private void MapQueryForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { RemoteInterface vRemoteInterface = new RemoteInterface(); m_Layers = vRemoteInterface.GetLayers(); InitFeatureLayers(); }
public void AddAviData(RemoteInterface.MFCC.AVIPlateData data) { foreach(AVI.AVISection sec in sections) { try { sec.AddAviData(data); } catch (Exception ex) { ConsoleServer.WriteLine(ex.Message + "," + ex.StackTrace); } //if (sec.startTC.devicename == data.DevName) // sec.startTC.AddPlate(data); //else if (sec.endTC.devicename == data.DevName) //{ // sec.endTC.AddPlate(data); // if (sec.startTC.Match(data.plate)) // { // TimeSpan ts = data.dt-sec.startTC.GetPlateData(data.plate).dt; // int speed =(int)( System.Math.Abs(sec.endTC.mile_m - sec.startTC.mile_m) / ts.TotalSeconds*3600/1000); // RemoteInterface.ConsoleServer.WriteLine("******"+data.plate + " match!speed="+speed+"km*************"); // } //} } }
public void Initialization(object obj) { System.Windows.Forms.Panel pp = (System.Windows.Forms.Panel)obj; remote = new RemoteInterface(true, true); iPhysicsDoc = new ExternalAppDock(); pp.Controls.Add(iPhysicsDoc); iPhysicsDoc.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; if (!remote.IsStarted) { remote.StartIPhysics(6001); } int timeout = 30000; int sleepTime = 500; while (!remote.IsConnected && timeout > 0) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(sleepTime); timeout -= sleepTime; if (!remote.IsConnected) { remote.Connect("localhost", 6001); } } iPhysicsDoc.DockExternalApp(remote.ExeProcess, iPhysicsDoc.Parent); //if (!(timeout > 0)) // throw new Exception("Error, cannot connect to industrialPhysics"); //Default File Load //RegistryKey key = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.CurrentUser, RegistryView.Default); //String Path = key.GetValue( // "Software\\machineering\\industrialPhysics\\InstallDir(x64)" // , "c:\\Program Files\\machineering\\industrialPhysics(x64)").ToString(); }
/// <summary> /// �]�wCMS��� /// </summary> /// <param name="devNames"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected override System.Collections.Hashtable setDisplay(RemoteInterface.HC.FetchDeviceData[] devNames, int maxSegId, MegType megType) { System.Collections.Hashtable displayht = new System.Collections.Hashtable(); List<object> outputs = new List<object>(); if (devNames == null || devNames.Length == 0) return displayht; foreach (RemoteInterface.HC.FetchDeviceData devName in devNames) { int distance = getDeviceDistance(devName.SegId, maxSegId); DevStartMile = devName.Mileage; DevLineID = devName.LineId; CMSDevName = devName.DevName; outputs = (List<object>), Command.GetSelectCmd.getCMSCategory(Convert.ToInt32(DevRange["RULEID"]), (int)secType, devType.ToString(), distance, devName.DevName, megType.ToString(), ht["INC_LINEID"].ToString().Trim(),devName.Location,devName.LineId)); foreach (object obj in outputs) { List<object> output=new List<object>(); output.AddRange(new object[] { getPriority(), obj }); if (!displayht.Contains(devName.DevName)) displayht.Add(devName.DevName, output); else if (devName.Location == "L") { displayht[devName.DevName] = output; } } } return displayht; }
private void button_Query_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string vTownship = comboBox_Township.Text != "请选择" ? ((ComboBoxListItem)comboBox_Township.SelectedItem).Value : ""; string vVillageCommittee = comboBox_VillageCommittee.Items.Count > 0 && comboBox_VillageCommittee.Text != "请选择"? ((ComboBoxListItem)comboBox_VillageCommittee.SelectedItem).Value:""; string vVillage = comboBox_Village.Items.Count > 0 && comboBox_Village.Text != "请选择" ? ((ComboBoxListItem)comboBox_Village.SelectedItem).Value : ""; string vAuthor = textBox_Author.Text; string vFileName = textBox_File.Text; if (vTownship != "" || vVillageCommittee != "" || vVillage != "" || vAuthor != "" || vFileName != "") { RemoteInterface vRemoteInterface = new RemoteInterface(Program.LoginUserInfo.ID.Value, Program.LoginUserInfo.UserName, Program.LoginUserInfo.Token); DataTable vQueryReuslt = vRemoteInterface.QueryFile(vTownship, vVillageCommittee, vVillage, vAuthor, vFileName); if (vQueryReuslt != null && vQueryReuslt.Rows.Count > 0) { dataGridView_FileList.DataSource = vQueryReuslt; } else { dataGridView_FileList.DataSource = null; MessageBox.Show("没有符合条件的数据", "信息", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } else { MessageBox.Show("请至少选择一个查询条件", "错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
protected override System.Collections.Hashtable setWEADisplay(RemoteInterface.HC.FetchDeviceData[] devNames, int maxSegId) { System.Collections.Hashtable outputs = new System.Collections.Hashtable(); byte display = 1; switch (secType) { case 45: //�@�� display = 1; break; case 46: //�j�� display = 2; break; case 47: //���B display = 3; break; default: //��L display = 0; break; } if (devNames == null) return null; foreach (RemoteInterface.HC.FetchDeviceData devName in devNames) { RemoteInterface.HC.FSOutputData output = new RemoteInterface.HC.FSOutputData(display); outputs.Add(devName.DevName, output); } return outputs; }
public HookManager(string libraryName, RemoteInterface remote, params string[] processNames) { Library = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location), libraryName); ProcessNames = processNames; Remote = remote; }
protected override System.Collections.Hashtable setWEADisplay(RemoteInterface.HC.FetchDeviceData[] devNames, int maxSegId) { //serMeg.setAlarmMeg("WIS�T����ƪ���������g��!!"); System.Collections.Hashtable outputs = new System.Collections.Hashtable(); string meg = ""; switch (secType) { case 45: //�@�� meg = "�@���C��"; break; case 46: //�j�� meg = "�j���C��"; break; case 47: //���B meg = "���B�C��"; break; default: //��L meg = "�t�C����"; break; } byte[] colors = new byte[4] { 32, 32, 32, 32 }; if (devNames == null) return null; foreach (RemoteInterface.HC.FetchDeviceData devName in devNames) { RemoteInterface.HC.CMSOutputData output = new RemoteInterface.HC.CMSOutputData(0, 0, 0, meg, colors); outputs.Add(devName.DevName, output); } return outputs; }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); //bankClient = new RestClient(bankUrl); //minerClient = new RestClient(minerUrl); //existUsers = new Dictionary<int, uint>(); sendJobs = new List <string[]>(); clientJobResults = new List <string[]>(); currJobsLogged = new List <string[]>(); url = "https://localhost:44370/"; webPool = new RestClient(url); //create current client connection, AKA this block is the server thread currClient = new ClientDataStruct(); currClient.ip = "localhost"; currClient.port = (new Random().Next(6000, 9999)).ToString("D4");//random generation of port number ourServ = new PeerProgram(); currClient.port = ourServ.CreateServer(currClient.ip, currClient.port); ourRemoteThread = ConnectToRemote(currClient.ip, currClient.port); JoinPool(); ourBlockchain = ourRemoteThread.GetCurrentChain(); ourAddrText.Text = "Your Client Address is " + currClient.ip + ":" + currClient.port; MinerThread(); }
public RemoteManager() { InitializeComponent(); manager = new ManagerHandler(this, managerColour); USBDeviceNotifier = DeviceNotifier.OpenDeviceNotifier(); USBDeviceNotifier.Enabled = false; USBDeviceNotifier.OnDeviceNotify += OnDeviceNotifyEvent; }
public void Run(RemoteInterface remoteInterface) { Remote = remoteInterface; Thread uiThread = new Thread(StartFrame); uiThread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); uiThread.Start(); }
/* * Algo for synchronising chain with peers most popular chain * References: */ private void SynchroniseChain() { Dictionary <string, int> hashCount = new Dictionary <string, int>(); RemoteInterface ri = null; foreach (ClientDataStruct c in clientList) { //Console.WriteLine(c.ip + " " + c.port); ri = ConnectToRemote(DecodeFrom64(c.ip), DecodeFrom64(c.port)); string daHash = ri.GetLatestBlock().Hash; if (hashCount.TryGetValue(daHash, out int count)) { hashCount[daHash] = count + 1; } else //if hash not found yet add it to hashCount { if (!daHash.Equals(ourBlockchain.First().Hash)) { hashCount.Add(daHash, 1); } } } //if our latest block hash is not the same as most popular then download the most popular chain if (hashCount.Count > 0) { string maxHash = hashCount.OrderBy(x => x.Value).Last().Key;//find hash with highest population count APIClass.Block currBlock = ourRemoteThread.GetLatestBlock(); List <APIClass.Block> popularChain = null; bool found = false; //if latest block doesn't have the most popular hash and current block prev hash does not match popular hash then download popular chain if (!currBlock.Hash.Equals(maxHash) && !currBlock.PrevHash.Equals(maxHash)) { foreach (ClientDataStruct c in clientList) { ri = ConnectToRemote(DecodeFrom64(c.ip), DecodeFrom64(c.port)); popularChain = ri.GetCurrentChain(); if (ri.GetLatestBlock().Hash.Equals(maxHash)) { found = true; break; } } if (found) { ourRemoteThread.SetChain(popularChain); ourBlockchain = ourRemoteThread.GetCurrentChain(); } } } }
