PrepassOutput RenderPrepass(RenderGraph renderGraph, RenderGraphMutableResource sssBuffer, CullingResults cullingResults, HDCamera hdCamera)
            m_IsDepthBufferCopyValid = false;

            var result = new PrepassOutput();

            result.gbuffer = m_GBufferOutput;
            result.dbuffer = m_DBufferOutput;

            bool msaa = hdCamera.frameSettings.IsEnabled(FrameSettingsField.MSAA);
            bool clearMotionVectors = == CameraType.SceneView && !CoreUtils.AreAnimatedMaterialsEnabled(;

            // TODO: See how to clean this. Some buffers are created outside, some inside functions...
            result.motionVectorsBuffer = CreateMotionVectorBuffer(renderGraph, msaa, clearMotionVectors);
            result.depthBuffer         = CreateDepthBuffer(renderGraph, msaa);

            RenderOcclusionMeshes(renderGraph, hdCamera, result.depthBuffer);
            StartSinglePass(renderGraph, hdCamera);

            bool renderMotionVectorAfterGBuffer = RenderDepthPrepass(renderGraph, cullingResults, hdCamera, ref result);

            if (!renderMotionVectorAfterGBuffer)
                // If objects motion vectors are enabled, this will render the objects with motion vector into the target buffers (in addition to the depth)
                // Note: An object with motion vector must not be render in the prepass otherwise we can have motion vector write that should have been rejected
                RenderObjectsMotionVectors(renderGraph, cullingResults, hdCamera, result);

            ResolveStencilBufferIfNeeded(renderGraph, hdCamera, ref result);

            // At this point in forward all objects have been rendered to the prepass (depth/normal/motion vectors) so we can resolve them
            ResolvePrepassBuffers(renderGraph, hdCamera, ref result);

            RenderDecals(renderGraph, hdCamera, ref result, cullingResults);

            RenderGBuffer(renderGraph, sssBuffer, ref result, cullingResults, hdCamera);

            // In both forward and deferred, everything opaque should have been rendered at this point so we can safely copy the depth buffer for later processing.
            GenerateDepthPyramid(renderGraph, hdCamera, ref result);

            if (renderMotionVectorAfterGBuffer)
                // See the call RenderObjectsMotionVectors() above and comment
                RenderObjectsMotionVectors(renderGraph, cullingResults, hdCamera, result);

            RenderCameraMotionVectors(renderGraph, hdCamera, result.depthPyramidTexture, result.resolvedMotionVectorsBuffer);

            result.stencilBuffer = msaa ? result.resolvedStencilBuffer : result.depthBuffer;

            StopSinglePass(renderGraph, hdCamera);

Exemple #2
        PrepassOutput RenderPrepass(RenderGraph renderGraph, RenderGraphMutableResource sssBuffer, CullingResults cullingResults, HDCamera hdCamera)
            m_IsDepthBufferCopyValid = false;

            var result = new PrepassOutput();

            result.gbuffer = m_GBufferOutput;
            result.dbuffer = m_DBufferOutput;

            bool msaa = hdCamera.frameSettings.IsEnabled(FrameSettingsField.MSAA);
            bool clearMotionVectors = == CameraType.SceneView && !CoreUtils.AreAnimatedMaterialsEnabled(;

            // TODO: See how to clean this. Some buffers are created outside, some inside functions...
            result.motionVectorsBuffer = CreateMotionVectorBuffer(renderGraph, msaa, clearMotionVectors);
            result.depthBuffer         = CreateDepthBuffer(renderGraph, msaa);

            RenderXROcclusionMeshes(renderGraph, hdCamera, result.depthBuffer);

            using (new XRSinglePassScope(renderGraph, hdCamera))
                // TODO RENDERGRAPH
                //// Bind the custom color/depth before the first custom pass
                //if (hdCamera.frameSettings.IsEnabled(FrameSettingsField.CustomPass))
                //    if (m_CustomPassColorBuffer.IsValueCreated)
                //        cmd.SetGlobalTexture(HDShaderIDs._CustomColorTexture, m_CustomPassColorBuffer.Value);
                //    if (m_CustomPassDepthBuffer.IsValueCreated)
                //        cmd.SetGlobalTexture(HDShaderIDs._CustomDepthTexture, m_CustomPassDepthBuffer.Value);
                //RenderCustomPass(renderContext, cmd, hdCamera, customPassCullingResults, CustomPassInjectionPoint.BeforeRendering);

                bool renderMotionVectorAfterGBuffer = RenderDepthPrepass(renderGraph, cullingResults, hdCamera, ref result);

                if (!renderMotionVectorAfterGBuffer)
                    // If objects motion vectors are enabled, this will render the objects with motion vector into the target buffers (in addition to the depth)
                    // Note: An object with motion vector must not be render in the prepass otherwise we can have motion vector write that should have been rejected
                    RenderObjectsMotionVectors(renderGraph, cullingResults, hdCamera, result);

                // TODO RENDERGRAPH
                //PreRenderSky(hdCamera, cmd);

                // At this point in forward all objects have been rendered to the prepass (depth/normal/motion vectors) so we can resolve them
                ResolvePrepassBuffers(renderGraph, hdCamera, ref result);

                RenderDecals(renderGraph, hdCamera, ref result, cullingResults);

                RenderGBuffer(renderGraph, sssBuffer, ref result, cullingResults, hdCamera);

                // TODO RENDERGRAPH
                //// After Depth and Normals/roughness including decals
                //RenderCustomPass(renderContext, cmd, hdCamera, customPassCullingResults, CustomPassInjectionPoint.AfterOpaqueDepthAndNormal);

                // In both forward and deferred, everything opaque should have been rendered at this point so we can safely copy the depth buffer for later processing.
                GenerateDepthPyramid(renderGraph, hdCamera, ref result);

                // TODO RENDERGRAPH
                //// Send all the geometry graphics buffer to client systems if required (must be done after the pyramid and before the transparent depth pre-pass)
                //SendGeometryGraphicsBuffers(cmd, hdCamera);

                if (renderMotionVectorAfterGBuffer)
                    // See the call RenderObjectsMotionVectors() above and comment
                    RenderObjectsMotionVectors(renderGraph, cullingResults, hdCamera, result);

                RenderCameraMotionVectors(renderGraph, hdCamera, result.depthPyramidTexture, result.resolvedMotionVectorsBuffer);

                // TODO RENDERGRAPH
                //RenderTransparencyOverdraw(cullingResults, hdCamera, renderContext, cmd);

                ResolveStencilBufferIfNeeded(renderGraph, hdCamera, ref result);

 LightingOutput RenderDeferredLighting(RenderGraph renderGraph,
                                       HDCamera hdCamera,
                                       RenderGraphMutableResource colorBuffer,
                                       RenderGraphResource depthStencilBuffer,
                                       RenderGraphResource depthPyramidTexture,
                                       in LightingBuffers lightingBuffers,
 void RenderSubsurfaceScattering(RenderGraph renderGraph, HDCamera hdCamera, RenderGraphMutableResource colorBuffer,
                                 in LightingBuffers lightingBuffers, RenderGraphResource depthStencilBuffer, RenderGraphResource depthTexture)