Exemple #1
// ReSharper disable PossibleMultipleEnumeration
        public async Task RunAsync(IRestContext context)
            // IUserApi provides all functions for user management
            ISystemApi systemApi = context.Factory.CreateSystemApi();

            // List apps
            SqlQuery query = new SqlQuery {
                filter = "is_active=true", fields = "*", related = "services,roles",
            IEnumerable <AppResponse> apps = await systemApi.GetAppsAsync(query);

            Console.WriteLine("Apps: {0}", apps.Select(x => x.api_name).ToStringList());

            // Check todoangular app
            AppResponse todoAngular = apps.Single(x => x.api_name == "todoangular");
            RelatedRole role        = todoAngular.roles.First();

            Console.WriteLine("todoangular app has first role: {0}", role.name);
            RelatedService service = todoAngular.services.First();

            Console.WriteLine("todoangular app has first service: {0}", service.name);

            // List users with roles
            IEnumerable <UserResponse> users = await systemApi.GetUsersAsync(new SqlQuery());

            Console.WriteLine("Users: {0}", users.Select(x => x.display_name).ToStringList());

            // Download app package & SDK
            Console.WriteLine("Downloading app package and SDK...");
            byte[] package = await systemApi.DownloadApplicationPackageAsync(1);

            byte[] sdk = await systemApi.DownloadApplicationSdkAsync(1);

            File.WriteAllBytes("todojquery-package.zip", package);
            File.WriteAllBytes("todojquery-sdk.zip", sdk);

            // Get environment info - does not work for WAMP, uncomment when using linux hosted DSP.
            // EnvironmentResponse environment = await systemApi.GetEnvironmentAsync();
            // Console.WriteLine("DreamFactory Server is running on {0}", environment.server.server_os);

            // Get config
            ConfigResponse config = await systemApi.GetConfigAsync();

            Console.WriteLine("config.install_name = {0}", config.install_name);

            // Get constant
            Dictionary <string, string> contentTypes = await systemApi.GetConstantAsync("content_types");

            Console.WriteLine("Content Types: {0}", contentTypes.Keys.ToStringList());
        public async Task RunAsync(IRestContext context)
            // IUserApi provides all functions for user management
            ISystemApi systemApi = context.Factory.CreateSystemApi();

            // List apps
            SqlQuery query = new SqlQuery {
                Filter = "is_active=true", Fields = "*", Related = "service_by_storage_service_id,role_by_user_to_app_to_role",
            IEnumerable <AppResponse> apps = (await systemApi.GetAppsAsync(query)).ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("Apps: {0}", apps.Select(x => x.Name).ToStringList());

            // Check admin app
            AppResponse adminApp = apps.Single(x => x.Name == "admin");
            RelatedRole role     = adminApp.Roles.FirstOrDefault();

            if (role != null)
                Console.WriteLine("admin app has first role: {0}", role.Name);
                Console.WriteLine("admin app has no roles.");
            RelatedService service = adminApp.StorageService;

            Console.WriteLine("admin app has {0} {1}", service != null ? "service" : "no service", service != null ? service.Name : "");

            // List users with roles
            IEnumerable <UserResponse> users = await systemApi.GetUsersAsync(new SqlQuery());

            Console.WriteLine("Users: {0}", users.Select(x => x.Name).ToStringList());

            // Get environment info - does not work for WAMP, uncomment when using linux hosted DSP.
            // EnvironmentResponse environment = await systemApi.GetEnvironmentAsync();
            // Console.WriteLine("DreamFactory Server is running on {0}", environment.Server);

            // Get constant //TODO: see about constants
            // var contentTypes = await systemApi.GetConstantAsync("content_types");
            // Console.WriteLine("Content Types: {0}", contentTypes.Keys.ToStringList());