Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether an Agent is available or not based on a Presence State change
        /// notification.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="notification">presence state change notification associated with an agent</param>
        private bool IsAgentAvailable(RemotePresentityNotification notification)
            bool isAgentAvailable = false;
            long availability     = notification.AggregatedPresenceState.AvailabilityValue;

            _logger.Log("Presence Changed: " + notification.PresentityUri + ": " + availability.ToString());

            //return true only if the availability is
            return(isAgentAvailable = (availability > (long)PresenceAvailability.Online && availability < (long)PresenceAvailability.Busy));
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method to convery notification to presence.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="notification">Notification</param>
        /// <returns>Presence subscription</returns>
        private PresenceInformation ConvertNotificationToPresence(RemotePresentityNotification notification)
            //after the first notification for a contact, you only get the categories that changed next time
            //so after the first notification if presence changes, you only get presence; if name changes you only get contact card
            long   availability   = PresenceInformation.NoChangeInAvailability;
            string status         = PresenceInformation.NoChange;
            string contactName    = PresenceInformation.NoChange;
            string activityStatus = PresenceInformation.NoChange;

            var presence = notification.AggregatedPresenceState;

            if (presence != null)
                //Get availability.
                availability = presence.AvailabilityValue;
                status       = AvailabilityToStatusConverter.Convert(availability);
                //Get activity status.
                PresenceActivity activity = presence.Activity;
                if (activity != null && activity.CustomTokens != null && activity.CustomTokens.Count > 0)
                    //For now just take the first token.
                    activityStatus = activity.CustomTokens[0].Value ?? PresenceInformation.NoChange;

            var contactCard = notification.ContactCard;

            if (contactCard != null)
                contactName = contactCard.DisplayName;

            return(new PresenceInformation
                Availability = availability,
                ContactName = contactName,
                SipUri = notification.PresentityUri,
                Status = status,
                ActivityStatus = activityStatus