Exemple #1
        protected override bool IsOffRoad()
            // update the rndf path
            RelativeTransform relTransfrom = Services.RelativePose.GetTransform(behaviorTimestamp, curTimestamp);
            LinePath          curRndfPath  = rndfPath.Transform(relTransfrom);

            LinePath.PointOnPath closestPoint = curRndfPath.ZeroPoint;

            // determine if our heading is off-set from the lane greatly
            LineSegment curSegment    = curRndfPath.GetSegment(closestPoint.Index);
            double      relativeAngle = Math.Abs(curSegment.UnitVector.ArcTan);

            if (relativeAngle > 30 * Math.PI / 180.0)

            // check the offtrack distance
            if (Math.Abs(closestPoint.OfftrackDistance(Coordinates.Zero)) / (rndfPathWidth / 2.0) > 1)

Exemple #2
        public LinePath LinearizeCenterLine(LinearizationOptions options)
            LinePath transformedPath = centerlinePath;

            if (options.Timestamp.IsValid)
                RelativeTransform relTransform = Services.RelativePose.GetTransform(timestamp, options.Timestamp);
                OperationalTrace.WriteVerbose("in LinearizeCenterLine, tried to find {0}->{1}, got {2}->{3}", timestamp, options.Timestamp, relTransform.OriginTimestamp, relTransform.EndTimestamp);
                transformedPath = centerlinePath.Transform(relTransform);

            LinePath.PointOnPath startPoint = transformedPath.AdvancePoint(centerlinePath.ZeroPoint, options.StartDistance);

            LinePath subPath = new LinePath();;

            if (options.EndDistance > options.StartDistance)
                subPath = transformedPath.SubPath(startPoint, options.EndDistance - options.StartDistance);

            if (subPath.Count < 2)
                Coordinates startPt = startPoint.Location;

                subPath.Add(centerlinePath.GetSegment(startPoint.Index).UnitVector *Math.Max(options.EndDistance - options.StartDistance, 0.1) + startPt);

        protected override Paint GetPaintInner(Windows.Foundation.Rect destinationRect)
            var paint = new Paint();

            // Android LinearGradient requires two ore more stop points.
            if (GradientStops.Count >= 2)
                var colors    = GradientStops.Select(s => ((Android.Graphics.Color)s.Color).ToArgb()).ToArray();
                var locations = GradientStops.Select(s => (float)s.Offset).ToArray();

                var width  = destinationRect.Width;
                var height = destinationRect.Height;

                var transform = RelativeTransform?.ToNative(size: new Windows.Foundation.Size(width, height), isBrush: true);

                //Matrix .MapPoints takes an array of floats
                var pts = new[] { StartPoint, EndPoint }
                .Select(p => new float[] { (float)(p.X * width), (float)(p.Y * height) })
                .SelectMany(p => p)


                var shader = new LinearGradient(pts[0], pts[1], pts[2], pts[3], colors, locations, Shader.TileMode.Mirror);


Exemple #4
        private bool CheckGeneralShape(LinePath rndfPath, CarTimestamp rndfPathTimestamp, LocalLaneModel centerLaneModel)
            // bad newz bears
            if (centerLaneModel.LanePath == null || centerLaneModel.LanePath.Count < 2)

            // project the lane model's path into the rndf path's timestamp
            RelativeTransform relTransform  = Services.RelativePose.GetTransform(localRoadModel.Timestamp, rndfPathTimestamp);
            LinePath          laneModelPath = centerLaneModel.LanePath.Transform(relTransform);

            // get the zero point of the lane model path
            LinePath.PointOnPath laneZeroPoint = laneModelPath.ZeroPoint;

            // get the first waypoint on the RNDF path
            LinePath.PointOnPath rndfZeroPoint = rndfPath.ZeroPoint;
            Coordinates          firstWaypoint = rndfPath[rndfZeroPoint.Index + 1];

            // get the projection of the first waypoint onto the lane path
            LinePath.PointOnPath laneFirstWaypoint = laneModelPath.GetClosestPoint(firstWaypoint);

            // get the offset vector
            Coordinates offsetVector = laneFirstWaypoint.Location - firstWaypoint;

            // start iterating through the waypoints forward and project them onto the rndf path
            for (int i = rndfZeroPoint.Index + 1; i < rndfPath.Count; i++)
                // get the waypoint
                Coordinates waypoint = rndfPath[i];

                // adjust by the first waypoint offset
                waypoint += offsetVector;

                // project onto the lane model
                LinePath.PointOnPath laneWaypoint = laneModelPath.GetClosestPoint(waypoint);

                // check the distance from the zero point on the lane model
                if (laneModelPath.DistanceBetween(laneZeroPoint, laneWaypoint) > road_model_max_dist)

                // check the devation from the rndf
                double deviation = waypoint.DistanceTo(laneWaypoint.Location);

                // if the deviation is over some threshold, then we reject the model
                if (deviation > road_deviation_reject_threshold)

            // we got this far, so this stuff is OK
        protected override bool BeginRenderOpacityBrushOverride(Texture tex, RenderContext renderContext)
            if (_gradientBrushTexture == null || _refresh)
                _gradientBrushTexture = BrushCache.Instance.GetGradientBrush(GradientStops);
                if (_gradientBrushTexture == null)

            Matrix finalTransform = renderContext.Transform.Clone();

            if (_refresh)
                _refresh = false;
                _effect  = ContentManager.Instance.GetEffect(EFFECT_LINEAROPACITYGRADIENT);

                g_startpoint = new float[] { StartPoint.X, StartPoint.Y };
                g_endpoint   = new float[] { EndPoint.X, EndPoint.Y };
                if (MappingMode == BrushMappingMode.Absolute)
                    g_startpoint[0] /= _vertsBounds.Width;
                    g_startpoint[1] /= _vertsBounds.Height;

                    g_endpoint[0] /= _vertsBounds.Width;
                    g_endpoint[1] /= _vertsBounds.Height;
                g_framesize = new float[] { _vertsBounds.Width, _vertsBounds.Height };

                if (RelativeTransform != null)
                    Matrix m = RelativeTransform.GetTransform();
                    m.Transform(ref g_startpoint[0], ref g_startpoint[1]);
                    m.Transform(ref g_endpoint[0], ref g_endpoint[1]);
            SurfaceDescription desc = tex.GetLevelDescription(0);

            float[] g_LowerVertsBounds = new float[] { _vertsBounds.Left / desc.Width, _vertsBounds.Top / desc.Height };
            float[] g_UpperVertsBounds = new float[] { _vertsBounds.Right / desc.Width, _vertsBounds.Bottom / desc.Height };

            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_TRANSFORM]        = GetCachedFinalBrushTransform();
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_OPACITY]          = (float)(Opacity * renderContext.Opacity);
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_STARTPOINT]       = g_startpoint;
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_ENDPOINT]         = g_endpoint;
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_FRAMESIZE]        = g_framesize;
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_ALPHATEX]         = _gradientBrushTexture.Texture;
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_UPPERVERTSBOUNDS] = g_UpperVertsBounds;
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_LOWERVERTSBOUNDS] = g_LowerVertsBounds;

            GraphicsDevice.Device.SetSamplerState(0, SamplerState.AddressU, SpreadAddressMode);
            _effect.StartRender(tex, finalTransform);
Exemple #6
        private void ProcessReverse()
            double planningDistance = GetPlanningDistance();

            // update the rndf path
            RelativeTransform relTransfrom = Services.RelativePose.GetTransform(behaviorTimestamp, curTimestamp);
            LinePath          curRndfPath  = rndfPath.Transform(relTransfrom);

            Console.WriteLine("cur rndf path count: " + curRndfPath.Count + ", " + curRndfPath.PathLength);
            Console.WriteLine("cur rndf path zero point valid: " + curRndfPath.ZeroPoint.Valid + ", loc: " + curRndfPath.ZeroPoint.Location + ", index: " + curRndfPath.ZeroPoint.Index);
            Console.WriteLine("planning dist: " + planningDistance + ", stop dist: " + GetSpeedCommandStopDistance());

            // get the path in reverse
            double   dist       = -(planningDistance + TahoeParams.RL + 2);
            LinePath targetPath = curRndfPath.SubPath(curRndfPath.ZeroPoint, ref dist);

            if (dist < 0)
                targetPath.Add(curRndfPath[0] - curRndfPath.GetSegment(0).Vector.Normalize(-dist));

            Console.WriteLine("target path count: " + targetPath.Count + ", " + targetPath.PathLength);
            Console.WriteLine("target path zero point valud: " + targetPath.ZeroPoint.Valid);

            // generate a box by shifting the path
            LinePath leftBound  = targetPath.ShiftLateral(rndfPathWidth / 2.0);
            LinePath rightBound = targetPath.ShiftLateral(-rndfPathWidth / 2.0);

            double leftStartDist, rightStartDist;

