/// <summary>
        /// Execute
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override bool Execute()
            Navigation_ADO adoNav     = new Navigation_ADO(Ado);
            Navigation_BSO nBso       = new Navigation_BSO(Ado, DTO);
            bool           wordSearch = false;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(DTO.Search))
                DTO.SearchTerms = nBso.PrepareSearchData();
                wordSearch      = true;

            //DTO.search has too much variation to use as a cache key - the search terms are formatted in the table so we don't need it any more
            DTO.Search = "";

            MemCachedD_Value cache = MemCacheD.Get_BSO("PxStat.System.Navigation", "Navigation_API", "Search", DTO); //

            if (cache.hasData)
                Response.data = cache.data;

            if (wordSearch)
                Response.data = nBso.RunWordSearch();
                Response.data = nBso.RunEntitySearch();

            DateTime minDateItem = default;

            Release_ADO rAdo = new Release_ADO(Ado);

            dynamic dateQuery = rAdo.ReadNextReleaseDate();

            if (dateQuery != null)
                minDateItem = dateQuery.RlsDatetimeNext.Equals(DBNull.Value) ? default(DateTime) : dateQuery.RlsDatetimeNext;
                minDateItem = default;

            MemCacheD.Store_BSO("PxStat.System.Navigation", "Navigation_API", "Search", DTO, Response.data, minDateItem, Resources.Constants.C_CAS_NAVIGATION_SEARCH);

Exemple #2
        internal JSONRPC_Output WorkflowSignoffCreate(ADO Ado, WorkflowSignoff_DTO DTO, string SamAccountName)
            JSONRPC_Output   response   = new JSONRPC_Output();
            ADO_readerOutput moderators = new ADO_readerOutput();
            ADO_readerOutput powerUsers = new ADO_readerOutput();

            var adoWorkflowRequest  = new WorkflowRequest_ADO();
            var adoWorkflowResponse = new WorkflowResponse_ADO();

            Release_DTO dtoWip = null;

            if (!adoWorkflowResponse.IsInUse(Ado, DTO)) // is current workflow -- this should be the response!!
                //No Live workflow found so we can't proceed
                Log.Instance.Debug("No Current workflow response found for this Release Code");
                response.error = Label.Get("error.create");

            //Is this awaiting signoff?
            var adoWorkflow = new Workflow_ADO();
            ADO_readerOutput resultStatus = adoWorkflow.ReadAwaitingSignoff(Ado, SamAccountName, DTO.RlsCode, Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig(ConfigType.global, "language.iso.code"));

            if (!resultStatus.hasData)
                //Release not awaiting signoff so we can't proceed
                Log.Instance.Debug("Release not in status Awaiting Signoff");
                response.error = Label.Get("error.update");

            Security.ActiveDirectory_DTO signoffUser = new Security.ActiveDirectory_DTO()
                CcnUsername = SamAccountName
            Security.ActiveDirectory_ADO accAdo = new Security.ActiveDirectory_ADO();
            Security.Account_DTO_Read    accDto = new Security.Account_DTO_Read()
                CcnUsername = signoffUser.CcnUsername

            DTO.SignoffAccount = accAdo.GetUser(Ado, accDto);

            var adoSignoff = new WorkflowSignoff_ADO();

            //Create a comment
            var adoComment  = new Comment_ADO();
            int commentCode = adoComment.Create(Ado, DTO, SamAccountName);

            if (commentCode == 0)
                // Can't create a comment so we can't proceed
                Log.Instance.Debug("Can't create a comment ");
                response.error = Label.Get("error.create");

            DTO.CmmCode = commentCode;

            //We must read the Request and in order to see how we are going to proceed
            WorkflowRequest_ADO        adoWrq     = new WorkflowRequest_ADO();
            List <WorkflowRequest_DTO> dtoWrqList = adoWrq.Read(Ado, DTO.RlsCode, true);

            if (dtoWrqList.Count > 1)
                //Multiple requests found for this release
                Log.Instance.Debug("More than one request found for this release ");
                response.error = Label.Get("error.create");

            //there must be exactly one live Workflow request at this point
            WorkflowRequest_DTO dtoWrq = dtoWrqList.Find(x => x.RqsCode != null);

            //Get the current Release
            Release_ADO adoRelease = new Release_ADO(Ado);
            Release_DTO dtoRelease = Release_ADO.GetReleaseDTO(adoRelease.Read(DTO.RlsCode, SamAccountName));

            if (dtoRelease == null)
                Log.Instance.Debug("Release not found");
                response.error = Label.Get("error.create");

            Account_BSO aBso = new Account_BSO(Ado);

            moderators = aBso.getReleaseUsers(DTO.RlsCode, null);
            powerUsers = aBso.getUsersOfPrivilege(Constants.C_SECURITY_PRIVILEGE_POWER_USER);

            //Is this a Reject?
            if (DTO.SgnCode.Equals(Constants.C_WORKFLOW_STATUS_REJECT))
                int res = adoSignoff.Create(Ado, DTO, SamAccountName);

                if (res == 0)
                    //Can't create a Workflow Signoff so we can't proceed
                    Log.Instance.Debug("Can't create a Workflow Signoff ");
                    response.error = Label.Get("error.create");

                WorkflowRequest_DTO_Update dtoReq = new WorkflowRequest_DTO_Update(DTO.RlsCode);
                dtoReq.WrqCurrentFlag = false;

                //update the request
                int reqUpdate = adoWorkflowRequest.Update(Ado, dtoReq, SamAccountName);
                if (reqUpdate == 0)
                    //Can't save the Request so we can't proceed
                    Log.Instance.Debug("Can't save the Workflow Request");
                    response.error = Label.Get("error.update");

                DTO.MtrCode = dtoRelease.MtrCode; // we need this to see which cache we must flush

                response.data = JSONRPC.success;

                Email_BSO_NotifyWorkflow notifyReject = new Email_BSO_NotifyWorkflow();

                    notifyReject.EmailSignoff(dtoWrq, DTO, dtoRelease, moderators, powerUsers);
                catch { }


            //Not a Reject so we proceed...
            switch (dtoWrq.RqsCode)
            case Constants.C_WORKFLOW_REQUEST_PUBLISH:

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dtoRelease.PrcCode))
                    //There must be a valid product for this release
                    Log.Instance.Debug("No product found for the release ");
                    response.error = Label.Get("error.publish");

                //Update the current release LiveDatetimeTo to the request Date time
                dtoRelease.RlsLiveDatetimeFrom = dtoWrq.WrqDatetime;