public void Run(RemoteInterface remoteInterface) { // Draw 2D text overlay on screen. // The X and Y values are coordinates on the screen space, mapped to a 1000x1000 area. TextOverlay hello = new TextOverlay("Hello World", 10, 5, 5).Show(); TextOverlay colors = new TextOverlay("This text is red and transparent".Red(), 10, 5, 30, 180).Show(); // Use RemoteInterface.Log() to display text in the mod loader console. remoteInterface.Log("Hello World"); }
public static void InitGlobalHooks(RemoteInterface remoteInterface) { GlobalHookManager = new HookManager(); GlobalActions.Interface = remoteInterface; GlobalHookManager.CreateHook(EngineFunctions.VEngine, GlobalActions.HVEngine); GlobalHookManager.CreateHook(TextFunctions.DrawsTexts, GlobalActions.HDrawsTexts); GlobalHookManager.CreateHook(InputFunctions.VirtualKeyToAscii, GlobalInput.HVirtualKeyToAscii); }
public double GetVolume() { object o = RemoteInterface.GetProperty(3, "x-canonical-ido-volume-level"); if (o != null) { Volume = Convert.ToDouble(o); return(Volume); } return(0); }
/// <summary> /// if sound is not muted sound will be muted /// if the sound is muted it will be unmuted /// </summary> public void Mute() { EventGroupData data = new EventGroupData { data1 = 2, data2 = "clicked", data3 = 0, data4 = 18227741 }; RemoteInterface.EventGroup(new EventGroupData[] { data }); }
protected override System.Collections.Hashtable setDisplay(RemoteInterface.HC.FetchDeviceData[] devNames, int maxSegId, MegType megType) { System.Collections.Hashtable displayht = new System.Collections.Hashtable(); foreach (RemoteInterface.HC.FetchDeviceData dev in devNames) { if (!displayht.ContainsKey(dev.DevName)) { displayht.Add(dev.DevName, null); } } return displayht; }
private RemoteInterface ConnectToRemote(string ip, string port)//connect to remote server { ChannelFactory <RemoteInterface> foobFactory; NetTcpBinding tcp = new NetTcpBinding(); string URL = "net.tcp://" + ip + ":" + port + "/DataService"; foobFactory = new ChannelFactory <RemoteInterface>(tcp, URL); RemoteInterface foob = foobFactory.CreateChannel(); return(foob); }
private void button_Upload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { RemoteInterface vRemoteInterface = new RemoteInterface(Program.LoginUserInfo.ID.Value, Program.LoginUserInfo.UserName, Program.LoginUserInfo.Token); int vUserID = Program.LoginUserInfo.ID.Value; string vToken = Program.LoginUserInfo.Token; string vAuthor = ""; if (textBox_Author.Text != "") { vAuthor = textBox_Author.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show("请输入作者名称", "错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } string vFilePath = ""; if (textBox_File.Text != "" && System.IO.File.Exists(textBox_File.Text)) { vFilePath = textBox_File.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show("请选择文件或者选择的文件不存在", "错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } string vAreaCode = ""; string vUnitName = ""; getSelectedAreaCode(ref vAreaCode, ref vUnitName); if (vAreaCode == "") { MessageBox.Show("请选择需要上传文件的单位", "错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } bool vResult = vRemoteInterface.UploadFile(vFilePath, vAuthor, vAreaCode, vUnitName); if (vResult) { MessageBox.Show("文件上传成功", "信息", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); textBox_File.Text = ""; } else { MessageBox.Show("文件上传失败", "错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
public void InitFileInfo() { if (AreaCodeArray != null) { RemoteInterface vRemoteInterface = new RemoteInterface(Program.LoginUserInfo.ID.Value, Program.LoginUserInfo.UserName, Program.LoginUserInfo.Token); FileInfo[] vFileInfoArray = vRemoteInterface.GetFiles(AreaCodeArray); if (vFileInfoArray != null) { dataGridView_FileList.AutoGenerateColumns = false; dataGridView_FileList.DataSource = vFileInfoArray; } } }
unsafe void IMod.Run(RemoteInterface remoteInterface) { ri = remoteInterface; ri.Log("Rayman 2 Tank Controls"); w = new World(); hm = new HookManager(); hm.CreateHook(EngineFunctions.fn_p_stReadAnalogJoystickMario, MarioFunction); hm.CreateHook(InputFunctions.VReadInput, ReadInputFunction); object p = hm.CreateHook(EngineFunctions.PLA_fn_bSetNewState, PLA_fn_bSetNewState); }
/// <summary> /// set the volume /// </summary> /// <param name='volume'> /// value between 0 and 100 /// </param> public void SetVolume(double volume) { //Dictionary<string, object> dt = new Dictionary<string, object>(100); EventGroupData data = new EventGroupData { data1 = 3, data2 = "change-volume", data3 = volume, data4 = 0 }; RemoteInterface.EventGroup(new EventGroupData[] { data }); }
//初始化 public void Initialization() { remote = new RemoteInterface(true, true); iPhysicsDoc = new ExternalAppDock(); this.panel1.Controls.Add(iPhysicsDoc); iPhysicsDoc.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; if (!remote.IsStarted) { remote.StartIPhysics(6001); } int timeout = 30000; int sleepTime = 500; while (!remote.IsConnected && timeout > 0) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(sleepTime); timeout -= sleepTime; if (!remote.IsConnected) { remote.Connect("localhost", 6001); } } iPhysicsDoc.DockExternalApp(remote.ExeProcess, iPhysicsDoc.Parent); if (!(timeout > 0)) { throw new Exception("Error, cannot connect to industrialPhysics"); } //Default File Load RegistryKey key = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.CurrentUser, RegistryView.Default); // = new Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey(); String Path = key.GetValue( "Software\\machineering\\industrialPhysics\\InstallDir(x64)" , "c:\\Program Files\\machineering\\industrialPhysics(x64)").ToString(); //IPhysics_Command command = new LoadDocument(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "../../../../AGV_Path.iphz"); //textBox1.Text = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "/AGV_Path.iphz"; IPhysics_Command command = new LoadDocument(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "/cgk_csharp.iphz"); remote.execute(command); remote.lookFromIsometry(); //remote.switchModePresentation(true); remote.zoomOut(0); //remote.sendPlay(); loading_done = true; //remote.sendReset(); //remote.sendPlay(); }
private void addSentCQMessage(String message, RemoteInterface handler) { ListViewItem item = makeBaseMessageItem(message, false); if (handler == null) { item.BackColor = automatedColor; } else { item.BackColor = handler.HandlerColor; } addCQMessageToSpecificList(item, getListViewByHandler(handler)); addCQMessageToList(item); }
public void Initialization(object obj) { System.Windows.Forms.Panel pp = (System.Windows.Forms.Panel)obj; remote = new RemoteInterface(false, true); iPhysicsDoc = new ExternalAppDock(); pp.Controls.Add(iPhysicsDoc); iPhysicsDoc.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; if (!remote.IsStarted) { remote.StartIPhysics(decimal.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["modeport"].ToString())); } int timeout = 30000; int sleepTime = 500; while (!remote.IsConnected && timeout > 0) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(sleepTime); timeout -= sleepTime; if (!remote.IsConnected) { remote.Connect("localhost", int.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["modeport"].ToString())); } } iPhysicsDoc.DockExternalApp(remote.ExeProcess, iPhysicsDoc.Parent); if (!(timeout > 0)) { throw new Exception("Error, cannot connect to industrialPhysics"); } //Default File Load RegistryKey key = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.CurrentUser, RegistryView.Default); String Path = key.GetValue( "Software\\machineering\\industrialPhysics\\InstallDir(x64)" , "c:\\Program Files\\machineering\\industrialPhysics(x64)").ToString(); //IPhysics_Command command = new LoadDocument(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "/light.iphz"); //remote.execute(command); //remote.lookFromIsometry(); //remote.switchModePresentation(true); //remote.zoomOut(0); //remote.sendPlay(); //loading_done = true; //remote.sendReset(); //remote.sendPlay(); initializ_done = true; }
