protected void reorderDetalles_ItemDataBound(object sender, ReorderListItemEventArgs e) { var data = e.Item.DataItem as EntregaDistribucion; if (data == null) { return; } var color = GetColor(data.Viaje.Id); var backColor = new RGBColor { Color = color }; var foreColor = new RGBColor { Color = GetForeColor(color) }; var panelHandle = e.Item.GetControl("panelHandle") as Panel; var panelItem = e.Item.GetControl("panelItem") as Panel; var intercalado = e.Item.DataItemIndex == selectedIndex; panelItem.Visible = !intercalado; panelHandle.Visible = intercalado; var panel = intercalado ? panelHandle : panelItem; (panel.GetControl("litColor") as Literal).Text = string.Format("background-color: #{0}; color: #{1};", backColor.HexValue, foreColor.HexValue); (panel.GetControl("lblOrden") as Label).Text = (orden++).ToString("0"); (panel.GetControl("lblDescripcion") as Label).Text = data.Descripcion; (panel.GetControl("lblCliente") as Label).Text = data.Cliente != null ? data.Cliente.Descripcion : string.Empty; (panel.GetControl("lblDemora") as Label).Text = (data.TipoServicio != null ? data.TipoServicio.Demora : 0) + "min"; (panel.GetControl("lblTipoServicio") as Label).Text = data.Linea != null ? string.Empty : ("[" + (data.TipoServicio != null ? data.TipoServicio.Descripcion : "ninguno") + "]"); var lblHora = (panel.GetControl("lblHora") as Label); lblHora.Text = data.Programado.ToString("HH:mm"); lblHora.ForeColor = Color.Green; }
protected void rolMeasurementUnitsConverts_ItemDataBound(object sender, ReorderListItemEventArgs e) { ReorderListItem rolItem = e.Item as ReorderListItem; LinkButton btn = rolItem.FindControl("btnUpdate") as LinkButton; Label textLine = rolItem.FindControl("lbMeasurementUnitsConvertText") as Label; MeasurementUnitsConvert MeasuresConvert = e.Item.DataItem as MeasurementUnitsConvert; if (MeasuresConvert != null) { btn.PostBackUrl = string.Format("~/Admin/MeasurementUnitsConvert.aspx?ConvertId={0}", MeasuresConvert.ConvertId); string from = MeasuresConvert.FromQuantity.ToString(); string[] fromStr = from.Split('.'); if (fromStr[1] == "00") { from = fromStr[0]; } string to = MeasuresConvert.ToQuantity.ToString(); string[] toStr = to.Split('.'); if (toStr[1] == "00") { to = toStr[0]; } Food food = BusinessFacade.Instance.GetFood(MeasuresConvert.FoodId); MeasurementUnit sourceMeasureUnit = BusinessFacade.Instance.GetMeasurementUnit(MeasuresConvert.FromUnitId); MeasurementUnit targetMeasureUnit = BusinessFacade.Instance.GetMeasurementUnit(MeasuresConvert.ToUnitId); textLine.Text = string.Format("{0} {1} {2} = {3} {4}", from, sourceMeasureUnit.UnitName, food.FoodName, to, targetMeasureUnit.UnitName); } //btn = rolItem.FindControl("btnDelete") as LinkButton; // btn.Visible = MeasuresConvert.AllowDelete; }
protected void rolMeasurementUnitsConverts_ItemDataBound(object sender, ReorderListItemEventArgs e) { ReorderListItem rolItem = e.Item as ReorderListItem; LinkButton btn = rolItem.FindControl("btnUpdate") as LinkButton; Label textLine = rolItem.FindControl("lbMeasurementUnitsConvertText") as Label; MeasurementUnitsConvert MeasuresConvert = e.Item.DataItem as MeasurementUnitsConvert; if (MeasuresConvert != null) { btn.PostBackUrl = string.Format("~/Admin/MeasurementUnitsConvert.aspx?ConvertId={0}", MeasuresConvert.ConvertId); string from = MeasuresConvert.FromQuantity.ToString(); string[] fromStr = from.Split('.'); if (fromStr[1] == "00") { from = fromStr[0]; } string to = MeasuresConvert.ToQuantity.ToString(); string[] toStr = to.Split('.'); if (toStr[1] == "00") { to = toStr[0]; } textLine.Text = string.Format("{0} {1} {2} = {3} {4}", from, MeasuresConvert.SOURCE_UNIT_NAME, MeasuresConvert.FOOD_NAME, to, MeasuresConvert.TARGET_UNIT_NAME); } //btn = rolItem.FindControl("btnDelete") as LinkButton; // btn.Visible = MeasuresConvert.AllowDelete; }
protected void rolShopDepartments_ItemDataBound(object sender, ReorderListItemEventArgs e) { ReorderListItem rolItem = e.Item as ReorderListItem; LinkButton btn = rolItem.FindControl("btnUpdate") as LinkButton; ShopDepartment dep = e.Item.DataItem as ShopDepartment; if (dep != null) { btn.PostBackUrl = string.Format("~/Admin/ShopDepartment.aspx?depId={0}", dep.ShopDepartmentId); } btn = rolItem.FindControl("btnDelete") as LinkButton; btn.Visible = dep.AllowDelete; }
