Exemple #1
        public HomeModule()
            Get["/"] = _ =>{
            return View["index.cshtml"];
              Post["/results"] = _ =>{
            RepeatCounter newRepeatCounter = new RepeatCounter(Request.Form["string-input"], Request.Form["word-input"]);
            return View["/result.cshtml", newRepeatCounter];

        public void OccurrenceCounter_ResultIsCaseInsensitive_Int()
            // Arrange
            string        userWord   = "cat";
            string        userPhrase = "My cat Cat is going to the cathedral";
            RepeatCounter newCounter = new RepeatCounter(userWord, userPhrase);

            // Act
            int occurrences = newCounter.OccurrenceCounter();

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(2, occurrences);
        public void OccurrenceCounter_PartialMatchesArentCounted_Int()
            // Arrange
            string        userWord   = "cat";
            string        userPhrase = "My cat is going to the cathedral.";
            RepeatCounter newCounter = new RepeatCounter(userWord, userPhrase);

            // Act
            int occurrences = newCounter.OccurrenceCounter();

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(1, occurrences);
        public void OccurrenceCounter_CountNumberOfWordOccurences_Int()
            // Arrange
            string        userWord   = "world";
            string        userPhrase = "Hello world";
            RepeatCounter newCounter = new RepeatCounter(userWord, userPhrase);

            // Act
            int occurrences = newCounter.OccurrenceCounter();

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(1, occurrences);
        public void InputChecker_ChecksForCorrectUserUnput_True()
            // Arrange
            string        userWord   = "world";
            string        userPhrase = "Hello world";
            RepeatCounter newCounter = new RepeatCounter(userWord, userPhrase);

            // Act
            bool correctInput = newCounter.InputChecker();

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(true, correctInput);
        public void InputText_ReturnText_True()
            string        word             = "hello";
            string        text             = "hello world";
            RepeatCounter newRepeatCounter = new RepeatCounter(word, text);

            string compare = newRepeatCounter.GetText();

            Assert.AreEqual(text, compare);
 public ActionResult Create(string wordInput, string sentenceInput)
     if (wordInput != null && sentenceInput != null)
         RepeatCounter        newCounter        = new RepeatCounter(wordInput, sentenceInput);
         List <RepeatCounter> allRepeatCounters = RepeatCounter.GetAll();
         return(View("Index", allRepeatCounters));
Exemple #8
        public void GetRepeatCount_ReturnNumberOfRepeats_True()
            RepeatCounter.SetUserSentence("The cat is larger than a caterpillar.");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, RepeatCounter.GetRepeatCount());

            Assert.AreEqual(0, RepeatCounter.GetRepeatCount());

            RepeatCounter.SetUserSentence("anna and annette the ant android are an awesome pair");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, RepeatCounter.GetRepeatCount());
Exemple #9
        public void CreateSearchedStringList_ReturnCleanList_List()
            RepeatCounter newRepeatCounter = new RepeatCounter("Hello, hello!", "goodbye");

            List <string> newList = new List <string> {
                "hello", "hello"

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(newList, newRepeatCounter.GetWordsList());
Exemple #10
        public void CountRepeats_CountWordsDespiteCase_True()
            int           expectedValue  = 2;
            string        originalString = "Cat toys include cat nip";
            string        originalWord   = "cat";
            RepeatCounter newCounter     = new RepeatCounter(originalWord, originalString);

            int actualValue = newCounter.CountRepeats();

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedValue, actualValue);
Exemple #11
        public void CountRepeats_CountMultipleInstancesOfWord_True()
            int           expectedValue  = 2;
            string        originalString = "The cat that I like the most is Callie cat";
            string        originalWord   = "cat";
            RepeatCounter newCounter     = new RepeatCounter(originalWord, originalString);

            int actualValue = newCounter.CountRepeats();

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedValue, actualValue);
        public void TestPass()
            string        testingOne = "Good";
            string        testingTwo = "Bye";
            RepeatCounter newTest    = new RepeatCounter(testingOne, testingTwo);

            string totalWord   = newTest.GetWord();
            string totalString = newTest.GetString();
            int    total       = newTest.WordTotal();

            Assert.AreEqual(testingOne, totalWord);
            Assert.AreEqual(testingTwo, totalString);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, total);
        public void CheckingGetW()
            string        test_W  = "Hello";
            string        test_S  = "Epicodus";
            RepeatCounter newTest = new RepeatCounter(test_W, test_S);
            string total_W = newTest.GetWord();
            string total_S = newTest.GetString();

            Assert.AreEqual(test_W, total_W);
            Assert.AreEqual(test_S, total_S);
        public void ValidateInput_ValidateCatInputLength_List()
            string        inputString = "cat";
            List <string> correctList = new List <string> {
            List <string> inputList = new List <string> {

            string[] inputArray = { "cat", "kitty" };
            RepeatCounter.ValidateInput(inputArray, inputString);
            inputList = RepeatCounter.ListOfWordsToCompare;
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(correctList, inputList);
Exemple #15
        public void GetInputs_SetWordAndSentence_True()
            string        word        = "Pizza";
            string        sentence    = "pizza, Pizza, PIZZA";
            RepeatCounter testCounter = new RepeatCounter(word, sentence);

            string testString = word + sentence;
            string result     = testCounter.GetWord() + testCounter.GetSentence();

            Assert.AreEqual(testString, result);
Exemple #16
        public ActionResult Create(string word, string sentence)
            RepeatCounter myCounter = new RepeatCounter(word, sentence);
            bool          isValid   = myCounter.IsEmpty();

            if (isValid)
                return(View("Index", myCounter));
        public void SeperateWordsFindsmultipleWordsWithCapitals_False()
            RepeatCounter newWord = new RepeatCounter("LiKE");

            newWord.SetSentence("the girl was liKE , omg like thats crazy, LIKe crazy. Like omg");

            string result = newWord.GetWord();
            string number = newWord.SearchWord();