                //set the release live flag
                //update the release version and set the current revision to 0
                DateTime switchDate;
                switchDate = DateTime.Now > dtoWrq.WrqDatetime ? DateTime.Now : dtoWrq.WrqDatetime;
                dtoRelease.RlsRevision         = 0;
                dtoRelease.RlsLiveFlag         = true;
                dtoRelease.RlsExceptionalFlag  = dtoWrq.WrqExceptionalFlag != null ? dtoWrq.WrqExceptionalFlag.Value : false;
                dtoRelease.RlsReservationFlag  = dtoWrq.WrqReservationFlag != null ? dtoWrq.WrqReservationFlag.Value : false;
                dtoRelease.RlsArchiveFlag      = dtoWrq.WrqArchiveFlag != null ? dtoWrq.WrqArchiveFlag.Value : false;
                dtoRelease.RlsExperimentalFlag = dtoWrq.WrqExperimentalFlag != null ? dtoWrq.WrqExperimentalFlag.Value : false;
                dtoRelease.RlsLiveDatetimeFrom = switchDate;

                //get the current live release

                Release_DTO releaseDTONow = Release_ADO.GetReleaseDTO(adoRelease.ReadLiveNow(DTO.RlsCode));

                //Save the changes for the release we're changing
                int update = adoRelease.Update(dtoRelease, SamAccountName);
                if (update == 0)
                    Log.Instance.Debug("Can't update the Release, RlsCode:" + dtoRelease.RlsCode);
                    response.error = Label.Get("error.update");

                if (releaseDTONow != null)
                    //...if there is a previous release
                    if (releaseDTONow.RlsCode != 0)
                        //Update the  Live LiveDatetimeTo to the request Datetime
                        releaseDTONow.RlsLiveDatetimeTo = switchDate;
                        //Save the changes for the previous release
                        adoRelease.Update(releaseDTONow, SamAccountName);


            case Constants.C_WORKFLOW_REQUEST_PROPERTY:
                //update release to transfer all flag values from the request to the release
                dtoRelease.RlsReservationFlag  = dtoWrq.WrqReservationFlag != null ? dtoWrq.WrqReservationFlag.Value : false;
                dtoRelease.RlsArchiveFlag      = dtoWrq.WrqArchiveFlag != null ? dtoWrq.WrqArchiveFlag.Value : false;
                dtoRelease.RlsExperimentalFlag = dtoWrq.WrqExperimentalFlag != null ? dtoWrq.WrqExperimentalFlag.Value : false;

                //Save the release
                int updateCount = adoRelease.Update(dtoRelease, SamAccountName);
                if (updateCount == 0)
                    //Update of Release failed
                    Log.Instance.Debug("Can't update the Release, RlsCode:" + DTO.RlsCode);
                    response.error = Label.Get("error.update");

                //if there is a WIP or a pending live associated with this matrix then we need to update the WIP/Pending Live as well:
                Release_BSO rBso       = new Release_BSO(Ado);
                dynamic     wipForLive = rBso.GetWipForLive(dtoRelease.RlsCode, SamAccountName);
                if (wipForLive == null)
                    wipForLive = rBso.GetPendingLiveForLive(dtoRelease.RlsCode, SamAccountName);
                if (wipForLive != null)
                    //if a workflow exists for wipForLive, then we must update the flags on that workflow as well
                    var wfForLive = adoWorkflowRequest.Read(Ado, wipForLive.RlsCode, true);
                    if (wfForLive != null)
                        if (wfForLive.Count > 0)
                            adoWorkflowRequest.Update(Ado, new WorkflowRequest_DTO_Update()
                                RlsCode             = wipForLive.RlsCode,
                                WrqArchiveFlag      = dtoWrq.WrqArchiveFlag,
                                WrqCurrentFlag      = true,
                                WrqExperimentalFlag = dtoWrq.WrqExperimentalFlag,
                                WrqReservationFlag  = dtoWrq.WrqReservationFlag
                            }, SamAccountName);

                    dtoWip = Release_ADO.GetReleaseDTO(adoRelease.Read(wipForLive.RlsCode, SamAccountName));
                    dtoWip.RlsReservationFlag  = dtoRelease.RlsReservationFlag;
                    dtoWip.RlsArchiveFlag      = dtoRelease.RlsArchiveFlag;
                    dtoWip.RlsExperimentalFlag = dtoRelease.RlsExperimentalFlag;

                    if (adoRelease.Update(dtoWip, SamAccountName) == 0)
                        Log.Instance.Debug("Failed to update associated WIP " + dtoWip.MtrCode + " " + dtoWip.RlsVersion + '.' + dtoWip.RlsRevision);

                    //if this wip has a workflow request, then the workflow request details must also be updated

                    List <WorkflowRequest_DTO> wfList = adoWrq.Read(Ado, dtoWip.RlsCode, true);
                    if (wfList.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var wf in wfList)
                            wf.WrqReservationFlag  = dtoWrq.WrqReservationFlag;
                            wf.WrqArchiveFlag      = dtoWrq.WrqArchiveFlag;
                            wf.WrqExperimentalFlag = dtoWrq.WrqExperimentalFlag;
                            adoWrq.Update(Ado, new WorkflowRequest_DTO_Update()
                                RlsCode             = wf.RlsCode,
                                WrqCurrentFlag      = dtoWrq.WrqCurrentFlag,
                                WrqArchiveFlag      = dtoWrq.WrqArchiveFlag,
                                WrqExperimentalFlag = dtoWrq.WrqExperimentalFlag,
                                WrqReservationFlag  = dtoWrq.WrqReservationFlag
                            }, SamAccountName);


            case Constants.C_WORKFLOW_REQUEST_DELETE:
                //We can't soft delete the release just yet. We need it to be live until the Request is updated.


            case Constants.C_WORKFLOW_REQUEST_ROLLBACK:

                //Delete the future release if it exists and set the current to_date to null
                //Otherwise delete the current release and make the previous release current by setting its to_date to null

                if (adoRelease.IsLiveNext(dtoRelease.RlsCode))    //this is a future release so get the previous release to roll back to (even if that previous is now historical)
                    Compare_ADO cAdo          = new Compare_ADO(Ado);
                    Release_DTO dtoNowRelease = Release_ADO.GetReleaseDTO(adoRelease.Read(cAdo.ReadPreviousRelease(DTO.RlsCode), SamAccountName));

                    dtoNowRelease.RlsLiveDatetimeTo = default(DateTime);
                    int rows = adoRelease.Update(dtoNowRelease, SamAccountName);
                    if (rows == 0)
                        Log.Instance.Debug("Can't update the Release, RlsCode:" + dtoNowRelease.RlsCode);
                        response.error = Label.Get("error.update");