            GetLaneBoundStartDists(targetPath, rndfPathWidth, out leftStartDist, out rightStartDist);
            leftBound  = leftBound.RemoveBefore(leftBound.AdvancePoint(leftBound.StartPoint, leftStartDist));
            rightBound = rightBound.RemoveBefore(rightBound.AdvancePoint(rightBound.StartPoint, rightStartDist));

            AddTargetPath(targetPath, 0.0025);
            AddLeftBound(leftBound, false);
            AddRightBound(rightBound, false);

            avoidanceBasePath = targetPath;
            double targetDist = Math.Max(targetPath.PathLength - (TahoeParams.RL + 2), planningDistance);

            smootherBasePath = targetPath.SubPath(targetPath.StartPoint, targetDist);

            settings.maxSpeed            = GetMaxSpeed(null, LinePath.PointOnPath.Invalid);
            settings.endingPositionFixed = true;
            settings.endingPositionMax   = rndfPathWidth / 2.0;
            settings.endingPositionMin   = -rndfPathWidth / 2.0;
            settings.Options.reverse     = true;

            Services.UIService.PushLineList(smootherBasePath, curTimestamp, "subpath", true);
            Services.UIService.PushLineList(leftBound, curTimestamp, "left bound", true);
            Services.UIService.PushLineList(rightBound, curTimestamp, "right bound", true);

            SmoothAndTrack(commandLabel, true);
Exemple #7
 public ESK_Bone Clone()
     return(new ESK_Bone()
         Name = (string)Name.Clone(),
         Index4 = Index4,
         RelativeTransform = RelativeTransform.Clone(),
         AbsoluteTransform = AbsoluteTransform.Clone(),
         ESK_Bones = CloneChildrenRecursive(ESK_Bones),
         isSelected = true
        public void TransformPath(CarTimestamp timestamp)
            // if the current and new timestamp match, ignore the request
            if (timestamp != curTimestamp)
                RelativeTransform relTransform = Services.RelativePose.GetTransform(curTimestamp, timestamp);
                // transform the path in place

                // update the current timestamp
                curTimestamp = timestamp;
        internal CAGradientLayer GetLayer(CGSize size)
            var gradientLayer = new CAGradientLayer();

            gradientLayer.Colors    = GradientStops.Select(gs => (CGColor)gs.Color).ToArray();
            gradientLayer.Locations = GradientStops.Select(gs => new NSNumber(gs.Offset)).ToArray();
            var transform = RelativeTransform?.ToNativeTransform(size);

            gradientLayer.StartPoint = transform?.TransformPoint(StartPoint) ?? StartPoint;
            gradientLayer.EndPoint   = transform?.TransformPoint(EndPoint) ?? EndPoint;

        protected internal override Shader GetShader(Size size)
            if (GradientStops.Count == 0)

            var colors    = GradientStops.SelectToList(s => ((Android.Graphics.Color)GetColorWithOpacity(s.Color)).ToArgb());
            var locations = GradientStops.SelectToList(s => (float)s.Offset);

            if (GradientStops.Count == 1)
                // Android LinearGradient requires two ore more stop points.
                // We work around this by duplicating the first gradient stop.

            var width  = size.Width;
            var height = size.Height;

            Android.Graphics.Matrix nativeTransformMatrix = null;
            if (RelativeTransform != null)
                var matrix = RelativeTransform.ToMatrix(Point.Zero, new Size(width, height));
                matrix.M31           *= (float)width;
                matrix.M32           *= (float)height;
                nativeTransformMatrix = matrix.ToNative();

            //Matrix .MapPoints takes an array of floats
            var pts = MappingMode == BrushMappingMode.RelativeToBoundingBox
                                ? new[]
                (float)(StartPoint.X * width),
                (float)(StartPoint.Y * height),
                (float)(EndPoint.X * width),
                (float)(EndPoint.Y * height)
                                : new[]

            return(new LinearGradient(pts[0], pts[1], pts[2], pts[3], colors.ToArray(), locations.ToArray(), Shader.TileMode.Clamp));
        void client_PoseRelReceived(object sender, PoseRelReceivedEventArgs e)
            OperationalTrace.WriteVerbose("got relative pose for time {0}", e.PoseRelData.timestamp);
            CarTimestamp prevTimestamp = Services.RelativePose.CurrentTimestamp;

            Services.RelativePose.PushTransform(e.PoseRelData.timestamp, e.PoseRelData.transform);

            // get the relative transform between the previous timestamp and newest timestamp
            RelativeTransform transform = Services.RelativePose.GetTransform(prevTimestamp, e.PoseRelData.timestamp);

            lastYawRate = transform.GetRotationRate().Z;

Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Create matrix to transform image based on relative dimensions of bitmap and drawRect, Stretch mode, and RelativeTransform
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="drawRect"></param>
        /// <param name="bitmap"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Android.Graphics.Matrix GenerateMatrix(Windows.Foundation.Rect drawRect, Bitmap bitmap)
            var matrix = new Android.Graphics.Matrix();

            // Note that bitmap.Width and bitmap.Height (in physical pixels) are automatically scaled up when loaded from local resources, but aren't when acquired externally.
            // This means that bitmaps acquired externally might not render the same way on devices with different densities when using Stretch.None.

            var sourceRect      = new Windows.Foundation.Rect(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height);
            var destinationRect = GetArrangedImageRect(sourceRect.Size, drawRect);

            matrix.SetRectToRect(sourceRect.ToRectF(), destinationRect.ToRectF(), Android.Graphics.Matrix.ScaleToFit.Fill);

            RelativeTransform?.ToNative(matrix, new Size(drawRect.Width, drawRect.Height), isBrush: true);
        protected override bool BeginRenderBrushOverride(PrimitiveBuffer primitiveContext, RenderContext renderContext)
            if (_gradientBrushTexture == null || _refresh)
                _gradientBrushTexture = BrushCache.Instance.GetGradientBrush(GradientStops);
                if (_gradientBrushTexture == null)

            Matrix finalTransform = renderContext.Transform.Clone();

            if (_refresh)
                _refresh = false;
                _effect  = ContentManager.Instance.GetEffect(EFFECT_LINEARGRADIENT);

                g_startpoint = new float[] { StartPoint.X, StartPoint.Y };
                g_endpoint   = new float[] { EndPoint.X, EndPoint.Y };
                if (MappingMode == BrushMappingMode.Absolute)
                    g_startpoint[0] /= _vertsBounds.Width;
                    g_startpoint[1] /= _vertsBounds.Height;

                    g_endpoint[0] /= _vertsBounds.Width;
                    g_endpoint[1] /= _vertsBounds.Height;
                g_framesize = new float[] { _vertsBounds.Width, _vertsBounds.Height };

                if (RelativeTransform != null)
                    Matrix m = RelativeTransform.GetTransform();
                    m.Transform(ref g_startpoint[0], ref g_startpoint[1]);
                    m.Transform(ref g_endpoint[0], ref g_endpoint[1]);

            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_FRAMESIZE]  = g_framesize;
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_TRANSFORM]  = GetCachedFinalBrushTransform();
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_OPACITY]    = (float)(Opacity * renderContext.Opacity);
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_STARTPOINT] = g_startpoint;
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_ENDPOINT]   = g_endpoint;

            GraphicsDevice.Device.SetSamplerState(0, SamplerState.AddressU, SpreadAddressMode);
            _effect.StartRender(_gradientBrushTexture.Texture, finalTransform);
        internal CAGradientLayer GetLayer(CGSize size)
            var gradientLayer = new CAGradientLayer();

            gradientLayer.Colors    = GradientStops.Select(gs => (CGColor)gs.Color).ToArray();
            gradientLayer.Locations = GradientStops.Select(gs => new NSNumber(gs.Offset)).ToArray();
            var transform = RelativeTransform?.ToNativeTransform(size);

#if __IOS__
            gradientLayer.StartPoint = transform?.TransformPoint(StartPoint) ?? StartPoint;
            gradientLayer.EndPoint   = transform?.TransformPoint(EndPoint) ?? EndPoint;
#elif __MACOS__
            throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemple #15
 public ESK_BoneNonHierarchal Clone()
     return(new ESK_BoneNonHierarchal()
         Name = Name,
         Index1 = Index1,
         Index1_Name = Index1_Name,
         Index2 = Index2,
         Index2_Name = Index2_Name,
         Index3 = Index3,
         Index3_Name = Index3_Name,
         Index4 = Index4,
         AbsoluteTransform = AbsoluteTransform.Clone(),
         RelativeTransform = RelativeTransform.Clone()
        private bool CheckFinalExit()
            // rotate the polygon into the current relative frame
            CarTimestamp      curTimestamp = Services.RelativePose.CurrentTimestamp;
            RelativeTransform relTransform = Services.RelativePose.GetTransform(polygonTimestamp, curTimestamp);
            LineSegment       finalLine    = finalOrientation.Transform(relTransform);

            double finalAngle = finalLine.UnitVector.ArcTan;

            if (Math.Abs(finalAngle) < 15 * Math.PI / 180.0 && finalLine.ClosestPoint(Coordinates.Zero).Length < 2)
                // we can just execute a stay in lane

