Exemple #1
        public static IList <IList <float> > segment_sample(Rendering.renderPipeLine vtkObject, UNet model, int[] extent, int axis,
                                                            int step = 1, float mu = 0, float sd = 0)
            //Segmentation range
            int[] bounds = new int[] { extent[axis * 2], extent[axis * 2 + 1] };
            //Output list
            IList <IList <float> > output = null;

            //Iterate over vtk data
            for (int k = 0; k < (bounds[1] - bounds[0]) / step; k++)
                //Set current VOI and orientation
                int[] _curext = new int[6];
                int[] _ori    = new int[3];
                if (axis == 0)
                    int start = extent[0] + k * step;
                    int stop  = Math.Min(extent[0] + (k + 1) * step - 1, extent[1]);
                    _curext = new int[] { start, stop, extent[2], extent[3], extent[4], extent[5] };
                    _ori    = new int[] { 2, 1, 0 };
                if (axis == 1)
                    int start = extent[2] + k * step;
                    int stop  = Math.Min(extent[2] + (k + 1) * step - 1, extent[3]);
                    _curext = new int[] { extent[0], extent[1], start, stop, extent[4], extent[5] };
                    _ori    = new int[] { 2, 0, 1 };
                if (axis == 2)
                    int start = extent[4] + k * step;
                    int stop  = Math.Min(extent[4] + (k + 1) * step - 1, extent[5]);
                    _curext = new int[] { extent[0], extent[1], extent[2], extent[3], start, stop };
                    _ori    = new int[] { 0, 1, 2 };

                //Extract VOI to float array
                float[] input_array = DataTypes.byteToFloat(DataTypes.vtkToByte(vtkObject.getVOI(_curext, _ori)), mu, sd);

                //Segment current slice
                IList <IList <float> > _cur = model.Inference(input_array);
                //Append results to output list
                if (output == null)
                    output = _cur;
                    //Loop over slices
                    foreach (IList <float> item in _cur)

            //Return output list
Exemple #2
        public static void segmentation_pipeline(out List <vtkImageData> outputs, Rendering.renderPipeLine volume, int[] batch_d, int[] extent, int[] axes, string wpath, int bs = 2)
            outputs = new List <vtkImageData>();
            //Get input dimensions
            int[] dims = volume.getDims();

            // Initialize UNet
            UNet model = new UNet();

                model.Initialize(24, batch_d, wpath, false);
            catch (FileNotFoundException)
                Console.WriteLine("Model not found");


            for (int k = 0; k < axes.Length; k++)

            //Segment BCI from axis
            for (int k = 0; k < axes.Length; k++)
                IList <IList <float> > result = segment_sample(volume, model, extent, axes[k], bs, (float)108.58790588378906, (float)47.622276306152344);
                //Copy result to vtkImagedata
                vtkImageData _tmp = IO.inference_to_vtk(result, new int[] { dims[1] + 1, dims[3] + 1, dims[5] + 1 }, extent, axes[k]);

                result = null;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates OA grade prediction.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mod">Loaded model.</param>
        /// <param name="features">LBP features.</param>
        /// <param name="volume">Data array.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns string containing the OA grade</returns>
        public static string Predict(Model mod, ref int[,] features, ref Rendering.renderPipeLine volume)
            // Default variables
            int threshold = 50;

            int[] size = { 400, 30 };
            //int threshold = 5;
            //int[] size = { 10, 3 };

            // Load default model
            string state = LoadModel(ref mod);

            // Surface extraction
            Processing.SurfaceExtraction(ref volume, threshold, size, out int[,] surfacecoordinates, out byte[,,] surface);

            // Mean and std images
            Processing.MeanAndStd(surface, out double[,] meanImage, out double[,] stdImage);

            // LBP features

            LBPLibrary.Functions.Save(@"C:\Users\sarytky\Desktop\trials\mean.png", meanImage, true);
            LBPLibrary.Functions.Save(@"C:\Users\sarytky\Desktop\trials\std.png", stdImage, true);
            features = LBP(meanImage.Add(stdImage));

            // PCA
            double[,] dataAdjust = Processing.SubtractMean(features.ToDouble());
            double[,] PCA        = dataAdjust.Dot(mod.eigenVectors.ToDouble());

            // Regression
            double[] grade = PCA.Dot(mod.weights).Add(1.5);

            //double sum = CompareGrades(grade);

            return("OA grade: " + grade[0].ToString("####.##", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            //return "Sum of differences between pretrained model and actual grade: " + sum.ToString("###.###", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
Exemple #4
        public static void segmentation_pipeline(out List <vtkImageData> outputs, Rendering.renderPipeLine volume, int[] batch_d, int[] extent, int[] axes, int bs = 2)
            outputs = new List <vtkImageData>();
            //Get input dimensions
            int[] dims = volume.getDims();

            //Initialize unet
            string wpath = "Z:\\Tuomas\\UNetE3BN.h5";

