public List <RentRoom> PostNew()
            int             contractId    = 0;
            var             rooms         = this.GetAllInclude();
            List <RentRoom> checkStatuses = new List <RentRoom>();

            foreach (var r in rooms)
                if (r.Status == "Có người")
                    contractId = _unitOfWork.Contracts.Find(c => c.RoomId.Equals(r.RoomId)).LastOrDefault().ContractId;
                    RentRoom checkStatus = new RentRoom();
                 = r;
                    checkStatus.contractId = contractId;
                    contractId = 0;
                    RentRoom checkStatus = new RentRoom();
                 = r;
                    checkStatus.contractId = contractId;

        private async void btnUpload_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (latitude == 0 || altitude == 0)
                MessageDialog msgbox = new MessageDialog("Please provide your room's location on map");
                await msgbox.ShowAsync();
            else if (storageFile == null)
                MessageDialog msgbox = new MessageDialog("Please provide your room's photo");
                await msgbox.ShowAsync();
            else if (tbxTitle.Text.Trim() == "")
                MessageDialog msgbox = new MessageDialog("Please provide your room's title");
                await msgbox.ShowAsync();
                    btnUpload.IsEnabled = false;
                    btnUpload.Content   = "Uploading......";
                    string fileName    = "";
                    bool   imageExist  = false;
                    string fileAddress = "";
                    Random r           = new Random();
                    if (!storageFile.Equals(null))
                        imageExist = true;
                        // Source:
                        // Part one: upload images to database
                        // Create the connectionstring
                        String StorageConnectionString = "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=uonlife;AccountKey=LzU9gRoJgvtKtY7rIPE3w1Z7Toc39AfcBO+Y+Q4ZCYoZmXd2KTgpZ5muya6JkxaZRtNAo3ib3FTpw7gAncpOPA==";
                        // Retrieve storage account from connection string.
                        CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(StorageConnectionString);
                        // Create the blob client.
                        CloudBlobClient blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
                        // Retrieve a reference to a container. (pictures)
                        CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.GetContainerReference("images");
                        await container.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();

                        string sFileName = img.Source.ToString();
                        fileName = tbxTitle.Text.Trim() + r.Next(10000000, 99999999).ToString() + ".jpg";
                        CloudBlockBlob blobFromSASCredential =
                        await blobFromSASCredential.UploadFromFileAsync(storageFile);
                    // Step two: store data into table
                    if (imageExist == true)
                        fileAddress = "" + fileName;

                    RentRoom rentRoom = new RentRoom
                        roomTitle    = tbxTitle.Text,
                        price        = tbxPrice.Text,
                        address      = tbxAddress.Text,
                        type         = tbxType.Text,
                        bedrooms     = tbxBedrooms.Text,
                        bathrooms    = tbxBathrooms.Text,
                        description  = tbxDescription.Text,
                        contact      = tbxContact.Text,
                        altitude     = this.altitude,
                        latitude     = this.latitude,
                        imageAddress = fileAddress,
                        publisher    = GlobalVariable.loginUser
                    await App.mobileService.GetTable <RentRoom>().InsertAsync(rentRoom);

                    MessageDialog msgbox = new MessageDialog("Upload success");
                    await msgbox.ShowAsync();

                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageDialog msgbox = new MessageDialog("Error: " + ex.Message);
                    await msgbox.ShowAsync();

                    btnUpload.IsEnabled = true;
                    btnUpload.Content   = "Upload";