Exemple #17
        protected internal override Shader GetShader(Rect destinationRect)
            var center  = Center;
            var radiusX = RadiusX;
            var radiusY = RadiusY;

            float radius;

            if (MappingMode == BrushMappingMode.RelativeToBoundingBox)
                var size = destinationRect.Size;

                center = new Point(center.X * size.Width, Center.Y * size.Height);
                radius = (float)(radiusX * size.Width + radiusY * size.Height) / 2.0f;                 // We take the avg
                center = center.LogicalToPhysicalPixels();
                radius = ViewHelper.LogicalToPhysicalPixels((radiusX + radiusY) / 2.0d);                 // We take the avg

            // Android requires a radius and two or more stop points.
            if (radius <= 0 || GradientStops.Count < 2)

            var colors    = GradientStops.SelectToArray(s => ((Android.Graphics.Color)GetColorWithOpacity(s.Color)).ToArgb());
            var locations = GradientStops.SelectToArray(s => (float)s.Offset);

            var width  = destinationRect.Width;
            var height = destinationRect.Height;

            var transform = RelativeTransform?.ToNativeMatrix(size: new Windows.Foundation.Size(width, height));

            var shader = new RadialGradient(

        public LinePath LinearizeLeftBound(LinearizationOptions options)
            LinePath bound = FindBoundary(this.width / 2 + options.LaneShiftDistance + 0.3, path);

            if (options.Timestamp.IsValid)
                RelativeTransform relTransform = Services.RelativePose.GetTransform(timestamp, options.Timestamp);

            if (options.EndDistance > options.StartDistance)
                LinePath.PointOnPath startPoint = bound.AdvancePoint(bound.ZeroPoint, options.StartDistance);
                return(bound.SubPath(startPoint, options.EndDistance - options.StartDistance));
                return(new LinePath());
Exemple #19
        public LinePath LinearizeRightBound(LinearizationOptions options)
            LinePath bound = rightBound;

            if (options.Timestamp.IsValid)
                RelativeTransform relTransform = Services.RelativePose.GetTransform(timestamp, options.Timestamp);
                bound = bound.Transform(relTransform);

            if (options.EndDistance > options.StartDistance)
                // TODO: work off centerline path
                LinePath.PointOnPath startPoint = bound.AdvancePoint(bound.ZeroPoint, options.StartDistance);
                return(bound.SubPath(startPoint, options.EndDistance - options.StartDistance).ShiftLateral(options.LaneShiftDistance));
                return(new LinePath());
        /// <summary>
        /// Return true if we're approximately aligned with the final lane
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private UTurnPass CheckInitialAlignment()
            // rotate the polygon into the current relative frame
            CarTimestamp      curTimestamp = Services.RelativePose.CurrentTimestamp;
            RelativeTransform relTransform = Services.RelativePose.GetTransform(polygonTimestamp, curTimestamp);
            LineSegment       finalLine    = finalOrientation.Transform(relTransform);
            double            finalAngle   = finalLine.UnitVector.ArcTan;

            if (finalAngle < 15 * Math.PI / 180.0 && finalAngle > -30 * Math.PI / 180.0)
                // we can just execute a stay in lane
            else if (finalAngle <= -30 * Math.PI / 180.0 && finalAngle >= -90 * Math.PI / 180.0)
                // want to plan a backward pass, so indicate that we just completed a forward pass
Exemple #21
        protected internal override Shader GetShader(Rect destinationRect)
            // Android LinearGradient requires two ore more stop points.
            if (GradientStops.Count >= 2)
                var colors    = GradientStops.SelectToArray(s => ((Android.Graphics.Color)s.Color).ToArgb());
                var locations = GradientStops.SelectToArray(s => (float)s.Offset);

                var width  = destinationRect.Width;
                var height = destinationRect.Height;

                var transform =
                    RelativeTransform?.ToNative(size: new Windows.Foundation.Size(width, height), isBrush: true);

                //Matrix .MapPoints takes an array of floats
                var pts = MappingMode == BrushMappingMode.RelativeToBoundingBox
                                        ? new[]
                    (float)(StartPoint.X * width),
                    (float)(StartPoint.Y * height),
                    (float)(EndPoint.X * width),
                    (float)(EndPoint.Y * height)
                                        : new[]

                return(new LinearGradient(pts[0], pts[1], pts[2], pts[3], colors, locations, Shader.TileMode.Clamp));

        private ITrackingCommand BuildBackwardPass()
            BehaviorManager.TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "UTurn Behavior: Initialize Backward Pass");

            // rotate the polygon into the current relative frame
            CarTimestamp      curTimestamp = Services.RelativePose.CurrentTimestamp;
            RelativeTransform relTransform = Services.RelativePose.GetTransform(polygonTimestamp, curTimestamp);

            finalOrientation = finalOrientation.Transform(relTransform);
            polygonTimestamp = curTimestamp;

            // retrieve the vehicle state
            Coordinates headingVec    = new Coordinates(1, 0);
            Coordinates headingVec180 = headingVec.Rotate180();
            Coordinates headingVec90  = headingVec.Rotate90();

            // figure out center point of turn
            Circle      rearAxleCircle = Circle.FromPointSlopeRadius(new Coordinates(0, 0), headingVec180, minRadius);
            Coordinates center         = rearAxleCircle.center;

            // calculate the points of the wheels
            Coordinates rearLeftPoint   = headingVec90 * TahoeParams.T / 2;
            Coordinates rearRightPoint  = -headingVec90 * TahoeParams.T / 2;
            Coordinates frontLeftPoint  = headingVec * TahoeParams.L + headingVec90 * TahoeParams.T / 2;
            Coordinates frontRightPoint = headingVec * TahoeParams.L - headingVec90 * TahoeParams.T / 2;

            double minHit = Math.PI / 2.1;

            GetMinHitAngle(rearLeftPoint, center, ref minHit);
            GetMinHitAngle(rearRightPoint, center, ref minHit);
            //GetMinHitAngle(frontLeftPoint, center, false, ref minHit);
            //GetMinHitAngle(frontRightPoint, center, false, ref minHit);

            frontLeftPoint  = headingVec * TahoeParams.FL + headingVec90 * TahoeParams.T / 2;
            frontRightPoint = headingVec * TahoeParams.FL - headingVec90 * TahoeParams.T / 2.0;
            rearRightPoint  = -headingVec * TahoeParams.RL - headingVec90 * TahoeParams.T / 2.0;
            rearLeftPoint   = -headingVec * TahoeParams.RL + headingVec90 * TahoeParams.T / 2.0;
            List <Polygon> obstacles = GetObstacles(curTimestamp);

            GetObstacleHitAngle(frontLeftPoint, center, obstacles, ref minHit);
            GetObstacleHitAngle(rearLeftPoint, center, obstacles, ref minHit);
            GetObstacleHitAngle(rearRightPoint, center, obstacles, ref minHit);

            // trim some off the hit for safety'
            minHit -= (0.3 / minRadius);
            // move at least 0.6 meters
            minHit = Math.Max(minHit, 0.6 / minRadius);

            // calculate the exit stopping point
            // shift the line by the minimum turning radius
            Coordinates u = finalOrientation.P1 - finalOrientation.P0;

            u = u.Normalize().Rotate90();
            Line offsetLine = new Line();

            offsetLine.P0 = finalOrientation.P0 + u * (minRadius + 2);
            offsetLine.P1 = finalOrientation.P1 + u * (minRadius + 2);

            // final the intersection of the current turn circle with a radius of twice the min turn radius and the offset line
            Circle twoTurn = new Circle(2 * minRadius + 2, center);

            Coordinates[] intersections;

            double startAngle = (-center).ArcTan;

            if (twoTurn.Intersect(offsetLine, out intersections))
                // figure out where there were hits
                for (int i = 0; i < intersections.Length; i++)
                    // get the angle of the hit
                    double angle = (intersections[i] - center).ArcTan;

                    if (angle < startAngle)
                        angle += 2 * Math.PI;

                    angle -= startAngle;

                    if (angle < minHit)
                        minHit = angle;

            minHit = Math.Max(minHit, 0.6 / minRadius);

            // set the stopping point at the min hit point
            Coordinates stopPoint = rearAxleCircle.GetPoint(startAngle + minHit);

            // calculate the stop distance
            stopDistance  = rearAxleCircle.r * minHit;
            stopTimestamp = curTimestamp;
            curvature     = 1 / minRadius;
            // calculate the required steering angle
            double steeringCommand = SteeringUtilities.CurvatureToSteeringWheelAngle(-1 / minRadius, uturnSpeed);