protected void rolMeasurementUnits_ItemDataBound(object sender, ReorderListItemEventArgs e) { ReorderListItem rolItem = e.Item as ReorderListItem; LinkButton btn = rolItem.FindControl("btnUpdate") as LinkButton; MeasurementUnit unit = e.Item.DataItem as MeasurementUnit; if (unit != null) { btn.PostBackUrl = string.Format("~/Admin/MeasurementUnit.aspx?unitId={0}", unit.UnitId); } btn = rolItem.FindControl("btnDelete") as LinkButton; btn.Visible = unit.AllowDelete; }
protected void rolGeneralItems_ItemDataBound(object sender, ReorderListItemEventArgs e) { ReorderListItem rolItem = e.Item as ReorderListItem; LinkButton btn = rolItem.FindControl("btnUpdate") as LinkButton; GeneralItem Item = e.Item.DataItem as GeneralItem; if (Item != null) { btn.PostBackUrl = string.Format("~/Admin/GeneralItem.aspx?ItemId={0}", Item.GeneralItemId); } btn = rolItem.FindControl("btnDelete") as LinkButton; btn.Visible = Item.AllowDelete; btn.Attributes.Add("ItemId", Item.GeneralItemId.ToString()); }
/* * protected void rptLocations_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) * { * Location location = e.Item.DataItem as Location; * if (location != null) * { * using (Label lbl = e.Item.FindControl("lblSubLocation") as Label) * { * if (lbl != null && location.Children.Count > 0) * { * lbl.Text = string.Format("({0})", location.Children.Count); * } * } * * using (HyperLink hpl = e.Item.FindControl("hplEdit") as HyperLink) * { * if (hpl != null) * { * hpl.NavigateUrl = * string.Format( * "/Modules/TourManagement/Admin/PositionEdit.aspx?NodeId={0}&SectionId={1}&LocationId={2}", * Request.QueryString["NodeId"], Request.QueryString["SectionId"], location.Id); * } * } * * using (HyperLink hpl = e.Item.FindControl("hplLocation") as HyperLink) * { * if (hpl != null) * { * hpl.NavigateUrl = * string.Format( * "/Modules/TourManagement/Admin/PositionList.aspx?NodeId={0}&SectionId={1}&LocationId={2}", * Request.QueryString["NodeId"], Request.QueryString["SectionId"], location.Id); * } * } * * using (Label labelID = e.Item.FindControl("lblID") as Label) * { * if (labelID!=null) * { * labelID.Text = string.Format("ID:{0}", location.Id); * } * } * } * } * * protected void rptLocations_ItemCommand(object source, RepeaterCommandEventArgs e) * { * Location location; * switch (e.CommandName) * { * case "View": * location = Module.LocationGetById(Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument)); * imgLocationView.ImageUrl = location.Image; * lblLocationName.Text = location.Name; * ModalPopupExtender.Show(); * break; * case "Delete": * location = Module.LocationGetById(Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument)); * Module.Delete(location); * GetDataSource(); * rptLocations.DataBind(); * break; * default: * break; * } * } */ #endregion #region -- Reorder List -- protected void reorderListLocation_ItemDataBound(object sender, ReorderListItemEventArgs e) { Location location = e.Item.DataItem as Location; if (location != null) { using (Label lbl = e.Item.FindControl("lblSubLocation") as Label) { if (lbl != null && location.Children.Count > 0) { lbl.Text = string.Format("({0})", location.Children.Count); } } using (HyperLink hpl = e.Item.FindControl("hplEdit") as HyperLink) { if (hpl != null) { hpl.NavigateUrl = string.Format( "/Modules/TourManagement/Admin/PositionEdit.aspx?NodeId={0}&SectionId={1}&LocationId={2}", Request.QueryString["NodeId"], Request.QueryString["SectionId"], location.Id); } } using (HyperLink hpl = e.Item.FindControl("hplLocation") as HyperLink) { if (hpl != null) { hpl.NavigateUrl = string.Format( "/Modules/TourManagement/Admin/PositionList.aspx?NodeId={0}&SectionId={1}&LocationId={2}", Request.QueryString["NodeId"], Request.QueryString["SectionId"], location.Id); } } using (Label labelID = e.Item.FindControl("lblID") as Label) { if (labelID != null) { labelID.Text = string.Format("ID:{0}", location.Id); } } } }