public void NotifyAll(RemoteInterface.NotifyEventObject notifyObj) { // int cnt = 0; // ���n�ɸѰ����� // System.Threading.Thread th = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(DoNotifyAllWork)); // th.Start(notifyObj); notifyQueue.Enqueue(notifyObj); lock (notifyQueue) { System.Threading.Monitor.Pulse(notifyQueue); } // return cnt; }
/* * whenever there are 5 jobs, broadcast this to all nearby peers */ private void BroadcastTransaction() { if (sendJobs.Count == 5) { string sendSnippet = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(sendJobs); ourRemoteThread.ReceiveTransaction(sendSnippet); foreach (ClientDataStruct c in clientList) { Console.WriteLine(c.ip + " " + c.port); RemoteInterface ri = ConnectToRemote(DecodeFrom64(c.ip), DecodeFrom64(c.port)); ri.ReceiveTransaction(sendSnippet);//broadcast to each client in pool } sendJobs.Clear();//clear list once transactions sent off } }
private void dataGridView_FileList_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { if (e.RowIndex != -1) { RemoteInterface vRemoteInterface = new RemoteInterface(Program.LoginUserInfo.ID.Value, Program.LoginUserInfo.UserName, Program.LoginUserInfo.Token); DataTable vDatsSource = (DataTable)dataGridView_FileList.DataSource; int vFileID = (int)vDatsSource.Rows[e.RowIndex]["ID"]; string vFileName = (string)vDatsSource.Rows[e.RowIndex]["FileName"]; if (e.ColumnIndex == 5) { ConfigFile vConfigFile = new ConfigFile(); string vDownloadPath = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}", vConfigFile.DownloadPath, vFileName); if (vRemoteInterface.DownloadFile(vFileID, vDownloadPath)) { if (MessageBox.Show("文件下载成功,是否打开?", "信息", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.OK) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(vDownloadPath); } } else { MessageBox.Show("文件下载失败!", "错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } if (e.ColumnIndex == 6) { if (MessageBox.Show("是否确认删除", "信息", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.OK) { if (vRemoteInterface.DeleteFile(vFileID, vFileName)) { dataGridView_FileList.Rows.RemoveAt(e.RowIndex); ((DataTable)dataGridView_FileList.DataSource).Rows.RemoveAt(e.RowIndex); ((DataTable)dataGridView_FileList.DataSource).AcceptChanges(); } else { MessageBox.Show("删除文件失败!", "错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } } } }
private void sendCommand(String command, RemoteInterface handler) { if ((handler != null) && (handler.UsedSCHandler != TS3ClientStuff.UsedSCHandler)) { sendCommand("use " + handler.UsedSCHandler, null); } addSentCQMessage(command, handler); CommandHistory.Add(new CommandLog(command, handler)); try { TS3ClientStuff.send(command.Trim() + '\r' + '\n'); } catch (HandlerException ex) { TS3ClientConnect(); TS3ClientStuff.send(command.Trim() + '\r' + '\n'); } keepAlive.addSleepTime(); }
private ListView getListViewByHandler(RemoteInterface handler) { if (handler == null) { return(AutoMessageView); } if (handler.getID() == -1) { return(managerCQMessages); } String pageName = "RemotePage" + handler.getID(); if (MessageTabControl.TabPages.ContainsKey(pageName)) { TabPage page = MessageTabControl.TabPages[MessageTabControl.TabPages.IndexOfKey("RemotePage" + handler.getID())]; return((ListView)page.Controls[page.Controls.IndexOfKey("Remote" + handler.getID() + "CQMessages")]); } return(null); }
public void Run(RemoteInterface remoteInterface) { Interface = remoteInterface; // Regular, static text. // The X and Y values are coordinates on the screen space, mapped to a 1000x1000 area. TextOverlay plain = new TextOverlay("Regular text", 10, 5, 5).Show(); // Dynamically updating text. // The delegate TextOverlay.UpdateText is evaluated on every frame (if assigned). // It can be assigned instead of text in the constructor, or later at any point. int frames = 0; TextOverlay counter = new TextOverlay((previousText) => { string newText = $"Frame counter={frames}"; frames++; return(newText); }, 10, 5, 35).Show(); // Previous text is passed to the UpdateText method as a parameter. // This example appends 1 dot to the text every 10 frames, up to a total of 20. // It also uses the frame counter from the previous example. int dots = 0; TextOverlay append = new TextOverlay("Some dots", 10, 5, 65).Show(); append.UpdateText = (text) => { if (frames % 10 == 0 && dots < 20) { text += '.'; dots++; } return(text); }; // The delegate TextOverlay.UpdateProperties can be used for advanced text manipulation. // It is evaluated on every frame, after UpdateText. // The TextOverlay object itself is passed as a parameter. // This lets you reuse functions and delegates for multiple text objects. plain.UpdateProperties = MoveTextOffscreen; }
/// <summary> /// �]�wCMS��� /// </summary> /// <param name="devNames"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected override System.Collections.Hashtable setDisplay(RemoteInterface.HC.FetchDeviceData[] devNames, int maxSegId, MegType megType) { System.Collections.Hashtable displayht = new System.Collections.Hashtable(); List<object> outputs = new List<object>(); if (devNames == null) return displayht; foreach (RemoteInterface.HC.FetchDeviceData devName in devNames) { int distance = getDeviceDistance(devName.SegId, maxSegId); outputs = (List<object>), Command.GetSelectCmd.getCMSCategory(Convert.ToInt32(DevRange["RULEID"]), (int)secType, devType.ToString(), distance, devName.DevName, megType.ToString(), ht["INC_LINEID"].ToString().Trim())); foreach (object obj in outputs) { List<object> output=new List<object>(); output.AddRange(new object[] { getPriority(), obj }); displayht.Add(devName.DevName, output); } } return displayht; }
public FrmNotifyFinishDialog(RemoteInterface.NotifyMessage[] mesgs) { InitializeComponent(); this.origmesgs = mesgs; this.mesgs = new NotifyMessage[mesgs.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < origmesgs.Length; i++) { this.mesgs[i] = origmesgs[i].Clone(); } foreach (Control ctl in this.Controls) { if (ctl is CheckBox) { if (Convert.ToInt32(ctl.Tag) < mesgs.Length) (ctl as CheckBox).Checked = mesgs[Convert.ToInt32(ctl.Tag)].IsFinish; else ctl.Visible = false; } } }
public Clientes() { InitializeComponent(); try { TcpChannel chan = new TcpChannel(); ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(chan); // Create an instance of the remote object obj = (RemoteInterface)Activator.GetObject(typeof(RemoteInterface), "tcp://localhost:8888/calculadora"); } catch { // localhost OR your server name if (obj.Equals(null)) { System.Console.WriteLine("Error: unable to locate server"); } } }
public void Run(RemoteInterface remoteInterface) { // Static addresses can be directly assigned to an unsafe pointer. byte *engineState = (byte *)0x500380; // Pointer/offset paths can be read at runtime using Memory.GetPointerAtOffset. Vector3 *position = (Vector3 *)Memory.GetPointerAtOffset(0x500560, 0x224, 0x310, 0x34, 0x0, 0x1ac); // Display values as in-game text. TextOverlay state = new TextOverlay((current) => $"EngineState={*engineState}", 10, 5, 200).Show(); TextOverlay coordinates = new TextOverlay((current) => { // Utils.TextUtils provides many extension methods that simplify in-game text formatting. // The second line of the string is equivalent to: // "/O200:X/O0:\\" + (position->X).ToString("0.000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "/l:" string text = "Coordinates=".NL() + "X".KeyValue(position->X.D3()).NL() + "Y".KeyValue(position->Y.D3()).NL() + "Z".KeyValue(position->Z.D3()).NL(); return(text); }, 10, 5, 5).Show(); }
private void dataGridView_FileList_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { if (e.ColumnIndex == 4) { FileInfo[] vDatsSource = (FileInfo[])dataGridView_FileList.DataSource; int vFileID = vDatsSource[e.RowIndex].ID; string vFileName = vDatsSource[e.RowIndex].FileName; ConfigFile vConfigFile = new ConfigFile(); string vDownloadPath = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}", vConfigFile.DownloadPath, vFileName); RemoteInterface vRemoteInterface = new RemoteInterface(Program.LoginUserInfo.ID.Value, Program.LoginUserInfo.UserName, Program.LoginUserInfo.Token); if (vRemoteInterface.DownloadFile(vFileID, vDownloadPath)) { if (MessageBox.Show("文件下载成功,是否打开?", "信息", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.OK) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(vDownloadPath); } } else { MessageBox.Show("文件下载失败!", "错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } }
