 3)
                        //         {
                        //             Task.Delay(10000).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                        //         }
                        //         DisposeConnection(connectionObject).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                        //     });
                        //     return Task.Run(() => { });
                        // };

                    await connectionObject.HubConnection.StartAsync();

                    while (String.IsNullOrEmpty(connectionObject.HubToken))
                catch (Exception)
                    await Task.Delay(5000);