                    //As things stand, dtoRelease is the requested Release (which is a Live Next). This will be deleted in the Delete section below
                    //This isn't a future release - it had better be a Live Now (with a previous)
                    if (!adoRelease.IsLiveNow(dtoRelease.RlsCode))
                        //If the request is neither a Live Now release then there's a problem
                        Log.Instance.Debug("Can't delete the Release, RlsCode:" + dtoRelease.RlsCode + ". Release is not current live");
                        response.error = Label.Get("error.delete");

                    //Find the release that we're trying to rollback to
                    Release_DTO dtoPrevious = Release_ADO.GetReleaseDTO(adoRelease.ReadLivePrevious(dtoRelease.RlsCode));
                    if (dtoPrevious.RlsCode == 0)
                        //Previous release not found
                        //You can't roll back unless there's something to roll back to, so...
                        Log.Instance.Debug("Can't delete the Release, RlsCode:" + dtoRelease.RlsCode + ". Release is not current live");
                        response.error = Label.Get("error.delete");

                    //We set the DatetimeTo to null in the previous release
                    dtoPrevious.RlsLiveDatetimeTo = default(DateTime);
                    int rows = adoRelease.Update(dtoPrevious, SamAccountName);
                    if (rows == 0)
                        Log.Instance.Debug("Can't update the Release, RlsCode:" + dtoPrevious.RlsCode);
                        response.error = Label.Get("error.update");

                    //Do the rollback of the current release
                    dtoRelease.RlsVersion          = dtoPrevious.RlsVersion;
                    dtoRelease.RlsLiveDatetimeFrom = default(DateTime);

                    rows = adoRelease.Update(dtoRelease, SamAccountName);
                    if (rows == 0)
                        Log.Instance.Debug("Can't update the Release, RlsCode:" + dtoRelease.RlsCode);
                        response.error = Label.Get("error.update");

                    adoRelease.IncrementRevision(dtoRelease.RlsCode, SamAccountName);


                response.error = Label.Get("error.update");

            int signoffID = adoSignoff.Create(Ado, DTO, SamAccountName);

            if (signoffID == 0)
                //Can't create a Workflow Signoff so we can't proceed
                Log.Instance.Debug("Can't create a Workflow Signoff ");
                response.error = Label.Get("error.create");

            //In all cases, if we have reached this stage, we must update the request to make it non-current
            WorkflowRequest_DTO_Update dtoRequest = new WorkflowRequest_DTO_Update(DTO.RlsCode);

            dtoRequest.WrqCurrentFlag = false;

            //save the request
            int updated = adoWorkflowRequest.Update(Ado, dtoRequest, SamAccountName);

            if (updated == 0)
                //Can't save the Request so we can't proceed
                Log.Instance.Debug("Can't save the Workflow Signoff");
                response.error = Label.Get("error.update");

            // We may now proceed with the soft delete
            Release_BSO_Delete bsoDelete = new Release_BSO_Delete();

            System.Navigation.Keyword_Release_ADO krbAdo = new System.Navigation.Keyword_Release_ADO();

            switch (dtoWrq.RqsCode)
            case Constants.C_WORKFLOW_REQUEST_DELETE:
                //Soft delete the Release. We had to hold this over to last because the Request updates wouldn't work without a live Release
                dtoRelease.RlsCode = DTO.RlsCode;
                Request_ADO adoRequest = new Request_ADO();

                if (adoRelease.IsLiveNow(dtoRelease.RlsCode))
                    Release_DTO dtoNowRelease = Release_ADO.GetReleaseDTO(adoRelease.ReadLiveNow(dtoRequest.RlsCode));

                    //Set the toDate to now, thus setting the release to historical
                    if (dtoNowRelease != null)
                        dtoNowRelease.RlsLiveDatetimeTo = DateTime.Now;
                        int updateCount = adoRelease.Update(dtoNowRelease, SamAccountName);
                        if (updateCount == 0)
                            Log.Instance.Debug("Can't update the Release, RlsCode:" + dtoNowRelease.RlsCode);
                            response.error = Label.Get("error.update");

                    //Delete the search keywords for this release
                    krbAdo.Delete(Ado, DTO.RlsCode, null, true);
                else if (adoRelease.IsLiveNext(dtoRelease.RlsCode) || adoRelease.IsWip(dtoRelease.RlsCode))
                    //Find the previous list if it exists
                    Compare_ADO cAdo = new Compare_ADO(Ado);
                    Release_DTO dtoPreviousRelease = Release_ADO.GetReleaseDTO(adoRelease.Read(cAdo.ReadPreviousRelease(DTO.RlsCode), SamAccountName));

                    //if there is a previous live set it to historical, but not if we're deleting a WIP
                    if (dtoPreviousRelease != null && !adoRelease.IsWip(dtoRelease.RlsCode))
                        //Delete the search keywords for the previous release
                        krbAdo.Delete(Ado, dtoPreviousRelease.RlsCode, null, true);

                        dtoPreviousRelease.RlsLiveDatetimeTo = DateTime.Now;
                        int updateCount = adoRelease.Update(dtoPreviousRelease, SamAccountName);
                        if (updateCount == 0)
                            Log.Instance.Debug("Can't update the Release, RlsCode:" + dtoPreviousRelease.RlsCode);
                            response.error = Label.Get("error.update");

                    //Delete the search keywords for this release
                    krbAdo.Delete(Ado, DTO.RlsCode, null, true);

                    // We may now proceed with the soft delete
                    if (bsoDelete.Delete(Ado, DTO.RlsCode, SamAccountName, true) == 0)
                        Log.Instance.Debug("Can't delete the Release, RlsCode:" + DTO.RlsCode);
                        response.error = Label.Get("error.delete");
                    //Only LiveNow, LiveNext and WIP releases can be deleted. Anything else means there's a problem.
                    Log.Instance.Debug("Can't delete the Release - invalid release status, RlsCode:" + DTO.RlsCode);
                    response.error = Label.Get("error.delete");


            case Constants.C_WORKFLOW_REQUEST_ROLLBACK:

                //First, if there is a WIP ahead of this live release then that WIP must be deleted
                Release_ADO releaseAdo     = new Release_ADO(Ado);
                var         releaseDTORead = new Release_DTO_Read()
                    MtrCode = dtoRelease.MtrCode
                var latestRelease = releaseAdo.ReadLatest(releaseDTORead);
                if (latestRelease != null)
                    if (dtoRelease.RlsCode != latestRelease.RlsCode)
                        if (bsoDelete.Delete(Ado, latestRelease.RlsCode, SamAccountName, true) == 0)
                            Log.Instance.Debug("Can't delete the Release, RlsCode:" + latestRelease.RlsCode);
                            response.error = Label.Get("error.delete");