public void Initialization(object obj) { System.Windows.Forms.Panel pp = (System.Windows.Forms.Panel)obj; remote = new RemoteInterface(false, false); iPhysicsDoc = new ExternalAppDock(); pp.Controls.Add(iPhysicsDoc); iPhysicsDoc.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; if (!remote.IsStarted) { remote.StartIPhysics(decimal.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["modeport_browser"].ToString())); } int timeout = 30000; int sleepTime = 500; while (!remote.IsConnected && timeout > 0) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(sleepTime); timeout -= sleepTime; if (!remote.IsConnected) { remote.Connect("localhost", int.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["modeport_browser"].ToString())); } } iPhysicsDoc.DockExternalApp(remote.ExeProcess, iPhysicsDoc.Parent); if (!(timeout > 0)) { throw new Exception("Error, cannot connect to industrialPhysics"); } //Default File Load RegistryKey key = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.CurrentUser, RegistryView.Default); String Path = key.GetValue( "Software\\machineering\\industrialPhysics\\InstallDir(x64)" , "c:\\Program Files\\machineering\\industrialPhysics(x64)").ToString(); }
public void Hook() { if (IsHooked) return; var ri = new RemoteInterface { //Wrap the target delegate in our own delegate for reference safety SystemId = (x, y) => _systemDeviceId(x, y), Unload = () => !IsHooked, ErrorHandler = RaiseOnError }; RemoteHooking.IpcCreateServer(ref _channelName, WellKnownObjectMode.Singleton, ri); RemoteHooking.Inject( _processId, InjectionOptions.DoNotRequireStrongName, typeof (IMMDeviceEnumerator).Assembly.Location, typeof (IMMDeviceEnumerator).Assembly.Location, _channelName); IsHooked = true; }
void nclient_OnEvent(RemoteInterface.NotifyEventObject objEvent) { //throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented."); try { if (objEvent.type == RemoteInterface.EventEnumType.RGS_Connection_Event) { QYTask.Ds.tblRGSMainRow r = ds.tblRGSMain.FindByip(objEvent.devip); r.connected = (bool)objEvent.EventObj; r.EndEdit(); r.AcceptChanges(); } else if (objEvent.type == RemoteInterface.EventEnumType.RGS_HW_Status_Event) { I_HW_Status_Desc hw_desc = (I_HW_Status_Desc)objEvent.EventObj; QYTask.Ds.tblRGSMainRow r = ds.tblRGSMain.FindByip(objEvent.devip); System.Collections.IEnumerator ie = hw_desc.getEnum().GetEnumerator(); while (ie.MoveNext()) { if ((int)ie.Current == 1 || (int)ie.Current == 0 || (int)ie.Current == 8 || (int)ie.Current == 9 || (int)ie.Current == 10 || (int)ie.Current == 11) r[hw_desc.getDesc((int)ie.Current)] = hw_desc.getStatus((int)ie.Current); r.EndEdit(); r.AcceptChanges(); } } } catch (System.Data.DataException) { } catch (Exception ) { // MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
public void Run(RemoteInterface remoteInterface) { // All particles, HUD icons and other GFX objects should always be drawn in the main engine loop. GlobalActions.Engine += () => { // Create 2 vectors - upper-left and lower-right corner of the icon. // For HUD icons, the screen space is mapped to a 100x100 area. // Only X and Y coordinates are used to position the icon. // The Z coordinate of the 2nd vector is the alpha/transparency value. Vector3 vPos1 = new Vector3(5, 5, 0); Vector3 vPos2 = new Vector3(20, 20, 255); // StructPtr copies the vector structure to unmanaged memory and provides a pointer. // The memory is freed automatically at the end of the using block. using (StructPtr pos1 = new StructPtr(vPos1), pos2 = new StructPtr(vPos2)) { // Particle type 125 is the HUD icon type. // The last parameter "a6" varies between particle types - in this case it's an index. // A specific index value can only be used by one icon. If multiple icons are drawn // with the same index, only the last one will be displayed. GfxFunctions.VAddParticle.Call(125, pos1, pos2, TexturePointers.rayIcon, 11); } }; }
internal MainForm(string strView, string strGeoTiff, string strGeotiffName, bool bGeotiffTmp, string strKMLFile, string strKMLName, bool blKMLTmp, string strLastView, Dapple.Extract.Options.Client.ClientType eClientType, RemoteInterface oMRI, GeographicBoundingBox oAoi, string strAoiCoordinateSystem, string strMapFileName) { if (String.Compare(Path.GetExtension(strView), ViewExt, true) == 0 && File.Exists(strView)) this.openView = strView; m_strOpenGeoTiffFile = strGeoTiff; m_strOpenGeoTiffName = strGeotiffName; m_blOpenGeoTiffTmp = bGeotiffTmp; m_strOpenKMLFile = strKMLFile; m_strOpenKMLName = strKMLName; m_blOpenKMLTmp = blKMLTmp; this.lastView = strLastView; s_oMontajRemoteInterface = oMRI; // Establish the version number string used for user display, // such as the Splash and Help->About screens. // To change the Application.ProductVersion make the // changes in \WorldWind\AssemblyInfo.cs // For alpha/beta versions, include " alphaN" or " betaN" // at the end of the format string. Version ver = new Version(Application.ProductVersion); Release = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}", ver.Major, ver.Minor, ver.Build); if (ver.Build % 2 != 0) Release += " (BETA)"; // Name the main thread. System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.Name = ThreadNames.EventDispatch; // Copy/Update any configuration files and other files if needed now CurrentSettingsDirectory = Path.Combine(UserPath, "Config"); Directory.CreateDirectory(CurrentSettingsDirectory); Settings.CachePath = Path.Combine(UserPath, "Cache"); Directory.CreateDirectory(Settings.CachePath); this.metaviewerDir = Path.Combine(UserPath, "Metadata"); Directory.CreateDirectory(this.metaviewerDir); string[] cfgFiles = Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(DirectoryPath, "Config"), "*.xml"); foreach (string strCfgFile in cfgFiles) { string strUserCfg = Path.Combine(CurrentSettingsDirectory, Path.GetFileName(strCfgFile)); if (!File.Exists(strUserCfg)) File.Copy(strCfgFile, strUserCfg); } string[] metaFiles = Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(DirectoryPath, "Data"), "MetaViewer"), "*.*"); foreach (string strMetaFile in metaFiles) { string strUserMeta = Path.Combine(this.metaviewerDir, Path.GetFileName(strMetaFile)); File.Copy(strMetaFile, strUserMeta, true); } // --- Set up a new user's favorites list and home view --- /*if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(CurrentSettingsDirectory, "user.dapple_serverlist"))) { File.Copy(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(DirectoryPath, "Data"), "default.dapple_serverlist"), Path.Combine(CurrentSettingsDirectory, "user.dapple_serverlist")); }*/ HomeView.CreateDefault(); InitSettings(); if (Settings.NewCachePath.Length > 0) { try { // We want to make sure the new cache path is writable Directory.CreateDirectory(Settings.NewCachePath); if (Directory.Exists(Settings.CachePath)) Utility.FileSystem.DeleteFolderGUI(this, Settings.CachePath, "Deleting Existing Cache"); Settings.CachePath = Settings.NewCachePath; } catch { } Settings.NewCachePath = ""; } if (Settings.ConfigurationWizardAtStartup) { Wizard frm = new Wizard(Settings); frm.ShowDialog(this); Settings.ConfigurationWizardAtStartup = false; } if (Settings.ConfigurationWizardAtStartup) { // If the settings file doesn't exist, then we are using the // default settings, and the default is to show the Configuration // Wizard at startup. We only want that to happen the first time // World Wind is started, so change the setting to false(the user // can change it to true if they want). if (!File.Exists(Settings.FileName)) { Settings.ConfigurationWizardAtStartup = false; } ConfigurationWizard.Wizard wizard = new ConfigurationWizard.Wizard(Settings); wizard.TopMost = true; wizard.ShowInTaskbar = true; wizard.ShowDialog(); // TODO: should settings be saved now, in case of program crashes, // and so that XML file on disk matches in-memory settings? } //#if !DEBUG using (this.splashScreen = new Splash()) { this.splashScreen.Owner = this; this.splashScreen.Show(); Application.DoEvents(); //#endif // --- setup the list of images used for the different datatypes --- s_oImageList.