            ISpeedCommandGenerator    shiftSpeedCommand      = new ShiftSpeedCommand(TransmissionGear.Reverse);
            ISteeringCommandGenerator initialSteeringCommand = new ConstantSteeringCommandGenerator(steeringCommand, steeringRate, true);

            ISpeedCommandGenerator    passSpeedCommand    = new FeedbackSpeedCommandGenerator(new StopSpeedGenerator(new TravelledDistanceProvider(curTimestamp, stopDistance), uturnSpeed));
            ISteeringCommandGenerator passSteeringCommand = new ConstantSteeringCommandGenerator(steeringCommand, null, false);

            ChainedTrackingCommand cmd = new ChainedTrackingCommand(
                new TrackingCommand(shiftSpeedCommand, initialSteeringCommand, true),
                new TrackingCommand(passSpeedCommand, passSteeringCommand, false));

            cmd.Label = backwardLabel;

            Services.UIService.PushCircle(new Circle(minRadius, center), curTimestamp, "uturn circle", true);
            Services.UIService.PushPoint(stopPoint, curTimestamp, "uturn stop point", true);
            Services.UIService.PushPolygon(polygon, curTimestamp, "uturn polygon", true);

Exemple #23
        private LaneModelTestResult TestLane(LinePath rndfPath, CarTimestamp rndfPathTimestamp, LocalLaneModel laneModel)
            // construct the result object to hold stuff
            LaneModelTestResult result = new LaneModelTestResult();

            // project the lane model's path into the rndf path's timestamp
            RelativeTransform relTransform  = Services.RelativePose.GetTransform(localRoadModel.Timestamp, rndfPathTimestamp);
            LinePath          laneModelPath = laneModel.LanePath.Transform(relTransform);

            // get the zero point of the lane model path
            LinePath.PointOnPath laneZeroPoint = laneModelPath.ZeroPoint;

            // get the first waypoint on the RNDF path
            LinePath.PointOnPath rndfZeroPoint = rndfPath.ZeroPoint;

            // get the heading of the rndf path at its zero point and the heading of the lane model at
            // the rndf's zero point
            LinePath.PointOnPath laneStartPoint   = laneModelPath.GetClosestPoint(rndfZeroPoint.Location);
            Coordinates          laneModelHeading = laneModelPath.GetSegment(laneStartPoint.Index).UnitVector;
            Coordinates          rndfHeading      = rndfPath.GetSegment(rndfZeroPoint.Index).UnitVector;
            double angle = Math.Acos(laneModelHeading.Dot(rndfHeading));

            // check if the angle is within limits for comparing offset
            if (angle < 30 * Math.PI / 180.0)
                // get the deviation between lane zero point and rndf zero point
                result.rndf_deviation = rndfZeroPoint.Location.DistanceTo(laneZeroPoint.Location);

            // now start check for how many waypoints are accepted
            for (int i = rndfZeroPoint.Index + 1; i < rndfPath.Count; i++)
                // check the distance along the rndf path
                double rndfDistAlong = rndfPath.DistanceBetween(rndfZeroPoint, rndfPath.GetPointOnPath(i));
                // break out if we're too far along the rndf
                if (rndfDistAlong > 50)

                // get the waypoint
                Coordinates waypoint = rndfPath[i];

                // project on to lane path
                LinePath.PointOnPath laneWaypoint = laneModelPath.GetClosestPoint(waypoint);

                // check if we're too far along the lane path
                double distAlong = laneModelPath.DistanceBetween(laneZeroPoint, laneWaypoint);
                if (distAlong > lane_model_max_dist || distAlong < 0)

                // check if the deviation
                double dist = waypoint.DistanceTo(laneWaypoint.Location);

                // increment appropriate counts
                if (dist < lane_deviation_reject_threshold)

            // return the result
Exemple #24
        private ILaneModel GetLaneModel(LocalLaneModel laneModel, LinePath rndfPath, double rndfPathWidth, CarTimestamp rndfPathTimestamp)
            // check the lane model probability
            if (laneModel.Probability < lane_probability_reject_threshold)
                // we're rejecting this, just return a path lane model
                return(new PathLaneModel(rndfPathTimestamp, rndfPath, rndfPathWidth));

            // project the lane model's path into the rndf path's timestamp
            RelativeTransform relTransform  = Services.RelativePose.GetTransform(localRoadModel.Timestamp, rndfPathTimestamp);
            LinePath          laneModelPath = laneModel.LanePath.Transform(relTransform);

            // iterate through the waypoints in the RNDF path and project onto the lane model
            // the first one that is over the threshold, we consider the waypoint before as a potential ending point
            LinePath.PointOnPath laneModelDeviationEndPoint = new LinePath.PointOnPath();
            // flag indicating if any of the waypoint tests failed because of the devation was too high
            bool anyDeviationTooHigh = false;
            // number of waypoints accepted
            int numWaypointsAccepted = 0;

            // get the vehicle's position on the rndf path
            LinePath.PointOnPath rndfZeroPoint = rndfPath.ZeroPoint;

            // get the vehicle's position on the lane model
            LinePath.PointOnPath laneModelZeroPoint = laneModelPath.ZeroPoint;

            // get the last point we want to consider on the lane model
            LinePath.PointOnPath laneModelFarthestPoint = laneModelPath.AdvancePoint(laneModelZeroPoint, lane_model_max_dist);

            // start walking forward through the waypoints on the rndf path
            // this loop will implicitly exit when we're past the end of the lane model as the waypoints
            //		will stop being close to the lane model (GetClosestPoint returns the end point if we're past the
            //    end of the path)
            for (int i = rndfZeroPoint.Index + 1; i < rndfPath.Count; i++)
                // get the waypoint
                Coordinates rndfWaypoint = rndfPath[i];

                // get the closest point on the lane model
                LinePath.PointOnPath laneModelClosestPoint = laneModelPath.GetClosestPoint(rndfWaypoint);

                // compute the distance between the two
                double deviation = rndfWaypoint.DistanceTo(laneModelClosestPoint.Location);

                // if this is above the deviation threshold, leave the loop
                if (deviation > lane_deviation_reject_threshold || laneModelClosestPoint > laneModelFarthestPoint)
                    // if we're at the end of the lane model path, we don't want to consider this a rejection
                    if (laneModelClosestPoint < laneModelFarthestPoint)
                        // mark that at least on deviation was too high
                        anyDeviationTooHigh = true;

                // increment the number of waypoint accepted

                // update the end point of where we're valid as the local road model was OK up to this point
                laneModelDeviationEndPoint = laneModelClosestPoint;

            // go through and figure out how far out the variance is within tolerance
            LinePath.PointOnPath laneModelVarianceEndPoint = new LinePath.PointOnPath();
            // walk forward from this point until the end of the lane mode path
            for (int i = laneModelZeroPoint.Index + 1; i < laneModelPath.Count; i++)
                // check if we're within the variance toleration
                if (laneModel.LaneYVariance[i] <= y_var_reject_threshold)
                    // we are, update the point on path
                    laneModelVarianceEndPoint = laneModelPath.GetPointOnPath(i);
                    // we are out of tolerance, break out of the loop

            // now figure out everything out
            // determine waypoint rejection status
            WaypointRejectionResult waypointRejectionResult;

            if (laneModelDeviationEndPoint.Valid)
                // if the point is valid, that we had at least one waypoint that was ok
                // check if any waypoints were rejected
                if (anyDeviationTooHigh)
                    // some waypoint was ok, so we know that at least one waypoint was accepted
                    waypointRejectionResult = WaypointRejectionResult.SomeWaypointsAccepted;
                    // no waypoint triggered a rejection, but at least one was good
                    waypointRejectionResult = WaypointRejectionResult.AllWaypointsAccepted;
                // the point is not valid, so we either had no waypoints or we had all rejections
                if (anyDeviationTooHigh)
                    // the first waypoint was rejected, so all are rejected
                    waypointRejectionResult = WaypointRejectionResult.AllWaypointsRejected;
                    // the first waypoint (if any) was past the end of the lane model
                    waypointRejectionResult = WaypointRejectionResult.NoWaypoints;

            // criteria for determining if this path is valid:
            //	- if some or all waypoints were accepted, than this is probably a good path
            //		- if some of the waypoints were accepted, we go no farther than the last waypoint that was accepted
            //	- if there were no waypoints, this is a potentially dangerous situation since we can't reject
            //    or confirm the local road model. for now, we'll assume that it is correct but this may need to change
            //    if we start handling intersections in this framework
            //  - if all waypoints were rejected, than we don't use the local road model
            //  - go no farther than the laneModelVarianceEndPoint, which is the last point where the y-variance of
            //    the lane model was in tolerance

            // now build out the lane model
            ILaneModel finalLaneModel;

            // check if we rejected all waypoints or no lane model points satisified the variance threshold
            if (waypointRejectionResult == WaypointRejectionResult.AllWaypointsRejected || !laneModelVarianceEndPoint.Valid)
                // want to just use the path lane model
                finalLaneModel = new PathLaneModel(rndfPathTimestamp, rndfPath, rndfPathWidth);
                // we'll use the lane model
                // need to build up the center line as well as left and right bounds