            UNet model = new UNet();

            model.Initialize(24, batch_d, wpath, false);

            //Segment BCI from axis
            foreach (int axis in axes)
                IList <IList <float> > result = segment_sample(volume, model, extent, axis, bs, (float)113.05652141, (float)39.87462853);
                //Convert back to vtkimage data
                vtkImageData tmp = IO.inference_to_vtk(result, new int[] { dims[1] + 1, dims[3] + 1, dims[5] + 1 }, extent, axis);
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates size[0] x size[0] x size[1] cubic volume of surface from the center of the sample.
        /// Currently performs the calculation from upper third of the sample to save memory.
        /// Creates a copy from the full data array, then crops the copy to 1/3 size.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="volume">Input sample data that contains vtkImageData.</param>
        /// <param name="threshold">Grayscale threshold for sample surface and centering.</param>
        /// <param name="size">Size of the calculated surface volume.</param>
        /// <param name="surfacecoordinates">Array of z-coordinates of sample surface. These can be used with size parameter to visualize the surface volume.</param>
        /// <param name="surfacevoi">Calculated surface volume.</param>
        public static void SurfaceExtraction(ref Rendering.renderPipeLine volume, int threshold, int[] size,
                                             out int[,] surfacecoordinates, out byte[,,] surfacevoi)
            // Convert vtkImageData to byte[,,]
            int[] dims = volume.getDims();
            dims = new int[] { dims[1] + 1, dims[3] + 1, dims[5] + 1 };
            byte[,,] byteVolume =
                    DataTypes.vtkToByte(volume.idata), dims);

            // Crop to upper third of the sample
            int[] crop = { 0, byteVolume.GetLength(0) - 1, 0, byteVolume.GetLength(1) - 1, 0, (int)Math.Floor((double)byteVolume.GetLength(2) / 3) };
            byteVolume = Functions.Crop3D(byteVolume, crop);

            // Get sample center coordinates
            int[] center = GetCenter(byteVolume, threshold);

            // Get surface
            GetSurface(byteVolume, center, size, threshold, out surfacecoordinates, out surfacevoi);

            // Free memory
            byteVolume = null;
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates size[0] x size[0] x size[1] cubic volume of surface from the center of the sample.
        /// Currently performs the calculation from upper third of the sample to save memory.
        /// Creates a copy from the full data array, then crops the copy to 1/3 size.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="volume">Input sample data that contains vtkImageData.</param>
        /// <param name="threshold">Grayscale threshold for sample surface and centering.</param>
        /// <param name="size">Size of the calculated surface volume.</param>
        /// <param name="mode">Cartilage area selected fro VOI extraction. Possible ones: "surface", "deep", "calcified".</param>
        /// <param name="surfacecoordinates">Array of z-coordinates of sample surface. These can be used with size parameter to visualize the surface volume.</param>
        /// <param name="surfacevoi">Calculated surface volume.</param>
        public static void VOIExtraction(ref Rendering.renderPipeLine volume, int threshold, int[] size, string mode,
                                         out int[,] surfacecoordinates, out byte[,,] surfacevoi)
            // Get cropping dimensions
            int[] crop = volume.idata.GetExtent();
            crop[4] = (int)Math.Round(crop[5] / 2.0);

            // Crop and flip the volume
            var cropped = volume.getVOI(crop);
            var flipper = vtkImageFlip.New();


            // Render cropped volume

            // Convert vtkImageData to byte[,,]
            int[] dims = new int[] { (crop[1] - crop[0]) + 1, (crop[3] - crop[2]) + 1, (crop[5] - crop[4]) + 1 };

            byte[,,] byteVolume =
                    DataTypes.vtkToByte(flipper.GetOutput()), dims);

            // Get sample center coordinates
            //int[] center = GetCenter(byteVolume, threshold);
            int[] center = new int[] { dims[0] / 2, dims[1] / 2 };

            // Get surface
            GetSurface(byteVolume, center, size, threshold, out surfacecoordinates, out surfacevoi);

            // Free memory
            byteVolume = null;
            cropped    = null;
            flipper    = null;
Exemple #7

        //Load CT data
        private void fileButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            label4.Text        = "Loading: ";
            mainProgress.Value = 10;
            //Select a file and render volume
            if (fileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                if (is_rendering == 1)
                    //Remove renderer
                    volume = null;

                //Initialize new volume
                volume = new Rendering.renderPipeLine();

                //Update renderwindow
                renderWindowControl_Load(this, null);

                fname = "";

                //Get path and files
                string impath  = fileDialog.FileName;
                string folpath = Path.GetDirectoryName(@impath);

                // Get sample name
                var file = Path.GetFileName(impath).Split('_');
                for (int k = 0; k < file.Length - 1; k++)
                    fname += file[k];
                    if (k < file.Length - 2)
                        fname += "_";
                mainProgress.Value = 50;

                //Load data
                mainProgress.Value = 70;