                // Only Live Next gets soft deleted, while Live Now is turned historical above
                if (adoRelease.IsLiveNext(dtoRelease.RlsCode))
                    if (bsoDelete.Delete(Ado, DTO.RlsCode, SamAccountName, true) == 0)
                        Log.Instance.Debug("Can't delete the Release, RlsCode:" + DTO.RlsCode);
                        response.error = Label.Get("error.delete");

                    //Delete the search keywords for this release
                    krbAdo.Delete(Ado, DTO.RlsCode, null, true);

                // Delete the requested release (it may have been live but may also have been demoted to WIP by now)
                if (adoRelease.IsWip(dtoRelease.RlsCode))
                    if (bsoDelete.Delete(Ado, dtoRelease.RlsCode, SamAccountName, true) == 0)
                        Log.Instance.Debug("Can't delete the Release, RlsCode:" + dtoRelease.RlsCode);
                        response.error = Label.Get("error.delete");

                    //Delete the search keywords for this release
                    krbAdo.Delete(Ado, DTO.RlsCode, null, true);

            DTO.MtrCode = dtoRelease.MtrCode; // we need this to see which cache we must flush

            response.data = JSONRPC.success;
            Email_BSO_NotifyWorkflow notify = new Email_BSO_NotifyWorkflow();

            var sendMailThread = new Thread(() =>
                //If an email error occurs, just ignore it and continue as before
                    notify.EmailSignoff(dtoWrq, DTO, dtoRelease, moderators, powerUsers);
                catch { }


            // Clean up caching
            MemCacheD.CasRepositoryFlush(Resources.Constants.C_CAS_DATA_COMPARE_READ_ADDITION + DTO.RlsCode);
            MemCacheD.CasRepositoryFlush(Resources.Constants.C_CAS_DATA_COMPARE_READ_DELETION + DTO.RlsCode);
            MemCacheD.CasRepositoryFlush(Resources.Constants.C_CAS_DATA_COMPARE_READ_AMENDMENT + DTO.RlsCode);

            MemCacheD.CasRepositoryFlush(Resources.Constants.C_CAS_DATA_CUBE_READ_PRE_DATASET + DTO.RlsCode);
            MemCacheD.CasRepositoryFlush(Resources.Constants.C_CAS_DATA_CUBE_READ_PRE_METADATA + DTO.RlsCode);

            if (dtoWip != null)
                MemCacheD.CasRepositoryFlush(Resources.Constants.C_CAS_DATA_COMPARE_READ_ADDITION + dtoWip.RlsCode);
                MemCacheD.CasRepositoryFlush(Resources.Constants.C_CAS_DATA_COMPARE_READ_DELETION + dtoWip.RlsCode);
                MemCacheD.CasRepositoryFlush(Resources.Constants.C_CAS_DATA_COMPARE_READ_AMENDMENT + dtoWip.RlsCode);

                MemCacheD.CasRepositoryFlush(Resources.Constants.C_CAS_DATA_CUBE_READ_PRE_DATASET + dtoWip.RlsCode);
                MemCacheD.CasRepositoryFlush(Resources.Constants.C_CAS_DATA_CUBE_READ_PRE_METADATA + dtoWip.RlsCode);


            MemCacheD.CasRepositoryFlush(Resources.Constants.C_CAS_DATA_CUBE_READ_DATASET + DTO.MtrCode);

            MemCacheD.CasRepositoryFlush(Resources.Constants.C_CAS_DATA_CUBE_READ_DATASET + DTO.MtrCode);

            MemCacheD.CasRepositoryFlush(Resources.Constants.C_CAS_DATA_CUBE_READ_METADATA + DTO.MtrCode);


Exemple #3
        internal JSONRPC_Output WorkflowRequestCreate(WorkflowRequest_DTO DTO, ADO Ado, string SamAccountName)
            JSONRPC_Output response = new JSONRPC_Output();
            //Validation of parameters and user have been successful. We may now proceed to read from the database
            var adoWorkflowRequest = new WorkflowRequest_ADO();

            //check if this release already has a Current WorkflowRequest
            if (adoWorkflowRequest.IsCurrent(Ado, DTO.RlsCode))
                //Can't create a comment so we can't proceed
                Log.Instance.Debug("Release already has a live Workflow, can't create");
                response.error = Label.Get("error.duplicate");
            //Get Release
            Release_ADO releaseAdo = new Release_ADO(Ado);
            Release_DTO releaseDTO = Release_ADO.GetReleaseDTO(releaseAdo.Read(DTO.RlsCode, SamAccountName));

            if (releaseDTO == null)
                Log.Instance.Debug("Release Code not found");
                response.error = Label.Get("error.duplicate");
            Request_ADO adoRequest = new Request_ADO();
            Request_DTO dtoRequest = new Request_DTO
                RlsCode = DTO.RlsCode

            Release_ADO adoRelease = new Release_ADO(Ado);

            //We must validate the request, depending on the RequestCode and the current state of the Release
            switch (DTO.RqsCode)
            case Constants.C_WORKFLOW_REQUEST_PUBLISH:

                if (!adoRelease.IsWip(dtoRequest.RlsCode))
                    Log.Instance.Debug("The requested Release Code is not the WIP Release");
                    response.error = Label.Get("error.create");


            case Constants.C_WORKFLOW_REQUEST_PROPERTY:
                //Release must be CURRENT LIVE - RlsLiveFlag is live only between from and to dates
                if (!adoRelease.IsLiveNow(dtoRequest.RlsCode) && !adoRelease.IsLiveNext(dtoRequest.RlsCode))
                    Log.Instance.Debug("Cannot create a Flag Request. The Release must be either current Live or Next Live");
                    response.error = Label.Get("error.create");

            case Constants.C_WORKFLOW_REQUEST_DELETE:
                //What about WIP? - not a workflow request but it is part of Release. It will have its own API.
                //Release must be LIVE NEXT, CURRENT LIVE or WIP
                if (!adoRelease.IsLiveNow(dtoRequest.RlsCode) && !adoRelease.IsLiveNext(dtoRequest.RlsCode) && !adoRelease.IsWip(dtoRequest.RlsCode))
                    Log.Instance.Debug("Can't create a DELETE Request on a historical Release");
                    response.error = Label.Get("error.create");


            case Constants.C_WORKFLOW_REQUEST_ROLLBACK:

                //Release must be CURRENT LIVE OR NEXT LIVE and PREVIOUS must exist
                if ((!adoRelease.IsLiveNow(dtoRequest.RlsCode) && !adoRelease.IsLiveNext(dtoRequest.RlsCode)) || !adoRelease.HasPrevious(dtoRequest.RlsCode))
                    Log.Instance.Debug("Can't create a ROLLBACK Request because (a) the Request is neither live nor pending-live or (b) there is no valid Release to roll back to.");
                    response.error = Label.Get("error.create");