                // to build up the center line, use the lane model as far as we feel comfortable (limited by either variance
                // or by rejections) and then use the rndf lane after that.
                LinePath centerLine = new LinePath();

                // figure out the max distance
                // if there were no waypoints, set the laneModelDeviationEndPoint to the end of the lane model
                if (waypointRejectionResult == WaypointRejectionResult.NoWaypoints)
                    laneModelDeviationEndPoint = laneModelFarthestPoint;

                // figure out the closer of the end points
                LinePath.PointOnPath laneModelEndPoint = (laneModelDeviationEndPoint < laneModelVarianceEndPoint) ? laneModelDeviationEndPoint : laneModelVarianceEndPoint;
                bool endAtWaypoint = laneModelEndPoint == laneModelDeviationEndPoint;

                // add the lane model to the center line
                centerLine.AddRange(laneModelPath.GetSubpathEnumerator(laneModelZeroPoint, laneModelEndPoint));

                // create a list to hold the width expansion values
                List <double> widthValue = new List <double>();

                // make the width expansion values the width of the path plus the 1-sigma values
                for (int i = laneModelZeroPoint.Index; i < laneModelZeroPoint.Index + centerLine.Count; i++)
                    widthValue.Add(laneModel.Width / 2.0 + Math.Sqrt(laneModel.LaneYVariance[i]));

                // now figure out how to add the rndf path
                // get the projection of the lane model end point on the rndf path
                LinePath.PointOnPath rndfPathStartPoint = rndfPath.GetClosestPoint(laneModelEndPoint.Location);

                // if the closest point is past the end of rndf path, then we don't want to tack anything on
                if (rndfPathStartPoint != rndfPath.EndPoint)
                    // get the last segment of the new center line
                    Coordinates centerLineEndSegmentVec = centerLine.EndSegment.UnitVector;
                    // get the last point of the new center line
                    Coordinates laneModelEndLoc = laneModelEndPoint.Location;

                    // now figure out the distance to the next waypoint
                    LinePath.PointOnPath rndfNextPoint = new LinePath.PointOnPath();

                    // figure out if we're ending at a waypoint or not
                    if (endAtWaypoint)
                        rndfNextPoint = rndfPath.GetPointOnPath(rndfPathStartPoint.Index + 1);

                        // if the distance from the start point to the next point is less than rndf_dist_min, then
                        // use the waypont after
                        double dist = rndfPath.DistanceBetween(rndfPathStartPoint, rndfNextPoint);

                        if (dist < rndf_dist_min)
                            if (rndfPathStartPoint.Index < rndfPath.Count - 2)
                                rndfNextPoint = rndfPath.GetPointOnPath(rndfPathStartPoint.Index + 2);
                            else if (rndfPath.DistanceBetween(rndfPathStartPoint, rndfPath.EndPoint) < rndf_dist_min)
                                rndfNextPoint = LinePath.PointOnPath.Invalid;
                                rndfNextPoint = rndfPath.AdvancePoint(rndfPathStartPoint, rndf_dist_min * 2);
                        // track the last angle we had
                        double lastAngle = double.NaN;

                        // walk down the rndf path until we find a valid point
                        for (double dist = rndf_dist_min; dist <= rndf_dist_max; dist += rndf_dist_step)
                            // advance from the start point by dist
                            double distTemp = dist;
                            rndfNextPoint = rndfPath.AdvancePoint(rndfPathStartPoint, ref distTemp);

                            // if the distTemp is > 0, then we're past the end of the path
                            if (distTemp > 0)
                                // if we're immediately past the end, we don't want to tack anything on
                                if (dist == rndf_dist_min)
                                    rndfNextPoint = LinePath.PointOnPath.Invalid;


                            // check the angle made by the last segment of center line and the segment
                            // formed between the end point of the center line and this new point
                            double angle = Math.Acos(centerLineEndSegmentVec.Dot((rndfNextPoint.Location - laneModelEndLoc).Normalize()));

                            // check if the angle satisfies the threshold or we're increasing the angle
                            if (Math.Abs(angle) < rndf_angle_threshold || (!double.IsNaN(lastAngle) && angle > lastAngle))
                                // break out of the loop, we're done searching

                            lastAngle = angle;

                    // tack on the rndf starting at next point going to the end
                    if (rndfNextPoint.Valid)
                        LinePath subPath = rndfPath.SubPath(rndfNextPoint, rndfPath.EndPoint);

                        // insert the lane model end point into the sub path
                        subPath.Insert(0, laneModelEndLoc);

                        // get the angles
                        List <Pair <int, double> > angles = subPath.GetIntersectionAngles(0, subPath.Count - 1);

                        // add the width of the path inflated by the angles
                        for (int i = 0; i < angles.Count; i++)
                            // calculate the width expansion factor
                            // 90 deg, 3x width
                            // 45 deg, 1.5x width
                            // 0 deg, 1x width
                            double widthFactor = Math.Pow(angles[i].Right / (Math.PI / 2.0), 2) * 2 + 1;

                            // add the width value
                            widthValue.Add(widthFactor * laneModel.Width / 2);

                        // add the final width
                        widthValue.Add(laneModel.Width / 2);

                    // set the rndf path start point to be the point we used
                    rndfPathStartPoint = rndfNextPoint;

                // for now, calculate the left and right bounds the same way we do for the path lane model
                // TODO: figure out if we want to do this more intelligently using knowledge of the lane model uncertainty
                LinePath leftBound = centerLine.ShiftLateral(widthValue.ToArray());
                // get the next shifts
                for (int i = 0; i < widthValue.Count; i++)
                    widthValue[i] = -widthValue[i];
                LinePath rightBound = centerLine.ShiftLateral(widthValue.ToArray());

                // build the final lane model
                finalLaneModel = new CombinedLaneModel(centerLine, leftBound, rightBound, laneModel.Width, rndfPathTimestamp);

            SendLaneModelToUI(finalLaneModel, rndfPathTimestamp);

            // output the fit result
Exemple #25
        protected void RefreshEffectParameters()
            float   w     = _vertsBounds.Width;
            float   h     = _vertsBounds.Height;
            Vector2 maxuv = TextureMaxUV;

            Vector4 brushRect = ViewPort;

            // Determine image rect in viewport space
            if (Stretch != Stretch.Fill)
                // Convert brush dimensions to viewport space
                Vector2 brushSize = BrushDimensions;
                brushSize.X /= w;
                brushSize.Y /= h;
                switch (Stretch)
                case Stretch.None:
                    // Center (or alignment), original size

                case Stretch.Uniform:
                    // Center (or alignment), keep aspect ratio and show borders
                    float ratio = Math.Min(ViewPort.Z / brushSize.X, ViewPort.W / brushSize.Y);
                    brushSize.X *= ratio;
                    brushSize.Y *= ratio;

                case Stretch.UniformToFill:
                    // Center (or alignment), keep aspect ratio, zoom in to avoid borders
                    float ratio = Math.Max(ViewPort.Z / brushSize.X, ViewPort.W / brushSize.Y);
                    brushSize.X *= ratio;
                    brushSize.Y *= ratio;
                // Align brush in viewport
                brushRect = AlignBrushInViewport(brushSize);
            // Compensate for any texture borders
            brushRect.Z /= maxuv.X;
            brushRect.W /= maxuv.Y;

            float repeatx = 1.0f / brushRect.Z;
            float repeaty = 1.0f / brushRect.W;

            // Transform ViewPort into Texture-space and store for later use in tiling
            _textureViewport = new Vector4
                X = ViewPort.X * repeatx - brushRect.X * repeatx,
                Y = ViewPort.Y * repeaty - brushRect.Y * repeaty,
                Z = ViewPort.Z * repeatx,
                W = ViewPort.W * repeaty

            // This structure is used for modifying vertex texture coords to position the brush texture
            _brushTransform = new Vector4(brushRect.X * repeatx, brushRect.Y * repeaty, repeatx, repeaty);

            _relativeTransformCache = RelativeTransform == null ? Matrix.Identity : Matrix.Invert(RelativeTransform.GetTransform());

            // Determine if we can use the simpler, more optimised effects
            if (Tile == TileMode.None && Stretch != Stretch.UniformToFill)
                _simplemode = true;
            else if (ViewPort.X <= 0.0f && ViewPort.Z >= 1.0f && ViewPort.Y <= 0.0f && ViewPort.W >= 1.0f)
                _simplemode = true;
                _simplemode = false;
Exemple #26
        protected override bool BeginRenderBrushOverride(PrimitiveBuffer primitiveContext, RenderContext renderContext)
            if (_gradientBrushTexture == null || _refresh)
                _gradientBrushTexture = BrushCache.Instance.GetGradientBrush(GradientStops);
                if (_gradientBrushTexture == null)

