public MenuState(Game1 game) : base(game)
            _startButttonTexture = Globals.ContentLoader.Load <Texture2D>("Buttons/Start_BTN");
            _endButttonTexture   = Globals.ContentLoader.Load <Texture2D>("Buttons/Exit_BTN");

            #region StartGameButton
            _newGameButton = new RegularButton(_startButttonTexture, new Vector2(Globals.WindowWidth / 2 - _startButttonTexture.Width / 2, Globals.WindowHeight / 2 - _startButttonTexture.Height))
            _newGameButton.Click += NewGameButton_Click;

            #region ExitButton
            _exitButton = new RegularButton(_endButttonTexture, new Vector2(Globals.WindowWidth / 2 - _endButttonTexture.Width / 2, Globals.WindowHeight / 2 + _endButttonTexture.Height / 2))
            _exitButton.Click += ExitButton_Click;

            #region SoundButton
            _soundButton = new SoundButton()
            _soundButton.Click += _soundButton_Click;

            Components = new List <IComponent>()
        public EndState(Game1 _game) : base(_game)
            #region Load Content
            Texture2D _restartBtnTexture = Globals.ContentLoader.Load <Texture2D>("Buttons/Replay_BTN");
            Texture2D _exitBtnTexture    = Globals.ContentLoader.Load <Texture2D>("Buttons/Close_BTN");
            Texture2D _headerTexture     = Globals.ContentLoader.Load <Texture2D>("Headers/WonHeader");
            #region Create buttons & header
            button _reStartBtn = new RegularButton(_restartBtnTexture, new Vector2(Globals.WindowWidth / 3 - _restartBtnTexture.Width / 2, Globals.WindowHeight / 3 + _restartBtnTexture.Height / 2))
            _reStartBtn.Click += _reStartBtn_Click;
            button _exitBtn = new RegularButton(_exitBtnTexture, new Vector2(Globals.WindowWidth / 3 * 2 - _exitBtnTexture.Width / 2, Globals.WindowHeight / 3 + _exitBtnTexture.Height / 2))
            _exitBtn.Click += _exitBtn_Click;

            Header _deathHeader = new Header(_headerTexture)
                Position = new Vector2(Globals.WindowWidth / 2 - _headerTexture.Width / 2, Globals.WindowHeight / 6 + _headerTexture.Height / 2),
            #region Add buttons to the list
            Components = new List <IComponent>()
        public VictoryState(Game1 _game, int _CollectedItems) : base(_game)
            #region Load Content
            Texture2D _nextLevelBtnTexture = Globals.ContentLoader.Load <Texture2D>("Buttons/Play_BTN");
            Texture2D _exitBtnTexture      = Globals.ContentLoader.Load <Texture2D>("Buttons/Close_BTN");
            Texture2D _replayBtnTexture    = Globals.ContentLoader.Load <Texture2D>("Buttons/Replay_BTN");
            Texture2D _headerTexture       = Globals.ContentLoader.Load <Texture2D>("Headers/WonHeader");
            Texture2D _emptyStarTexture    = Globals.ContentLoader.Load <Texture2D>("Score/Star_empty");
            Texture2D _goldStarTexture     = Globals.ContentLoader.Load <Texture2D>("Score/Star_filled");

            #region Assing value to the fields
            _positionStars = (int)(Globals.WindowHeight * (1.0 / 4)) - _emptyStarTexture.Height / 2 + 10;
            _positionBtns  = (int)(Globals.WindowHeight * (3.0 / 4)) - _nextLevelBtnTexture.Height / 2 + 50;

            #region Create Compontents

            #region Buttons

            #region Replay button
            button _replayLevelBtn = new RegularButton(_replayBtnTexture, new Vector2((int)(Globals.WindowWidth * (1.5 / 6)) - _replayBtnTexture.Width / 2, _positionBtns))
            _replayLevelBtn.Click += _replayLevelBtn_Click;

            #region Next level button
            button _nextLevelBtn = new RegularButton(_nextLevelBtnTexture, new Vector2((int)(Globals.WindowWidth * (3.0 / 6)) - _nextLevelBtnTexture.Width / 2, _positionBtns))
            _nextLevelBtn.Click += _nextLevelBtn_Click;

            #region Exit button
            button _exitBtn = new RegularButton(_exitBtnTexture, new Vector2((int)(Globals.WindowWidth * (4.5 / 6)) - _nextLevelBtnTexture.Width / 2, _positionBtns))
            _exitBtn.Click += _exitBtn_Click;

            #region Sound button
            button _soundBtn = new SoundButton(new Vector2(25, 25));
            _soundBtn.Click += _soundBtn_Click;

            #region Header
            Header _victoryHeader = new Header(_headerTexture)
                Position = new Vector2(Globals.WindowWidth / 2 - _headerTexture.Width / 2, Globals.WindowHeight / 2 - _headerTexture.Height / 2 + 50),

            #region Score
            Star _firstStar = new Star(_emptyStarTexture)
                Position = new Vector2((int)(Globals.WindowWidth / 1.2 - _emptyStarTexture.Width / 2 - 50), _positionStars),
            Star _secondStar = new Star(_emptyStarTexture)
                Position = new Vector2(Globals.WindowWidth / 2 - _emptyStarTexture.Width / 2, _positionStars - 50),
            Star _thirdStar = new Star(_emptyStarTexture)
                Position = new Vector2(Globals.WindowWidth / 6 - _emptyStarTexture.Width / 2 + 50, _positionStars),

            #region Add components to the list

            Components = new List <IComponent>()
            int i = 1;
            //Show number of collected stars
            foreach (IComponent _component in Components)
                if (_component is Star && i <= _CollectedItems)
                    Star _star = _component as Star;
                    _star.StarTexture = _goldStarTexture;