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth32Bit; s_oImageList.ImageSize = new Size(16, 16); s_oImageList.TransparentColor = Color.Transparent; s_oImageList.Images.Add(EnabledServerIconKey, Resources.enserver); s_oImageList.Images.Add(DisabledServerIconKey, Resources.disserver); s_oImageList.Images.Add(OfflineServerIconKey, Resources.offline); s_oImageList.Images.Add(DapIconKey, Resources.dap); s_oImageList.Images.Add(DapDatabaseIconKey, Resources.dap_database); s_oImageList.Images.Add(DapDocumentIconKey, Resources.dap_document); s_oImageList.Images.Add(DapGridIconKey, Resources.dap_grid); s_oImageList.Images.Add(DapMapIconKey, Resources.dap_map); s_oImageList.Images.Add(DapPictureIconKey, Resources.dap_picture); s_oImageList.Images.Add(DapPointIconKey, Resources.dap_point); s_oImageList.Images.Add(DapSpfIconKey, Resources.dap_spf); s_oImageList.Images.Add(DapVoxelIconKey, Resources.dap_voxel); s_oImageList.Images.Add(FolderIconKey, Resources.folder); s_oImageList.Images.Add(DapArcGisIconKey, global::Dapple.Properties.Resources.dap_arcgis); s_oImageList.Images.Add(KmlIconKey, Resources.kml); s_oImageList.Images.Add(ErrorIconKey, global::Dapple.Properties.Resources.error); s_oImageList.Images.Add(LayerIconKey, global::Dapple.Properties.Resources.layer); s_oImageList.Images.Add(LiveMapsIconKey,; s_oImageList.Images.Add(TileIconKey, global::Dapple.Properties.Resources.tile); s_oImageList.Images.Add(GeorefImageIconKey, global::Dapple.Properties.Resources.georef_image); s_oImageList.Images.Add(WmsIconKey, Resources.wms); s_oImageList.Images.Add(ArcImsIconKey, global::Dapple.Properties.Resources.arcims); s_oImageList.Images.Add(BlueMarbleIconKey, Dapple.Properties.Resources.blue_marble); s_oImageList.Images.Add(DesktopCatalogerIconKey, Dapple.Properties.Resources.dcat); c_oWorldWindow = new WorldWindow(); #if !DEBUG Utility.AbortUtility.ProgramAborting += new MethodInvoker(c_oWorldWindow.KillD3DAndWorkerThread); #endif c_oWorldWindow.AllowDrop = true; c_oWorldWindow.DragOver += new DragEventHandler(c_oWorldWindow_DragOver); c_oWorldWindow.DragDrop += new DragEventHandler(c_oWorldWindow_DragDrop); c_oWorldWindow.Resize += new EventHandler(c_oWorldWindow_Resize); InitializeComponent(); this.SuspendLayout(); c_oLayerList.ImageList = s_oImageList; /*#if DEBUG // --- Make the server tree HOOGE --- this.splitContainerMain.SplitterDistance = 400; this.splitContainerLeftMain.SplitterDistance = 400; #endif*/ this.Icon = new System.Drawing.Icon(@"app.ico"); DappleToolStripRenderer oTSR = new DappleToolStripRenderer(); c_tsSearch.Renderer = oTSR; c_tsLayers.Renderer = oTSR; c_tsOverview.Renderer = oTSR; c_tsMetadata.Renderer = oTSR; c_tsNavigation.Renderer = new BorderlessToolStripRenderer(); // set Upper and Lower limits for Cache size control, in bytes long CacheUpperLimit = (long)Settings.CacheSizeGigaBytes * 1024L * 1024L * 1024L; long CacheLowerLimit = (long)Settings.CacheSizeGigaBytes * 768L * 1024L * 1024L; //75% of upper limit try { Directory.CreateDirectory(Settings.CachePath); } catch { // We get here when people used a cache drive that since dissappeared (e.g. USB flash) // Revert to default cache directory in this case Settings.CachePath = Path.Combine(UserPath, "Cache"); Directory.CreateDirectory(Settings.CachePath); } //Set up the cache c_oWorldWindow.Cache = new Cache( Settings.CachePath, CacheLowerLimit, CacheUpperLimit, Settings.CacheCleanupInterval, Settings.TotalRunTime); #region Plugin + World Init. WorldWind.Terrain.TerrainTileService terrainTileService = new WorldWind.Terrain.TerrainTileService("", "srtm30pluszip", 20, 150, "bil", 12, Path.Combine(Settings.CachePath, "Earth\\TerrainAccessor\\SRTM"), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30), "Int16"); WorldWind.Terrain.TerrainAccessor terrainAccessor = new WorldWind.Terrain.NltTerrainAccessor("SRTM", -180, -90, 180, 90, terrainTileService, null); WorldWind.World world = new WorldWind.World("Earth", new Point3d(0, 0, 0), Quaternion4d.RotationYawPitchRoll(0, 0, 0), (float)6378137, System.IO.Path.Combine(c_oWorldWindow.Cache.CacheDirectory, "Earth"), terrainAccessor); c_oWorldWindow.CurrentWorld = world; c_oWorldWindow.DrawArgs.WorldCamera.CameraChanged += new EventHandler(c_oWorldWindow_CameraChanged); string strPluginsDir = Path.Combine(DirectoryPath, "Plugins"); this.scalebarPlugin = new NASA.Plugins.ScaleBarLegend(); this.scalebarPlugin.PluginLoad(this, strPluginsDir); this.scalebarPlugin.IsVisible = World.Settings.ShowScaleBar; this.starsPlugin = new Stars3D.Plugin.Stars3D(); this.starsPlugin.PluginLoad(this, Path.Combine(strPluginsDir, "Stars3D")); this.compassPlugin = new Murris.Plugins.Compass(); this.compassPlugin.PluginLoad(this, Path.Combine(strPluginsDir, "Compass")); String szGlobalCloudsCacheDir = Path.Combine(Settings.CachePath, @"Plugins\GlobalClouds"); Directory.CreateDirectory(szGlobalCloudsCacheDir); String szGlobalCloudsPluginDir = Path.Combine(CurrentSettingsDirectory, @"Plugins\GlobalClouds"); Directory.CreateDirectory(szGlobalCloudsPluginDir); if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(szGlobalCloudsPluginDir, Murris.Plugins.GlobalCloudsLayer.serverListFileName))) { File.Copy(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(strPluginsDir, "GlobalClouds"), Murris.Plugins.GlobalCloudsLayer.serverListFileName), Path.Combine(szGlobalCloudsPluginDir, Murris.Plugins.GlobalCloudsLayer.serverListFileName)); } this.cloudsPlugin = new Murris.Plugins.GlobalClouds(szGlobalCloudsCacheDir); this.cloudsPlugin.PluginLoad(this, szGlobalCloudsPluginDir); this.skyPlugin = new Murris.Plugins.SkyGradient(); this.skyPlugin.PluginLoad(this, Path.Combine(strPluginsDir, "SkyGradient")); this.threeDConnPlugin = new ThreeDconnexion.Plugin.TDxWWInput(); this.threeDConnPlugin.PluginLoad(this, Path.Combine(strPluginsDir, "3DConnexion")); ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(LoadPlacenames); c_scWorldMetadata.Panel1.Controls.Add(c_oWorldWindow); c_oWorldWindow.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; #endregion float[] verticalExaggerationMultipliers = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.5f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 5.0f, 7.0f, 10.0f }; foreach (float multiplier in verticalExaggerationMultipliers) { ToolStripMenuItem curItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(multiplier.ToString("f1", System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture) + "x", null, new EventHandler(menuItemVerticalExaggerationChange)); c_miVertExaggeration.DropDownItems.Add(curItem); curItem.CheckOnClick = true; if (Math.Abs(multiplier - World.Settings.VerticalExaggeration) < 0.1f) curItem.Checked = true; } this.c_miShowCompass.Checked = World.Settings.ShowCompass; this.c_miShowDLProgress.Checked = World.Settings.ShowDownloadIndicator; this.c_miShowCrosshair.Checked = World.Settings.ShowCrosshairs; this.c_miShowInfoOverlay.Checked = World.Settings.ShowPosition; this.c_miShowGridlines.Checked = World.Settings.ShowLatLonLines; this.c_miShowGlobalClouds.Checked = World.Settings.ShowClouds; if (World.Settings.EnableSunShading) { if (!World.Settings.SunSynchedWithTime) this.c_miSunshadingEnabled.Checked = true; else this.c_miSunshadingSync.Checked = true; } else this.c_miSunshadingDisabled.Checked = true; this.c_miShowAtmoScatter.Checked = World.Settings.EnableAtmosphericScattering; this.c_miAskLastViewAtStartup.Checked = Settings.AskLastViewAtStartup; if (!Settings.AskLastViewAtStartup) this.c_miOpenLastViewAtStartup.Checked = Settings.LastViewAtStartup; #region OverviewPanel // Fix: earlier versions of Dapple set the DataPath as an absolute reference, so if Dapple was uninstalled, OMapple could not find // the file for the overview control. To fix this, switch the variable to a relative reference if the absolute one doesn't resolve. // Dapple will still work; the relative reference will be from whatever directory Dapple is being run. if (!Directory.Exists(Settings.DataPath)) Settings.DataPath = "Data"; #endregion c_oWorldWindow.MouseEnter += new EventHandler(this.c_oWorldWindow_MouseEnter); c_oWorldWindow.MouseLeave += new EventHandler(this.c_oWorldWindow_MouseLeave); c_oOverview.AOISelected += new