                Log.Instance.Debug("Invalid Request Code");
                response.error = Label.Get("error.validation");
            var adoComment = new Comment_ADO();

            int commentCode = adoComment.Create(Ado, DTO, SamAccountName);

            if (commentCode == 0)
                //Can't create a comment so we can't proceed
                Log.Instance.Debug("Can't create a comment - WorkflowRequest create request refused");
                response.error = Label.Get("error.create");

            DTO.CmmCode = commentCode;

            //Create the WorkflowRequest - and retrieve the newly created Id
            int newId = adoWorkflowRequest.Create(Ado, DTO, SamAccountName);

            if (newId == 0)
                response.error = Label.Get("error.create");

            response.data = JSONRPC.success;

            List <WorkflowRequest_DTO> dtoWrqList = adoWorkflowRequest.Read(Ado, DTO.RlsCode, true);

            if (dtoWrqList.Count == 1)
                Email_BSO_NotifyWorkflow notify = new Email_BSO_NotifyWorkflow();
                    notify.EmailRequest(dtoWrqList[0], releaseDTO, Ado);
                catch { }
                Log.Instance.Error("Email failed");

Exemple #4
        internal JSONRPC_Output WorkflowResponseCreate(WorkflowResponse_DTO DTO, ADO Ado, string SamAccountName)
            JSONRPC_Output response = new JSONRPC_Output();
            //We need to get the Request for notification purposes
            WorkflowRequest_ADO        adoWrq     = new WorkflowRequest_ADO();
            List <WorkflowRequest_DTO> dtoWrqList = adoWrq.Read(Ado, DTO.RlsCode, true);

            if (dtoWrqList.Count > 1)
                //Multiple requests found for this release
                Log.Instance.Debug("More than one request found for this release ");
                response.error = Label.Get("error.create");

            if (dtoWrqList.Count == 0)
                //No request found for this release
                Log.Instance.Debug("No request found for this release ");
                response.error = Label.Get("error.create");

            //Validation of parameters and user have been successful. We may now proceed to read from the database
            var adoWorkflowRequest = new WorkflowRequest_ADO();

            if (!adoWorkflowRequest.IsCurrent(Ado, DTO.RlsCode))
                //No workflow found
                Log.Instance.Debug("No Live workflow found for this Release Code");
                response.error = Label.Get("error.create");

            var adoWorkflowResponse = new WorkflowResponse_ADO();

            //If this is a Moderator, we need to check if the user is in the same group as the release and has approve rights

            Account_BSO acBso = new Account_BSO();

            if (acBso.IsModerator(Ado, SamAccountName))
                var approveRlsList = adoWorkflowResponse.GetApproverAccess(Ado, SamAccountName, true, DTO.RlsCode);
                if (approveRlsList.data.Count == 0)
                    Log.Instance.Debug("Insufficient access for a Moderator");
                    response.error = Label.Get("error.authentication");

            //Check that there isn't already a WorkflowResponse for this Release

            if (adoWorkflowResponse.IsInUse(Ado, DTO))
                //Duplicate Workflow exists
                Log.Instance.Debug("Workflow Response exists already, can't create");
                response.error = Label.Get("error.duplicate");

            var adoComment = new Comment_ADO();

            int commentCode = adoComment.Create(Ado, DTO, SamAccountName);

            if (commentCode == 0)
                //Can't create a comment so we can't proceed
                Log.Instance.Debug("Can't create comment - create WorkflowResponse refused");
                response.error = Label.Get("error.create");

            DTO.CmmCode = commentCode;

            int createResponse = adoWorkflowResponse.Create(Ado, DTO, SamAccountName);

            if (createResponse == 0)
                response.error = Label.Get("error.create");

            //If this is a Reject then we must reset the workflow to stop it being current
            if (DTO.RspCode.Equals(Resources.Constants.C_WORKFLOW_STATUS_REJECT))
                WorkflowRequest_DTO_Update dtoRequest = new WorkflowRequest_DTO_Update(DTO.RlsCode)
                    WrqCurrentFlag = false

                adoWorkflowRequest.Update(Ado, dtoRequest, SamAccountName);

            response.data = JSONRPC.success;

            //Get Release
            Release_ADO releaseAdo = new Release_ADO(Ado);
            Release_DTO releaseDTO = Release_ADO.GetReleaseDTO(releaseAdo.Read(DTO.RlsCode, SamAccountName));

            Security.ActiveDirectory_DTO responseUser = new Security.ActiveDirectory_DTO()
                CcnUsername = SamAccountName
            Security.ActiveDirectory_ADO accAdo = new Security.ActiveDirectory_ADO();
            Security.Account_DTO_Read    accDto = new Security.Account_DTO_Read()
                CcnUsername = responseUser.CcnUsername

            DTO.ResponseAccount = accAdo.GetUser(Ado, accDto);

            Email_BSO_NotifyWorkflow notify = new Email_BSO_NotifyWorkflow();

                notify.EmailResponse(dtoWrqList[0], DTO, releaseDTO);
            { }
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a keyword release
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Ado"></param>
        /// <param name="releaseId"></param>
        /// <param name="userName"></param>
        internal void Create(ADO Ado, int releaseId, string userName)
            Release_ADO rAdo = new Data.Release_ADO(Ado);

            var latestRelease = Release_ADO.GetReleaseDTO(rAdo.ReadID(releaseId, userName));

            if (latestRelease == null) return;

            rAdo.DeleteKeywords(latestRelease.RlsCode, userName);

            //Create the table that will be bulk inserted
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            dt.Columns.Add("KRL_VALUE", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("KRL_RLS_ID", typeof(int));
            dt.Columns.Add("KRL_MANDATORY_FLAG", typeof(bool));
            dt.Columns.Add("KRL_SINGULARISED_FLAG", typeof(bool));

            Keyword_Release_ADO adoKeywordCreate = new Keyword_Release_ADO();

            //Get the matrices for the RlsCode - There may be more than one e.g. if multiple languages are used in the same release
            Matrix_ADO mAdo = new Matrix_ADO(Ado);
            IList<dynamic> matrixList;

            matrixList = mAdo.ReadAllForRelease(latestRelease.RlsCode, userName);

            //Create the table rows
            foreach (dynamic item in matrixList)
                //Get a Keyword Extractor - the particular version returned will depend on the language
                Keyword_BSO_Extract kbe = new Keyword_BSO_Extract(item.LngIsoCode);
                // IKeywordExtractor ext = kbe.GetExtractor();

                //Add the keywords and other data to the output table
                AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplitSingular(item.MtrTitle), item.RlsID);

                //Add the MtrCode to the keyword list without any transformations
                AddToTable(ref dt, new List<string>() { item.MtrCode }, item.RlsID, false);