                //Get dimensions and set slices. Middle slice is set to current slice
                dims      = volume.getDims();
                sliceN[0] = (dims[1] + dims[0]) / 2;
                sliceN[1] = (dims[3] + dims[2]) / 2;
                sliceN[2] = (dims[5] + dims[4]) / 2;

                Console.WriteLine("Loaded fine");
                //Connect slice to renderer

                Console.WriteLine("Connected window fine");
                bool large = volume.renderVolume();
                if (large)
                    Console.WriteLine("Too large sample. Memory limit is 2GB.");

                //Flags for GUI components
                is_rendering = 1;
                is_mask      = 0;
                is_coronal   = 0;
                is_sagittal  = 0;
                //Saving flags
                save_mask = 0;
                save_vois = 0;

                ori = -1;
                //Update pipeline parameters
                volume.updateCurrent(sliceN, ori, gray);

                //Update GUI
                maskButton.Text     = "Load Mask";
                maskLabel.Text      = "No Mask Loaded";
                coronalButton.Text  = "Coronal, XZ";
                sagittalButton.Text = "Sagittal, YZ";

                // Enable buttons
                sagittalButton.Enabled   = true;
                coronalButton.Enabled    = true;
                transverseButton.Enabled = true;
                volumeButton.Enabled     = true;
                resetButton.Enabled      = true;
                gminBar.Enabled          = true;
                gmaxBar.Enabled          = true;
                maskButton.Enabled       = true;
                panel2.Enabled           = true;
                sliceBar.Enabled         = true;
                if (!large)
                    renderWindowControl.Enabled = true;
                cropButton.Enabled    = true;
                rotate_button.Enabled = true;
                getVoiButton.Enabled  = false;
                segmentButton.Enabled = false;
                predict.Enabled       = false;
                saveButton.Enabled    = false;


                //Update GUI text to tell path to data folder
                fileLabel.Text     = fname;
                tip                = "Sample loaded and tools enabled";
                gradeLabel.Text    = tip;
                mainProgress.Value = 100;
                label4.Text        = "Done";
Exemple #8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Path to data
            string path      = "Z:\\3DHistoData\\rekisteroidyt\\32_L6MT_2_PTA_48h_Rec\\32_L6MT_2_PTA_48h_Rec\\Registration\\32_L6MT_2_PTA_48h__rec_Tar00000038.png";
            string modelpath = "Z:\\Tuomas\\UNetE3bn.h5";

            Mat im = new Mat(path, ImreadModes.GrayScale);
            Mat BW = im.Threshold(80.0, 255.0, ThresholdTypes.Binary);
            Mat E  = BW.Sobel(MatType.CV_8UC1, 1, 1);

            Mat[]            conts;
            HierarchyIndex[] H;

            E.FindContours(out conts, H, RetrievalModes.List, ContourApproximationModes.ApproxTC89KCOS);

            Rect bbox = Cv2.BoundingRect(conts);

            int xmin = bbox.Left;
            int xmax = bbox.Right;

            int ymin = bbox.Bottom;
            int ymax = bbox.Top;

            Console.WriteLine("{0},{1}", xmin, ymin);
            Console.WriteLine("{0},{1}", xmin, ymax);
            Console.WriteLine("{0},{1}", xmax, ymin);
            Console.WriteLine("{0},{1}", xmax, ymax);
            //New volume
            Rendering.renderPipeLine volume = new Rendering.renderPipeLine();

            int[] voi = new int[] { 101, 909, 101, 909, 0, 800 };
            volume.connectData(path, voi);

            int[] size = volume.getDims();

            //Connect new rendering window
            vtkRenderWindow renWin = vtkRenderWindow.New();

            volume.updateCurrent(new int[] { 500, 500, 150 }, 1, new int[] { 0, 200 });


            //Segment BCInterface

            //Segmentation reange
            int[] extent = new int[] { 0, 767, 0, 767, 0, 767 };

            List <vtkImageData> outputs = new List <vtkImageData>();

            IO.segmentation_pipeline(out outputs, volume, new int[] { 768, 768, 1 }, extent, new int[] { 0 }, 16);
            //Suppress false positives
            Console.WriteLine("Suppressing false positives");
            vtkImageData newmask1 = Processing.SWFPSuppression(outputs.ElementAt(0), extent);


            vtkImageData I1 = volume.getVOI(new int[] { 0, 767, 500, 500, 0, 799 });
            vtkImageData I2 = volume.getMaskVOI(new int[] { 0, 767, 500, 500, 0, 799 });

            byte[] B1 = DataTypes.vtkToByte(I1);
            byte[] B2 = DataTypes.vtkToByte(I2);

            Mat image      = new Mat(800, 768, MatType.CV_8UC1, B1);
            Mat image_mask = new Mat(800, 768, MatType.CV_8UC1, B2);

            using (var window = new Window("window", image: image, flags: WindowMode.AutoSize))

            using (var window = new Window("window", image: image_mask, flags: WindowMode.AutoSize))
