private Entity createBulletTemplate(Game game) { Entity bullet = new Entity(); //Component: Damage entities. DamageOnContactComponent damage = new DamageOnContactComponent(); damage.Damage = 1; bullet.AddComponent(damage); //Component: Has health. Used to simulate destruction on contact with an entity HealthComponent health = new HealthComponent(); health.Health = 1; bullet.AddComponent(health); //Component: Has a texture TextureComponent tex = new TextureComponent(); tex.Texture = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("spaceArt/png/laserGreen"); tex.SourceRect = tex.Texture.Bounds; bullet.AddComponent(tex); //Component: Moves linearly LinearMovementComponent movement = new LinearMovementComponent(); bullet.AddComponent(movement); //Component: Moves at constant speed MoveSpeedComponent speed = new MoveSpeedComponent(); speed.MoveSpeed = 18; bullet.AddComponent(speed); //Component: Has a bounding box AABBComponent aabb = new AABBComponent(); aabb.Height = tex.SourceRect.Height; aabb.Width = tex.SourceRect.Width; bullet.AddComponent(aabb); //Component: Is rendered at a specific layer - just above the enemies RenderLayerComponent layer = new RenderLayerComponent(); layer.LayerID = 12; bullet.AddComponent(layer); //Component: Is destroyed when it ventures off the (right side of the) screen DestroyedWhenOffScreenComponent destroyer = new DestroyedWhenOffScreenComponent(); bullet.AddComponent(destroyer); //Component: Is destroyed when it runs out of health DestroyedWhenNoHealthComponent destroyer2 = new DestroyedWhenNoHealthComponent(); bullet.AddComponent(destroyer2); //Component: Plays a laser sound SoundEffectComponent soundEffect = new SoundEffectComponent(); soundEffect.effect = game.Content.Load<SoundEffect>("sound/39459__the-bizniss__laser"); bullet.AddComponent(soundEffect); return bullet; }
private void generateStar(IEntityManager entityStore, Game game, Texture2D bigStarTex, Texture2D littleStarTex, Frustum generationVolume, double speedAtUnitDepth, double screenDepth, double screenWidth, double screenHeight) { //sample a 3d location for the star Vector3 starLoc = generationVolume.samplePoint(rand); //determine the speed as a function of the depth double speed = speedAtUnitDepth / starLoc.Z * screenDepth * screenDepth; //determine the depth/speed of the star Entity star = new Entity(); //Component: Has a position, determined by starLoc PositionComponent pos = new PositionComponent(); Vector3 starLoc2 = generationVolume.TransformFromEuclideanSpaceToPseudoSphericalSpace(starLoc); pos.Position = new Vector2(starLoc2.X * game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, starLoc2.Y * game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height); star.AddComponent(pos); //Component: Moves at a constant speed LinearMovementComponent movementStrat = new LinearMovementComponent(); star.AddComponent(movementStrat); //Component: Has a move speed MoveSpeedComponent speedComponent = new MoveSpeedComponent(); speedComponent.MoveSpeed = (float)speed; star.AddComponent(speedComponent); //Component: Wraps around the screen ScreenWrappingComponent wrapper = new ScreenWrappingComponent(); star.AddComponent(wrapper); //Component: Has a texture. This should be little star for far away/slow stars, big otherwise TextureComponent tex = new TextureComponent(); tex.Texture = (speed > -2.5) ? littleStarTex : bigStarTex; tex.SourceRect = tex.Texture.Bounds; star.AddComponent(tex); //Component: Has a bounding box AABBComponent aabb = new AABBComponent(); aabb.Width = tex.Texture.Width; aabb.Height = tex.Texture.Height; star.AddComponent(aabb); //Component: Is rendered at a specific layer (just above the background) RenderLayerComponent layer = new RenderLayerComponent(); layer.LayerID = 1; star.AddComponent(layer); entityStore.Add(star); }
private Entity createExplosionEntity(Game game, AABBComponent parentAABB) { Entity expl = new Entity(); //Component: Has a texture TextureComponent tex = new TextureComponent(); tex.Texture = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("explosion"); tex.SourceRect = tex.Texture.Bounds; expl.AddComponent(tex); //Component: Has an animation AnimationComponent anim = new AnimationComponent(); anim.CurrentFrameIndex = 0; anim.FrameDuration = 45; anim.Looping = false; anim.NumFrames = 12; anim.TimeSinceFrameChange = 0; expl.AddComponent(anim); //Component: Is rendered at a specific layer (just behind the player) RenderLayerComponent layer = new RenderLayerComponent(); layer.LayerID = 9; expl.AddComponent(layer); //Component: Has a bounding box AABBComponent aabb = new AABBComponent(); aabb.Height = 134; aabb.Width = 134; expl.AddComponent(aabb); //Component: Destroys itself once its animation completes DestroyedWhenAnimationCompleteComponent destructor = new DestroyedWhenAnimationCompleteComponent(); expl.AddComponent(destructor); //Component: Is offset such that it is concentric with its parent PositionDeltaComponent delta = new PositionDeltaComponent(); float deltaX = parentAABB.Width / 2.0f - aabb.Width / 2.0f; float deltaY = parentAABB.Height / 2.0f - aabb.Height / 2.0f; delta.Delta = new Vector2(deltaX, deltaY); expl.AddComponent(delta); //Component: Plays an explosion sound SoundEffectComponent soundEffect = new SoundEffectComponent(); soundEffect.effect = game.Content.Load<SoundEffect>("freesoundsorg/87529__robinhood76__01448-distant-big-explosion-2"); expl.AddComponent(soundEffect); return expl; }