                //Add the Copyright Code
                AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplit(item.CprCode), item.RlsID, false);

                //Add the Copyright Value
                AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplit(item.CprValue), item.RlsID, false);

                //Add the Language
                AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplit(item.LngIsoName), item.RlsID, false);

                //Add the Frequency Code
                //AddToTable(ref dt, ext.ExtractSplit(item.FrqCode), item.RlsID);

                //Add the Frequency Value
                AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplitSingular(item.FrqValue), item.RlsID);

                //Get the keywords from Statistic
                IList<dynamic> statList = mAdo.ReadStatisticByRelease(latestRelease.RlsCode, item.LngIsoCode);
                foreach (dynamic statItem in statList)
                    AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplit(statItem.SttCode), item.RlsID, false);
                    AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplitSingular(statItem.SttValue), item.RlsID);
                    AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplitSingular(statItem.SttUnit), item.RlsID);

                //Get the keywords from Classification
                IList<dynamic> classificationList = mAdo.ReadClassificationByRelease(latestRelease.RlsCode, item.LngIsoCode);
                foreach (dynamic classItem in classificationList)
                    AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplit(classItem.ClsCode), item.RlsID, false);
                    AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplitSingular(classItem.ClsValue), item.RlsID);

                    //Get the keywords from Variables
                    IList<dynamic> variableList = mAdo.ReadVariableByRelease(latestRelease.RlsCode, item.LngIsoCode, classItem.ClsCode);
                    foreach (dynamic variableItem in variableList)
                        AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplit(variableItem.VrbCode), item.RlsID, false);
                        AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplitSingular(variableItem.VrbValue), item.RlsID);

                //Get the keywords from Period
                IList<dynamic> periodList = mAdo.ReadPeriodByRelease(latestRelease.RlsCode, item.LngIsoCode, item.FrqCode);
                foreach (dynamic periodItem in periodList)
                    AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplit(periodItem.PrdCode), item.RlsID, false);
                    AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplitSingular(periodItem.PrdValue), item.RlsID);

            //Final check to make sure there are no duplicates
            adoKeywordCreate.Create(Ado, dt.DefaultView.ToTable(true, new string[4] { "KRL_VALUE", "KRL_RLS_ID", "KRL_MANDATORY_FLAG", "KRL_SINGULARISED_FLAG" }));
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the list of valid requests for a Release Code
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <Request_DTO> ReadAvailableRequests()
            Request_ADO adoRequest = new Request_ADO();

            Release_ADO adoRelease = new Release_ADO(Ado);

            ADO_readerOutput result = adoRequest.Read(Ado);

            List <Request_DTO> reqList = new List <Request_DTO>();

            List <string> list = new List <string>();

            bool isLiveNow   = adoRelease.IsLiveNow(DTO.RlsCode);
            bool isLiveNext  = adoRelease.IsLiveNext(DTO.RlsCode);
            bool isWip       = adoRelease.IsWip(DTO.RlsCode);
            bool hasPrevious = adoRelease.HasPrevious(DTO.RlsCode);

            //We need to choose the correct set of valid Request types depending on the status of the Release
            if (isWip)
                list = Constants.C_WORKFLOW_REQUEST_WIP();

            else if (isLiveNow && hasPrevious)
                list = Constants.C_WORKFLOW_REQUEST_LIVE_NOW_WITH_PREVIOUS();

            else if (isLiveNow && !hasPrevious)
                list = Constants.C_WORKFLOW_REQUEST_LIVE_NOW_WITHOUT_PREVIOUS();

            else if (isLiveNext && hasPrevious)
                list = Constants.C_WORKFLOW_REQUEST_LIVE_NEXT_WITH_PREVIOUS();

            else if (isLiveNext && !hasPrevious)
                list = Constants.C_WORKFLOW_REQUEST_LIVE_NEXT_WITHOUT_PREVIOUS();

            else //default - return a blank list

            //Compose the output based on what's in the constant list
            foreach (var v in result.data)
                if (list.Contains(v.RqsCode))
                    Request_DTO dto = new Request_DTO();
                    dto.RqsCode  = v.RqsCode;
                    dto.RqsValue = v.RqsValue;
                    dto.RlsCode  = DTO.RlsCode;

        internal void Create(ADO Ado, int releaseId, string userName, Matrix matrix)
            Release_ADO rAdo = new Data.Release_ADO(Ado);

            var latestRelease = Release_ADO.GetReleaseDTO(rAdo.ReadID(releaseId, userName));

            if (latestRelease == null)

            //Create the table that will be bulk inserted
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            dt.Columns.Add("KRL_VALUE", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("KRL_RLS_ID", typeof(int));
            dt.Columns.Add("KRL_MANDATORY_FLAG", typeof(bool));
            dt.Columns.Add("KRL_SINGULARISED_FLAG", typeof(bool));

            Keyword_Release_ADO adoKeywordCreate = new Keyword_Release_ADO();

            List <Matrix.Specification> specList = new List <Matrix.Specification>()

            if (matrix.OtherLanguageSpec != null)
                foreach (Matrix.Specification lspec in matrix.OtherLanguageSpec)

            //Create the table rows
            foreach (var spec in specList)
                //spec = matrix.GetSpecFromLanguage(item.LngIsoCode);
                //Get a Keyword Extractor - the particular version returned will depend on the language
                Keyword_BSO_Extract kbe = new Keyword_BSO_Extract(spec.Language);

                //Add the keywords and other data to the output table
                AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplitSingular(spec.Title), releaseId);

                //Add the MtrCode to the keyword list without any transformations
                AddToTable(ref dt, new List <string>()
                }, releaseId, false);

                //Add the Copyright Code
                AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplit(matrix.Copyright.CprCode, false), releaseId, false);

                //Add the Copyright Value
                AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplit(matrix.Copyright.CprValue), releaseId, false);

                //Add the Language
                //AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplit(item.LngIsoName), item.RlsID, false);

                //Add the Frequency Code
                AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplit(spec.Frequency.Code, false), releaseId);

                //Add the Frequency Value
                AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplitSingular(spec.Frequency.Value), releaseId);

                //Get the keywords from Statistic
                foreach (dynamic statItem in spec.Statistic)
                    AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplit(statItem.Code, false), releaseId, false);
                    AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplitSingular(statItem.Value), releaseId);
                    AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplitSingular(statItem.Unit), releaseId);

                //Get the keywords from Classification
                foreach (dynamic classItem in spec.Classification)
                    AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplit(classItem.Code, false), releaseId, false);
                    AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplitSingular(classItem.Value), releaseId);

                    //Get the keywords from Variables

                    foreach (dynamic variableItem in classItem.Variable)
                        AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplit(variableItem.Code, false), releaseId, false);
                        AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplitSingular(variableItem.Value), releaseId);