            Matrix finalTransform = renderContext.Transform.Clone();

            if (_refresh)
                _refresh = false;
                _gradientBrushTexture = BrushCache.Instance.GetGradientBrush(GradientStops);
                _effect = ContentManager.Instance.GetEffect("radialgradient");

                g_focus  = new float[] { GradientOrigin.X, GradientOrigin.Y };
                g_center = new float[] { Center.X, Center.Y };
                g_radius = new float[] { (float)RadiusX, (float)RadiusY };

                if (MappingMode == BrushMappingMode.Absolute)
                    g_focus[0] /= _vertsBounds.Width;
                    g_focus[1] /= _vertsBounds.Height;

                    g_center[0] /= _vertsBounds.Width;
                    g_center[1] /= _vertsBounds.Height;

                    g_radius[0] /= _vertsBounds.Width;
                    g_radius[1] /= _vertsBounds.Height;
                g_relativetransform = RelativeTransform == null ? Matrix.Identity : Matrix.Invert(RelativeTransform.GetTransform());

            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_RELATIVE_TRANSFORM] = g_relativetransform;
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_TRANSFORM]          = GetCachedFinalBrushTransform();
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_FOCUS]   = g_focus;
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_CENTER]  = g_center;
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_RADIUS]  = g_radius;
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_OPACITY] = (float)(Opacity * renderContext.Opacity);

            GraphicsDevice.Device.SetSamplerState(0, SamplerState.AddressU, SpreadAddressMode);
            _effect.StartRender(_gradientBrushTexture.Texture, finalTransform);

        private ITrackingCommand BuildForwardPass(out bool finalPass)
            BehaviorManager.TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "UTurn Behavior: Determine Forward Pass");

            // rotate the polygon into the current relative frame
            CarTimestamp      curTimestamp = Services.RelativePose.CurrentTimestamp;
            RelativeTransform relTransform = Services.RelativePose.GetTransform(polygonTimestamp, curTimestamp);

            finalOrientation = finalOrientation.Transform(relTransform);
            polygonTimestamp = curTimestamp;

            // retrieve the vehicle state
            Coordinates headingVec   = new Coordinates(1, 0);
            Coordinates headingVec90 = headingVec.Rotate90();

            // check if we can make it out now
            Line        curLine = new Line(new Coordinates(0, 0), headingVec);
            Coordinates intersectionPoint;
            LineSegment finalLine = finalOrientation;
            Circle      outCircle = Circle.FromLines(curLine, (Line)finalLine, out intersectionPoint);

            double steeringCommand;

            if (!outCircle.Equals(Circle.Infinite) && outCircle.r > minRadius)
                // we found an out circle
                BehaviorManager.TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "found final pass output");

                // build the circle segment
                double hitAngle   = (intersectionPoint - outCircle.center).ArcTan;
                double startAngle = (-outCircle.center).ArcTan;
                if (hitAngle < startAngle)
                    hitAngle += 2 * Math.PI;

                hitAngle -= startAngle;

                if (stopOnLine)
                    // get the angle of the end point of the line segment
                    double endPointAngle = (finalLine.P1 - outCircle.center).ArcTan;
                    if (endPointAngle < startAngle)
                        endPointAngle += 2 * Math.PI;
                    endPointAngle -= startAngle;

                    if (endPointAngle < hitAngle)
                        hitAngle = endPointAngle;

                // get the obstacles
                Coordinates    frontLeftPoint  = headingVec * TahoeParams.FL + headingVec90 * TahoeParams.T / 2;
                Coordinates    frontRightPoint = headingVec * TahoeParams.FL - headingVec90 * TahoeParams.T / 2.0;
                Coordinates    rearRightPoint  = -headingVec * TahoeParams.RL - headingVec90 * TahoeParams.T / 2.0;
                List <Polygon> obstacles       = GetObstacles(curTimestamp);
                GetObstacleHitAngle(frontLeftPoint, outCircle.center, obstacles, ref hitAngle);
                GetObstacleHitAngle(frontRightPoint, outCircle.center, obstacles, ref hitAngle);
                GetObstacleHitAngle(rearRightPoint, outCircle.center, obstacles, ref hitAngle);

                // calculate stopping distance
                stopDistance  = outCircle.r * hitAngle;
                stopTimestamp = curTimestamp;
                curvature     = 1 / outCircle.r;

                intersectionPoint = outCircle.center + Coordinates.FromAngle(startAngle + hitAngle) * outCircle.r;

                // calculate steering angle
                steeringCommand = SteeringUtilities.CurvatureToSteeringWheelAngle(1 / outCircle.r, uturnSpeed);

                // mark that this will be the final pass
                finalPass = true;

                Services.UIService.PushCircle(outCircle, curTimestamp, "uturn circle", true);
                Services.UIService.PushPoint(intersectionPoint, curTimestamp, "uturn stop point", true);
                Services.UIService.PushPolygon(polygon, curTimestamp, "uturn polygon", true);
                finalPass = false;
                // draw out 3 circles
                //  - front right wheel
                //  - front left wheel
                //  - rear left wheel

                // figure out center point of turn
                Circle      rearAxleCircle = Circle.FromPointSlopeRadius(Coordinates.Zero, headingVec, minRadius);
                Coordinates center         = rearAxleCircle.center;

                // calculate the points of the wheels
                Coordinates rearLeftPoint   = headingVec90 * TahoeParams.T / 2;
                Coordinates rearRightPoint  = -headingVec90 * TahoeParams.T / 2;
                Coordinates frontLeftPoint  = headingVec * TahoeParams.L + headingVec90 * TahoeParams.T / 2;
                Coordinates frontRightPoint = headingVec * TahoeParams.L - headingVec90 * TahoeParams.T / 2;

                // initialize min hit angle to slightly less than 90 degrees
                double minHit = Math.PI / 2.1;
                //GetMinHitAngle(rearLeftPoint, center, true, ref minHit);
                //GetMinHitAngle(rearRightPoint, center, true, ref minHit);
                GetMinHitAngle(frontLeftPoint, center, ref minHit);
                GetMinHitAngle(frontRightPoint, center, ref minHit);

                // get the obstacles
                List <Polygon> obstacles = GetObstacles(curTimestamp);
                frontLeftPoint  = headingVec * TahoeParams.FL + headingVec90 * TahoeParams.T / 2;
                frontRightPoint = headingVec * TahoeParams.FL - headingVec90 * TahoeParams.T / 2.0;
                rearRightPoint  = -headingVec * TahoeParams.RL - headingVec90 * TahoeParams.T / 2.0;
                GetObstacleHitAngle(frontLeftPoint, center, obstacles, ref minHit);
                GetObstacleHitAngle(frontRightPoint, center, obstacles, ref minHit);
                GetObstacleHitAngle(rearRightPoint, center, obstacles, ref minHit);

                // trim some off the hit for safety
                //if (minHit > 0.5/minRadius)
                minHit -= (0.5 / minRadius);
                minHit  = Math.Max(minHit, 0.6 / minRadius);

                double startAngle = (Coordinates.Zero - center).ArcTan;
                double hitAngle   = startAngle + minHit;

                // set the stopping point at the min hit point
                Coordinates stopPoint = rearAxleCircle.GetPoint(hitAngle);

                // calculate the stop distance
                stopDistance = minRadius * minHit;

                // calculate the required steering angle
                steeringCommand = SteeringUtilities.CurvatureToSteeringWheelAngle(1 / minRadius, uturnSpeed);

                Services.UIService.PushCircle(new Circle(minRadius, center), curTimestamp, "uturn circle", true);
                Services.UIService.PushPoint(stopPoint, curTimestamp, "uturn stop point", true);
                Services.UIService.PushPolygon(polygon, curTimestamp, "uturn polygon", true);

            // build the command
            ISpeedCommandGenerator    shiftSpeedCommand      = new ShiftSpeedCommand(TransmissionGear.First);
            ISteeringCommandGenerator initialSteeringCommand = new ConstantSteeringCommandGenerator(steeringCommand, steeringRate, true);

            ISpeedCommandGenerator    passSpeedCommand    = new FeedbackSpeedCommandGenerator(new StopSpeedGenerator(new TravelledDistanceProvider(curTimestamp, stopDistance), uturnSpeed));
            ISteeringCommandGenerator passSteeringCommand = new ConstantSteeringCommandGenerator(steeringCommand, null, false);

            ChainedTrackingCommand cmd = new ChainedTrackingCommand(
                new TrackingCommand(shiftSpeedCommand, initialSteeringCommand, true),
                new TrackingCommand(passSpeedCommand, passSteeringCommand, false));

            cmd.Label = forwardLabel;

        protected override bool BeginRenderOpacityBrushOverride(Texture tex, RenderContext renderContext)
            if (_gradientBrushTexture == null || _refresh)
                _gradientBrushTexture = BrushCache.Instance.GetGradientBrush(GradientStops);
                if (_gradientBrushTexture == null)