Overview.AOISelectedDelegate(c_oOverview_AOISelected); #region Search view setup this.c_oServerList = new ServerList(); m_oModel = new DappleModel(c_oLayerList); m_oModel.SelectedNodeChanged += new EventHandler(m_oModel_SelectedNodeChanged); c_oLayerList.Attach(m_oModel); NewServerTree.View.ServerTree newServerTree = new NewServerTree.View.ServerTree(); newServerTree.Attach(m_oModel); c_oServerList.Attach(m_oModel); c_oLayerList.LayerSelectionChanged += new EventHandler(c_oLayerList_LayerSelectionChanged); m_oMetadataDisplay = new MetadataDisplayThread(this); m_oMetadataDisplay.AddBuilder(null); c_oServerList.LayerList = c_oLayerList; c_oLayerList.GoTo += new LayerList.GoToHandler(this.GoTo); c_oLayerList.ViewMetadata += new ViewMetadataHandler(m_oMetadataDisplay.AddBuilder); c_oServerList.ViewMetadata += new ViewMetadataHandler(m_oMetadataDisplay.AddBuilder); c_oServerList.LayerSelectionChanged += new EventHandler(c_oServerList_LayerSelectionChanged); this.cServerViewsTab = new JanaTab(); this.cServerViewsTab.SetImage(0, Resources.tab_tree); this.cServerViewsTab.SetImage(1, Resources.tab_list); this.cServerViewsTab.SetToolTip(0, "Server tree view"); this.cServerViewsTab.SetToolTip(1, "Server list view"); this.cServerViewsTab.SetNameAndText(0, "TreeView"); this.cServerViewsTab.SetNameAndText(1, "ListView"); this.cServerViewsTab.SetPage(0, newServerTree); this.cServerViewsTab.SetPage(1, this.c_oServerList); cServerViewsTab.PageChanged += new JanaTab.PageChangedDelegate(ServerPageChanged); c_oDappleSearch = new DappleSearchList(); c_oDappleSearch.LayerSelectionChanged += new EventHandler(c_oDappleSearch_LayerSelectionChanged); c_oDappleSearch.Attach(m_oModel, c_oLayerList); c_tcSearchViews.TabPages[0].Controls.Add(cServerViewsTab); cServerViewsTab.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; c_tcSearchViews.TabPages[1].Controls.Add(c_oDappleSearch); c_oDappleSearch.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; c_oLayerList.SetBaseLayer(new BlueMarbleBuilder()); this.ResumeLayout(false); #endregion this.PerformLayout(); while (!this.splashScreen.IsDone) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); // Force initial render to avoid showing random contents of frame buffer to user. c_oWorldWindow.Render(); WorldWindow.Focus(); #region OM Forked Process configuration if (IsRunningAsDapClient) { c_oLayerList.OMFeaturesEnabled = true; this.MinimizeBox = false; if (oAoi != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(strAoiCoordinateSystem)) { s_oOMMapExtentNative = oAoi; s_strAoiCoordinateSystem = strAoiCoordinateSystem; s_strOpenMapFileName = strMapFileName; s_oOMMapExtentWGS84 = s_oOMMapExtentNative.Clone() as GeographicBoundingBox; s_oMontajRemoteInterface.ProjectBoundingRectangle(strAoiCoordinateSystem, ref s_oOMMapExtentWGS84.West, ref s_oOMMapExtentWGS84.South, ref s_oOMMapExtentWGS84.East, ref s_oOMMapExtentWGS84.North, Dapple.Extract.Resolution.WGS_84); } s_eClientType = eClientType; c_miLastView.Enabled = false; c_miLastView.Visible = false; c_miDappleHelp.Visible = false; c_miDappleHelp.Enabled = false; toolStripSeparator10.Visible = false; c_miOpenImage.Visible = false; c_miOpenImage.Enabled = false; c_miOpenKeyhole.Visible = false; c_miOpenKeyhole.Enabled = false; // Hide and disable the file menu c_miFile.Visible = false; c_miFile.Enabled = false; c_miOpenSavedView.Visible = false; c_miOpenSavedView.Enabled = false; c_miOpenHomeView.Visible = false; c_miOpenHomeView.Enabled = false; c_miSetHomeView.Visible = false; c_miSetHomeView.Enabled = false; c_miSaveView.Visible = false; c_miSaveView.Enabled = false; c_miSendViewTo.Visible = false; c_miSendViewTo.Enabled = false; c_miOpenKeyhole.Visible = false; c_miOpenKeyhole.Enabled = false; // Show the OM help menu c_miGetDatahelp.Enabled = true; c_miGetDatahelp.Visible = true; // Don't let the user check for updates. EVER. c_miCheckForUpdates.Visible = false; c_miCheckForUpdates.Enabled = false; } else { c_miExtractLayers.Visible = false; c_miExtractLayers.Enabled = false; } #endregion loadCountryList(); populateAoiComboBox(); LoadMRUList(); CenterNavigationToolStrip(); //#if !DEBUG c_tbSearchKeywords.Text = NO_SEARCH; } //#endif }
/// <summary> /// ���oRMS��ܤ��e /// </summary> /// <param name="output">RMSOutputData</param> /// <returns></returns> public static string getRMSDisplay(RemoteInterface.HC.RMSOutputData output) { string display = getRmsModeString(output.mode); if (output.mode == 3) display += string.Format(",�ɨ{0}", output.planno); return display; }
/// <summary> /// ���oRGS��ܤ��e /// </summary> /// <param name="output"></param> /// <param name="graph_code_id"></param> /// <param name="icon1"></param> /// <param name="icon2"></param> /// <param name="meg"></param> public static void getRGSDisplay(RemoteInterface.MFCC.RGS_GenericDisplay_Data output, ref byte graph_code_id, ref byte icon1, ref byte icon2, ref string meg) { for (int i = 0; i < output.icons.Length; i++) { if (i == 1) icon1 = output.icons[i].icon_code_id; else if (i == 2) icon2 = output.icons[i].icon_code_id; } foreach (RemoteInterface.MFCC.RGS_Generic_Message_Data message in output.msgs) { if (message == null) continue; meg += message.messgae + "\r"; } graph_code_id = output.graph_code_id; meg = meg.Substring(0, meg.Length - 1 > 0 ? meg.Length - 1 : 0); }
public static string getMASDisplay(RemoteInterface.HC.MASOutputData output) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for(int i =0;i<output.displays.Length;i++) { if (output.displays[i] is int) { sb.AppendFormat("��{0}���D�t��:{1} ",i+1,output.displays[i]); } else if (output.displays[i] is RemoteInterface.HC.CMSOutputData) { RemoteInterface.HC.CMSOutputData cms = (RemoteInterface.HC.CMSOutputData)output.displays[i]; sb.AppendFormat("��{0}���D�ϥ�:{1} ", i + 1, cms.g_code_id); } } return sb.ToString(); }
/// <summary> /// ���oLCS��ܤ��e /// </summary> /// <param name="output">LCSOutputData</param> /// <returns></returns> public static string getLCSDisplay(RemoteInterface.HC.LCSOutputData output) { string display = ""; foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in output.dataset.Tables[1].Rows) { display += string.Format("{0}��ܤ��e:{1} ", row["sign_no"].ToString() == "0" ? "�����D" : "�~���D", Byte2String(Convert.ToByte(row["sign_status"]))); } return display; }
protected override System.Collections.Hashtable setDisplay(RemoteInterface.HC.FetchDeviceData[] devNames, int maxSegId, MegType megType) { System.Collections.Hashtable displayht = new System.Collections.Hashtable(); //if (devNames.Length == 0||Math.Abs(devNames[0].Mileage - int.Parse(ht["FROM_MILEPOST1"].ToString())) > getValidRangle()) return displayht; //List<object> outputs = new List<object>(); if (devNames == null || devNames.Length == 0) return displayht; RemoteInterface.HC.I_HC_FWIS hobj = EasyClient.getHost();, Command.GetSelectCmd.getSectionSpeed(ht["ORIGINAL_INC_LOCATION"].ToString())); int ColNum; if (type == CategoryType.GEN) { switch (degree) { case Degree.L: ColNum = 1; break; case Degree.M: ColNum = 2; break; case Degree.H: ColNum = 3; break; case Degree.S: ColNum = 4; break; default: ColNum = 1; break; } } else { ColNum = Convert.ToInt32(ht["INC_CONGESTION"]); } string cmd = string.Format("Select SuggesSpeeD{0} From {1}.{2} csls,{1}.{3} rule where AlarmClass = {4} and csls.RuleID = rule.RuleID and rule.RUNING = 'Y';" , ColNum, RSPGlobal.GlobaSchema, DBConnect.DB2TableName.tblRSPCSLSSpeed, DBConnect.DB2TableName.tblRSPRule, ht["INC_NAME"]); System.Data.DataTable DT = com.Select(cmd); if (DT != null && DT.Rows.Count > 0) { maxSpeed = Convert.ToInt32(DT.Rows[0][0]); if (maxSpeed == -1) { return displayht; } } cmd = string.Format("Select * from {0}.{1} csls,{0}.{2} rule where csls.RuleID = rule.ruleid and rule.runing = 'Y' and SuggesSpeed = {3};" , RSPGlobal.GlobaSchema, DBConnect.DB2TableName.tblIIPCSLSParam, DBConnect.DB2TableName.tblRSPRule, maxSpeed); DT = com.Select(cmd); if (DT.Rows.Count < 1) { throw new Exception("not Mapping CSLS Speed"); } System.Data.DataRow dr = DT.Rows[0]; List<int> SpeedList = new List<int>(); SpeedList.Add(Convert.ToInt32(dr[UPStream1])); SpeedList.Add(Convert.ToInt32(dr[UPStream2])); SpeedList.Add(Convert.ToInt32(dr[UPStream3])); SpeedList.Add(Convert.ToInt32(dr[UPStream4])); SpeedList.Add(Convert.ToInt32(dr[UPStream5])); range = Convert.ToInt32(dr[RangerLimit]) * 1000; int i = 0; int SetSpped = 90; int SectionMaxSpeed = 90; if (devNames.Length > 0) { cmd = string.Format("Select sec.MaxSpeed From {0}.