                //Get the keywords from Period
                foreach (dynamic periodItem in spec.Frequency.Period)
                    AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplit(periodItem.Code, false), releaseId, false);
                    AddToTable(ref dt, kbe.ExtractSplitSingular(periodItem.Value), releaseId);
            var distinctRows = dt.DefaultView.ToTable(true, new string[4] {

            //Final check to make sure there are no duplicates
            adoKeywordCreate.Create(Ado, distinctRows);
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override bool Execute()
            var adoWorkflowRequest  = new WorkflowRequest_ADO();
            var adoWorkflowResponse = new WorkflowResponse_ADO();

            if (!adoWorkflowResponse.IsInUse(Ado, DTO)) // is current workflow -- this should be the response!!
                //No Live workflow found so we can't proceed
                Log.Instance.Debug("No Current workflow response found for this Release Code");
                Response.error = Error.Create;

            //Is this awaiting signoff?
            var adoWorkflow = new Workflow_ADO();
            ADO_readerOutput resultStatus = adoWorkflow.ReadAwaitingSignoff(Ado, Username, DTO.RlsCode);

            if (!resultStatus.hasData)
                //Release not awaiting signoff so we can't proceed
                Log.Instance.Debug("Release not in status Awaiting Signoff");
                Response.error = Error.Update;

            var adoSignoff = new WorkflowSignoff_ADO();

            //Create a comment
            var adoComment  = new Comment_ADO();
            int commentCode = adoComment.Create(Ado, DTO, Request.userPrincipal);

            if (commentCode == 0)
                // Can't create a comment so we can't proceed
                Log.Instance.Debug("Can't create a comment ");
                Response.error = Error.Create;

            DTO.CmmCode = commentCode;

            //We must read the Request and in order to see how we are going to proceed
            WorkflowRequest_ADO        adoWrq     = new WorkflowRequest_ADO();
            List <WorkflowRequest_DTO> dtoWrqList = adoWrq.Read(Ado, DTO.RlsCode, true);

            if (dtoWrqList.Count > 1)
                //Multiple requests found for this release
                Log.Instance.Debug("More than one request found for this release ");
                Response.error = Error.Create;

            //there must be exactly one live Workflow request at this point
            WorkflowRequest_DTO dtoWrq = dtoWrqList.Find(x => x.RqsCode != null);

            //Get the current Release
            Release_ADO adoRelease = new Release_ADO(Ado);
            Release_DTO dtoRelease = Release_ADO.GetReleaseDTO(adoRelease.Read(DTO.RlsCode, Username));

            if (dtoRelease == null)
                Log.Instance.Debug("Release not found");
                Response.error = Error.Create;

            //Is this a Reject?
            if (DTO.SgnCode.Equals("REJECTED"))
                int res = adoSignoff.Create(Ado, DTO, Request.userPrincipal);

                if (res == 0)
                    //Can't create a Workflow Signoff so we can't proceed
                    Log.Instance.Debug("Can't create a Workflow Signoff ");
                    Response.error = Error.Create;

                WorkflowRequest_DTO_Update dtoReq = new WorkflowRequest_DTO_Update(Request.parameters);
                dtoReq.WrqCurrentFlag = false;

                //update the request
                int reqUpdate = adoWorkflowRequest.Update(Ado, dtoReq, Request.userPrincipal);
                if (reqUpdate == 0)
                    //Can't save the Request so we can't proceed
                    Log.Instance.Debug("Can't save the Workflow Request");
                    Response.error = Error.Update;

                DTO.MtrCode = dtoRelease.MtrCode; // we need this to see which cache we must flush

                Response.data = JSONRPC.success;


            //Not a Reject so we proceed...
            switch (dtoWrq.RqsCode)
            case Constants.C_WORKFLOW_REQUEST_PUBLISH:

                if (dtoRelease.PrcCode == 0)
                    //There must be a valid product for this release
                    Log.Instance.Debug("No product found for the release ");
                    Response.error = Error.Publish;

                //Update the current release LiveDatetimeTo to the request Datetime
                dtoRelease.RlsLiveDatetimeFrom = dtoWrq.WrqDatetime;

                //set the release live flag
                //update the release version and set the current revision to 0
                DateTime switchDate;
                switchDate = DateTime.Now > dtoWrq.WrqDatetime ? DateTime.Now : dtoWrq.WrqDatetime;
                dtoRelease.RlsRevision         = 0;
                dtoRelease.RlsLiveFlag         = true;
                dtoRelease.RlsExceptionalFlag  = dtoWrq.WrqExceptionalFlag != null ? dtoWrq.WrqExceptionalFlag.Value : false;
                dtoRelease.RlsReservationFlag  = dtoWrq.WrqReservationFlag != null ? dtoWrq.WrqReservationFlag.Value : false;
                dtoRelease.RlsArchiveFlag      = dtoWrq.WrqArchiveFlag != null ? dtoWrq.WrqArchiveFlag.Value : false;
                dtoRelease.RlsAlertFlag        = dtoWrq.WrqArchiveFlag != null ? dtoWrq.WrqArchiveFlag.Value : false;
                dtoRelease.RlsLiveDatetimeFrom = switchDate;

                //get the current live release

                Release_DTO releaseDTONow = Release_ADO.GetReleaseDTO(adoRelease.ReadLiveNow(DTO.RlsCode));

                //Save the changes for the release we're changing
                int update = adoRelease.Update(dtoRelease, Request.userPrincipal.Name.ToString());
                if (update == 0)
                    Log.Instance.Debug("Can't update the Release, RlsCode:" + dtoRelease.RlsCode);
                    Response.error = Error.Update;

                if (releaseDTONow != null)
                    //...if there is a previous release
                    if (releaseDTONow.RlsCode != 0)
                        //Update the  Live LiveDatetimeTo to the request Datetime
                        releaseDTONow.RlsLiveDatetimeTo = switchDate;
                        //Save the changes for the previous release
                        adoRelease.Update(releaseDTONow, Request.userPrincipal.Name.ToString());


            case Constants.C_WORKFLOW_REQUEST_FLAG:
                //update release to transfer all flag values from the request to the release
                dtoRelease.RlsReservationFlag = dtoWrq.WrqReservationFlag != null ? dtoWrq.WrqReservationFlag.Value : false;
                dtoRelease.RlsArchiveFlag     = dtoWrq.WrqArchiveFlag != null ? dtoWrq.WrqArchiveFlag.Value : false;
                dtoRelease.RlsAlertFlag       = dtoWrq.WrqArchiveFlag != null ? dtoWrq.WrqArchiveFlag.Value : false;