            Matrix finalTransform = renderContext.Transform.Clone();

            if (_refresh)
                _refresh = false;
                _gradientBrushTexture = BrushCache.Instance.GetGradientBrush(GradientStops);
                _effect = ContentManager.Instance.GetEffect(EFFECT_RADIALOPACITYGRADIENT);

                g_focus  = new float[] { GradientOrigin.X, GradientOrigin.Y };
                g_center = new float[] { Center.X, Center.Y };
                g_radius = new float[] { (float)RadiusX, (float)RadiusY };

                if (MappingMode == BrushMappingMode.Absolute)
                    g_focus[0] /= _vertsBounds.Width;
                    g_focus[1] /= _vertsBounds.Height;

                    g_center[0] /= _vertsBounds.Width;
                    g_center[1] /= _vertsBounds.Height;

                    g_radius[0] /= _vertsBounds.Width;
                    g_radius[1] /= _vertsBounds.Height;
                g_relativetransform = RelativeTransform == null ? Matrix.Identity : Matrix.Invert(RelativeTransform.GetTransform());

            SurfaceDescription desc = tex.GetLevelDescription(0);

            float[] g_LowerVertsBounds = new float[] { _vertsBounds.Left / desc.Width, _vertsBounds.Top / desc.Height };
            float[] g_UpperVertsBounds = new float[] { _vertsBounds.Right / desc.Width, _vertsBounds.Bottom / desc.Height };

            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_RELATIVE_TRANSFORM] = g_relativetransform;
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_TRANSFORM]          = GetCachedFinalBrushTransform();
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_FOCUS]            = g_focus;
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_CENTER]           = g_center;
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_RADIUS]           = g_radius;
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_OPACITY]          = (float)(Opacity * renderContext.Opacity);
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_ALPHATEX]         = _gradientBrushTexture.Texture;
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_UPPERVERTSBOUNDS] = g_UpperVertsBounds;
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_LOWERVERTSBOUNDS] = g_LowerVertsBounds;

            GraphicsDevice.Device.SetSamplerState(0, SamplerState.AddressU, SpreadAddressMode);
            _effect.StartRender(tex, finalTransform);
Exemple #29
        public override void Process(object param)
            try {

                if (!base.BeginProcess())

                // check if we were given a parameter
                if (param != null && param is ChangeLaneBehavior)
                    ChangeLaneBehavior clParam = (ChangeLaneBehavior)param;

                    BehaviorManager.TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, 0, "got new param -- speed {0}, dist {1}, dist timestamp {2}", clParam.SpeedCommand, clParam.MaxDist, clParam.TimeStamp);

                // project the lane paths up to the current time
                RelativeTransform relTransform    = Services.RelativePose.GetTransform(behaviorTimestamp, curTimestamp);
                LinePath          curStartingPath = startingLanePath.Transform(relTransform);
                LinePath          curEndingPath   = endingLanePath.Transform(relTransform);

                // get the starting and ending lane models
                ILaneModel startingLaneModel, endingLaneModel;
                Services.RoadModelProvider.GetLaneChangeModels(curStartingPath, startingLaneWidth, startingNumLanesLeft, startingNumLanesRight,
                                                               curEndingPath, endingLaneWidth, changeLeft, behaviorTimestamp, out startingLaneModel, out endingLaneModel);

                // calculate the max speed
                // TODO: make this look ahead for slowing down
                settings.maxSpeed = GetMaxSpeed(endingLanePath, endingLanePath.ZeroPoint);

                // get the remaining lane change distance
                double remainingDist = GetRemainingLaneChangeDistance();

                BehaviorManager.TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, 0, "remaining distance is {0}", remainingDist);

                if (cancelled)

                // check if we're done
                if (remainingDist <= 0)
                    // create a new stay in lane behavior
                    int deltaLanes = changeLeft ? -1 : 1;
                    StayInLaneBehavior stayInLane = new StayInLaneBehavior(endingLaneID, speedCommand, null, endingLanePath, endingLaneWidth, startingNumLanesLeft + deltaLanes, startingNumLanesRight - deltaLanes);
                    stayInLane.TimeStamp = behaviorTimestamp.ts;
                    Services.BehaviorManager.Execute(stayInLane, null, false);

                    // send completion report
                    ForwardCompletionReport(new SuccessCompletionReport(typeof(ChangeLaneBehavior)));


                // calculate the planning distance
                double planningDist = GetPlanningDistance();
                if (planningDist < remainingDist + TahoeParams.VL)
                    planningDist = remainingDist + TahoeParams.VL;

                BehaviorManager.TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, 0, "planning dist {0}", planningDist);

                // create a linearization options structure
                LinearizationOptions laneOpts = new LinearizationOptions();
                laneOpts.Timestamp = curTimestamp;

                // get the center line of the target lane starting at the distance we want to enter into it
                laneOpts.StartDistance = remainingDist;
                laneOpts.EndDistance   = planningDist;
                LinePath centerLine = endingLaneModel.LinearizeCenterLine(laneOpts);

                // add the final center line as a weighting
                AddTargetPath(centerLine.Clone(), default_lane_alpha_w);

                // pre-pend (0,0) as our position
                centerLine.Insert(0, new Coordinates(0, 0));

                LinePath leftBound  = null;
                LinePath rightBound = null;
                // figure out if the lane is to the right or left of us
                laneOpts.EndDistance = planningDist;
                double leftEndingStartDist, rightEndingStartDist;
                GetLaneBoundStartDists(curEndingPath, endingLaneWidth, out leftEndingStartDist, out rightEndingStartDist);
                if (changeLeft)
                    // we're the target lane is to the left
                    // get the left bound of the target lane

                    laneOpts.StartDistance = Math.Max(leftEndingStartDist, TahoeParams.FL);
                    leftBound = endingLaneModel.LinearizeLeftBound(laneOpts);
                    // we're changing to the right, get the right bound of the target lane
                    laneOpts.StartDistance = Math.Max(rightEndingStartDist, TahoeParams.FL);
                    rightBound             = endingLaneModel.LinearizeRightBound(laneOpts);

                // get the other bound as the starting lane up to 5m before the remaining dist
                laneOpts.StartDistance = TahoeParams.FL;
                laneOpts.EndDistance   = Math.Max(0, remainingDist - 5);
                if (changeLeft)
                    if (laneOpts.EndDistance > 0)
                        rightBound = startingLaneModel.LinearizeRightBound(laneOpts);
                        rightBound = new LinePath();
                    if (laneOpts.EndDistance > 0)
                        leftBound = startingLaneModel.LinearizeLeftBound(laneOpts);
                        leftBound = new LinePath();

                // append on the that bound of the target lane starting at the remaining dist
                laneOpts.StartDistance = Math.Max(remainingDist, TahoeParams.FL);
                laneOpts.EndDistance   = planningDist;
                if (changeLeft)

                // set up the planning
                smootherBasePath = centerLine;
                AddLeftBound(leftBound, !changeLeft);
                AddRightBound(rightBound, changeLeft);

                Services.UIService.PushLineList(centerLine, curTimestamp, "subpath", true);
                Services.UIService.PushLineList(leftBound, curTimestamp, "left bound", true);
                Services.UIService.PushLineList(rightBound, curTimestamp, "right bound", true);

                if (cancelled)

                // set auxillary options
                settings.endingHeading = centerLine.EndSegment.UnitVector.ArcTan;

                // smooth and track that stuff
                SmoothAndTrack(commandLabel, true);
            finally {
        public void Process(object param)
            if (cancelled)

            DateTime start = HighResDateTime.Now;

            OperationalVehicleState vs = Services.StateProvider.GetVehicleState();

            LinePath curBasePath   = basePath;
            LinePath curLeftBound  = leftBound;
            LinePath curRightBound = rightBound;

            // transform the base path to the current iteration
            CarTimestamp curTimestamp = Services.RelativePose.CurrentTimestamp;

            if (pathTime != curTimestamp)
                RelativeTransform relTransform = Services.RelativePose.GetTransform(pathTime, curTimestamp);
                curBasePath   = curBasePath.Transform(relTransform);
                curLeftBound  = curLeftBound.Transform(relTransform);
                curRightBound = curRightBound.Transform(relTransform);

            // get the distance between the zero point and the start point
            double distToStart = Coordinates.Zero.DistanceTo(curBasePath.GetPoint(curBasePath.StartPoint));

            // get the sub-path between 5 and 25 meters ahead
            double startDist = TahoeParams.FL;

            LinePath.PointOnPath startPoint = curBasePath.AdvancePoint(curBasePath.ZeroPoint, ref startDist);
            double endDist = 30;

            LinePath.PointOnPath endPoint = curBasePath.AdvancePoint(startPoint, ref endDist);

            if (startDist > 0)
                // we've reached the end
                Services.BehaviorManager.Execute(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), null, false);