//Create the player entity and its associated entities private void initializePlayer(IEntityManager entityStore, Game game) { Entity player = new Entity(); //give the player health HealthComponent hp = new HealthComponent(); hp.Health = 100; player.AddComponent(hp); //Give the player a position PositionComponent pos = new PositionComponent(); Vector2 playerPosition = new Vector2(game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.X, game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Y + game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Height / 2); pos.Position = playerPosition; player.AddComponent(pos); //And a texture TextureComponent tex = new TextureComponent(); tex.Texture = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("spaceArt/png/player"); tex.SourceRect = tex.Texture.Bounds; player.AddComponent(tex); //And the ability to react to inputs PlayerMovementComponent inputManager = new PlayerMovementComponent(); player.AddComponent(inputManager); //And a constant movement speed MoveSpeedComponent speed = new MoveSpeedComponent(); speed.MoveSpeed = 8.0f; player.AddComponent(speed); //And a bounding box for clamping (and collisions in the future!) AABBComponent aabb = new AABBComponent(); aabb.Width = tex.Texture.Width; aabb.Height = tex.Texture.Height; player.AddComponent(aabb); //And render layer information. We'll have the player render at level 10 for now. RenderLayerComponent layer = new RenderLayerComponent(); layer.LayerID = 10; player.AddComponent(layer); //And a component to indicate the the player needs to be clamped to the screen ScreenClampedComponent clamper = new ScreenClampedComponent(); player.AddComponent(clamper); //And a component that indicates that the player can be destroyed if it runs out of health DestroyedWhenNoHealthComponent destruct = new DestroyedWhenNoHealthComponent(); player.AddComponent(destruct); //And the ability to damage entities on contact with them DamageOnContactComponent damager = new DamageOnContactComponent(); damager.Damage = 10; player.AddComponent(damager); entityStore.Add(player); //also create the player's gun initializePlayerGuns(entityStore, game, player); }
private Entity createMineTemplateEntity(Game game) { Entity mineTemplate = new Entity(); //Component: Damage the player. DamageOnContactComponent damage = new DamageOnContactComponent(); damage.Damage = 10; mineTemplate.AddComponent(damage); //Component: Has health HealthComponent health = new HealthComponent(); health.Health = 10; mineTemplate.AddComponent(health); //Component: Has a texture TextureComponent tex = new TextureComponent(); tex.Texture = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("spaceArt/png/meteorBig"); tex.SourceRect = tex.Texture.Bounds; mineTemplate.AddComponent(tex); //Component: Has a position. PositionComponent pos = new PositionComponent(); pos.Position.X = game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width - 1; pos.Position.Y = game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2 - tex.SourceRect.Height / 2; pos.Rotation = Math.PI / 4; mineTemplate.AddComponent(pos); //Component: Given a random starting vertical position RandomPositionOffsetComponent randomOffset = new RandomPositionOffsetComponent(); randomOffset.Minimum = new Vector2(0.0f, -0.4f * game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height); randomOffset.Maximum = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.4f * game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height); mineTemplate.AddComponent(randomOffset); //Component: Moves linearly, continuously rotates LinearMovementComponent movement = new LinearMovementComponent(); movement.RotationRate = 0.01f; mineTemplate.AddComponent(movement); //Component: Moves at constant speed MoveSpeedComponent speed = new MoveSpeedComponent(); speed.MoveSpeed = -10; mineTemplate.AddComponent(speed); //Component: Has a bounding box AABBComponent aabb = new AABBComponent(); aabb.Height = tex.SourceRect.Height; aabb.Width = tex.SourceRect.Width; mineTemplate.AddComponent(aabb); //Component: Is rendered at a specific layer - just above the player RenderLayerComponent layer = new RenderLayerComponent(); layer.LayerID = 11; mineTemplate.AddComponent(layer); //Component: Is destroyed when it ventures off the (left side of the) screen DestroyedWhenOffScreenComponent destroyer = new DestroyedWhenOffScreenComponent(); mineTemplate.AddComponent(destroyer); //Component: Has a score value // TODO this is more complex than the other ones, involves the changing of global state! //Component: Is destroyed when it runs out of health DestroyedWhenNoHealthComponent destroyer2 = new DestroyedWhenNoHealthComponent(); mineTemplate.AddComponent(destroyer2); //Component: Leaves behind an explosion entity when it is destroyed AddComponentOnDestructionComponent explosionSpawnTriggerer = new AddComponentOnDestructionComponent(); SpawnEntityComponent explosionSpawner = new SpawnEntityComponent(); explosionSpawner.Factory = new ComposedEntityFactory(new List<IEntityFactory>() { new CloneEntityFactory(createExplosionEntity(game, aabb)), new InheritParentComponentEntityFactory(typeof(PositionComponent)) }); explosionSpawnTriggerer.ToAdd = explosionSpawner; mineTemplate.AddComponent(explosionSpawnTriggerer); return mineTemplate; }
private void initializePurpleBackground(IEntityManager entityStore, Game game) { Entity bg = new Entity(); //Component: Has a position PositionComponent pos = new PositionComponent(); pos.Position = new Vector2(0, 0); bg.AddComponent(pos); //Component: Has an AABB AABBComponent aabb = new AABBComponent(); aabb.Width = game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width; aabb.Height = game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height; bg.AddComponent(aabb); //Component: Has a texture TextureComponent tex = new TextureComponent(); tex.Texture = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("spaceArt/png/Background/backgroundColor"); tex.SourceRect = tex.Texture.Bounds; bg.AddComponent(tex); //Component: Is rendered at a specific layer (the backmost one!) RenderLayerComponent layer = new RenderLayerComponent(); layer.LayerID = 0; bg.AddComponent(layer); entityStore.Add(bg); }