public void ExecuteAlias(string inp) { var str = new AntlrInputStream(inp); var lexer = new ReplLexer(str); lexer.Mode(ReplLexer.CommandMode); lexer.RemoveErrorListeners(); var llistener = new ErrorListener <int>(0); lexer.AddErrorListener(llistener); var tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); int last = str.Index; try { var parser = new ReplParser(tokens); var listener = new ErrorListener <IToken>(2); parser.AddErrorListener(listener); //parser.ErrorHandler = new MyBailErrorStrategy(tokens); var btree = parser.cmd_all(); if (llistener.had_error) { throw new Exception("command syntax error"); } if (listener.had_error) { throw new Exception("command syntax error"); } var trees = btree.cmd(); for (int c = 0; c < trees.Length; ++c) { var tree = trees[c]; var is_piped = c > 0; if (tree.alias() is ReplParser.AliasContext x_alias) { new CAlias().Execute(this, x_alias, is_piped, true); } else if (tree.unalias() is ReplParser.UnaliasContext x_unalias) { new CUnalias().Execute(this, x_unalias, is_piped); } else if (tree.anything() is ReplParser.AnythingContext x_anything) { new CAnything().Execute(this, x_anything, is_piped, true); } } } catch (Repl.DoNotAddToHistory) { } catch (Exception) { } finally { } }
public void Execute(string input, bool add_to_history = true) { try { var str = new AntlrInputStream(input); var lexer = new ReplLexer(str); lexer.Mode(ReplLexer.CommandMode); lexer.RemoveErrorListeners(); var llistener = new ErrorListener <int>(0); lexer.AddErrorListener(llistener); var tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); var parser = new ReplParser(tokens); var listener = new ErrorListener <IToken>(2); parser.AddErrorListener(listener); var btree = parser.cmd_all(); if (llistener.had_error || listener.had_error) { throw new Exception("Syntax error for command '" + str + "'"); } var trees = btree.cmd(); var redirect = btree.arg(); for (int c = 0; c < trees.Length; ++c) { try { DateTime before = DateTime.Now; var tree = trees[c]; var is_piped = c > 0; if (false) { ; } else if (tree.agl() is ReplParser.AglContext x_agl) { new CAgl().Execute(this, x_agl, is_piped); } else if (tree.alias() is ReplParser.AliasContext x_alias) { new CAlias().Execute(this, x_alias, is_piped); } else if (tree.analyze() is ReplParser.AnalyzeContext x_analyze) { new CAnalyze().Execute(this, x_analyze, is_piped); } else if (tree.anything() is ReplParser.AnythingContext x_anything) { new CAnything().Execute(this, x_anything, is_piped); } else if (tree.bang() is ReplParser.BangContext x_bang) { new CBang().Execute(this, x_bang, is_piped); return; } else if ( is ReplParser.CatContext x_cat) { new CCat().Execute(this, x_cat, is_piped); } else if ( is ReplParser.CdContext x_cd) { new CCd().Execute(this, x_cd, is_piped); } else if (tree.combine() is ReplParser.CombineContext x_combine) { new CCombine().Execute(this, x_combine, is_piped); } else if (tree.convert() is ReplParser.ConvertContext x_convert) { new CConvert().Execute(this, x_convert, is_piped); } else if (tree.delabel() is ReplParser.DelabelContext x_delabel) { new CDelabel().Execute(this, x_delabel, is_piped); } else if (tree.delete() is ReplParser.DeleteContext x_delete) { new CDelete().Execute(this, x_delete, is_piped); } else if (tree.diff() is ReplParser.DiffContext x_diff) { new CDiff().Execute(this, x_diff, is_piped); } else if ( is ReplParser.DotContext x_dot) { new CDot().Execute(this, x_dot, is_piped); } else if (tree.echo() is ReplParser.EchoContext x_echo) { new CEcho().Execute(this, x_echo, is_piped); } else if (tree.empty() != null) { throw new Repl.DoNotAddToHistory(); // Don't add to history. } else if (tree.fold() is ReplParser.FoldContext x_fold) { new CFold().Execute(this, x_fold, is_piped); } else if (tree.foldlit() is ReplParser.FoldlitContext x_foldlit) { new CFoldlit().Execute(this, x_foldlit, is_piped); } else if (tree.generate() is ReplParser.GenerateContext x_generate) { new CGenerate().Execute(this, x_generate, is_piped); } else if ( is ReplParser.GroupContext x_group) { new CGroup().Execute(this, x_group, is_piped); } else if (tree.has() is ReplParser.HasContext x_has) { new CHas().Execute(this, x_has, is_piped); } else if ( is ReplParser.HelpContext x_help) { new CHelp().Execute(this, x_help, is_piped); } else if (tree.history() is ReplParser.HistoryContext x_history) { new CHistory().Execute(this, x_history, is_piped); } else if (tree.json() is ReplParser.JsonContext x_json) { new CJson().Execute(this, x_json, is_piped); } else if (tree.kleene() is ReplParser.KleeneContext x_kleene) { new CKleene().Execute(this, x_kleene, is_piped); } else if ( is ReplParser.LsContext x_ls) { new CLs().Execute(this, x_ls, is_piped); } else if (tree.mvsr() is ReplParser.MvsrContext x_mvsr) { new CMvsr().Execute(this, x_mvsr, is_piped); } else if (tree.parse() is