public ActionResult CompareDevice(List <string> devices, string startTime, string endTime)
            var res = new JsonResult <List <CompareDeviceDto> >();
            List <CompareDeviceDto> compareResult = new List <CompareDeviceDto>();

            foreach (var dev in devices)
                CompareDeviceDto dto = new CompareDeviceDto();
                Expression <Func <Device, bool> > exp = item => item.DeviceNo == dev;
                DeviceDto devDto = Mapper.Map <Device, DeviceDto>(evaluateDAL.Single(exp));
                dto.Device = devDto;
                MMDD_SBLY  dncData = evaluateDAL.GetDncData(dev, startTime, endTime);
                DncRelated dncRelateReliability = Reliability.DncRelateReliability(dncData);
                dto.DncReliability = dncRelateReliability;
                //string mtbfSql = "select gzjgsj as jgsj from csmtbfsj"; //测试的时候用的,实际调用时应该给定sql语句
                string recordsSql = "select app.DeviceNo,app.FailureType,app.BeginTime,app.FirstLocation,app.SecondLocation,app.ThirdLocation, round((" +
                                    "(case when app.CHECKTIME is null then to_date('" + endTime + "', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') else app.CHECKTIME end)-" +
                                    "(app.BEGINTIME)) * 24, 2) AS pausetime FROM REPAIRAPPLICATION app " +
                                    "WHERE (app.BEGINTIME > to_date('" + startTime + "', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AND app.BEGINTIME < to_date('" + endTime + "', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'))";
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dev))
                    recordsSql += " and app.DeviceNo='" + dev + "'";
                recordsSql += " order by app.begintime";

                DataTable     sourceTable = evaluateDAL.GetFailureRecords(recordsSql);
                List <double> intervar    = new List <double>();
                for (int i = 0; i < sourceTable.Rows.Count - 1; i++)
                    intervar.Add(Convert.ToDouble((Convert.ToDateTime(sourceTable.Rows[i + 1]["BeginTime"]) - Convert.ToDateTime(sourceTable.Rows[i]["BeginTime"])).TotalHours));
                //intervar = evaluateDAL.Interval(mtbfSql);
                double alph, beta;
                dto.MTBF = Reliability.MTBF(intervar, out alph, out beta);
                dto.Alph = alph; dto.Beta = beta;

                string[] t     = new string[2000];
                double[] f     = new double[2000];
                Curve    curve = new Curve();
                for (int i = 1; i < 2000; i++)
                    t[i] = i.ToString();
                    f[i] = Math.Exp(-Math.Pow((i / alph), beta));
                curve.XValues     = t;
                curve.YTimeValues = f;
                List <Curve> curves = new List <Curve>();
                dto.Curves = curves;
   = compareResult;
            res.flag = true;
        public ActionResult CompareByBrand(string type, List <string> brands, string startTime, string endTime)
            CompareBrandDto compareResultDto = new CompareBrandDto();

            compareResultDto.MachineType = type;
            compareResultDto.DisplayName = type + "对比结果";
            compareResultDto.StartTime   = startTime; compareResultDto.EndTime = endTime;
            compareResultDto.BrandList   = new List <BrandEvaluateDto>();
            var res = new JsonResult <CompareBrandDto>();

            if (brands.Count > 0)
                foreach (var brand in brands)
                    String Sql = "select app.DeviceNo,app.FailureType,app.BeginTime,app.FirstLocation,app.SecondLocation,app.ThirdLocation, round((" +
                                 "(case when app.CHECKTIME is null then to_date('" + endTime + "', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') else app.CHECKTIME end)-" +
                                 "(app.BEGINTIME)) * 24, 2) AS pausetime FROM REPAIRAPPLICATION app " +
                                 "WHERE (app.BEGINTIME > to_date('" + startTime + "', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AND app.BEGINTIME < to_date('" + endTime + "', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')) " +
                                 "and deviceno in (select deviceno from device where type='" + type + "' and brand='" + brand + "' ) order by app.begintime";
                    DataTable sourceTable = evaluateDAL.GetFailureRecords(Sql);
                    if (sourceTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                        res.flag = true;
                        BrandEvaluateDto brandDto   = new BrandEvaluateDto();
                        List <string>    groupNames = new List <string>()
                            "FailureType", "SecondLocation"
                        };                                                                               //按故障类别,二级故障部位统计,统计故障次数和故障时间
                        List <DataUnit> groupedData = GroupByColName(sourceTable, groupNames);
                        brandDto.Curves = CreatCurves(groupedData);
                        brandDto.Brand  = brand;
                        List <double> intervar = new List <double>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < sourceTable.Rows.Count - 1; i++)
                            intervar.Add(Convert.ToDouble((Convert.ToDateTime(sourceTable.Rows[i + 1]["BeginTime"]) - Convert.ToDateTime(sourceTable.Rows[i]["BeginTime"])).TotalHours));
                        double alph, beta;
                        double mtbf = Reliability.MTBF(intervar, out alph, out beta);
                        brandDto.MTBF = mtbf;
                        brandDto.Alph = alph; brandDto.Beta = beta;
       = compareResultDto;
        private DeviceEvaluateDto SingleDeviceEvaluate(string deviceNo, string startTime, string endTime)
            DeviceEvaluateDto deviceEvaluateDto = new DeviceEvaluateDto();
            string            recordsSql        = "select app.DeviceNo,app.FailureType,app.BeginTime,app.FirstLocation,app.SecondLocation,app.ThirdLocation, round((" +
                                                  "(case when app.CHECKTIME is null then to_date('" + endTime + "', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') else app.CHECKTIME end)-" +
                                                  "(app.BEGINTIME)) * 24, 2) AS pausetime FROM REPAIRAPPLICATION app " +
                                                  "WHERE (app.BEGINTIME > to_date('" + startTime + "', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AND app.BEGINTIME < to_date('" + endTime + "', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')) ";

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceNo))
                recordsSql += " and app.DeviceNo='" + deviceNo + "'";
            recordsSql += " order by app.begintime";
            DataTable     sourceTable = evaluateDAL.GetFailureRecords(recordsSql);
            List <string> groupNames  = new List <string>()
                "FailureType", "SecondLocation"
            };                                                                               //按故障类别,二级故障部位统计,统计故障次数和故障时间
            List <DataUnit> groupedData = GroupByColName(sourceTable, groupNames);

            deviceEvaluateDto.Curves      = CreatCurves(groupedData);
            deviceEvaluateDto.FailureStas = Statistics(groupedData);//故障数据统计
            MMDD_SBLY  dncData = evaluateDAL.GetDncData(deviceNo, startTime, endTime);
            DncRelated dncRelateReliability = Reliability.DncRelateReliability(dncData);

            deviceEvaluateDto.dncRelateReliability = dncRelateReliability;

            List <double> intervar = new List <double>();
            //for (int i = 0; i < sourceTable.Rows.Count-1; i++)
            //    intervar.Add(Convert.ToDouble((Convert.ToDateTime(sourceTable.Rows[i + 1]["BeginTime"]) -  Convert.ToDateTime(sourceTable.Rows[i ]["BeginTime"])).TotalHours));
            double alph, beta;
            string mtbfSql = "select gzjgsj as jgsj from csmtbfsj";

            intervar = evaluateDAL.Interval(mtbfSql);//测试的时候用的
            deviceEvaluateDto.MTBF = Reliability.MTBF(intervar, out alph, out beta);