{1} sec, {0}.{2} cfg where sec.sectionid = cfg.sectionID and cfg.DeviceName = '{3}';" , RSPGlobal.GlobaSchema, DBConnect.DB2TableName.tblGroupSection, DBConnect.DB2TableName.tblDeviceConfig, devNames[0].DevName); DT = com.Select(cmd); if (DT.Rows.Count > 0) { SectionMaxSpeed = (int)DT.Rows[0][0]; } } for (int j = 0; j < devNames.Length;j++ ) { if (maxSegId != 99 && (int)ht["INC_NAME"] == 31 && ((devNames[j].Mileage > Convert.ToInt32(ht["FROM_MILEPOST1"]) && devNames[j].Mileage < Convert.ToInt32(ht["TO_MILEPOST1"])) ||(devNames[j].Mileage < Convert.ToInt32(ht["FROM_MILEPOST1"]) && devNames[j].Mileage > Convert.ToInt32(ht["TO_MILEPOST1"])) )) { SetSpped = 255;//���� } else if (devNames[j].Location == "D")//�U�� { cmd = string.Format("Select sec.MaxSpeed From {0}.{1} sec, {0}.{2} cfg where sec.sectionid = cfg.sectionID and cfg.DeviceName = '{3}';" , RSPGlobal.GlobaSchema, DBConnect.DB2TableName.tblGroupSection, DBConnect.DB2TableName.tblDeviceConfig, devNames[j].DevName); DT = com.Select(cmd); if (DT.Rows.Count > 0) { SetSpped = (int)DT.Rows[0][0]; } } else { if (maxSegId != -99 && ((j == 0 && (Math.Abs(devNames[j].Mileage - Convert.ToInt32(ht["FROM_MILEPOST1"])) > range && Math.Abs(devNames[j].Mileage - Convert.ToInt32(ht["TO_MILEPOST1"])) > range)) || (j > 0 && devNames[j-1].Location != "D" && Math.Abs(devNames[j].Mileage - devNames[j - 1].Mileage) > range))) break; if (maxSegId == -99) //�d�� �̧C�t�� { SetSpped = SpeedList[0]; } else //�d��~ { if (i >= SpeedList.Count || SpeedList[i].Equals(-1)) { break; } else { if (SectionMaxSpeed < SpeedList[i]) SetSpped = SectionMaxSpeed; else SetSpped = SpeedList[i]; } } i++; } System.Data.DataSet DS = hobj.getSendDs("CSLS", "set_speed"); DS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["speed"] = SetSpped; DS.AcceptChanges(); List<object> output = new List<object>(); output.AddRange(new object[] { SetSpped / 10, new RemoteInterface.HC.CSLSOutputData(DS) }); if (!displayht.Contains(devNames[j].DevName)) { displayht.Add(devNames[j].DevName, output); } } #region OLD Function //if (maxSegId == -99) //{ // foreach (RemoteInterface.HC.FetchDeviceData devName in devNames) // { // System.Data.DataSet DS = hobj.getSendDs("CSLS", "set_speed"); // if (devName.minSpd > minSpeed) // DS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["speed"] = devName.minSpd; //�t�� // else // DS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["speed"] = minSpeed; //�t�� // DS.AcceptChanges(); // List<object> output = new List<object>(); // output.AddRange(new object[] { (int)(Convert.ToInt32(DS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["speed"]) / 10), new RemoteInterface.HC.CSLSOutputData(DS) }); // displayht.Add(devName.DevName, output); // } //} //else //{ // int speed = minSpeed - decrease; // foreach (RemoteInterface.HC.FetchDeviceData devName in devNames) // { // System.Data.DataSet DS = hobj.getSendDs("CSLS", "set_speed"); // if (range == -1) // { // if (speed < maxSpeed) speed += decrease; // if (devName.maxSpd >= speed) // DS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["speed"] = speed; //�t�� // else // DS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["speed"] = devName.maxSpd; // } // else // { // if (devName.SegId < range) // { // if (devName.maxSpd >= speed) // { // if (speed < maxSpeed) speed += decrease; // DS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["speed"] = speed; //�t�� // } // else // DS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["speed"] = devName.maxSpd; // } // else // { // if (devName.maxSpd >= speed) // { // DS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["speed"] = maxSpeed; //�t�� // } // else // DS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["speed"] = devName.maxSpd; // } // } // DS.AcceptChanges(); // List<object> output = new List<object>(); // output.AddRange(new object[] { (int)(Convert.ToInt32(DS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["speed"]) / 10), new RemoteInterface.HC.CSLSOutputData(DS) }); // displayht.Add(devName.DevName, output); // } //} #endregion return displayht; }
void nclient_OnEvent(object sender, RemoteInterface.NotifyEventObject objEvent) { // throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented."); try { if (objEvent.type == RemoteInterface.EventEnumType.MFCC_Comm_Moniter_Event) { string comdata = System.Convert.ToString(objEvent.EventObj); if (this.toolStripButton1.Text != "開始") System.IO.File.AppendAllText(txtPathFile.Text, comdata+"\r\n"); databuff.Enqueue(comdata); if (databuff.Count > 100) databuff.Dequeue(); this.Invoke(new UpdateHandler(updatewindows)); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// �]�w�Ҧ���ܤ��e /// </summary> /// <param name="devNames">�n��ܤ��]��</param> /// <param name="maxSegId">�̻���q���s�X</param> /// <param name="megType">���o�@��ƥ�T�����A</param> /// <returns>�]�ƹ�I���e</returns> protected virtual System.Collections.Hashtable setDisplay(RemoteInterface.HC.FetchDeviceData[] devNames, int maxSegId, MegType megType) { return null; }
void nclient_OnEvent(RemoteInterface.NotifyEventObject objEvent) { //throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented."); // MessageBox.Show("New Section Data"); if (objEvent.type == RemoteInterface.EventEnumType.QY_New_Travel_Time_Data) { try { this.Invoke(new invokeMethod(UpdateMethod), objEvent); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } else MessageBox.Show("未定義的事件資料"); }
void UpdateMethod(RemoteInterface.NotifyEventObject objEvent) { this.dataGridView1.DataSource = objEvent.EventObj; this.dataGridView1.DataMember = "tblRGS_Config"; this.dataGridView1.Refresh(); try { this.Text = Util.robj.get_current_travel_data_time_stamp().ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { ; } }
public void setVDFiveMinData(string devName, RemoteInterface.MFCC.VD1MinCycleEventData data) { try { if (dictPerformance.ContainsKey("setVDFiveMinData")) { dictPerformance["setVDFiveMinData"].CallCount++; dictPerformance["setVDFiveMinData"].InCount++; } //((VDDeviceWrapper)Program.matrix.getDeviceWrapper(devName)).Set5MinAvgData(data); Program.matrix.vd5minavg_mgr.Set5MinAvgData(data); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RemoteException(ex.Message); } finally { if (dictPerformance.ContainsKey("setVDFiveMinData")) { // dictPerformance["setVDFiveMinData"].CallCount++; dictPerformance["setVDFiveMinData"].InCount--; } } }
/// <summary> /// �]�w2x8���m���O��ܤ��e /// </summary> /// <returns>2x8���m���O��ܤ��e</returns> private RemoteInterface.HC.CMSOutputData get2x8Display(RemoteInterface.HC.CMSOutputData Mess, int isIcon) { if (isIcon == 0) { Mess = getDisplay(Mess, 2, 8); } else { if (isIcon == 1) Mess.icon_id = Convert.ToInt32(ht["LINE_ICON"]); else if (isIcon == 2) Mess.icon_id = Convert.ToInt32(ht["ACC_ICON"]); if (Mess.dataType == 4) Mess.dataType = 10; Mess = getDisplay(Mess, 2, 6); } return Mess; }
private RemoteInterface.HC.CMSOutputData getDisplay(RemoteInterface.HC.CMSOutputData Mess, int row, int col) { BlockMegAndColor megColor = new BlockMegAndColor(Mess.mesg, Mess.colors); Mess.mesg = ""; List<byte> cmsColorlist = new List<byte>(); foreach (BlockMegAndColor meg in separateMegColor(devType, row, col, megColor)) { if (meg == null) break; Mess.mesg += meg.Message + "\r"; cmsColorlist.AddRange(meg.Color); } Mess.mesg = Mess.mesg.TrimEnd('\r'); Mess.colors = cmsColorlist.ToArray(); return Mess; }
