/// <summary>
        /// Splits one word over several lines if it is to long to fit in one line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dots">The dot patterns of the word.
        ///     (List of characters) List [
        ///         (List of raised pins in one Braille cell) List [dot pattern]
        ///     ]
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="width">The width.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A list of lines for the split word.
        /// (List of lines) List [
        ///     (List of characters) List [
        ///         (List of raised pins in one Braille cell) List [dot pattern]
        ///     ]
        /// ]
        /// </returns>
        private static List <List <List <int> > > splitWordOverLines(List <List <int> > dots, int width, ref RenderElement parentElement)
            List <List <List <int> > > lines = new List <List <List <int> > >();

            if (dots != null && width > BRAILLE_CHAR_WIDTH)
                //Split the word char list in peaces width max length of 'width'
                int count = getMaxCountOfChars(width);
                if (count > 0)
                    string parVal = parentElement.GetValue() != null?parentElement.GetValue().ToString() : String.Empty;

                    int i = 0;

                    while (i < dots.Count)
                        int l = (i + count) < dots.Count ? count : (dots.Count - i);
                        List <List <int> > subList = dots.GetRange(i, l);

                        // create sub value
                        string val = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(parVal) && parVal.Length > i?
                                                      (parVal.Length > (i + l) ? l : parVal.Length - i)
                                                      ) : String.Empty;

                        // create sub element for each part
                        RenderElement se = new RenderElement(
                            parentElement.Y + (lines.Count * (BRAILLE_CHAR_HEIGHT + INTER_LINE_HEIGHT)),
                            (BRAILLE_CHAR_HEIGHT + INTER_LINE_HEIGHT),
                        se.Type = BrailleRendererPartType.WORD_PART;

                        i += count;
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders a paragraph.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">The text to render.</param>
        /// //TODO: make the rendering Positions available
        private List <List <List <int> > > renderParagraph(string text, int width, ref int maxUsedWidth, int yOffset = 0)
            List <List <List <int> > > lines = new List <List <List <int> > >();

            if (width > 0)
                string[] words = GetWordsOfString(text);

                List <List <int> > currentLine = new List <List <int> >();
                int availableWidth             = width;

                int peX, peY, peW, peH = 0;
                peX = peY = peW = peH;
                peY = yOffset + lines.Count * (BRAILLE_CHAR_HEIGHT + INTER_LINE_HEIGHT);
                peX = width - availableWidth;
                RenderElement pe = new RenderElement(peX, peY, peW, peH, text);
                pe.Type = BrailleRendererPartType.PARAGRAPH;

                foreach (var word in words)
                    #region Rendering Element

                    int eX, eY, eW, eH = 0;
                    eX = eY = eW = eH;
                    eY = yOffset + lines.Count * (BRAILLE_CHAR_HEIGHT + INTER_LINE_HEIGHT);
                    eX = width - availableWidth;
                    RenderElement e = new RenderElement(eX, eY, eW, eH, word);
                    e.Type = BrailleRendererPartType.WORD;


                    // get the dot patterns for that word
                    List <List <int> > dots = getBrailleFromString(word);

                    // check if the line has still some entries
                    // if so, add a space char or open a new line
                    if (currentLine.Count > 0)
                        // check if the line is full
                        if (getMaxWidthOfString(currentLine) >= width)
                            makeNewLine(ref lines, ref currentLine, ref availableWidth, width, ref maxUsedWidth);
                            // add a space
                            currentLine.Add(new List <int>());
                            availableWidth -= INTER_CHAR_WIDTH + BRAILLE_CHAR_WIDTH;

                    //check if it fits into the available space
                    if (!fitsWordInRestOfLine(dots, availableWidth)) //no
                        makeNewLine(ref lines, ref currentLine, ref availableWidth, width, ref maxUsedWidth);

                    e.X = width - availableWidth;
                    e.Y = yOffset + lines.Count * (BRAILLE_CHAR_HEIGHT + INTER_LINE_HEIGHT);

                    int minWidth = getMinWidthOfString(dots);
                    if (minWidth > width)
                        //this will start a new line, so add a new line to the y position
                        e.Y += BRAILLE_CHAR_HEIGHT + INTER_LINE_HEIGHT;

                        //split the word into several lines
                        List <List <List <int> > > wordLines = splitWordOverLines(dots, width, ref e);

                        if (wordLines != null && wordLines.Count > 0)
                            //remove empty line if generated twice
                            if (lines.Count > 0 && lines[lines.Count - 1].Count == 0)
                                lines.Remove(lines[Math.Max(0, lines.Count - 1)]);

                            // add them to the lines
                            //set the current line
                            currentLine = lines[lines.Count - 1];

                            //remove from list so it will not added twice

                            //update the available size
                            availableWidth = width - getMinWidthOfString(currentLine);
                        //fill the word into the line

                        e.Width  = minWidth + INTER_CHAR_WIDTH;
                        e.Height = BRAILLE_CHAR_HEIGHT + INTER_LINE_HEIGHT;

                        //update the available width
                        availableWidth -= getMinWidthOfString(dots) + INTER_CHAR_WIDTH;

                    #region Rendering Element



                // update the maxUsed Width
                maxUsedWidth = Math.Max(maxUsedWidth, (width - availableWidth));
