public void RepeatedStateInStateDefinesDepthGame_CacheRepeatedValue(bool dieEarly, bool favorShortPaths)
            var searchTree = new RepeatStateTree();

            searchTree.ChildState2.SetEvaluationTo(3, 4);

            var engine = new SearchEngine(CacheMode.NewCache, CacheKeyType.StateOnly)
                FavorShortPaths   = favorShortPaths,
                DieEarly          = dieEarly,
                StateDefinesDepth = true,
                ParallelismMode   = ParallelismMode.NonParallelism
            var result = engine.Search(searchTree.RootState, 2);

            Assert.AreEqual(3, result.Evaluation); // Check that we read the evaluation for Child1 from the cache the second time
        public void RepeatedStateInStateDefinesDepthGame_StatesPrunedByAlphaBeta_CacheDoesntRepeatedValue(bool dieEarly, bool favorShortPaths)
            var searchTree = new RepeatStateTree();

            searchTree.EndState2.SetEvaluationTo(4, 7);

            var engine = new SearchEngine(CacheMode.NewCache, CacheKeyType.StateOnly)
                FavorShortPaths   = favorShortPaths,
                DieEarly          = dieEarly,
                StateDefinesDepth = true,
                ParallelismMode   = ParallelismMode.NonParallelism

            var result = engine.Search(searchTree.RootState, 4);

            Assert.AreEqual(6, result.Evaluation); // Check that we didn't read the evaluation for endState2 from the cache the second time
        public void RepeatedStateInStateDefinesDepthGame_DontCacheRepeatedValue(bool useUnstableStateMethod, bool reuseCache, bool stateDefinesDepth)
            var searchTree = new RepeatStateTree();

            searchTree.ChildState2.SetEvaluationTo(3, 4);

            var engine = new SearchEngine(reuseCache ? CacheMode.ReuseCache : CacheMode.NewCache, CacheKeyType.StateOnly)
                StateDefinesDepth = stateDefinesDepth,
                ParallelismMode   = ParallelismMode.NonParallelism

            if (useUnstableStateMethod)
                engine.IsUnstableState = (s, d, l) => false;

            var result = engine.Search(searchTree.RootState, 2);

            Assert.AreEqual(4, result.Evaluation); // Check that we didn't read the evaluation for Child1 from the cache the second time
        public void RepeatedStateInStateDefinesDepthGame_StatesPrunedByPruner_CacheDoesntRepeatedValue(bool dieEarly, bool favorShortPaths)
            var searchTree = new RepeatStateTree();

            searchTree.ChildState4.SetEvaluationTo(3, 4);

            var myPruner = A.Fake <IPruner>();

            A.CallTo(() => myPruner.ShouldPrune(A <IState> ._, A <int> ._, A <List <IState> > ._))
            .ReturnsLazily((IState s, int d, List <IState> l) => s == searchTree.ChildState5);
            var engine = new SearchEngine(CacheMode.NewCache, CacheKeyType.StateOnly)
                FavorShortPaths   = favorShortPaths,
                DieEarly          = dieEarly,
                StateDefinesDepth = true,
                ParallelismMode   = ParallelismMode.NonParallelism

            var result = engine.Search(searchTree.RootState, 3);

            Assert.AreEqual(4, result.Evaluation); // Check that we didn't read the evaluation for childState5 from the cache the second time