Exemple #1
 public static bool GetBool(string name)
 /// <summary>
 /// 从注册表中读取 bool 型数值。
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">键值名称。</param>
 /// <returns>bool 型数值。</returns>
 public static bool GetBool(this RegistryKey This, string name)
     return(This.GetBool(name, false));
        private async void ClassIconEditor_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Enabled       = false;
            UseWaitCursor = true;

            EventHandler iconBtnClicked = new EventHandler(onIconBtnClicked);
            string       studioPath     = StudioBootstrapper.GetStudioPath();

            showModifiedIcons = explorerRegistry.GetBool("ShowModifiedIcons");
            darkTheme         = explorerRegistry.GetBool("DarkTheme");

            showModified.Checked = showModifiedIcons;
            themeSwitcher.Text   = "Theme: " + (darkTheme ? "Dark" : "Light");

            selectedIcon.BackColor = (darkTheme ? THEME_DARK_NORMAL : THEME_LIGHT_NORMAL);

            int   extraSlots  = getExtraItemSlots();
            Image defaultIcon = null;


            var load = Task.Run(() =>
                Image explorerIcons = getExplorerIcons();

                // Load Main Icons
                for (int i = 0; i < numIcons; i++)
                    Button iconBtn = createIconButton(iconBtnClicked);

                    Bitmap icon = new Bitmap(iconSize, iconSize);

                    Rectangle srcRect  = new Rectangle(i * iconSize, 0, iconSize, iconSize);
                    Rectangle iconRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, iconSize, iconSize);

                    using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(icon))
                        graphics.DrawImage(explorerIcons, iconRect, srcRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

                    if (defaultIcon == null)
                        defaultIcon = icon;

                    iconBtnIndex.Add(iconBtn, i);

                    if (showModifiedIcons)
                        iconBtn.BackgroundImage = getIconForIndex(i);
                        iconBtn.BackgroundImage = icon;

                    AddControlAcrossThread(iconContainer, iconBtn);

                // Load Extra Slots
                for (int i = 0; i < maxExtraIcons; i++)
                    int slot = numIcons + i;

                    Button iconBtn  = createIconButton(iconBtnClicked);
                    iconBtn.Visible = (i < extraSlots);

                    string fileName = getExplorerIconPath(slot);

                    if (i < extraSlots && File.Exists(fileName))
                        Image icon = getIconForIndex(slot);
                        iconBtn.BackgroundImage = icon;

                    iconBtnIndex.Add(iconBtn, slot);

                    AddControlAcrossThread(iconContainer, iconBtn);


            await load.ConfigureAwait(true);


            itemSlots.Value = extraSlots;
            header.Text     = "Select Icon";

            iconWatcher = new FileSystemWatcher(getExplorerIconDir())
                Filter = "*.png",
                EnableRaisingEvents = true

            iconWatcher.Created += safeFileEventHandler(onFileCreated);
            iconWatcher.Changed += safeFileEventHandler(onFileChanged);
            iconWatcher.Deleted += safeFileEventHandler(onFileDeleted);

            Enabled       = true;
            UseWaitCursor = false;
        private async void InitializeEditor()
            string localAppData = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("LocalAppData");

            string settingsDir  = Path.Combine(localAppData, "Roblox", "ClientSettings");
            string settingsPath = Path.Combine(settingsDir, "StudioAppSettings.json");

            string lastExecVersion = versionRegistry.GetString("LastExecutedVersion");
            string versionGuid     = versionRegistry.GetString("VersionGuid");

            if (lastExecVersion != versionGuid)
                // Reset the settings file.
                File.WriteAllText(settingsPath, "");

                // Create some system events for studio so we can hide the splash screen.
                using (var start = new SystemEvent("FFlagExtract"))
                    using (var show = new SystemEvent("NoSplashScreen"))
                        // Run Roblox Studio briefly so we can update the settings file.
                        ProcessStartInfo studioStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo()
                            FileName  = StudioBootstrapper.GetStudioPath(),
                            Arguments = $"-startEvent {start.Name} -showEvent {show.Name}"

                        Process studio = Process.Start(studioStartInfo);

                        var onStart = start.WaitForEvent();
                        await onStart.ConfigureAwait(true);

                        FileInfo info = new FileInfo(settingsPath);

                        // Wait for the settings path to be written.
                        while (info.Length == 0)
                            var delay = Task.Delay(30);
                            await delay.ConfigureAwait(true);


                        // Nuke studio and flag the version we updated with.
                        versionRegistry.SetValue("LastExecutedVersion", versionGuid);

            // Initialize flag browser
            string[] flagNames       = flagRegistry.GetSubKeyNames();
            string[] flagNameStrings = Array.Empty <string>();

            string settings = File.ReadAllText(settingsPath);
            var    json     = Program.ReadJsonDictionary(settings);

            int numFlags     = json.Count;
            var flagSetup    = new List <FVariable>(numFlags);
            var autoComplete = new AutoCompleteStringCollection();

            foreach (string customFlag in flagNames)
                if (!json.ContainsValue(customFlag))
                    // skip custom flags that were recently added, this is unhandled in the prompt still
                    RegistryKey flagKey  = flagRegistry.GetSubKey(customFlag);
                    bool        isCustom = flagKey.GetBool("Custom");

                    if (isCustom)
                        string    value = flagKey.GetString("Value");
                        FVariable flag  = new FVariable(customFlag, value, true);


            foreach (var pair in json)
                string key     = pair.Key,
                         value = pair.Value;

                FVariable flag = new FVariable(key, value);

                if (flagNames.Contains(flag.Name))
                    // Update what the flag should be reset to if removed?
                    RegistryKey flagKey = flagRegistry.GetSubKey(flag.Name);
                    flagKey.SetValue("Reset", value);

                    // Set the flag's editor.

            flagSearchFilter.AutoCompleteCustomSource = autoComplete;

            allFlags = flagSetup
                       .OrderBy(flag => flag.Name)


            // Initialize override table.
            overrideTable = new DataTable();

            foreach (DataGridViewColumn column in overrideDataGridView.Columns)

            var overrideView = new DataView(overrideTable)
                Sort = "Name"

            foreach (string flagName in flagNames)
                // fetch the flag so we can check if it
                // 1. Has the Custom flag key,
                // 2. If that key is set to True

                RegistryKey flagKey      = flagRegistry.GetSubKey(flagName);
                bool        isCustomFlag = flagKey.GetBool("Custom");

                if (flagLookup.ContainsKey(flagName))
                    int       index = flagLookup[flagName];
                    FVariable flag  = flags[index];
                    addFlagOverride(flag, true);
                else if (isCustomFlag)
                    // we need to make a new flag here unfortunately
                    string flagValue = flagKey.GetString("Value");
                    var    flag      = new FVariable(flagName, flagValue);
                    addFlagOverride(flag, true);

            overrideStatus.Visible          = true;
            overrideDataGridView.DataSource = overrideView;