            Assert.AreEqual(number, "3");
        public void SplitCompareString_ReturnStringArray_String()
            string        testPhrase  = "The cat is walking";
            RepeatCounter testCounter = new RepeatCounter();

            string[] resultArray = testCounter.GetComparePhrase();

            Assert.AreEqual(4, resultArray.Length);
        public void SetTargetWord_SetNewTargetWord_String()
            RepeatCounter testCounter = new RepeatCounter();

            string newTestTarget = "cat";

            string result = testCounter.GetTargetWord();

            Assert.AreEqual(newTestTarget, result);
        public void SeperateWordsActuallyWorks_True()
            RepeatCounter newWord = new RepeatCounter("buddy");

            newWord.SetSentence("Hello buddy");

            string result = newWord.GetWord();
            string number = newWord.SearchWord();

            Assert.AreEqual(number, "1");
        public void SeperateWordsFindsmultipleWords_True()
            RepeatCounter newWord = new RepeatCounter("dude");

            newWord.SetSentence("The dude walks like a dude");

            string result = newWord.GetWord();
            string number = newWord.SearchWord();

            Assert.AreEqual(number, "2");
Exemple #22
        public void CountRepeats_countsRegardlessofCap_three()
            string        sentence       = "this is a Sentence sentEnce is it a sentence";
            string        word           = "senteNce";
            int           expectedResult = 3;
            RepeatCounter newCounter     = new RepeatCounter(sentence, word);

            int result = newCounter.CountRepeats();

            Assert.Equal(expectedResult, result);
Exemple #23
        public void CountRepeats_howManyTimesdoesSentenceHaveWord_three()
            string        sentence       = "this is a sentence sentence is it a sentence";
            string        word           = "sentence";
            int           expectedResult = 3;
            RepeatCounter newCounter     = new RepeatCounter(sentence, word);

            int result = newCounter.CountRepeats();

            Assert.Equal(expectedResult, result);
Exemple #24
        public void containsWord_doesSentenceHaveWord_true()
            string        sentence       = "this is a sentence";
            string        word           = "sentence";
            bool          expectedResult = true;
            RepeatCounter newCounter     = new RepeatCounter(sentence, word);

            bool result = newCounter.ContainsWord();

            Assert.Equal(expectedResult, result);
Exemple #25
        public void GetWord_returnUserWord_sameWord()
            string        sentence   = "this is a sentence";
            string        word       = "sentence";
            string        returnWord = "sentence";
            RepeatCounter newCounter = new RepeatCounter(sentence, word);

            string result = newCounter.GetWord();

            Assert.Equal(returnWord, result);
        public void CreateStringArray_SplitsAtAllDesignatedCharacters_True()
            RepeatCounter newCount = new RepeatCounter("hello", "q,w.e:r!t?y\"u'i;o-p_a/s\\d@f#g$h%j^k&l*z(x)c[v]b{n}m+q=w<e>r0t1y2u3i4o5p6a7s8d9f`g~h");

            string[] expected = { "q", "w", "e", "r", "t", "y", "u", "i", "o", "p", "a",
                                  "s", "d", "f", "g", "h", "j", "k", "l", "z", "x", "c","v",  "b", "n", "m", "q", "w", "e",
                                  "r", "t", "y", "u", "i", "o", "p", "a", "s", "d", "f","g",  "h" };
            string[] result   = newCount.CreateStringArray();
            bool     evaluate = result.SequenceEqual(expected);

            Assert.AreEqual(true, evaluate);
        public void CheckSplitPhrase_ReturnNumberOfMatches_Int()
            string        testWord    = "The";
            string        testPhrase  = "The Cat walked down THe street to THE store.";
            RepeatCounter testCounter = new RepeatCounter();

            int result = testCounter.CheckSplitPhrase();

            Assert.AreEqual(3, result);
        public void SetTargetWord_SetNewTargetWordToLower_String()
            //string testTarget = "the";
            RepeatCounter testCounter = new RepeatCounter();

            string newTestTarget = "CAT";

            string result = testCounter.GetTargetWord();

            Assert.AreEqual("cat", result);
        public void SavesGetsListOfWords_SavesReturnsListOfWords_List()
            string        test01 = "cat";
            string        test02 = "dog";
            RepeatCounter save01 = new RepeatCounter(test01);
            RepeatCounter save02 = new RepeatCounter(test02);

            List <RepeatCounter> testList = new List <RepeatCounter> {
                save01, save02

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(testList, RepeatCounter.GetAll());
Exemple #30
        public ActionResult WordCounter()
            RepeatCounter userInput = new RepeatCounter(Request.Form["wordInput"], Request.Form["sentenceInput"]);
            string        Word      = userInput.GetWord();
            string        Sentence  = userInput.GetSentence();
            int           repeats   = userInput.CountRepeats();
            string        Repeats   = repeats.ToString();

            Dictionary <string, string> WordCount = new Dictionary <string, string> ()
                { "Word", Word }, { "Sentence", Sentence }, { "Repeats", Repeats }

Exemple #31
    private static string GetSentenceInput()
        RepeatCounter tester = new RepeatCounter();

        Console.WriteLine("Enter a sentence to search for matches.");
        string sentenceInput = Console.ReadLine();

        if (tester.CheckIfEmpty(sentenceInput))
            Console.WriteLine("Empty sentence to search not valid.  Please try again.");
            sentenceInput = GetSentenceInput();