protected override System.Collections.Hashtable setDisplay(RemoteInterface.HC.FetchDeviceData[] devNames, int maxSegId, MegType megType) { if (tunnel == null) return null;, Command.GetSelectCmd.getTunnelData(tunnel.Id, tunnel.Direction)); System.Collections.Hashtable displayht = new System.Collections.Hashtable(); List<object> outputs = new List<object>(); if (devNames == null) return displayht; RemoteInterface.HC.I_HC_FWIS hobj = EasyClient.getHost(); //����:0, ��:2, ��:1 ��:3 , ��:4 //int laneCount = Convert.ToInt32(ht["LANE_COUNT"]); int laneCount = 2; byte[] laneNearMeg = getBlockageMessage(laneCount, ht["INC_BLOCKAGE"].ToString()); //���D�Ƽg����2���D byte[] laneMiddleMeg = new byte[laneCount]; if (laneNearMeg[0] == (byte)LCSLight.down && laneNearMeg[1] == (byte)LCSLight.forbid) { laneMiddleMeg[0] = laneNearMeg[0]; laneMiddleMeg[1] = (byte)LCSLight.leftDown; } else if (laneNearMeg[0] == 2 && laneNearMeg[1] == 1) { laneMiddleMeg[0] = (byte)LCSLight.rightDown; laneMiddleMeg[1] = laneNearMeg[1]; } else { laneMiddleMeg = laneNearMeg; } for (int i = 0; i < laneCount; i++) { if (isReturnFlash) laneMiddleMeg[i] += 4; if (isEventFlash) laneNearMeg[i] += 4; } for(int i=0;i<devNames.Length;i++) { System.Data.DataSet DS = hobj.getSendDs("LCS", "set_ctl_sign"); DS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["sign_cnt"] = Convert.ToByte(laneCount); byte CommInside = 0; byte CommOutside = 0; if (i < n_device) { CommInside=laneMiddleMeg[0]; CommOutside = laneMiddleMeg[1]; } else { CommInside = laneNearMeg[0]; CommOutside = laneNearMeg[1]; } //�����D System.Data.DataRow DShow = DS.Tables[1].NewRow(); DShow["sign_no"] = Convert.ToByte(0); DShow["sign_status"] = CommInside; DS.Tables[1].Rows.Add(DShow); //�~���D DShow = DS.Tables[1].NewRow(); DShow["sign_no"] = Convert.ToByte(1); DShow["sign_status"] = CommOutside; DS.Tables[1].Rows.Add(DShow); DS.AcceptChanges(); List<object> output = new List<object>(); output.AddRange(new object[] { getPriority(), new RemoteInterface.HC.LCSOutputData(DS) }); displayht.Add(devNames[i].DevName, output); } return displayht; }
public EntryPoint(RemoteHooking.IContext inContext, string inChannelName) { Interface = RemoteHooking.IpcConnectClient<RemoteInterface>(inChannelName); }
void nClient_OnEvent(object sender, RemoteInterface.NotifyEventObject objEvent) { if(objEvent.EventObj is NotifyMessage) { NotifyMessage mesg= objEvent.EventObj as NotifyMessage; this.BeginInvoke(new InvokeDelegate(InvokeTask), mesg); } if (objEvent.type == EventEnumType.TEST) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print( DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()+",test"); } // throw new NotImplementedException(); }
/// <summary> /// �]�w�@��ƥ���ܤ��e /// </summary> /// <param name="devNames">�n��ܤ��]��</param> /// <param name="maxSegId">�̻���q���s�X</param> /// <returns>�]�ƹ�I���e</returns> protected virtual System.Collections.Hashtable setGENDisplay(RemoteInterface.HC.FetchDeviceData[] devNames, int maxSegId,string direction) { int unit_Start = findUnitSection(Convert.ToInt32(ht["FROM_MILEPOST1"]), direction); megType = getGeneralMsgType(degree, Convert.ToInt32(ht["INC_CONGESTION"]), unit_Start,direction); //this.serMeg.setServerMeg(string.Format("�ƥ�T�����A:{0}", megType.ToString())); return setDisplay(devNames, maxSegId, megType); }
private void DoSetTravelMode_Job(RemoteInterface.HC.ScheduleTask.SetTravelModeTask job) { string sql = ""; if (job.Enable) { sql = "update tblRGSTravelTime set enable='Y' where deviceName='" + this.devName + "'"; Program.matrix.dbServer.SendCmdImmediately(sql); object dev = Program.matrix.getDevicemanager()[this.devName]; if (dev is Host.TC.RGSDeviceWrapper) (dev as Host.TC.RGSDeviceWrapper).loadTravelSetting(); if (dev is Host.TC.CMSDeviceWrapper) (dev as Host.TC.CMSDeviceWrapper).loadTravelSetting(); } else { sql = "update tblRGSTravelTime set enable='N' where deviceName='" + this.devName + "'"; object dev = Program.matrix.getDevicemanager()[this.devName]; Program.matrix.dbServer.SendCmdImmediately(sql); if (dev is Host.TC.RGSDeviceWrapper) (dev as Host.TC.RGSDeviceWrapper).removeOutput(OutputQueueData.TRAVEL_PRIORITY); if (dev is Host.TC.CMSDeviceWrapper) (dev as Host.TC.CMSDeviceWrapper).removeOutput(OutputQueueData.TRAVEL_PRIORITY); } }
protected override System.Collections.Hashtable setDisplay(RemoteInterface.HC.FetchDeviceData[] devNames, int maxSegId, MegType megType) { System.Collections.Hashtable displayht = new System.Collections.Hashtable(); int mile_s = Convert.ToInt32(ht["FROM_MILEPOST1"]); int mile_e = Convert.ToInt32(ht["TO_MILEPOST1"]); if (devNames == null) return displayht; if (tunnel == null && devNames != null && devNames.Length>0) { tunnel = TunnelData.getBuilder().tunList.Find(new EventObj(devNames[0].LineId, devNames[0].Direction, devNames[0].Mileage)); } if (tunnel == null && mile_s != mile_e) { for (int i = 1; i < devNames.Length; i++) { tunnel = TunnelData.getBuilder().tunList.Find(new EventObj(devNames[i].LineId, devNames[i].Direction, devNames[i].Mileage)); if (tunnel != null) break; } } if (tunnel == null) return displayht;, Command.GetSelectCmd.getTunnelData(tunnel.Id, tunnel.Direction)); List<object> outputs = new List<object>(); if (devNames == null || devNames.Length == 0) return displayht; RemoteInterface.HC.I_HC_FWIS hobj = EasyClient.getHost(); //string direction = Convert.ToString(ht["INC_DIRECTION"]).Trim(); //����:0, ��:2, ��:1 ��:3 , ��:4 //int laneCount = Convert.ToInt32(ht["LANE_COUNT"]); int laneCount = 2; byte[] laneNearMeg = getBlockageMessage(laneCount, ht["INC_BLOCKAGE"].ToString()); //���D�Ƽg����2���D byte[] laneMiddleMeg = new byte[laneCount]; if (laneNearMeg[0] == (byte)LCSLight.down && laneNearMeg[1] == (byte)LCSLight.forbid) { laneMiddleMeg[0] = laneNearMeg[0]; laneMiddleMeg[1] = (byte)LCSLight.leftDown; } else if (laneNearMeg[0] == 2 && laneNearMeg[1] == 1) { laneMiddleMeg[0] = (byte)LCSLight.rightDown; laneMiddleMeg[1] = laneNearMeg[1]; } else { laneMiddleMeg = laneNearMeg; } for (int i = 0; i < laneCount; i++) { if (isReturnFlash) laneMiddleMeg[i] += 4; else if (isEventFlash) laneNearMeg[i] += 4; } bool UpOne = false; int segID =0; if (devNames.Length > 0) segID = devNames[devNames.Length -1].SegId; for (int i = devNames.Length-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (UpOne) break; System.Data.DataSet DS = hobj.getSendDs("LCS", "set_ctl_sign"); DS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["sign_cnt"] = Convert.ToByte(laneCount); byte CommInside = 0; byte CommOutside = 0; if (type == CategoryType.OBS) { if (UpDown(tunnel.StartMileage, devNames[i].Mileage, devNames[i].Direction)) { CommInside = laneNearMeg[0]; CommOutside = laneNearMeg[1]; } else { CommInside = laneMiddleMeg[0]; CommOutside = laneMiddleMeg[1]; UpOne = true; } } else { if (laneNearMeg[0] % 4 == (byte)LCSLight.forbid && laneNearMeg[1] % 4 == (byte)LCSLight.forbid) { if (devNames[i].SegId != segID) break; if (UpDown(mile_s, devNames[i].Mileage,devNames[i].Direction)) { //CommInside = (byte)LCSLight.down; //CommOutside = (byte)LCSLight.down; CommInside = laneNearMeg[0]; CommOutside = laneNearMeg[1]; } else { CommInside = laneNearMeg[0]; CommOutside = laneNearMeg[1]; } } else { if (UpDown(mile_s, devNames[i].Mileage, devNames[i].Direction)) { //CommInside = (byte)LCSLight.down; //CommOutside = (byte)LCSLight.down; CommInside = laneNearMeg[0]; CommOutside = laneNearMeg[1]; } else if (UpDown(tunnel.StartMileage, devNames[i].Mileage, devNames[i].Direction)) { //if (i == 0 || (tunnel.UpstreamLocation != null && UpDown(devNames[i - 1].Mileage, tunnel.UpstreamLocation.EndMileage, devNames[i -1].Direction))) if (i == 0 || (!UpDown(tunnel.StartMileage,devNames[i-1].Mileage,devNames[i].Direction) && Math.Abs(tunnel.StartMileage - devNames[i -1].Mileage) > 200)) { CommInside = laneMiddleMeg[0]; CommOutside = laneMiddleMeg[1]; UpOne = true; } else { CommInside = laneNearMeg[0]; CommOutside = laneNearMeg[1]; } } else { if (Math.Abs(tunnel.StartMileage - devNames[i].Mileage) < 200) { CommInside = laneMiddleMeg[0]; CommOutside = laneMiddleMeg[1]; UpOne = true; } else { break; } } } } //�����D System.Data.DataRow DShow = DS.Tables[1].NewRow(); DShow["sign_no"] = Convert.ToByte(0); DShow["sign_status"] = CommInside; DS.Tables[1].Rows.Add(DShow); //�~���D DShow = DS.Tables[1].NewRow(); DShow["sign_no"] = Convert.ToByte(1); DShow["sign_status"] = CommOutside; DS.Tables[1].Rows.Add(DShow); DS.AcceptChanges(); List<object> output = new List<object>(); output.AddRange(new object[] { getPriority(), new RemoteInterface.HC.LCSOutputData(DS) }); displayht.Add(devNames[i].DevName, output); } return displayht; }
/// <summary> /// �]�w�ѭԨƥ���ܤ��e /// </summary> /// <param name="devNames">�n��ܤ��]��</param> /// <param name="maxSegId">�̻���q���s�X</param> /// <returns>�]�ƹ�I���e</returns> protected virtual System.Collections.Hashtable setWEADisplay(RemoteInterface.HC.FetchDeviceData[] devNames, int maxSegId) { megType = getNongeneralMsgType(degree, Convert.ToInt32(ht["INC_CONGESTION"])); //this.serMeg.setServerMeg(string.Format("�ƥ�T�����A:{0}", megType.ToString())); return setDisplay(devNames, maxSegId, megType); }