                //Save the release
                int updateCount = adoRelease.Update(dtoRelease, Request.userPrincipal.Name.ToString());
                if (updateCount == 0)
                    //Update of Release failed
                    Log.Instance.Debug("Can't update the Release, RlsCode:" + DTO.RlsCode);
                    Response.error = Error.Update;


            case Constants.C_WORKFLOW_REQUEST_DELETE:
                //We can't soft delete the release just yet. We need it to be live until the Request is updated.


            case Constants.C_WORKFLOW_REQUEST_ROLLBACK:

                //Delete the future release if it exists and set the current to_date to null
                //Otherwise delete the current release and make the previous release current by setting its to_date to null

                if (adoRelease.IsLiveNext(dtoRelease.RlsCode))    //this is a future release
                    Release_DTO dtoNowRelease = Release_ADO.GetReleaseDTO(adoRelease.ReadLiveNow(DTO.RlsCode));

                    dtoNowRelease.RlsLiveDatetimeTo = default(DateTime);
                    int rows = adoRelease.Update(dtoNowRelease, Request.userPrincipal.Name.ToString());
                    if (rows == 0)
                        Log.Instance.Debug("Can't update the Release, RlsCode:" + dtoNowRelease.RlsCode);
                        Response.error = Error.Update;

                    //As things stand, dtoRelease is the requested Release (which is a Live Next). This will be deleted in the Delete section below
                    //This isn't a future release - it had better be a Live Now (with a previous)
                    if (!adoRelease.IsLiveNow(dtoRelease.RlsCode))
                        //If the request is neither a Live Now nor a Live Next release then there's a problem
                        Log.Instance.Debug("Can't delete the Release, RlsCode:" + dtoRelease.RlsCode + ". Release is not current live");
                        Response.error = Error.Delete;

                    //Find the release that we're trying to rollback to
                    Release_DTO dtoPrevious = Release_ADO.GetReleaseDTO(adoRelease.ReadLivePrevious(dtoRelease.RlsCode));
                    if (dtoPrevious.RlsCode == 0)
                        //Previous release not found
                        //You can't roll back unless there's something to roll back to, so...
                        Log.Instance.Debug("Can't delete the Release, RlsCode:" + dtoRelease.RlsCode + ". Release is not current live");
                        Response.error = Error.Delete;

                    //We set the DatetimeTo to null in the previous release
                    dtoPrevious.RlsLiveDatetimeTo = default(DateTime);
                    int rows = adoRelease.Update(dtoPrevious, Request.userPrincipal.Name.ToString());
                    if (rows == 0)
                        Log.Instance.Debug("Can't update the Release, RlsCode:" + dtoPrevious.RlsCode);
                        Response.error = Error.Update;


            int signoffID = adoSignoff.Create(Ado, DTO, Request.userPrincipal);

            if (signoffID == 0)
                //Can't create a Workflow Signoff so we can't proceed
                Log.Instance.Debug("Can't create a Workflow Signoff ");
                Response.error = Error.Create;

            //In all cases, if we have reached this stage, we must update the request to make it non-current
            WorkflowRequest_DTO_Update dtoRequest = new WorkflowRequest_DTO_Update(Request.parameters);

            dtoRequest.WrqCurrentFlag = false;

            //save the request
            int updated = adoWorkflowRequest.Update(Ado, dtoRequest, Request.userPrincipal);

            if (updated == 0)
                //Can't save the Request so we can't proceed
                Log.Instance.Debug("Can't save the Workflow Signoff");
                Response.error = Error.Update;

            // We may now proceed with the soft delete
            Release_BSO_Delete bsoDelete = new Release_BSO_Delete();

            System.Navigation.Keyword_Release_ADO krbAdo = new System.Navigation.Keyword_Release_ADO();

            switch (dtoWrq.RqsCode)
            case Constants.C_WORKFLOW_REQUEST_DELETE:
                //Soft delete the Release. We had to hold this over to last because the Request updates wouldn't work without a live Release
                dtoRelease.RlsCode = DTO.RlsCode;
                Request_ADO adoRequest = new Request_ADO();

                if (adoRelease.IsLiveNext(dtoRelease.RlsCode))     //this is a future release
                    //Is this a future release?
                    //If so we must set the Date To in the release to now. This effectively closes the current release

                    //We must get the Live Now release for the Live next
                    Release_DTO dtoNowRelease = Release_ADO.GetReleaseDTO(adoRelease.ReadLiveNow(dtoRequest.RlsCode));

                    //There might not be a Live Now release if the LiveNext release is the first ever release
                    if (dtoNowRelease != null)
                        dtoNowRelease.RlsLiveDatetimeTo = DateTime.Now;
                        int updateCount = adoRelease.Update(dtoNowRelease, Request.userPrincipal.Name.ToString());
                        if (updateCount == 0)
                            Log.Instance.Debug("Can't update the Release, RlsCode:" + dtoNowRelease.RlsCode);
                            Response.error = Error.Update;

                    //dtoRelease is the currently requested release. As things stand, this will be deleted in the delete section below
                else if (adoRelease.IsLiveNow(dtoRelease.RlsCode))
                    dtoRelease = Release_ADO.GetReleaseDTO(adoRelease.ReadLiveNow(dtoRequest.RlsCode));

                    //dtoRelease will be deleted in the delete section below. This deletes the Live Now version
                else if (!adoRelease.IsWip(dtoRelease.RlsCode))
                    //Only LiveNow, LiveNext and WIP releases can be deleted. Anything else means there's a problem.
                    Log.Instance.Debug("Can't delete the Release - invalid release status, RlsCode:" + DTO.RlsCode);
                    Response.error = Error.Delete;

                // We may now proceed with the soft delete
                if (bsoDelete.Delete(Ado, DTO.RlsCode, Request.userPrincipal.Name.ToString(), true) == 0)
                    Log.Instance.Debug("Can't delete the Release, RlsCode:" + DTO.RlsCode);
                    Response.error = Error.Delete;

                //Delete the search keywords for this release
                krbAdo.Delete(Ado, DTO.RlsCode, null, true);

            case Constants.C_WORKFLOW_REQUEST_ROLLBACK:

                if (bsoDelete.Delete(Ado, DTO.RlsCode, Request.userPrincipal.Name.ToString(), true) == 0)
                    Log.Instance.Debug("Can't delete the Release, RlsCode:" + DTO.RlsCode);
                    Response.error = Error.Delete;

                //Delete the search keywords for this release
                krbAdo.Delete(Ado, DTO.RlsCode, null, true);

            DTO.MtrCode = dtoRelease.MtrCode; // we need this to see which cache we must flush

            Response.data = JSONRPC.success;
            Email_BSO_Notify notify = new Email_BSO_Notify();

            notify.EmailSignoff(dtoWrq, DTO, dtoRelease);