            // get the sub-path
            LinePath subPath = curBasePath.SubPath(startPoint, endPoint);

            // add (0,0) as the starting point
            subPath.Insert(0, new Coordinates(0, 0));

            // do the same for the left, right bound
            startDist    = TahoeParams.FL;
            endDist      = 40;
            startPoint   = curLeftBound.AdvancePoint(curLeftBound.ZeroPoint, startDist);
            endPoint     = curLeftBound.AdvancePoint(startPoint, endDist);
            curLeftBound = curLeftBound.SubPath(startPoint, endPoint);

            startPoint    = curRightBound.AdvancePoint(curRightBound.ZeroPoint, startDist);
            endPoint      = curRightBound.AdvancePoint(startPoint, endDist);
            curRightBound = curRightBound.SubPath(startPoint, endPoint);

            if (cancelled)

            Services.UIService.PushRelativePath(subPath, curTimestamp, "subpath");
            Services.UIService.PushRelativePath(curLeftBound, curTimestamp, "left bound");
            Services.UIService.PushRelativePath(curRightBound, curTimestamp, "right bound");

            // run a path smoothing iteration
            lock (this) {
                planner = new PathPlanner();

            // start of obstacle manager - hik
            bool obstacleManagerEnable = true;

            PathPlanner.SmoothingResult result;

            if (obstacleManagerEnable == true)
                // generate fake obstacles (for simulation testing only)
                double             obsSize          = 10.5 / 2;
                List <Coordinates> obstaclePoints   = new List <Coordinates>();
                List <Obstacle>    obstacleClusters = new List <Obstacle>();
                // fake left obstacles (for simulation only)
                int totalLeftObstacles = Math.Min(0, curLeftBound.Count - 1);
                for (int i = 0; i < totalLeftObstacles; i++)
                    obstaclePoints.Add(curLeftBound[i] + new Coordinates(obsSize, obsSize));
                    obstaclePoints.Add(curLeftBound[i] + new Coordinates(obsSize, -obsSize));
                    obstaclePoints.Add(curLeftBound[i] + new Coordinates(-obsSize, -obsSize));
                    obstaclePoints.Add(curLeftBound[i] + new Coordinates(-obsSize, obsSize));
                    obstacleClusters.Add(new Obstacle());
                    obstacleClusters[obstacleClusters.Count - 1].obstaclePolygon = new Polygon(obstaclePoints);
                // fake right obstacles (for simulation only)
                int totalRightObstacles = Math.Min(0, curRightBound.Count - 1);
                for (int i = 0; i < totalRightObstacles; i++)
                    obstaclePoints.Add(curRightBound[i] + new Coordinates(obsSize, obsSize));
                    obstaclePoints.Add(curRightBound[i] + new Coordinates(obsSize, -obsSize));
                    obstaclePoints.Add(curRightBound[i] + new Coordinates(-obsSize, -obsSize));
                    obstaclePoints.Add(curRightBound[i] + new Coordinates(-obsSize, obsSize));
                    obstacleClusters.Add(new Obstacle());
                    obstacleClusters[obstacleClusters.Count - 1].obstaclePolygon = new Polygon(obstaclePoints);
                // fake center obstacles (for simulation only)
                int totalCenterObstacles = Math.Min(0, subPath.Count - 1);
                for (int i = 2; i < totalCenterObstacles; i++)
                    obstaclePoints.Add(subPath[i] + new Coordinates(obsSize, obsSize));
                    obstaclePoints.Add(subPath[i] + new Coordinates(obsSize, -obsSize));
                    obstaclePoints.Add(subPath[i] + new Coordinates(-obsSize, -obsSize));
                    obstaclePoints.Add(subPath[i] + new Coordinates(-obsSize, obsSize));
                    obstacleClusters.Add(new Obstacle());
                    obstacleClusters[obstacleClusters.Count - 1].obstaclePolygon = new Polygon(obstaclePoints);

                obstaclePoints.Add(new Coordinates(10000, 10000));
                obstaclePoints.Add(new Coordinates(10000, 10001));
                obstaclePoints.Add(new Coordinates(10001, 10000));
                obstacleClusters.Add(new Obstacle());
                obstacleClusters[obstacleClusters.Count - 1].obstaclePolygon = new Polygon(obstaclePoints);

                obstaclePoints.Add(new Coordinates(1000, 1000));
                obstaclePoints.Add(new Coordinates(1000, 1001));
                obstaclePoints.Add(new Coordinates(1001, 1000));
                obstacleClusters.Add(new Obstacle());
                obstacleClusters[obstacleClusters.Count - 1].obstaclePolygon = new Polygon(obstaclePoints);

                obstaclePoints.Add(new Coordinates(-1000, -1000));
                obstaclePoints.Add(new Coordinates(-1000, -1001));
                obstaclePoints.Add(new Coordinates(-1001, -1000));
                obstacleClusters.Add(new Obstacle());
                obstacleClusters[obstacleClusters.Count - 1].obstaclePolygon = new Polygon(obstaclePoints);

                foreach (Obstacle obs in obstacleClusters)
                    obs.cspacePolygon = new Polygon(obs.obstaclePolygon.points);

                // find obstacle path and left/right classification
                LinePath obstaclePath = new LinePath();
                //Boolean successFlag;
                //double laneWidthAtPathEnd = 10.0;
//#warning this currently doesn't work

                /*obstacleManager.ProcessObstacles(subPath, new LinePath[] { curLeftBound }, new LinePath[] { curRightBound },
                 *                                     obstacleClusters, laneWidthAtPathEnd,
                 *                                                                                                                               out obstaclePath, out successFlag);

                // prepare left and right lane bounds
                double          laneMinSpacing     = 0.1;
                double          laneDesiredSpacing = 0.5;
                double          laneAlphaS         = 10000;
                List <Boundary> leftBounds         = new List <Boundary>();
                List <Boundary> rightBounds        = new List <Boundary>();
                leftBounds.Add(new Boundary(curLeftBound, laneMinSpacing, laneDesiredSpacing, laneAlphaS));
                rightBounds.Add(new Boundary(curRightBound, laneMinSpacing, laneDesiredSpacing, laneAlphaS));

                // sort out obstacles as left and right
                double   obstacleMinSpacing     = 0.1;
                double   obstacleDesiredSpacing = 1.0;
                double   obstacleAlphaS         = 10000;
                Boundary bound;
                int      totalObstacleClusters = obstacleClusters.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < totalObstacleClusters; i++)
                    if (obstacleClusters[i].avoidanceStatus == AvoidanceStatus.Left)
                        // obstacle cluster is to the left of obstacle path
                        bound = new Boundary(obstacleClusters[i].obstaclePolygon.points, obstacleMinSpacing,
                                             obstacleDesiredSpacing, obstacleAlphaS, true);
                        bound.CheckFrontBumper = true;
                    else if (obstacleClusters[i].avoidanceStatus == AvoidanceStatus.Right)
                        // obstacle cluster is to the right of obstacle path
                        bound = new Boundary(obstacleClusters[i].obstaclePolygon.points, obstacleMinSpacing,
                                             obstacleDesiredSpacing, obstacleAlphaS, true);
                        bound.CheckFrontBumper = true;
                        // obstacle cluster is outside grid, hence ignore obstacle cluster

                Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

                // PlanPath function call with obstacle path and obstacles
                result = planner.PlanPath(obstaclePath, obstaclePath, leftBounds, rightBounds,
                                          0, maxSpeed, vs.speed, null, curTimestamp, false);

                Console.WriteLine("With ObstacleManager - Planner - Elapsed (ms): {0}", stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
                Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

                // original PlanPath function call
                result = planner.PlanPath(subPath, curLeftBound, curRightBound,
                                          0, maxSpeed, vs.speed, null, curTimestamp);

                Console.WriteLine("Without ObstacleManager - Planner - Elapsed (ms): {0}", stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            // end of obstacle manager - hik

            //PathPlanner.PlanningResult result = planner.PlanPath(subPath, curLeftBound, curRightBound, 0, maxSpeed, vs.speed, null, curTimestamp);

            //SmoothedPath path = new SmoothedPath(pathTime);

            lock (this) {
                planner = null;

            if (cancelled)

            if (result.result == UrbanChallenge.PathSmoothing.SmoothResult.Sucess)
                // start tracking the path
                //Services.TrackingManager.QueueCommand(TrackingCommandBuilder.GetConstantSteeringConstantSpeedCommand(-.5, 2));

                /*TrackingCommand cmd = new TrackingCommand(
                 *      new FeedbackSpeedCommandGenerator(new ConstantSpeedGenerator(2, null)),
                 *      new SinSteeringCommandGenerator(),
                 *      true);
                 * Services.TrackingManager.QueueCommand(cmd);*/

                // send the path's we're tracking to the UI
                Services.UIService.PushRelativePath(result.path, curTimestamp, "smoothed path");

                cancelled = true;