ReplParser.ParseContext x_parse) { new CParse().Execute(this, x_parse, is_piped); } else if (tree.period() is ReplParser.PeriodContext x_period) { new CPeriod().Execute(this, x_period, is_piped); } else if (tree.pop() is ReplParser.PopContext x_pop) { new CPop().Execute(this, x_pop, is_piped); } else if (tree.print() is ReplParser.PrintContext x_print) { new CPrint().Execute(this, x_print, is_piped); } else if (tree.pwd() is ReplParser.PwdContext x_pwd) { new CPwd().Execute(this, x_pwd, is_piped); } else if (tree.quit() != null) { if (add_to_history) { HistoryAdd(input); } throw new Repl.Quit(); } else if ( is ReplParser.ReadContext x_read) { new CRead().Execute(this, x_read, is_piped); } else if (tree.rename() is ReplParser.RenameContext x_rename) { new CRename().Execute(this, x_rename, is_piped); } else if (tree.reorder() is ReplParser.ReorderContext x_reorder) { new CReorder().Execute(this, x_reorder, is_piped); } else if (tree.rotate() is ReplParser.RotateContext x_rotate) { new CRotate().Execute(this, x_rotate, is_piped); } else if (tree.rr() is ReplParser.RrContext x_rr) { new CRr().Execute(this, x_rr, is_piped); } else if ( is ReplParser.RunContext x_run) { new CRun().Execute(this, x_run, is_piped); } else if (tree.rup() is ReplParser.RupContext x_rup) { new CRup().Execute(this, x_rup, is_piped); } else if (tree.set() is ReplParser.SetContext x_set) { new CSet().Execute(this, x_set, is_piped); } else if (tree.split() is ReplParser.SplitContext x_split) { new CSplit().Execute(this, x_split, is_piped); } else if ( is ReplParser.StContext x_st) { new CSt().Execute(this, x_st, is_piped); } else if (tree.stack() is ReplParser.StackContext x_stack) { new CStack().Execute(this, x_stack, is_piped); } else if (tree.strip() is ReplParser.StripContext x_strip) { new CStrip().Execute(this, x_strip, is_piped); } else if (tree.svg() is ReplParser.SvgContext x_svg) { new CSvg().Execute(this, x_svg, is_piped); } else if (tree.text() is ReplParser.TextContext x_text) { new CText().Execute(this, x_text, is_piped); } else if (tree.ctokens() is ReplParser.CtokensContext x_tokens) { new CTokens().Execute(this, x_tokens, is_piped); } else if (tree.ctree() is ReplParser.CtreeContext x_tree) { new CTree().Execute(this, x_tree, is_piped); } else if (tree.ulliteral() is ReplParser.UlliteralContext x_ulliteral) { new CUlliteral().Execute(this, x_ulliteral, is_piped); } else if (tree.unalias() is ReplParser.UnaliasContext x_unalias) { new CUnalias().Execute(this, x_unalias, is_piped); } else if (tree.unfold() is ReplParser.UnfoldContext x_unfold) { new CUnfold().Execute(this, x_unfold, is_piped); } else if (tree.ungroup() is ReplParser.UngroupContext x_ungroup) { new CUngroup().Execute(this, x_ungroup, is_piped); } else if (tree.unulliteral() is ReplParser.UnulliteralContext x_unulliteral) { new CUnulliteral().Execute(this, x_unulliteral, is_piped); } else if (tree.version() is ReplParser.VersionContext x_version) { new CVersion().Execute(this, x_version, is_piped); } else if (tree.wc() is ReplParser.WcContext x_wc) { new CWc().Execute(this, x_wc, is_piped); } else if (tree.workspace() is ReplParser.WorkspaceContext x_workspace) { new CWorkspace().Execute(this, x_workspace, is_piped); } else if (tree.write() is ReplParser.WriteContext x_write) { new CWrite().Execute(this, x_write, is_piped); } else if (tree.xgrep() is ReplParser.XgrepContext x_xgrep) { new CXGrep().Execute(this, x_xgrep, is_piped); } else if (tree.xml() is ReplParser.XmlContext x_xml) { new CXml().Execute(this, x_xml, is_piped); } else { throw new Exception("Unhandled command!"); } if (Times) { DateTime after = DateTime.Now; System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Time for command: " + (after - before)); } if (add_to_history) { HistoryAdd(input); } } catch (Repl.DoNotAddToHistory) { } catch (Repl.Quit) { throw; } catch (Exception eeks) { System.Console.Error.WriteLine(eeks.Message); } } if (input_output_stack.Any()) { var ttext = input_output_stack.Pop(); string fn = ""; if (redirect != null) { var temp = this.GetArg(redirect); var leading_path = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(temp); var file_name = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(temp); if (leading_path != "") { var list = new Globbing().Contents(leading_path).ToList(); if (list.Count > 1) { throw new Exception("File redirect ambiguous."); } var f = list?.First(); if (f != null && !(f is DirectoryInfo)) { throw new Exception("File redirect not to a file."); } fn = f != null ? f.FullName + "/" : ""; } fn = fn + file_name; } using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = (fn != null && fn != "" ? new System.IO.StreamWriter(fn) : new StreamWriter(Console.OpenStandardOutput()))) { if (ttext != null) { file.WriteLine(ttext); } } } } catch (Repl.Quit) { throw; } catch (Exception) { } }